Front cover image for Forced to be family : a guide for living with sinister sisters, drama mamas, and infuriating in-laws

Forced to be family : a guide for living with sinister sisters, drama mamas, and infuriating in-laws

Examines interpersonal problems that can arise between women within immediate and extended families, discussing their causes and recommending strategies that can be used to improve communications and resolve long-standing conflicts
Print Book, English, ©2007
J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, N.J., ©2007
ix, 261 pages ; 24 cm
9780470049990, 0470049995
Females in the family way
A tale of two sisters
The kitchen wars : relational aggression between female relatives
The female family clique
Hardwired to care : the kin-keepers
Men are like bricks, women are like mortar
Competition : a help or a hurt?
How true, and for whom?
Friend vs. female family feuds
Mothers, sisters, and daughters
Motherhood, revisited
Distressing daughters
Sweetly sinister sisters
In-laws and others
Mothers and sisters, by law
Daughtering, the in-law way
Not quite family, definitely ra
Family, more or less: extended, extra, estranged
Carebearing and carewearing
Really forced to be family: divorced
Connected, caring, or coping
The female family maintenance plan
The transformation treatment plan
A time to act
Special strategies for mother or sister
Special solutions for in-laws and exes
Relative RA : what a therapist has to say
Turning relational aggression into relational affection