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several appropriate anthems during the evening. On the evening of New Year's Day Mr. F. Duesbury, assistant-superintendent of the Sunday school, presented, in the name of the teachers, a large travelling portmanteau to Mr. Clemson, as a token of their personal regard and appreciation of his labours as a Sunday-school teacher.

were gathered together, and a most their expectations. The choir sang happy and cheerful mood pervaded the assembly. After tea and social intercourse, the opportunity was taken by the congregation to present Mr. Clemson with a testimonial expressive of their hearty appreciation of the manner in which he had performed the duties of his office as organist, and also of their sincere and warmest wishes for his future welfare and success. It consisted of a handsome desk and a well- LIVERPOOL.-For some time past the furnished portable writing-case. The members of this Society have been very meeting was presided over by the Rev. desirous of making a unanimous effort J. Ashby, by whom, in the name of the to rid their church of the debt remaincontributors and friends, the presenta- ing upon it, which amounted only to tion was made. The chairman had about £150. To this end a committee watched the growth and development composed of several of the ladies of the of their friend's mind during the seven church, with two indefatigable secreyears of his connection with the Society taries from the gentlemen, was formed with the deepest interest, and was per- to get up a bazaar and Christmas-tree. suaded that with his excellent moral After three months' hard work their and intellectual abilities he would not preparations were completed, and the fail in realizing a career of great and bazaar was held on Wednesday and permanent usefulness. Mr. Appelbee Thursday, December 17th and 18th, in said, that as their friend had been so the schoolroom. The Rev. Dr. Bayley thoroughly grounded in the grand and of London opened the proceedings in a soul-satisfying principles of the New most appropriate speech, expressing his Church theology, he could with entire very great delight and pleasure in the confidence believe that he would be able duties which were allotted to him. He to grapple with the difficulties and had visited them only a short time temptations which he might encounter, before, and he little thought he should and overcome them, and thus establish so soon meet them again; but now that he in himself a true and noble manhood, had come, he found that what he had beand be the means of contributing very fore predicted was being realized. They largely to the wellbeing and prosperity had got the right man as the captain, of others. Mr. Ward considered it a and the ship was well manned. After privilege to take part in the meeting, speaking of the origin and uses of and to recognise the fact that not only bazaars, he concluded by wishing them had the services of Mr. Clemson been of every success, and expressed his earnest a commercial value, but of a religious hope that the result would prove even and refining character, and he felt sure more than they expected. Mr. Pixton, that the proceedings of that evening the oldest living member of the Society would be long and lovingly cherished in and one of its warm and long-tried the memory of their friends. He heartily friends, then followed with earnest exwished him " God-speed." Earnest ad- pressions of sympathy in the labour and dresses commendatory of Mr. Clemson's abundant desires for success. Mr. Tilmusical ability, and of his persevering son, on behalf of the Society, then efforts to benefit the choir, the Sunday asked those present to join with him in school, the Band of Hope, and the according to the Rev. Dr. Bayley a hearty church generally, were given by Messrs. vote of thanks for his great kindness in Duesbury, Cooke, Morley, Smithard, travelling so far in the depth of winter Turton, and others, to which Mr. Clem- to perform the opening ceremony of son, in accepting the testimonial, replied their bazaar. This was ably seconded in a feeling and graceful speech, thank- by Dr. Sheldon and supported by Mr. ing all for their good wishes and kind Parkes. After making a brief reply expression of good feeling in regard to the reverend gentleman declared the himself;. hoping that he might become bazaar to be duly opened; but before more worthy of their love and esteem, the gentlemen had time to descend and be able to justify in some measure from the platform, Dr. Costine, who,

though not a receiver of the doctrines, loves to aid every good cause, came and said he would make the first start by presenting their minister with £5 towards their funds. Earnest work was then begun by every attendant at the stalls, and a spirited sale was kept up each day. The treasurer's balance-sheet reveals the money obtained with all expenses paid at £200, so that the Society has now a church free of debt, and if only the goodwill and active zeal now manifested is sustained a good future awaits its efforts.

LONDON (Dalston). The annual meeting of this Society was held on January 7th in the Albion Hall, and was very largely attended. The reports presented by the various officers were all of a very satisfactory character. Several new members have been added during the past year; a goodly number of books and New Church periodicals have been sold; the treasurer has a good balance in hand, and the Sunday school is flourishing. The Building Fund received especial attention, and it was resolved to hold a bazaar during the current year, to dispose of the goods left over from the former effort, and such other articles as might hereafter be contributed. The old officers were with a few exceptions re-elected, the principal alteration being the election of Mr. R. R. de Relton of 5 Bartrip Street, Homerton, E., as secretary in the place of the late esteemed Mr. R. Castle. A very pleasant and encouraging evening was spent, and the Society is to be congratulated upon the satisfactory progress it has made since the removal to Dalston.

MANCHESTER (Peter Street). The first meeting of the Essay and Discussion Society was held on January 7th, the subject being, "Can Prayer affect in any way the Operation of Nature's Laws?" The Rev. C. H. Wilkins opened the subject in his usual expansive style, contending that the whole of nature's laws were under the control of the laws of the spiritual world, and that it was possible to bring about a suspension of a law of nature in answer to real and earnest prayer. He also contended that not only were the laws of nature subject as a whole to the laws of the spiritual world, but also that each separate king

dom of nature exercised a controlling power over the one below it, that is to say, that the mineral is subject to the vegetable, the vegetable to the animal, and the animal to man, not of course absolutely so, but to a very great extent; therefore, this being so, he saw no difficulty in assuming that nature's laws are affected by prayer, inasmuch as prayer is the lifting up of the soul in earnest desire and intention, not for selfish but universal ends, and appealing to the highest of all the powers of nature in favour of a suspension of a lower law for the good of suffering humanity, or for the benefit of some individual standing in great need of the assistance sought. He then went on to show that in order to secure success in the slightest degree our prayer must be true prayer, and true prayer was no mere lifting up of the intellect and the offering of petitions clothed in the most beautiful and expressive language; nor was it even the will and the understanding conjoined, but that in addition to both these there must be an overpowering sense of our desire to become, in God's hands, instruments for the doing of good to our fellow-creatures from the most unselfish of motives. A very spirited discussion followed, several gentlemen contending that our prayer was of no avail to the rest of mankind only in so far as it affected them, through ourselves, because prayer, they considered, was of no immediate value to any one but the petitioner, and that any good that might ensue to outsiders was due to the changed state of the man himself; they, however, couldn't see how any direct phenomenal results could be expected. The minister closed the debate by an eloquent appeal in favour of prayer, declaring his conviction that before many generations have passed there will be men able to offer up such prayer as he had indicated, and that the effect upon the laws of nature would be such as would bring about a more rapid amelioration of our condition here than could possibly ensue if prayer were abandoned.

Our second meeting was held on Wednesday the 14th, the subject being, "Is Phrenology a True Science?" The debate was very ably opened in favour of the truth of it, and some very energetic arguments were offered in opposition; the conclusion, however, to which the meet

ing almost unanimously agreed was, that while many imperfections existed, there seemed to be undeniable proof in favour of the truth claimed for it.

RAMSBOTTOM.-The annual tea party and recital of the Sunday school at this place were held on Christmas Day. A substantial repast was provided in the school, to which about four hundred and thirty persons sat down. As the school is too small to accommodate the numbers who usually attend the recital the Co-operative Hall was hired for the occasion, where there was a much larger gathering. The Rev. S. Pilkington presided, and in the course of a brief address remarked that when he remembered that he was then dresiding at that annual festivity for the fourteenth time, he was reminded how swiftly time was gliding on, and how important it was that they all should make timely preparation for the great event when time with them would be no more. Every Christmas Day ought to find them growing in love and gratitude to that great and holy God who out of love and compassion to fallen man took upon Him our human nature that He might conquer sin and death and hell, and bring life and immortality to light by the Gospel. He exhorted those who had begun to live for God and heaven to think over the great event which was then being celebrated throughout Christendom, and draw from it fresh zeal for continued perseverance in a righteous life. Those who had not yet made a profession of religion he entreated to make that day a turning-point in their career, and, persisting in the right course, they would not only have a comforting hope of a better life beyond the grave, but they would also derive greater pleasure even from such innocent amusement as was promised in the programme before him, Mr. John Ashworth subsequently addressed the meeting on the work of the Sunday school. The Sunday-school teacher, he said, endeavoured to inculcate in the minds of the children a sense of the duty of obedience, of regarding the comfort of others in all their conduct, and of gaining a knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures, so that they might be well supplied with instructions as to how they should act so as to do that

which is right through all their future life. He called upon the parents present to co-operate with the teachers in a work of such importance. Mr. Thomas Peake also addressed the meeting in a brief and interesting speech. A large number of recitations and dialogues interspersed with select pieces of music followed, and the whole proceedings appeared to give the utmost satisfaction to the audience.


On January 18th, at 6 Oval Road, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, the wife of Henry Higham of a son.


At the New Church, Nottingham, September 20th, 1879, by Rev. C. H. Wilkins of Manchester, Mr. John Johnson, jun., to Ellen Angeline, only daughter of Mr. J. D. Beilby.


On the 8th December last, Alice, wife of James Riley of Accrington, passed into the spiritual world in the fiftythird year of her age. Mrs. Riley's health became impaired in early womanhood; and succeeding years found her less and less able to fulfil those active duties of life in which all truly Christian minds find their delight and reward. Indeed, for some years before her departure, our sister was a hopeless invalid, needing the constant care and watchfulness of her family, which however were rendered with a patience and tenderness that never failed. In such circumstances life could have but little attraction for one so severely afflicted. Nevertheless Mrs. Riley was able in patience to possess her soul, while she thankfully anticipated the rest towards which she felt she was slowly but surely tending. Her end was peace.

Miss Agnes Ann Hall, of Melbourne, Derbyshire, was called suddenly from this life on January 2nd. She had entered upon her twenty-first year. She delighted in the clear doctrines of the New Church. The Lord had highly gifted her with musical talents. Sincerely beloved, her loss is deeply felt both in the Church and in the town.

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THE general purpose of this psalm is to inspire confidence in the Providence of God, by showing that, however its course may be clouded by a seeming imperfection, its justice and goodness will be ultimately displayed. A seeming imperfection in the ways of Providence the Psalmist finds in the circumstance that the wicked are sometimes seen in the enjoyment of prosperity and great power, while the righteous are, on the other hand, occasionally the subjects of adversity and oppression. This apparent inversion of order in the operations of Him who is the Disposer of events is however only temporary; for "the end of the wicked shall be cut off, but the inheritance of the upright shall be for ever." From this the sacred writer takes occasion to inculcate contentment, meekness, and patience. "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way. For evildoers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth." But the prospect of future prosperity is not the only consolation of the good who suffer. Their present condition, however humble, is better than that of the evil, however exalted. "A little that a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many wicked." And


a little will always be provided for those who commit their way unto the Lord. "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Even the present state of the righteous is less prostrate than the future state of the wicked. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in His way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholdeth him with His hand."

The states and changes described in this psalm, and its consolations and promises also, are, in their natural sense, to be understood in relation to the Israelites and Jews, who looked only to worldly prosperity and an earthly inheritance. So far, however, as Christians partake of the worldly-mindedness of that people, they will entertain doubts respecting the goodness of Providence in the unequal distribution of temporal things, and especially in the bestowal of wealth and honours on the evil and withholding them from the good. If God is equally in the least and in the greatest things of Providence as well as of creation, our fortunes in this life cannot be beyond the limits of His care and control. And however unequally His bounty may be distributed, it is equal in the end or purpose which its distribution is intended to effect: it may be unequal when viewed in relation to the body and to time, but it is without doubt perfectly equal in its relation to the soul and to eternity.

Amongst the Israelites prosperity was to a certain extent the immediate effect, and therefore the sign, of obedience to the Divine commands; and their rewards and punishments were received in the life of the body. The wicked who spread himself like a green baytree, literally passed away; and the peaceful end of the perfect man was the tranquil life of a prosperous old age. All this was consistent with the legal obedience which the Israelitish people were required to render to God, and the temporal recompense which their obedience secured. But it would be injurious and perhaps destructive of the spiritual life of the Christian to have a necessary connection established between his spiritual state and his temporal condition. Little of the state of the inward life of the Christian comes to his manifest perception; and much of his trust and vigilance and perseverance depends on the general, and therefore obscure, knowledge he is able to have of his own state while he remains in the present probationary world. Every one is able to know, and to know with certainty, whether his inward and essential state is good or evil, and this every one is able to know by attending to his motives and delights. Beyond this it is

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