Philippic, ib. at Byzantium, ib.; naval reform of, 722; on the Theoric Fund, ib.; agitation against Mace- donia, 723; envoy to Thebes, 727-8; at Chaeronea, 729, 733; as an orator and as a statesman, 736-7; receives money from Persia, 744; agitates against Alexander, ib.; who demands his surrender, 746; prudent counsels Dioscurias, 92 in 333 B.C., 762, 823; On the Crown, | Dipaea, battle of, 327 824; involved in the Harpalus Dipylon vases, 174
work, 664; death, ib.; estimate of his importance, 664-6 Dionysius II., of Syracuse, 620; his first tyranny, 666-70; second tyranny, 673-5; at Corinth, 675
scandal, 829-30; death, 832
Diocles, lawgiver, 631, 676 Diocles, politician, 631, 632, 635 Diogenes, 738
Dion, character and aims, 666-8; exile, 668; return, 669; at Syracuse and Leontini, 669-70; rescues Syracuse, 671; tyranny and death, 672 Dionysiac artists, 817 Dionysius I., of Syracuse, 551, 552; his deputation at Olympia, 560; sends troops to Corcyra, 569, 571; to Peloponnesus, 609, 610; rise of, 639-40; constitutional position of, 639; operations against and treaty with Carthage, 640-2; policy and statecraft, 643; fortifications of Syra- cuse, 644, 647-8; revolt against, 644- 5; extension of power in Sicily, 645- 7 military innovations, 648; 1st Punic war, 648 sqq.; 2nd Punic war, 656 sq.; 3rd and 4th Punic wars, 663-4; success against Sicels, 656; siege of Tauromenium, ib.; league with Sicels, 657; relations with Messana and Rhegium, 658, 660; conquests in Italy, 659 sq.; Hadriatic schemes, 661; description of his empire, 662; finances, 662-3; literary
Dionysus, 200-1, 312; Zagreus, 316, 352, 801 Diopeithes, 720-I
Dithyramb, 152
|Dodona, 58, 88 Dolonci, 197
Dorcis, 326
Ecbatana, 783, 793, 817-8 Eclipses, of sun, 648 B.C., 119; 585 B.C., 222; 480 B. C., 284; 394 B.C. 544; of moon, 413 B.C., 479; 331 B.C., 775 Education, 385 sqq. Eetionea, 332, 495 Egypt, chronology of dynasties of, 12:
14; early intercourse with Aegean, 12, 14, 20, 39; influence on Aegean art, 16, 20, 38, 40; invasions of, by islanders and peoples of north, 45: under Assyria, 114; thrown open to Greek trade, 115, 221; under Amasis, 232; Persian conquest of, 233, 265; Athenian expedition to, 354-5, 357-8; revolt against Artaxerxes II., 628-9;
under Ochus, 748; conquered by Eratosthenes, chronology of, 83-4
Embata, battle of, 690
Empedocles, 309, 385 Enneapyloi, 269 Entella, 645, 663
Epaminondas, 561-2; character and influence, 566-7; at Leuctra, 593; 598; invades Laconia, 603 sq.; founds Messene, 605; his second and third invasions of Peloponnesus, 608, 610; in Thessaly, 614; as an ad- miral, 617; fourth invasion of Pelo- ponnesus, 622 sqq.; death, 625; work, 626 Eparitoi, 602, 622 Epeans ('Emeiol), 58 Epheboi, at Athens, 826-8
Ephesus, 67-8; Cimmerians at, 112; tyranny in, 147; temple of Arte- mis, 223, 378, 500, 529; alliance coins of, 553; under Alexander,
Ephetae, at Athens, 180
Ephialtes, 343, 344-5 Ephors, 124-5, 131, 138 Ephyre, 62, 81
Epialtes, 276
Epic Cycle, 70, 117 Epidamnus, 150; factions in, 390-1 Epidaurus war with Corinth, 154, 177; at war with Athens, 353-4; Athenian expedition against, 408; Argives and Athenians against, 460
Epimenides, 179, 312
Erechtheid tribe, inscription of, 355 Erechtheus, 164
Eretria, 60, 93, 151, 194, 196, 244; burning of, 249; battle of (411 B.C.), 495-6, 706, 719, 721 Ergocles, 550
Eridanus, river, 164 Erythrae (Boeotia), 291 Erythrae (Ionia), 67, 77, 339, 415 Eryx, 96, 648, 651, 663 Eteo-Carpathians, 136 Eteocretes, 136, cp. 9 Eteonicus, 502
Etruscans, league with Carthage, 297- 8, 305; commerce with Athens, 378
Euboea, 60; dialect of, 68; Euboic silver standard, 113; war in, 151; revolts from Athens, 362-3, 365; revolts (411 B. C.), 495; in second Athenian League, 565; revolts, 706; independent, 707, 710, 711; Mace- donian intrigues in, 719; oligarchies, ib.; federation of, 721 Euboea, Sicilian, 300
Eubulus, 589, 699, 703, 705, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 716, 718, 722
Eucles, 447
Eudamidas, 559
Eugammon, 117
Eumenes, of Cardia, 800 Eupalinus, 233
Eupatridae, class of, in Attica, 173 Eupatridae, family, 173 Euphron, 610-1
Euphronius, vase-painter, 150, 201 Eupolis, 428
Euripides, poet, 388; spirit of, 389; his great influence, 575-6, 582; in Macedonia, 684; official ed. of his works, 826
Euripides, politician, 549 Europa, 40, 77, 82
Eurybiadas, 271, 275, 279, 280 Eurydice, 614 Eurylochus, 424
Eurymedon, general, 420, 421, 432, 477 sqq.
Epirus, illyricized, 58; relations of Eurymedon, river, battle of, 337
Philip of Macedon to, 719
Eurypontids, 80, 121, 124 Euxine, name, 89
Evaenetus, 484
Harpalus, 783, 815, 829-30
Hecataeus, 79, 83, 236, 237, 244, 245 Hecatomnus, 689
Hegesistratus (Thessalus), 193-4 Hektemoroi, 174, 181, 182, 195 Helepoleis, 650
Heliaea, 180, 184; pay of heliastae, 349; working of, 350 Hellas, the name, 105-6 Hellen, 79, 80
Hellenes (Homeric), 45
Hellenes Greeks, 79; origin of this
use, 106 Hellenotamiae, 329
Hellespont, the, 267 Heloris, 659
Helorus, battle of the, 298
Helots, 127, 131, 325; great revolt of,
Hephaestion, 750, 801, 807, 810, 814, 817, 820
Hephaestus, cult of, in Attica, 165,
Heraclea (Chersonesus), 92 Heraclea Minoa, 663, 669 Heraclea (Pontic), 90, 527
Heraclea (in Trachis), 423, 445. 542 Heracles, 78, 80; at Athens, 201 fable of the choice of, 387; on coins, 553-4
Heraclidae, Return of, 80 sq. Heraclides of Syracuse, 670-2 Heraclitus, philosopher, 320 Heraea, 609
Heraeon-Teichos, 702 Heraeum (Argolic), 43 Herbessus, 644
Herbita, 646, 662
Hermae, mutilation of, 468-9
Hermione, 61, 177
Hermocrates, 465, 470, 472, 477, 481
483, 631, 634-5
Hermippus, 409
Hermolaus, 797
Herodotus, 240, 244, 265, 266-8-9;
286, 297, 324
Hesiod, 107-8
Hesiodic school, 79, 108
Hexameter, invention of, 52
Hiero, 305 $99.
Himera, 99, 300 sqq., 473, 633-4, 635, Ictinus, 369, 373, 375
Himilco, 637-8, 642, 649-55
Hipparchus, tyrant, 194, 204-5 Hipparchus, son of Charmus, 262 Hipparinus, 666, 672
Hippês, or Knights, Attic, 175-6
Ida, in Crete, 19
Idalion, 72
Idomene, 425
Idrieus, 754
Ilion, Ilios; see Troy
Illyrians, 57-8, 742-3
Hippias, Pisistratid, 194, 204-8, 241, Imbros, 240, 247, 249, 546
248, 249, 256
Hippias of Elis, 387
Hippoclus of Lampsacus, 239
Hippocrates, Athenian general, 440-1, Interest, rate of, 586
Io, 81, 82 Iolcus, 49, 81
Ion, 79
Ionia, 67 sqq., 78; dodecapolis of, 68; satrapy of, 235
Ionians, 67 sqq., 78; genealogy of, 79; influence of, on Attica, 174; Persian conquest of, 230-1; satrapy of, 235; revolt of, 241 sqq.; organised by Artaphernes, 248; antagonism of "Ionians" and "Dorians," 342, 464 Iophon, son of Pisistratus, 193 Iphicrates, 547-8, 551; in Thrace, 570; at Corcyra, 571; in Egypt, ib.; mer- cenary, 590; adopted by Amyntas, 614; intervention in Macedonia, 615; superseded by Timotheus, 617; aids Thracians against Athens, 618; at Embata, 690; trial of, ib. Iphicrates, son of the general, 762 Iphitus, quoit of, 136
Lechaeon, 545, 547-8 Leipsydrion, 206 Lelantine war, 151
Leleges, 46, 48, 68, 70
Lemnos, under Persia, 240; seized by Miltiades, 247, 249, 369, 546 Leon of Salamis, 508 Leonidas, 210, 271, 272 sqq. Leonnatus, 810, 831 Leontiadas, 559, 561
Leontini, 99, 308, treaty with Athens, 402; 464, 466, 468, 640; dependence on Syracuse, 642, 646, 647; Dion at, 670-1; under Hiketas, 676, 678 Leosthenes, 831-2
Leotychidas, 259, 260, 286, 297, 326 Lepreon, 458, 461
Leptines of Syracuse, 651, 653. 654, 659
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