Front cover image for Atomic Iran : how the terrorist regime bought the bomb and American politicians

Atomic Iran : how the terrorist regime bought the bomb and American politicians

In Atomic Iran, Jerome Corsi, coauthor of the best-selling Unfit for Command, uncovers the true intentions and practices of the Iranian regime. In doing so, he sheds light on pro-mullah financiers who make significant campaign contributions to political leaders who are in position to affect US trade policy toward Iran and to work at normalizing diplomatic relations, thereby legitimizing the rogue republic
Print Book, English, 2005
WND Books, Nashville, Tenn., 2005
300 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
9781581824582, 9780739450802, 9781581825466, 1581824580, 0739450808, 1581825463
Iran's quest for nuclear weapons
The American politicians
Kerry-Edwards '04 endorse the mullahs
Pro-mullah Democrats, pro-mullah lobbies
The Nemazee double take
Democrats attack America's intelligence operations
The terrorist regime
Iran exports terror
Sleeper cells and dirty bombs : the threat to American homeland security
Oil extortion : how high the price of oil?
Repression in Iran : the mullahs' rule with terror
Disarming the bomb
The Samson option : Israel's preemptive first strike
The movement for freedom in Iran