Front cover image for Artificial evolution : third European conference, AE '97, Nîmes, France, October 22-24, 1997 : selected papers

Artificial evolution : third European conference, AE '97, Nîmes, France, October 22-24, 1997 : selected papers

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third European Conference on Artificial Evolution, AE '97, held in Nimes, France, in October 1997. The volume presents 22 revised full papers carefully selected for inclusion together with an invited survey on the state-of-the-art in scatter search by Fred Glover. The papers are organized in topical sections on genetic-algorithm operators, applications in various areas, theoretical issues, methodologies, and evolvable hardware and robotics
eBook, English, ©1998
Springer, Berlin, ©1998
Online resources
1 online resource (xi, 347 pages) : illustrations
9783540641698, 3540641696
A template for scatter search and path relinking / Fred Glover
Representations, fitness functions and genetic operators for the satisfiability problem / Jens Gottlieb and Nico Voss
Genetic algorithms at the edge of a dream / Cathy Escazut and Philippe Collard
Mimetic evolution / Mathieu Peyral [and others]
Adaptive penalties for evolutionary graph coloring / A.E. Eiben and J.K. van der Hauw
An agent system for learning profiles in broadcasting applications on the Internet / Cristina Cuenca and Jean-Claude Heudin
Application of evolutionary algorithms to protein folding prediction / A. Piccolboni and G. Mauri
Telephone network traffic overloading diagnosis and evolutionary computation techniques / Isabelle Servet, Louise Travé-Massuyès, and Daniel Stern
Genetic algorithms for genetic mapping / Christine Gaspin and Thomas Schiex
Inverse problems for finite automata : a solution based on genetic algorithms / B. Leblanc, E. Lutton and J.-P. Allouche
Evolving turing machines from examples / Julio Tanomaru
Genetic algorithms : minimal conditions for convergence / Alexandru Agapie
An analysis of punctuated equilibria in simple genetic algorithms / Sangyeop Oh and Hyunsoo Yoon
SGA search dynamics on second order functions / Bart Naudts and Alain Verschoren
Asymptotical convergence rates of simple evolutionary algorithms under factorizing mutation distributions / Günter Rudolph
Wings were not designed to let animals fly / Eric Dedieu, Oliver Lebeltel, and Pierre Bessière
Adaptation on the evolutionary time scale : a working hypothesis and basic experiments / Ralf Salomon and Peter Eggenberger
The frequency assignment problem : a look at the performance of evolutionary search / Christine Crisan and Heinz Muehlenbein
A critical and empirical study of epistasis measures for predicting GA performances : a summary / S. Rochet [and others]
A priori comparison of binary crossover operators : no universal statistical measure, but a set of hints / Leila Kallel and Marc Schoenauer
The dynamical nightwatch's problem solved by the autonomous micro-robot Khepera / A. Loeffler, J. Klahold and U. Rueckert
CoDi-1Bit : a simplified cellular automata based neuron model / Felix Gers, Hugo de Garis and Michael Korkin
Million module neural systems evolution : the next step in ATR's billion neuron artificial brain ("CAM-brain") project / Hugo De Garis [and others]