The Salvation of Mankind by Jesus ChristNo classical education would be complete without Shakespeare. |
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Common terms and phrases
Acts altar call America today American Dictionary answer antichrist Apostle baptized believeth body book of Acts brethren called Chapter Christian church in America compromise confessed dead death deeds deliverance doctrine English Language Eostre Ephesians eternal evil faith save false prophets Father Almighty flesh free and perfect fruit God the Father God's gospel grace grandpa hath heart heaven Hebrews hireling Holy Ghost Holy Spirit iniquity James Jesus Christ John judge Language by Noah liquor store live Lord Jesus Christ lose our salvation Luke lukewarm Matthew Noah Webster ourselves passage pastor perfect gift pray preached question receive redemption rejoice repentance righ righteousness Romans satan say unto scripture sheep sinner sins speaking spiritual baptism teach teousness test the spirit thee Thomas Nelson Publishers thou shalt Timothy transgression can occur trust type of faith verse walk water baptism Webster in 1828 whosoever Word works....God the Father