1 judgement of its author, I fhall be gratified by the reflection, that, to a kindnefs flowing from public principles, I have made the best public return in my power. In the mean time, and in every event, I rejoice in the opportunity here afforded me, of testifying the sense I entertain of your Lordship's conduct, and of a notice which I regard as the most flattering diftinction of my life. I am, My Lord, With sentiments of gratitude Your Lordship's faithful W. PALEY. That there is fatisfactory evidence, that many profeff- ing to be original witneffes of the Christian miracles, paffed their lives in labours, dangers and fufferings, voluntarily undergone in atteftation of the accounts which they delivered, and folely in confequence of their belief of those accounts; and that they also CHAP. II. Evidence of the sufferings of the first propagators of Chriftianity from Profane Teftimony CHA P. III. P. 42 Indirect evidence of the fufferings of the first propagators of Chriflianity, from the Scriptures and other ancient Chriftian writings. P. 55 That the ftory, for which the first propagators of Chriftianity fuffered, was miraculous CHAP. VII. P. 106 That it was in the main the fiory which we have norʊ proved by indirect confiderations CHAP. VIII. P. 114 The fame proved from the authority of our Hiflorical Scrip tures CHA P. IX. p. 142 Of the Authenticity of the Hiftorical Scriptures, in Eleven Sections P. 168 SECT. I. Quotations of the Hiflorical Scriptures by ancient Chriflian writers P. 183 SECT. SECT. II. Of the peculiar respect with which they were SECT. III. The fcriptures were in very early times collected into a diftinct volume P. 239 SECT. IV. And diftinguished by appropriate names and titles of refpect P. 247 SECT. V. Were publicly read and expounded in the religious affemblies of the early Chriftians .P 252. SECT. VI. Commentaries, &c. were anciently written upon the fcriptures P. 257 SECT. VII. They were received by ancient Chriftians of different fects and perfuafions - P. 268 SECT. VIII. The four Gofpels, the Acts of the Apostles, thirteen Epiftles of St. and the firft of Peter, Paul, the first Epistle of John, were received without doubt by those who doubted concerning the other books of our preJent canon P. 283 SECT. IX. Our prefent Gospels were confidered by the adversaries of Christianity, as containing the accounts upon which the religion was founded SECT. X. Formal catalogues of authentic Scriptures were published, in all which our prefent Gospels were in cluded p. 292 P. 304 SECT. XI. The above propofitions cannot be predicated of those books which are commonly called apocryphal books of the New Teftament P. 309 С НА Р. Х. Recapitulation p. 320 2 OF |