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ROCKINGHAM, Marquis of (Wentworth, C. W.). Memoirs.... Ed. by the Earl of Albemarle. 2 vols. London, 1852.

RODNEY, Admiral. The Life and Correspondence of ... Lord Rodney. Ed. by G. B, Mundy. 2 vols. London, 1830.

RUSSELL, Lord JOHN. The Speech of Lord John Russell in the House of Commons, Feb. 8, 1850, on Colonial Policy.... London, 1850.

ST PAUL, H., Colonel. Correspondence.... Ed. by G. G. Butler. 2 vols. London,


St Paul was Secretary of the Embassy and Chargé d'affaires at Paris during the long absences of the Ambassador, Lord Stormont. His diplomatic correspondence is of great importance for the latter part of this period (1772-6). STANHOPE, P. D., 4th Earl of Chesterfield. The Letters of...Chesterfield.... Éd. by J. Bradshaw. 3 vols. London, 1892.

SWINBURNE, H. Travels through Spain, in 1775 and 1776........ London, 1779. TURGOT, A. R. J., Baron de l'Aulne. Œuvres.... New ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1844. VALDÉS, A. J. Historia de la Isla de Cuba...1780. Reprinted, 3 vols. Havana, 1876. WALPOLE, H., 4th Earl of Orford. The Letters of Horace Walpole.... Ed. by Mrs Toynbee. 16 vols. Oxford, 1903.

Memoirs of the Reign of King George III.... Ed. by Sir D. le Marchant. 4 vols. London, 1845.

WASHINGTON, G. The Writings of George Washington.... Ed. by W. C. Ford. 14 vols. New York, 1889-93.

WRAXALL, Sir N. W. The historical and posthumous memoirs of Sir N. W. Wraxall, 1772-1784. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. 5 vols. London, 1884.

Gossip of the day, frequently recording events at which the author was present.


ADOLPHUS, J. History of England from the accession of George III.... New ed. 7 vols. London, 1840-5.

Laborious and impartial, but written from the Tory point of view. ALVORD, C. W. The Mississippi Valley in British Politics.... 2 vols. Cleveland, U.S.A. 1917.

ANDREWS, C. M. "Colonial Commerce." A.H.R. vol. xx, October 1914.
ARRIGHI, ARRIGO. Histoire de P. Paoli.... 2 vols. Paris, 1843.

BEATSON, R. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain.... 6 vols. London, 1804.
BISSETT, R. The History of the reign of George III.... 6 vols. London, 1803.

BLART, L. Les Rapports de la France et de l'Espagne après le Pacte de famille jusqu'à la fin du Ministère du Duc de Choiseul. Paris, 1915.

Deals with the economic relations of France and Spain.

BOURGET, A. Études sur la politique étrangère du Duc de Choiseul. Paris, 1907.

Based on official documents.

BOURNE, E. G. Spain in America, 1450-1580.... New York, 1904. BOYER-PEYRELEAU, E. E. Les Antilles Françaises, particulièrement la Guadaloupe.... 3 vols. Paris, 1823.

BOYSON, V. F. The Falkland Islands.... Oxford, 1924.

Mainly descriptive, but good on early history.

BROGLIE, Duc de. Histoire et Diplomatie. Paris, 1889.

BROSCH, M. Geschichte von England. Vols. vi-x. Gotha, 1893.

BROUGHAM, H., Baron Brougham and Vaux. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III.... 3 vols. London, 1839-43.

An Enquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1803.

BURNEY, Admiral J. A chronological history of the discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. London, 1803-17.

CARRÉ, H. La France sous Louis XV, 1723-1774. Paris, 1891.

CHADWICK, F. E., Rear-Admiral. The Relations of the United States and Spain.... 3 vols. New York, 1909-11.

CHEVALIER, E. Histoire de la Marine française pendant la Guerre de l'Indépendance Américaine.... Paris, 1877.


CLÉMENT, P. Histoire du Système Protecteur en France.... Paris, 1854.


COQUELLE, P. L'Alliance franco-hollandaise contre l'Angleterre, 1735-1788.... Paris, 1902.

Le Comte de Guerchy, Ambassadeur de France à Londres, 1763-7." Revue des Études Historiques, September-October 1908, p. 432. Paris. COUPLAND, R. The Quebec Act.... Oxford, 1925.

COXE, W., Archdeacon. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon... (1700-1788). 3 vols. London, 1813.

Based on contemporary oral information and previously unpublished documents and writings, it remains a work of the first importance for the period. DAUBIGNY, E. Choiseul et la France d'outre-mer.... Paris, 1892.

To be consulted for the disaster of the Kourou and Cayenne.

DONIOL, H. Histoire de la participation de la France à l'établissement des États-Unis.... 5 vols. Paris, 1886–99.

Based on documents.

DRAKE, S. A._ The Border Wars of New England.... New York, 1897.

FERRER DEL RIO, ANTONIO. Historia del reinado de Carlos III en España. 4 vols. Madrid, 1856.

FISKE, J. American Revolution. 2 vols. Boston, 1891,

Moderate and impartial.

FITZMAURICE, E. G. P., Baron. Life of William Earl of Shelburne.... 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 1912.

Based on Lansdowne House MSS. Most valuable as showing the part played by Shelburne in diplomatic transactions.

DE FLASSAN, de R. Histoire de la diplomatie française. 7 vols. Paris, 1811.

FORREST, Sir G. The Administration of Warren Hastings, 1772–1785.... Calcutta, 1892. GAILLARDET, F. Mémoire du chevalier d'Éon.... 3 vols. Brussels, 1837.

GARDEN, Comte G. DE. Histoire générale des traités de paix.... 15 vols. Paris, 1848-87.

GOEBEL, J. The Struggle for the Falkland Islands.... New Haven, 1927.
GOMES, F. L. Le Marquis de Pombal.... Lisbon, 1869.

GRANT, W. L. "Canada versus Guadeloupe....” Ă.H.R. vol. xvii, July 1912.
GROUSSAC, P. Les Îles Malouines. Buenos Ayres, 1910.

GUÉRIN, L. Histoire maritime de la France.... New ed. 6 vols. Paris, 1859–63. GUTIERREZ DE LOS RIOS, C. J., Count de Fernan-Nuñez. Vida de Carlos III.... 2 vols. Madrid, 1898.

HALL, H. "Pitt and the Family Compact." Quarterly Review, October 1899.
"Was Pitt a Prophet?" Contemporary Review, October 1896.
"Chatham's American Policy." A.H.R. vol. v, July 1900.

HARRIS, G. The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke with selections from his correspondence.... 3 vols. London, 1847.

Based on Hardwicke and Newcastle MSS.

HERTZ (Hurst), G. B. British Imperialism in the XVIIIth Century. London, 1908. Of value for the diplomacy of Falkland Islands incident.

HOTBLACK, K. "The Peace of Paris." Trans. of the R. Hist. Soc. 3rd ser. vol. 11. London, 1908.

Chatham's Colonial Policy.... London, 1917.

Treats mainly of the period before the Peace of Paris.

JESSE, J. H. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. 3 vols. London, 1867.

Largely a defence of George III. Many original letters quoted.

JOBEZ, A. La France sous Louis XV.... 6 vols. Paris, 1864-73.

KEPPEL, T. The Life of Augustus, Viscount Keppel.... 2 vols. London, 1842. Koch, C. G. DE. Histoire abrégée des Traités de Paix.... 15 vols. Paris, 1817–8. LAFUENTE, M. Historia General de España.... 30 vols. Madrid, 1850-67.

LATINO COELHO, J. M. Historia politica e militar de Portugal desde os fins do XVII seculo até 1814. 3 vols. Lisbon, 1874-91.


LAUVRIÈRE, E. La Tragédie d'un peuple. Histoire du peuple acadien. 2 vols. Paris, 1922. LAVISSE, E. Histoire de France.... Vols. vIII-x. Paris, 1910.

LOMÉNIE, L. DE. Beaumarchais et son temps.... 2 vols. Paris, 1856.

LUZ SORIANO, S. J. DA. Historia do reino de Dom José I. Lisbon, 1866.
MACAULAY, T. B., Baron. Critical and Historical Essays. London, 1870.

Essay on Warren Hastings. London, 1836-54.
MALDONADO Y MACANAZ, J. España y Francia en el siglo XVIII........ Madrid, 1886.
MARCUS, W. Choiseul und die Katastrophe am Kourouflusse.... Breslau, 1905.
MARKS, MARY A. M. England and America, 1763–1783.... 2 vols. London, 1907.
Useful for summaries of Parliamentary debates and operations in America.
MARTENS, C. VON, Baron. Recueil des Traités.... New ed. Leipzig, 1817 sqq.
MASSEY, W. N. A History of England during the reign of George the Third. 4 vols.
London, 1855-63.

MELLO MORAES, A. J. DE. Brazil historico. 1st series. 4 vols. Rio de Janeiro, 1839. MONTERO Y VIDAL, J. Historia general de las Filipinas. 3 vols. Madrid, 1887-95. MOORE, J. W. The American Congress...1774-1895. London, 1895.

MORISON, M. C. "Duc de Choiseul and the Invasion of England, 1768–70.” Trans. of the R. Hist. Soc. ser. II, vol. IV. 1910.

Describes documents among Chatham MSS relating to this subject. NOAILLES, A. M. R. A., Vicomte de. Marins et soldats français en Amérique... 1778-83. Paris, 1903.

NORMAND, J. Le Pacte colonial.... Paris, 1900.
OLIVEIRA MARTINS, J. P. Historia de Portugal..

2 vols. Lisbon, 1894.

O Brazil e las colonias portuguezas. Lisbon, 1880.

PAULIAT, L. La politique coloniale sous l'ancien régime.... Paris, 1887.

PEZUELA, J. DE LA. Ensayo histórico de la Isla de Cuba. New York, 1842.

POUGET DE SAINT ANDRÉ, H. La Colonisation de Madagascar sous Louis XV......... Paris, 1886.

RAMEAU DE SAINT PÈRE, E. La France aux Colonies.... Paris, 1859.

Raxis de Flassan, G. DE. Histoire Générale et raisonnée de la Diplomatie Française.... 7 vols. Paris, 1811.

Prints many documents, notably Vergennes' correspondence.

REBELLO DA SILVA, L. A. Historia de Portugal nos seculos XVII e XVIII. 5 vols. Lisbon, 1860-71.

RENAUT, F. P. Le Pacte de Famille et l'Amérique. La politique coloniale franco-espagnole de 1760 à 1792. Paris, 1922.

Les Provinces-Unies et la Guerre d'Amérique, 1775-1784. Vol. 1. Paris, 1924. RENUCCI, F. O. Storia di Corsica. 2 vols. Bastia, 1833, 1834.

ROUSSEAU, F. Règne de Charles III d'Espagne, 1759-1788. 2 vols. Paris, 1907.

Volume II deals particularly with the relations of France and Spain.

RUVILLE, Dr A. VON. William Pitt, Graf von Chatham.... 3 vols. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1905. English translation, New York, 1907.

Based on Prussian archives, etc. Learned, but written with some bias against its eponymous hero.

SCHAEFER, H. Geschichte von Portugal. 5 vols. Hamburg, 1836-54.

SCHÖNE, L. La politique coloniale sous Louis XV et Louis XVI. Paris, 1907.


September 1904.

Cession of Louisiana to Spain." Political Science Quarterly,

SOLTAU, R. H. The Duke of Choiseul.... Oxford, 1909.

Based on Daubigny.

STANHOPE, P. H., 5th Earl Stanhope. History of England...(1713-83). 7 vols. London, 1836-54.

Vols. v and vi are useful here. They are based on contemporary information and documents (Chevening, etc.). Laborious and reliable.

TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Notice historique sur la Guyane Française. Paris, 1843. THACKERAY, F. A history of the Right Hon. William Pitt.... 2 vols. London, 1827. VARNHAGEN, F. A. DE. Historia geral do Brazil.... 2 vols. Madrid, 1854-7. VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, M. DE, Baron. Les dernières années de la Louisiane française.... Paris, 1903.

WEDDELL, J. A Voyage towards the South Pole.... London, 1825.

WINSTANLEY, D. A. Lord Chatham and the Whig Opposition. Cambridge, 1912.

Deals at some length with the diplomacy relating to the Falkland Islands.


Abercromby, Sir Robert, repulsed at
Ticonderoga, 479

Acadia, French in, 86; Charles I sells back
to the French the settlements captured
by Kirke, 132; French forts in, captured
by English force (1654), 227, 231;
returned to the French by the Treaty of
Breda (1667), 314; ceded by France at
the Treaty of Utrecht, 328, 523;511;576;
see also Nova Scotia

Acapulco, in the Philippines, 305
Aché, Comte d', French naval officer, in
India, 529-30

[ocr errors]

Act of Union with Scotland, and the
position of Scots in the colonies, 266, 287
Adams, John, 649; counsel for the soldiers
concerned in the "Boston Massacre,
670; 684; 705; 771; 777
Adams, Samuel, 632; 666; leader of the
extreme Radicals, 670; and the Com-
mittees of Correspondence, 671; and the
"Boston tea party," 674; 676
Addison, Joseph, 240

A Discourse of a Discovery for a new passage to
Cataia, tract written by Humphrey
Gilbert, 59; 105

A discourse on how her majesty may annoy the
King of Spain, by Humphrey Gilbert, 61;
Admiralty, relations between, and the
colonies, 415-16; 451; 514

Admiralty court, 42; 47; 286; 297; 411;
416; 540-1; jurisdiction of, extended by
Grenville, 644; and the Stamp Act, 654
Adolf Frederik, King of Sweden, 541
Africa, 1; and the slave trade, 4, 48, 437-

59; and missionary enterprise, 11, 16;
Portuguese in, 23, 30-3, 438; English
trade with, 43 seqq.; 65; 75; Anglo-
Portuguese agreement of 1654, English
to trade freely with Portuguese Africa,
230; the African Company, 440-50,
struggles with the French in, 446-58,
466; 479; 502-3; 570; export of rum to,
from the North American colonies, 597
African Company, see under Companies
Aid, ship lent by Elizabeth to Frobisher,

Aiguillon, Emmanuel Armand, Duc de,
French Foreign Minister, 703

Aitken, James, deserter from the army,
attempt of, to fire the Portsmouth dock-
yard, 707

Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of (1668), 315; treaty
of (1748), 346, 376, 527; Pretender sacri-
ficed by France at (1748), 349; 548
Alabama, 546

Albany, New York, 390; the Albany Plan
of Union, 392, 630, 634-5; 476; 725

Albemarle, William, 2nd Earl of, English
ambassador at Paris, 467-9

Albemarle Sound, in Virginian coast,
Amadas and Barlow land at, 109;
colony at, 250

Alberoni, Cardinal, 332; 339; 355
Albreda, French station on the Gambia
river, 457

Alcide, French warship, capture of, by
Boscawen, 469

Alday, James, Barbary merchant, 41; 42
Alexander VI, Pope, 46

Alexander, Sir William, 130; and the
colonisation of Nova Scotia, 153-5
Algarve, 46

Algiers, pirates of, abortive attempt of
Mansell against, 130; 135

Alleghany Mountains, 394; 641; 771; 776
Allen, Ethan, American soldier, 718
Allen's Town, Clinton at, 738

Altamaha River, English post on, 395-6
Alva, Fernando, 3rd Duke of, 30
Amadas, Captain, sent by Raleigh to
Virginia, 109

Amazon, River, 86; 87

Amazon's Company, see Company
Amboy, 729

Amboyna, massacre of, 131, acquiescence
of Stuarts in, 134; 142; 208
American Revenue Bill, 597

Amerola, Spanish captain, raid of, on
England, 124

Amherst, Jeffrey, Lord, 479; expedition of,
to Montreal, 483, 485, 532; 637-8
Amsterdam, 30; the Scrooby congregation
at, 156

An Account of New England, by Samuel
Maverick, 613

André, John, Major, capture of, 751
Andros, Sir Edmund, Governor of New

York (1674-80), 253; sent out by
James II to take control of the new
Dominion of New England, 260; im-
prisoned at Boston (March 1689), 260;

Anguilla, in the Leeward Islands, 377
Annapolis, 375; 393.

Anne, Queen of England, 240; 332; grants
charter to South Sea Company, 335.
Annexation, Guiana, formally annexed by
Harcourt (1609), 87; California, annexed
by Drake, 102; Newfoundland, annexed
by Gilbert (1583), 106; Barbados annexed
by Powell (1624), 144; vagueness of
international theory as to validity of,
185-7; the rights of aborigines, 191-4
Annobon, 458

Annual Register, 453; on the capture of the
Dutch forts in Africa (1782), 457

Anson, George Anson, 1st Viscount, ex-
pedition of, to the Pacific, 344, 371, 524;
victory of, in the Bay of Biscay, 376; 477;
480; 489; influence of, at the Admiralty,
524 seqq.; and the Falkland Islands, 698;

Anti-Corn Law League, 14

Anticosti, whaling fleet visits, 74
Antigua, 209; introduction of sugar in-
dustry to, 209; resistance of, to Common-
wealth, 212; submits to Sir George
Ayscue, 219; squabbles between Keynell,
Puritan governor of, and the inhabitants,
233; Norwegians allowed to settle in,
237; occupied by the French (1666–7),
242; resettled, 243; returned to English
by the Treaty of Breda, 314; 376; 407;
512; 570; 582; 813; 818-19
Antilles, 70; 77; failure of colonies in St

Lucia and Grenada, 87; settlement of
Warner on St Christopher, 143.
Antonio, Don, claimant to throne of
Portugal, 63; 65; and the English trade
with Africa, 438

Antwerp, 2; Portuguese trade with, 30, 33;
and the Hansa, 38, 39; decay of, during
war of Dutch independence, 63; sack of,
64; taken by Parma, 119; 375; Truce of,
128, 200

Apam, Dutch fort in West Africa, captured
by English (1782), 457

Appalachian Mountains, 641-2
Apsham, fishing merchants of, 74
Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, scholastic views
of, 192
Aquitaine, 23

Aranda, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, Count of,
700; 773

Arbuthnot, Marriot, Admiral, 747-8; 751
Archangel, port of the Muscovy Company
at, 40, 41
Arcot, 485

Argall, Captain Samuel, breaks up French
settlements in North America, 86; dis-
covers direct route to Virginia, 114
Arguin, Dutch station in Senegal, captured
by the French, 446

Arlington, Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of,
Virginia grant to (1673), 257; promoter
of Navigation Acts, 271; and the secret
Treaty of Dover, 316; 815
Armada, Spanish, 104; Venetian ambassa-
dor at Paris, predicts defeat of, 107; 115;
120; in the Channel, 121
Armed Neutrality, 716; 750; 774; 781
Arnold, Benedict, his invasion of Canada,
709; 718; 720; 725; 748; 751-3
Arzina, 40

Ascham, Anthony, Commonwealth envoy
at Madrid, murder of, 226
Ashanti, Kingdom of, 452-3
Ashehurst, Thomas, Bristol explorer, sails
to north-west, 27

Asiento, 8; French Asiento Company, 326,

334; held by Portuguese, 333; Charles II
fails to secure Asiento for the African
Company, 334; Asiento treaty with
England, 328, 336, 542; Spanish ob-
stacles in the way of the trade, 340;
English disregard for obligations of, 342;
suspended by Spain, 343; 345; 524-5
Assembly, Barbados, 422, 424, 427 seqq.;
Bermuda, 152; Carolina, North, 421,
429 seqq.; Carolina, South, 421, 424,
430-1; Connecticut, 163, 409, 429;
Jamaica, 245, 406-7, 410, 426 seqq.;
Leeward Islands, 407-8; Maryland,
424; Massachusetts, 161, 405, 425 seqq.,
667, 674; New York, 405, 425 seqq.;
Pennsylvania, 255, 428 seqq.; Rhode
Island, 258, 409, 424-5; takes root during
the interregnum, 248; opposition of,
to local governors and the Home Govern-
ment, 377-8, 386-9; from 1660-1763,

Assumption, Isle of, see Anticosti
Atkins, Sir Jonathan, Governor of Barba-
dos, his dispute with the Crown, 291,

A treatise of the new India, with other new
found Lands and Islands, translation by
Richard Eden, of Sebastian Munster's
Cosmographia, 55

Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester,
Jacobite plot of, 349

Aubrey, William, his description of Raleigh,
Augsburg, 30

Augustus III, Elector of Saxony, becomes
King of Poland, 368; 462

Australia, 11; 15; 17; William Dampier in,
517; Captain Cook in, 536
Austria, and the War of the Spanish
Succession, 325-9; and the Pragmatic
Sanction, 353, 364, 368; and the War of
the Austrian Succession, 371-6; 461-4;
469-72; and the Seven Years' War,
475 seqq.

Austrian Succession, War of, 371-6
Avilés, Pero Menéndez de, Ribault's crews
fall into hands of, 56

Ayala, Balthazar, opinion of, that bar-
barian countries were not territoria
nullius, 192; his De jure et officiis bellicis
et disciplina militari, 205
Ayscue, Admiral Sir George, overcomes
resistance of Royalists of Barbados, 133;
134; 218-19

Azores, 25, 35, 46; French expedition
against, 63; 65; 107; 114; 122; Sir
Richard Grenville at Flores of, 123;
wine from, exempted from the provisions
of Navigation Laws, 275, 567

Bacon, Sir Francis, sponsors colony of
Newfoundland, 90; on sea power, 126;
147; and the transportation of un-
desirables to the colonies, 604-5; and the

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