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QUIET HOURS.-We cut the following from the Christian World: "A writer in the American paper Christian Union calls attention to the influences of quiet hours,' the importance of which in these driving, hurrying, exciting days it is so easy to forget. 'How few,' he remarks, 'ever stop to study themselves, and the things which most concern them! A man is scanning an extensive landscape from a cliff. He takes in a thousand objectsmountains and streams, and woods, and clouds. But, while gazing, he steps off the brink of a precipice. He saw everything but what he ought to have seen first of all-where he himself was standing. The thing occurs every day with equally sad significance, though in different manner.

Men of wide outlook upon the world, familiar with science and history, with trade and the arts, know almost nothing, because they have never taken time to consider the relation of their own souls to their immediate surroundings.'

of godliness,' but the spiritual buildings certain fact with a mistaken appreof Christ and of His faithful members hension of its meaning, and both, thereare most difficult to find-in fact, are fore, failed to welcome the Lord at His few and far between. The men who have advent. the form of godliness,' and the women too, are among the principal devotees of worldly excitement-'lovers of pleasure.' Sunday itself is sorely grudged to Him who made the week; and were it not regarded as a safety-valve for dissipation and a salve for conscience, would no doubt be dismissed from consideration altogether. As to 'covetous' persons, never before in the history of man, so far as we know, did money exercise such a power as it does now; and though it has an influence for good which some know how to utilize, yet for the most part the 'love of money' is what Scripture long since described it to be the root of all evil.'" The evidence then seems plain to this writer that we are living in the last times. There is no lack of fulfilment, he says, as regards any of the signs given by the apostle. But, he continues, there is a very special sense in which these evidences of the Lord's coming are to be applied. What is this special sense? It is no application to the infirmities and imperfections of evangelicalism. It is the growth of sacerdotalism and the extension of ritualism and popery! "We may say therefore," he writes, "that the moral conditions peculiar to the latter times are generally fulfilled, and THE LONDON MISSIONARY that they have been wellnigh exhausted TRACT SOCIETY OF THE NEW CHURCH. in the personal history of the Popes of -The annual meeting of this Society Rome, and in the machinations and was held in the church in Camden superstitions of Roman priestcraft, Road on Thursday evening, May 27th, whether within the Roman Catholic the Rev. Dr. Tafel in the chair. After Church or without it; for all the muddy prayer and the address of the chairman, streams of sacerdotalism with which the secretary, Mr. Orme, read the reChristendom has had to do have flowed port of the committee, which detailed directly or indirectly out of the Papal its work during the year. The issue of chair. "When the Son of Man cometh, four-paged tracts was 39,000, of pamshall He find faith on the earth?" We phlet tracts, 20,197, making a total of accept this writer's conclusion that we 59,197. The issue of books was 5263. are living in the time of the Second The receipts of the Society, including Coming, and that external zeal and a balance of £98, was £492, of this sum extended church and chapel building £151 was received from the sale of books are no evidence of spiritual faith. But and tracts. The expenditure of the it is possible to discover the time of His Society in printing, missionary lectures, advent and mistake its nature, as the advertising, etc., amounted to £390, chief priests and scribes could tell the leaving a balance in the treasurer's place where Christ should be born and hands of £102. Seventeen ministers yet failed to identify the Saviour at His and laymen had been engaged in various appearance. They were looking for a ways during the year. The labours of temporal Messiah, the Christian for a the Society had extended to Scotland, personal appearance. Both combined a to the island of Jersey, and to the

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southern part of the kingdom. Special of life was short, simple, and grand— mention was made of the lectures at that all life was the Lord's, and was Bermondsey, and the kindness of Major Bevington in connection therewith was gratefully acknowledged. The Society had also been able to render valuable assistance to several small Societies. The secretary concluded his report by saying that although the Society was small, its importance was great. It was the bearer of a new message from the Lord, and was labouring to hasten the time when "at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow."

Closely connected with this Society is the Auxiliary Missionary Society, an organization of intelligent and earnest New Churchmen who give attention to the current literature of the age, communicate with authors, and seek in various ways to correct current errors respecting the New Church and the writings of Swedenborg, and to diffuse, in circles where it is most likely to be useful, the literature of the Church.

The great range of this Society's operations in connection with current literature was shown by an enumeration of some of the works with whose authors the Society has been in correspondence. The reception of letters offering works to writers on religious subjects, accompanied frequently by friendly criticism on their views, was stated to be almost invariably of a kindly character. It was stated that a weekly bulletin of New Church news continued to be sent to the editor of the Christian World, and further co-operation was invited in this matter from country Societies. The Swedenborg Society and the Missionary and Tract Society have kindly agreed to give a selection of their publications to the Working Men's Clubs of the country, over 800 in number; and to a certain number of these this Society was making the offer from time to time.

from Him, and that we are recipients of this life. As an assistance to the spread of the doctrines he recommended their presentation to the world in popular and not in technical terms. Mr. Gunton moved a resolution declaring it "the eininent duty and privilege of the Society to make known the heavenly doctrines amongst mankind," which was seconded by Mr. Applebee of Derby. Mr. Dicks moved a second resolution pledging the meeting to continuous and unremitting efforts to increase its annual income, and so to carry on the highest form of charity amongst mankind. This was seconded by Mr. Higham, and was, like all the resolutions, unanimously adopted. During the evening a resolution of condolence with Dr. Bayley, on the recent departure to her heavenly home of his beloved partner in life, was passed by a standing vote. The meeting was enlivened by appropriate music and closed with the usual benediction.

MANCHESTER AND SALFORD NEW CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-The annual meeting of this Society was held in the schoolroom, Irwell Street, Salford, on Tuesday evening, June 15th, the Rev. R. Storry in the chair. After a short devotional service the chairman introduced the business of the meeting in an address in which he dwelt on some of the prominent features of the age, and urged the necessity of increased zeal and earnestness in the support of the Society and the extension of its labours.

The report of the committee stated that lectures had been delivered at Barnoldswick and Embsay in Yorkshire, at Glossop in Derbyshire, at Moss Side and Peter Street in Manchester, and at Salford. The lectures at Peter Street, Manchester, and at Bolton Street, SalMr. John Smith moved the adoption ford, were extensively advertised, and of the various reports in a speech which several ministers from a distance took showed a true appreciation of the part in their delivery. "The audiences Society's work. The motion was sec- were not large although the subjects of onded by Mr. Parker, who in the course the lectures were very attractive, and of his address remarked that lately a the lectures were highly interesting and question had been asked, and discussed instructive. Several strangers, however, at considerable length in the magazines were present, and a few attended all or of the day, which in the light of New most of the lectures, which were twelve Church doctrine could only be consid- in number." The committee have durered as grotesque. It was, Is life ing the year increased the staff of misworth living? The New Church view sionary preachers by the addition as

YORKSHIRE MISSIONARY AND COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION.-The conductors of this very useful institution have issued an appeal for aid in their effort to employ a second colporteur for the large county of York. Their proposal is to raise the sum of £500 so as to

"auxiliaries" of the names of six gentle- The sects are drawing nearer to each men resident in the district. The name other, and manifesting a spirit of broader of Mr. Jones of Embsay has been added charity. Prejudices are dying out. to the list of ordained ministers, and People receive our doctrines but do not the Rev. Mr. Westall has become the separate from their own bodies, and the minister of the Society at Middleton. New Church must join in the general The Society at Salford is at present with- evangelization of the world. out a minister and is temporarily supplied by ministers and missionaries. The Missionary Record has been duly issued each quarter; and the quarterly meetings of missionaries, ministers, and friends have been regularly held during the year at Bolton, Worsley, Ashton, and Manchester. "The committee being of opinion that it was desirable to increase the funds render this extension of their labour of the Society passed the following resolu- safe for a period of three years. After a tion at their meeting in March last: "That brief reference to the establishment of the the honorary secretary be requested to Society on Christmas Day 1860, and communicate with the various Societies to its influence in strengthening and with a view to an annual collection in encouraging the Societies in Yorkshire their respective places of worship on behalf of the Missionary Funds; the appointment of preachers to be left to the Missionary Committee, and the collections to be made on the last Sunday in May.' This resolution was now unanimously adopted by the general meeting. The colporteur reported that during the past twelve months he had visited many places not before visited, and had sold and distributed between five and six thousand tracts and books, the greater part of which have gone among persons who were strangers to New Church teaching. He has also preached one hundred and four times, and delivered forty addresses to Sunday schools and Band of Hope meetings."

In moving and seconding the adoption of the report and other resolutions brought up by the committee, interesting addresses were made by several of the ministers and influential laymen present. Rev. Mr. Boys thought the members of the Church blameworthy in not contributing more liberally to the support of the institution. In a list of eleven Societies the subscriptions of only three exceeded £2. This could not be reconciled with our belief in the noble cause we had to sustain. We needed more zeal, and earnestness, and liberality on behalf of the New Church. Many say they give the widow's mite, but few imitate the widow and cast in all their substance. Rev. Mr. Ramage thought that the great want of the Church was enthusiasm. There was abroad a dislike to doctrinal teaching.

in their work, the committee remark:
"During these nineteen years 3252
volumes of Swedenborg's works and
23,937 collateral works have been sold.
No accurate account of the number of
tracts distributed has been kept, but it
certainly exceeds 160,000. The field of
work is now too wide and the labour too
arduous to be successfully attempted by
one man. The Association has accord-
ingly determined to make an effort to
raise the sum of £500, so as to secure
the services of an additional missionary
for at least three years.
It is hoped
that this sum may be raised by the time
the Association has attained its majority
(1881), and that the work may be carried
on with much greater vigour and success.

Up to the present time the Association
has depended mainly on subscribers
living within the county. The amount
expended has been £1700, of which
£1450 has been raised in the county.
The Societies that contribute the largest
sums are not able to do much more
than they are doing. Bradford and
Leeds last year contributed £70 towards
the expenses of £108. Nor can the
other Societies largely increase their
subscriptions at present.
The com-
mittee of the Association earnestly
solicit you to assist in the endeavour to
extend their operations. It is hoped
that by the time the £500 is expended
that the effort will be sustained by the
ordinary income of the Society." The
appeal is signed by the following, to
whom contributions may be sent :
President-George Aspinall, 5 Fairmount,

Bradford. Treasurer-William Dyson, generation rising up cannot be led, I am quite certain that they will not be driven." The number of baptisms has increased, and the prospect before the Church in the rising generation is encouraging and hopeful. The committee report that

10 Bertram Road, Bradford. Secretary -James R. Rendell, 37 Carlisle Terrace, Bradford. The following recommendations are appended :

"The good service done by the Colportage Associations has been most admirable, and the Yorkshire Society has been pre-eminently useful. I commend its appeal to the heartiest support of New Church people everywhere.-J. BAYLEY, President of Conference."


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'as the Society can now be regarded as having become thoroughly settled in its new home at Wretham Road, the past year may be considered as one of quiet, earnest, and uniform progress.' The attendance at the services continues good, the average being for the morning "I gladly add my testimony to the about 360, and the evening 410. Other eminent usefulness of this invaluable evidence of progress is to be found Institution, the progress of which I in the reports of the Society's several have watched from its commencement. institutions, of these the report of the It has been greatly to the advantage of deacons is singularly interesting. From the Yorkshire Colportage Association this report we give the following exthat its affairs have been wisely directed tract, which will interest our readers and by members of committee who have point out a direction in which much warmly interested themselves in its useful Christian labour might be accomwelfare. The projected extension of its plished by other New Church Societies: labours is an evidence of the zeal and "It will be remembered that the year far-sightedness of its members. The 1879 opened with great severity, and law of life is the law of progress. much suffering and want were the result. Societies can no more stand still than Wishful to do what little we could toindividuals. They must grow and wards affording relief, a collection was extend their usefulness if they are to made in church which amounted to £30. keep pace with the times and fulfil This was supplemented by two donations their mission in the world. Yorkshire of £5, one from the Social Party Fund, is a large field for the diffusion of New and the other from the Benevolent Fund. Church literature and the promulgation The minister and deacons, with the maof the truth we are permitted to hold, trons, at once formed a relief committee, not for ourselves but for the world. I and by the assistance of our own immesincerely hope that the Association will diate friends, and the ready co-operation be warmly and liberally sustained in the of the visitors from St. Michael's Church, good work it has undertaken.-RICHARD and of others from the Handsworth ConSTORRY. gregational Chapel, the wants of many of those suffering from the severities of the season were promptly relieved. A sum of £5 was placed in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Richards of Handsworth BIRMINGHAM.-The annual reports to distribute among the poor of his own presented to this Society for the year district. A dinner was also provided in 1879 are published in a closely-printed the Congregational Mission-Room, Winpamphlet of twenty-two pages. The son Green, for seventy unemployed men several reports are suitably introduced and boys. Over 300 relief tickets for by the report of the minister. From the ordinary necessities of life were this we learn that the attendance at the issued at a cost of £20. The ladies of public services of the church continues the congregation also held meetings to good, that the minister's class is continued on the Sunday mornings, "and is fairly well attended, but in attendance cannot compete with a science class, with a dancing class, with a cricket or football club, nor with attendance at business. Still," says the minister, "I do not repine; I believe that mankind know their own wants best, and if the


provide clothing for poor women and children, and many of those whose lot was bitter indeed at the best, were cheered and strengthened by the kind and prompt assistance thus rendered. It is almost impossible to overrate the good done by this means. Women and children generally suffer more in hard times than men, and in clothing the

naked almost greater mercy was shown £1. This sum, together with 17s. 6d. than in feeding the hungry."

BRADFORD.-This Society, though still few in numbers, has adopted the excellent plan of publishing an annual report of its proceedings. From the one recently issued we give the following extracts:

Our services of worship have been continued without interruption throughout the year. The attendance shows an increase on that of the previous year. The ordinance of Baptism has been administered to three infants and one adult, the number being the same as in your last report. One marriage has been solemnized. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper has been celebrated quarterly. The numbers present give an average of twenty-one. The number of members at present is fifty-one. Three have been added during the year." In addition to these, six were received at this meeting.

"On December 17th a special meeting of the congregation was held to consider the desirableness of tendering free offerings at the close of each service, as an additional means of supporting the proper maintenance of public worship, when, after full discussion, it was resolved to put the plan in operation for six months, commencing on the first Sunday in January. On sixteen Sundays the offerings have amounted to £13, 19s. 5d., ora daily average of 17s. 53d., which, omitting four days in the year when collections are usually made for other purposes, would realize £42, 6s. per annum. Your committee urge the continuance of this wholesome method of thanksgiving to the Lord in acknowledgment of His mercies.

"The attendance at the Sunday school has been about the same as that of the previous year. On Whit-Monday the scholars and friends spent a delightful afternoon in the open air on a farm near to Chellow Dean. Two special services for the children were held on the afternoons of June 1st and October 12th. They were fairly attended. On January 21st a service of song, entitled 'The May-flower,' was given in the church, and the readings by Mrs. Reaney. The attendance was smaller than the more sanguine of our friends had anticipated. The collection made on behalf of the Sunday school realized

subscribed by friends, has been forwarded as a donation towards the expenses of Sunday-School Union Local Examinations. In connection with the school, Mr. Rendell has a class of the junior members of the congregation for the study of Human Physiology, with practical lessons."

RADCLIFFE.-The friends here are fast hastening on the completion of their new church. The style is free classic. It is externally of stone, the dressings being polished, and the wall spaces filled in with parpoints. The sides and part of the front are surmounted with a cornice and balustrade, and in front also stand two turrets, each sixty feet high. The dimensions of the building are seventy-three feet by fortyfive feet. The main entrance is situated centrally in front, and is approached by a flagged pathway. The internal arrangements comprise vestibule, staircase, nave, aisles, galleries all round, including an orchestra on the east end. There are also convenient vestries and cellars. The vestibule is of encaustic tiles, the woodwork of Dantzic oak, and the glazing of ornamented ground glass. All the pews are of varnished pitch pine, and are comfortably carpeted and cushioned. The pulpit is approached by two flights of steps, and is in white and gold. The Communion is furnished with a table and chairs of polished Dantzic oak. The organ has been rebuilt from designs by the architect, and is painted to harmonize with the gallery front, which is also in white and gold. The ceiling is in panels, and is elaborately ornamented. It has also a beautiful central sunlight, aided by four other depending lights at appropriate distances. The windows, the upper tiers of which are circularheaded, are all ornamented with coloured and figured glass. The arrangements for heating, lighting, and ventilating have been carefully attended to, and are upon the most approved principles. The church contains sitting room for 650 persons (being 220 more than the old church).

The cost of the building, including the furnishings, will be upwards of £4000. The architect is Thomas Thorp, Esq., Whitefield. Mr. Samuel Hoyle, Radcliffe, a deacon of the church, has

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