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Petroleum and asphalt in the United States; with discussion. E. W. Shaw. In Pan American scientific congress. Proceedings, 1915. v 3, p 188-202 '17

Asphalt roads. See Roads, Asphalt

American system of special assessments and
its applicability to other countries. R. M.
Haig. In Pan American scientific congress.
Proceedings, 1915, v 11, p 119-27 '17
Buffalo, N. Y.-Assessment methods; with dis-
cussion. C: B. Hill. In New York state con-
ference of mayors and other city officials.
Proceedings, 1917, p 45-9 '17

Could the present township assessor system be improved. H: A. S. Ives. Nat Tax Assn Bul 3:219-27 Je '18

Address delivered at the 2d annual meeting of the Minnesota tax conference, Minneapolis, Feb. 28, 1918.

Full value standard. Oscar Leser. Nat Tax Assn Bul 3:19-21 O '17

How can reassessment statutes be administered without causing a political upheaval, by O. F. Barnes; Same, by W: B. Fellows; Same, by Samuel Lord; Discussion, by the members. In Nat. tax assn. Proceedings, 1917, p 296-352 '18 *Kansas. Tax comm. Revised instructions to be observed in the assessment and equalization of property, both real and personal, for the purposes of taxation. 136p '18 Maryland-Needs of a general reassessment, by A. P. Gorman, jr.; Plan for general reassessment of real estate, by L. W. Wickes; Administrative problems, by Oscar Leser; Valuation, by A. C. Girdwood; Methods of assessment in Baltimore city. by T: J. Lindsay; Detailed method adopted in securing assessment of intangible personal property in Baltimore county, by E: F. O'Mara. In Maryland. Tax comm. 2d biennial report, 1918, p 107-55 '18

Ontario-Assessment methods, by A. G. Ludlow; Changes in assessment and voters' lists acts. In Ontario munic. assn. Proceedings, 1917, p 31-6 '17

Tax assessment and administration: round table. In National tax assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 103-52 '17

Taxation of merchants' and manufacturers' stock; with discussion. E. H. Bodden. In Nat. tax assn. Proceedings, 1917, p 118-44 '18 Valuation and assessment. Univ of Cal Pub in Economics 4:198-211 Ap 2 '18

See also Real estate-Valuation; Тахаtion; also subhead Assessment under: Municipal improvements; Pavements; Street lighting

Comparative Information

Assessment dates throughout the United States. E: P. Tobie. Nat Tax Assn Bul 3: 199-201 My '18

New York (state). Lib. Leg. ref. sect. Provisions of the charters of the 58 cities of New York state relating to time when assessment is completed. 102p (Typew. $5.10) Ja '18

Obtained only thru P. A. I. S.

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Township assessors, by C: B. Orbison; Divorcing the assessor from politics; with discussion, by F. A. Sims. In National tax assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 58-63, 88-93 '17 Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations

Proceedings, 1917. '18 J. L. Hills, sec.-treas.,
Univ. of Vermont (Agricultural education-

Association of life insurance presidents
Proceedings, 1917. '18 G: T. Wight, sec., 165
Broadway, N.Y. (Insurance, Life-Confer-


Canadian societies. In A. E. Southall, ed. Imperial year book for dominion of Canada, 1917-18, p 357-61 '17

New York (state)-Other institutions and associations. In New York (state)-Organization and institutions, p 171-7 O '17 Associations of American dairy, food and drug officials

Proceedings, 1917. '17 J: B. Newman, sec., 408 Chicago st, Elgin, Ill. (Food-Conferences) Athearn, Walter Scott

Religious education and democracy. bibl $1.50 '17 Pilgrim press (Religious education) Athletic leagues Playground and recreation assn. of America. Public schools athletic league. (No. 161) 16p tables 15c '17 1 Madison av, N. Y. Reprinted from the Playground, May,

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W: H. P. Faunce. In Nat. collegiate athletic assn. Proceedings, 1917, p 52-8 '18 Civilization and athletic feats. D. A. Sargent. J Sociologic Medicine 18:402-7 D '17

Read at the 42d annual meeting of the American academy of medicine, New York city, June 5, 1917.

Playground and recreation assn. of Am. Athletic badge test for boys. (No. 105) 8p il 5c '17 1 Madison av, N.Y.

Reprinted from the Playground, April, 1913, revised January, 1917. Playground and recreation

assn. of Am.

Athletic badge test for girls. (No. 121) 15p il 5c '17 1 Madison av, N.Y.

Reprinted from the Playground, August, 1916, revised January, 1917.

Playground and recreation assn. of America. Athletics for elementary school girls. Ethel Rockwell. (No. 162) 11p 15c '17 1 Madison av, N.Y.


Reprinted from the Playground, May, President's address. P. E. Pierce. In Nat. collegiate athletic assn. Proceedings, 1917, p 47-52 '18


National collegiate athletic assn. Proceedings of the 12th annual convention, New York, December 28, 1917. 84p '18 F. W. Nicholson, Weslyan univ., Middletown, Conn. -Same. Am Phys Educ R 23:131-72 Mr '18 Athletics, Municipal

Municipal athletics. R. H. Abeken, il Parks & Recreation 1:47-50 Ja '18

Atlantic deeper waterways association

Proceedings, 1916. '17 W. H. Schoff, sec.treas., Crozer bldg., Philadelphia (Waterways-Conferences)

Attorneys. See Legal education; Legal profession

Augusta, Ga. City council

1916 year book. '17 (Municipal reports) Australia. Advisory council of science and Industry

Memorandum on the organization of scientific research institutions in the United States of America. Gerald Lightfoot. '16 (Scientific research-Reports)

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History of the Australian ballot system in the United States. E. C. Evans. 102p bibl tables *75c Weight 9 oz Enclose postage J1 '17 Univ. of Chicago press

Contains: Manner of voting before the introduction of the Australian ballot system; Origin of the Australian ballot system and its introduction into the United States; Development of the Australian ballot in the United States; Form of the ballot; Manner of voting; Fenal sanctions; Attitude of the courts toward the Australian ballot; Summary and conclusion; Text of the original Australian ballot act; Bibliography; Table of cases Maine-Australian or secret ballot law as amended, to which is appended opinions of S. J. court. 22p Ja 1 '16 State lib.

Governors' messages, 1918

South Carolina-Gov. Manning urges the application of the Australian ballot system to cities, towns and the large voting communities of the state.


Austria-Hungary. S. D. Fess. Cong Rec 56: 1307-11 Ja 24 '18

Automobile Industry and trade

Australia-Motor industry. H. A. Treat. Commerce Repts no 197 p 708-9 Ag 22 '18 Automobile manufacturers will take up war work by transforming their plants into factories for the production of munitions, engines, flying machines and other urgently needed devices, as the result of a conference held in Washington, D. C., Nov. 2, 1917. The production of pleasure cars will be largely cut in favor of war necessities. A committee has been appointed to determine a scheme for governmental use of the automobile plants and to work out a plan for the proportion of work to be done for the government and for private purposes.

Italian automobile industry. tabies Americas 4:29 Ap '18

Italy-Development of the Italian automobile industry. J. E. Haven. table Commerce

Repts no 116 p 646 My 17 '18

Motor industry turns its great energy to war. W. C. Marmon. N Y Evening Post War Industrial Sup Je 29 '18 p 34

Retail automobile industry conservation labor and material. Emporian 1:4 Ag 5 '18



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Ballot, Rotary


Calgary, Albert has adopted a novel form of ballot to be used at the municipal elections, which might be called the rotary ballot. At the last election when proportional representation was used for the first time, it was particularly felt that unintentional discrimination was made against the man who happened to have a name beginning with a letter well down the alphabet. The ballot in future will partake of the form of wagon wheel with the names of the candidates printed between the spokes. The numbers of the candidates will be marked at the spoke and thus the returning officer can at a glance pick them out without having as in the old form to run his eye up and down the paper for each number. The names will be arranged indiscriminately and the instructions will be printed at the top. F '18 Ballots. See Australian ballot; Local optionForm of ballot; Short ballot

Bank acceptances. See Trade acceptances
Bank holidays. See Holidays

Bank Insurance. See Insurance, Bank
Bank notes. See Notes

Banking laws

• California. Banking dept. Bank act. 137p '17 Postal telegraph bldg., San Francisco Connecticut-Public acts passed by the General assembly of 1917 relating to banks, saving banks and trust companies. 20p '17 State lib. Delaware. Insurance comr. Laws of Delaware relating to banks, building and loan associations, trust companies, safe deposit, guarantee, surety and bonding corporations. 51p '17

* Indiana. Auditor of state. Bank department: bank laws of state of Indiana, mortgage guarantee company laws, public depository laws, etc. 127p '17

Iowa. Supt. of banking. Banking law: statutes of Iowa governing the organization, incorporation and management of banks, and establishing the department of banking, revised to July 4, 1917, including acts of the 37th General assembly. 52p '17 Oregon. Supt. of banks. Laws relating to banking, revision of 1917. 86p '17 State lib. Furnished only on exchange accounts. Rhode Island-Banking laws of Rhode Island, June 30, 1917. 71p '17 State lib. South Dakota. Pub. examiner. Revision of 1915, state of South Dakota, laws relating to banking, chapter 102, laws of 1915 and other statute provisions. 52p State lib. Texas. Comr. of insurance and banking. State banking laws: amendments of 1917. 12p '17

Treatise on the law of banks and banking. J: T. Morse, jr. 5th ed rev and enl 2v $15 '17 Little

United States. Comptroller of the currency. Banking and building association laws of the District of Columbia. (Doc. no. 2797) 40p 5c '17 U.S. supt. of doc. United States. Comptroller of the currency. National-bank act as amended, the federal reserve act and other laws relating to national banks. (Doc. no. 2801) 286p 50c Ag '17 U.S. supt. of doc.

Wyoming. State examiner. Laws of Wyoming relating to banks and banking. 56p '17

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* Law and practice in bankruptcy under the national bankruptcy act of 1898. W: M. Collier. 11th ed with amendments of statutes and rules, and all decisions to June 1, 1917, including amendments to bankruptcy act of February 5, 1903, June 15, 1906, June 25, 1910 and March 2, 1917, by F. B. Gilbert 1671p $13 '17 Bender New South Wales-Act amending insurance bill providing that when a person happens to be a bankrupt, and has not obtained a certificate of discharge and has insured his life, the same protection shall be given to the insurance policy as is given in case of an individual who insures his life and thereafter becomes insolvent. Bill affords reasonable protection to official assignee. (Passed Council S 13 Assembly O 24 '17)

Legislation, Proposed

Canada-Proposed bankruptcy act, by J. H. Senkler; Proposed dominion bankruptcy act, by T: W. Learie. il Credit Men's J 4: 25-7. 33-5 Ag '18 Canada-Synopsis of the proposed bankruptcy act, by H. P. Grundy; Act respecting bankruptcy. Credit Men's J 4:502-35 Je '18 Manitoba-Synopsis of proposed bankruptcy act. Better Business 1:24,26-8 My '18


Bankruptcy. L. M. Hutchins, chm. In Nat. assn. of manufacturers. Proceedings, 1917. p 4-7 '17

Banks and agricultural development

Results of the banker-farmer movement. Joseph Hirsch. Am Bankers Assn J 10:367 N '17

State banks and agricultural development. Am Bankers Assn J 10:669-70 Mr '18 Banks and banking

Address of Charles A. Hinsch. Nat Assn Credit Men Bul 20:522-32 Ag '18

America's financial shock absorber: hardly four years old, our banking system has stood the stress of war better than Europe's century-old institutions. Nation's Business 5:16a-16b O '17

at the finance

Views expressed by delegates group meeting on banking and under war conditions at the War convention of American business, Atlantic City, Sept. 18-21, 1917.

America's first discount bank. Max May. M of Wall St 22:157-9 My 11 '18 American bankers assn. Annual address of the president. C: A. Hinsch. 5p S 26 '18 5 Nassau st, N.Y.

Address before the annual convention of the American bankers association, Chicago, Sept. 26, 1918.

Analysis of balances held in 543 national banks to credit of other institutions. Official Bul 2:1 My 1 '18

Bankers prepared for world commercial position. S. P. Harman. N Y Evening Post sect 5 p 1 Ap 13 '18

Brazil begins the discussion for a new banking system. Americas 3:17-19 Ag '17 British banks. N Y Nat City Bank Circ Economic Conditions etc Mr '18 p 13-14 China-Growth of native Chinese banking. A. W. Ferrin. Commerce Repts no 304 p 1202 D 29 '17

China-Relations of the Bank of China with the Chinese government. Econ World ns 15:414 Mr 23 '18

Credito y bancos. Alejandro Talice. In Pan American scientific congress. Proceedings, 1915, v 11. p 471-3 '17

Denver, Colo.-Colorado bank reports show year's big trade. Commercial 9:43 Ja 24 '18 How the world's banking power is growing. Americas 4:20-1 Je '18

Japan-Banking system and the banks. A. W. Ferrin. Econ World n s 14:184-6 Ag 11 '17 Marks new step in world finance. Laurence Beech. Forbes M 2:61-2 My 4 '18

National bank of commerce in New York: a great American commercial bank. 47p '17 31 Nassau st. N.Y.

National bank resources amount to $18,533,000,000. Official Bul 2:4 Ja 10 '18

Need of a unified banking system. R. H. Treman. tables Am Bankers Assn J 11:37-8 JI '18

† Organized banking. E. E. Agger. 385p bibl tables charts *$3 '18 Holt

Peking, China-Organization of Japan-China exchange bank. G: H. Scidmore. Commerce Repts no 291 p 995 D 13 '17

Philippine Islands-New Philippine


bank. Straus Investors M 8:7 S '17 Procedure of a bank or corporation under federal revenue legislation. Frederick Thurlin. Am Law R 51:859-82 N '17

Russian banking situation and its present meaning to the world. A. O. Corbin. il Nat Marine 12:57-62 Ag '18

Spirit of twentieth century banking. S. W.
Straus. Straus Investors M 9:1-5 F '18
Theory and history of banking. C: F. Dunbar.
3d ed enl 297p tables *$1.50 '17 Putnam
What banks are doing. R. A. Blanchard.
Oregon Voter 11:351-2+ D 15 '17

See also Agricultural credit; Checks; Exchange; Exchange bureaus; Finance; Financial centers; Foreign exchange; Morris plan banks; Notes; Railroad credit; Savings banks; School banks; Stock exchange; Trade acceptances; Trust companies

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Bank and the clearing house. Joseph Byrne. Nat Assn Credit Men Bul 17:985-8 O '17

Comparative information

Banking in England, France and Germany. bibl In E. E. Agger. Organized banking, p 191-214 '18

Comparative statement of leading banks of issue, 1914 and 1917. tables Federal Re

serve Bul 3:681-2 S '17 Deposits in the world's leading banks. table Commerce Repts no 275 p 744-5 N 23 '17 Finance, banking and foreign exchange in neutral countries, 1914-1917. tables charts Federal Reserve Bul 4:375-94 My 1 '18 Great banks of the world. table In World 1918 almanac and encyclopedia, p 451-2 '17

A comparative statement showing assets and liabilities of the leading central banks of issue at dates specified. Oregon-Condition of Oregon banks on dates of the last official calls for each year during the past ten years. table Oregon Voter 12: 280-1 Mr 2 '18

Present banking power of the United States. table Econ World n s 16:229-30 Ag 17 '18 Principal changes in the condition of European banks since the outbreak of the war. tables charts Federal Reserve Bul 3:942-6 D 1 '17


American bankers association. Conference, Hot Springs, Ark., May 9-11, 1918. F. E. Farnsworth, sec., 5 Nassau st, N.Y.

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