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Parker's Wife

After Beth and Parker Olson part, Parker’s success increases; but twenty years later, in a new town and in a third marriage, he faces a challenge from his past.

Murmuring Cove

Bay Rutherford and Mack Blackwell never knew each other before coming to Briarleigh. Yet, God joined them for His purposes as they follow their hearts, according to the murmurs.

Between Life

“Between Life” is a collection of poetry that reflects life experience. Love, lust, pain, and regret. Each experience brings about feelings, thoughts, and hopes. “Between Life” is honest and fearless.

Campbell's Came

The exploits of seven generations of one branch of the Campbell clan from Scotland’s bloody Covenanter wars of the 1660’s to the opening of the American West and panning for California gold.

Complicated: Diamond Evolution

Complicated: Diamond Evolution is Joshua Kennedy’s input from his life experiences on sexuality, politics, spirituality, hopes, etc. These aren’t just opinions; this book is pure sincerity and concern for mankind.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams