Give God the Glory!: The Godly Family LifeBook #4 in the series is a detailed analysis of what the Bible teaches and instructs concerning the roles of the father, mother and children, despite man's intention to alter God's plan for the family. This book continues in the tradition of the Give God the Glory! books and devotionals, with a unique focus on the biblical purpose and role of the father, mother, and child(ren). In this book, readers will clearly understand that the man is the foundation of the family, the family is the foundation of the church, and the church is the foundation of our nation. We will glorify God through the family unit and understand our specific roles within the family structure as God intended. To this end, our Heavenly Father is glorified as we, His earthen vessels, demonstrate to the world the beauty and fulfillment of The Godly Family Life. Considered a best seller Christian book, The Godly Family Life is a ministry tool for men and women to better understand the ordained institution of "family." Choosing a Christian book should be a means to develop and maintain a Godly family life, thus, becoming a case for faith. The faith lessons contained within the pages of these faith books, The Godly Family Life, and the devotional companion, Your Role in Your Family, are explored in detail and explain the roles of the man, woman, and children based upon God's Word. Every man's battle must be fertilized with the Word of God. Woman of faith, women for faith and woman faith are exemplified throughout chapters fifteen through twenty. The power of a praying wife is personified. Likewise, bringing up boys is an essential teaching tool found within its contents. Parenting with a purpose, parenting with purpose and the purpose driven life are manifested in our lives when we apply the Biblical principles and answer the thought-provoking questions that are found at the end of each chapter. Saving your marriage before it starts is a fundamental Christian principle. |
From inside the book
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PART I | 11 |
The Family | 17 |
How Do I Carry Out Gods Plan for Fathers? | 23 |
Attitudes About Fatherhood and Fatherlessness | 29 |
Daddy What a Precious Word | 35 |
Positive Effects of a Fathers Presence 6 The Joys of Fatherhood | 47 |
What is Righteousness? | 53 |
Daniel The Righteous | 59 |
Saving the Seed | 87 |
Why Are Men Under Attack? 13 FamilyTime and WorkTime Conflict | 89 |
PART II | 105 |
A Life Giver | 123 |
Characteristics of the Godly Woman | 141 |
The Phases and Role of a Child | 155 |
Honor is Due | 173 |
Endnotes | 191 |
Common terms and phrases
Abba Abba Father acknowledge Based behavior biblical blessings boys celebrated chapter child Christian church clear and visible commandment with promise Corinthians created Daddy Daniel demonstrate Deuteronomy Dobson earth encourage Ephesians faith FATHER AND MOTHER Father Facts Father's Day fulfill Gaithersburg Genesis Give Glory God's plan God's Word Godly Family Greek heart Heavenly Father Hebrew Holy Bible honor HONOUR THY FATHER husband impact instruction James James Dobson Jesus Christ John Joshua Kevin Wayne Johnson King James Version learned lifestyle Lord male Marriage married Mary Matthew means million children Ministries Mothering Sunday National Fatherhood Initiative nourisher obedience obey their parents ordained role Pastor percent pray prayer pregnancy protector Proverbs Rahab RBC Ministries responsibility revealed righteousness single-parent Spend quality spiritual Stepfamilies stewardship teach Temple Hills Testament thank thee things Thomas Nelson Publishers trimester unto uphold verse Wade F wife wives woman women