Front cover image for The Afghan way of war : how and why they fight

The Afghan way of war : how and why they fight

Robert Johnson (Author)
Print Book, English, ©2012
Oxford University Press, Oxford, ©2012
Military history
1 v. (XV-375 p.) : cartes. ; 25 cm
9780199798568, 0199798567
Introduction : a contested history
Dynastic struggles and popular resistance in Afghanistan : the era of the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1834-42
Asymmetrical war : the Afghan Civil War, 1863-6, and the Second Anglo-Afghan War, 1878-81
The Pashtun rising : resistance in the Tirah Campaign, 1897-8
Frontier wars : the Third Afghan War, 1919 and operations in Waziristan, 1936-47
The Soviet War : the Mujahideen, ideology and Guerrilla War, 1978-89
The civil war, the Taliban and the insurgency, 1990-2011
Lessons learned?