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immediately brought the disciples from their dungeon, tenderly washed their wounds, and was baptized with all his family. Ah! with what delight did he during his life, and does he now from heaven, look back upon the transactions of that sacred night!

The magistrates, perhaps terrified by the earthquake, and convinced of the innocence of those whom they had so unjustly imprisoned, ordered them in the morning to be liberated. Paul, however, with firmness, remonstrated against the arbitrary and tyrannical proceedings of the magistrates, which violated their rights as Roman citizens. The officers made concessions, with which they were satisfied; and Paul and Silas, having visited the brethren, departed from Philippi.

Such was the origin of one of the most important apostolical churches! Such were the means used by Providence to introduce the gospel into Europe!



No. V.

ACTs xvii.

THE more I study the life of Paul, the more I am filled with admiration at the ardour of his zeal, and the immensity of his labours. What multitudes of churches did he establish! What numerous converts did he bring to the Redeemer! Into what various and distant places did he bear the banner of the cross! The most celebrated cities, Antioch, Athens, Ephesus, Corinth, Rome, acknowledged him as the herald of salvation. Countries most remote from each other, Arabia, Greece, Illyria, Asia Minor, Macedonia, Syria, Epirus, Italy, resounded with his preaching. All situations give him an opportunity of signalizing his zeal. He preaches Christ in the synagogues of the Jews, and the assemblies of believers; to the philosophers in the Areopagus at Athens, and to the courtiers in the pretorium, and in the palace of Nero; in prison to the family of the jailer; among the great, to Festus, Agrippa, Bernice, and all their train; " in season and out of season," he every where testifies "the gospel of the grace of God;" continual journeyings, and painful voyages, give him no ease or relaxation. The whole

object of his life is to advance the kingdom of the Redeemer.

And what is the recompense which he obtains from men for this anxious desire for their salvation? Here, the populace insult him; there, his countrymen endeavour to deprive him of life. At Cæsarea, Festus accuses him of being a madman; at Athens, the philosophers deride him and treat him with contempt. He restores to the use of his limbs the poor cripple of Lystra, and is stoned till apparently dead. He delivers the possessed damsel at Philippi, and notwithstanding his privileges as a Roman citizen, is cruelly scourged and imprisoned. Yet still undaunted and undisgusted by this base return, he continues his labours of love. A life so generous, so various, so full of persecutions, cannot fatigue us. Let us then still prosecute his history; and oh! that we may catch more of his spirit, and be inflamed with his zeal, and partake more of those divine consolations and supports which alone could have enabled him to persevere in his course.

In our last lecture we beheld the apostle leaving Philippi in company with Silas and Timothy. Luke, as we judge from the change of his style in this part of his relation, remained behind them, probably visiting and confirming the churches in the vicinity, till the return of Paul thither, when he again joined him. The others passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, in which places however they did not remain, probably going further from the suggestions of the Holy Spirit, who directed them immediately in all their journeyings. They arrived then at Thessalonica, a city which derived its name from the victory which Philip of Macedon there gained over the Thessalians, which was the capital of Macedonia,

and the residence of the Roman governor of the province. Here was a large synagogue of the Jews, into which Paul, as was his custom, first entered; and as they were principally assembled on the Sabbath, he, ever shunning privacy, but desirous that his doctrines should be brought to the light, for three successive weeks, on that day, reasoned with them from the Old Testament; proved to them from the prophecies, that the Messiah whom they expected, was not to be, as they fondly imagined, a haughty and victorious temporal prince, but was to suffer and die before he entered into that glory, whence he should govern the world and dispense blessings to his people he proved to them that the traits which designated Messiah in the holy oracles, were all united in Jesus of Nazareth, and that he therefore was the long-expected deliverer promised to their fathers. These points he illustrated with a fearlessness, unimpaired by his past sufferings from the prejudice and bigotry of his nation. This he asserts in the appeal which he afterwards made to that church: "After we were shamefully entreated at Philippi, yet we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God." (1 Thess. ii. 2.) His addresses not only convinced the understandings, but were carried home to the consciences of some of the Jews, and of many of the proselyted Gentiles and women of distinction. From various circumstances, and from the whole tenor of the epistle to the Thessalonians, it appears that, after thus offering salvation to the Jews, the apostle remained here some time, and directed his labours principally to the idolatrous Gentiles. His success was such as to animate his heart. Very many abandoned their false worship to serve the living God. This he himself testifies in his epistle to

them: "Our gospel came unto you not in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance: having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Asia."

The consolations resulting from this source were enough to support him under the persecutions which followed. Those Jews who still remained unbelieving, irritated at the success of the gospel, collecting the most violent and profligate of the people, proceeded together to the house of Jason, a converted Jew, who appears from Rom. xvi. 21. to have been a kinsman of the apostle, and with whom Paul and his companions lodged. This they furiously assailed, intending to seize these holy men, and deliver them to the rage of the populace. Providence, however guarded the apostle; but not finding him, they dragged Jason and some other believers who were with him before the magistrates, declaring that Jason had received and encouraged some incendiaries and seditious persons, who, after disturbing the peace of the world, had dared to come even to that capital, and who had treasonably opposed the Roman emperor, in declaring that there was another king, one Jesus, to whom they owed unreserved allegiance. Their malice and art were shown in this accusation. They do not declare that it is a question concerning their religion for which they detest these disciples. This, they knew, would not have answered their end, since the Romans, in their provinces, allowed a tolerance of all religions. They therefore represent the apostle and his associates as state criminals. Precisely thus it was with those who accused our Redeemer before Pilate, crying, "If thou let this thou art not Cæsar's friend. He that maketh

man go,

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