Thus, right at the top, there may be no relationship at all between artificial intelligence and psychology. This is certainly a possible view: Since the theory rests on analogies between the human and the The next stage is where one feels that artificial intelligence provides metaphors, thus making psychologists attend to new phenomena in appropriate ways. This view is the interpretation many scientists put on cybernetics through the forties and fifties. And many people hold it about artificial intelligence now: Psychology and the study of artificial intelligence are both concerned with intelligent behavior, but otherwise they are borrowed from one discipline may be stimulating to the other. No relationship Metaphor / Attention focussing Forces operationality Provides language Provides base (ideal) models Sufficiency analysis Theoretical psychology Self sufficient Figure 1: Possible Relationships between AI and Psychology The next step of engagement is that emphasis on programs and mechanisms forces the psychologist to become operational, that is, to avoid the fuzziness of using mentalistic terms. It is a sort of mental hygiene. Behaviorism is in part a similar sort of mental hygiene, but one that achieves its effect by remaining in the observation language of the experiment (i.e., the behaviors that can be observed). Artificial intelligence offers an operationalism with respect to theory. This view has been very popular, as the following quotations testify: The advantage of playing this kind of game lies solely in the There is still a further step possible along this same road: do. ... is to make sure that, in stating the properties of a function, On the other hand, the computer program allows us to The computer is just a powerful tool for clearly specifying The next stage sees the language as the major connection: The language of programs and data structures (e.g., list structures) is the appropriate vehicle for describing the behavior of humans, in contradistinction, say, to classical mathematics. An analogous view was strongly held a decade ago in arguing that for the social sciences the appropriate mathematics was that of finite structures (matrix analysis, markov processes, graph theory), as opposed to the mathematics of the continuum (i.e., differential equations). Perhaps, the clearest statements of the language view with respect to artificial intelligence have been made by George Miller: The computer program can play a double role in psychology: as There is much that the psychologist can learn from a study of The stages of metaphor, operationality and language are somehow content free. That is, the gains to psychology are in various behaviors and disciplines of the psychologist. The next stage finally accords the product of the artificial intelligence models significance, even if not their content. Here artificial intelligence is used to provide base lines against which to view actual behavior. These base lines are in the direction of optimum behavior, rather than in the direction of random behavior as in the base lines usually provided for by statistics). Such ideal types are used fruitfully in several places in science. In psychology a good example is the work of Ward Edwards on behavior in uncertain situations, where The computer analogues used in some of the model of human The human to whom our formulations are meant to apply do The next turn of the screw reflects a unique feature of human cognitive behaviors, namely that they constitute performances for which often we do not know any way that they can be accomplised. Thus, it becomes of interest to discover systems that perform these tasks. If, in addition, no mechanisms are used in these systems that clearly go beyond the capacities of the human, then an initial theory has been provided. This level has been called sufficiency analysis, since it seeks to show that a sufficient set of mechanisms exists for a particular intellectual task. To illustrate, if one develops a chess program that examines 800,000 positions in deciding on a move, then one has not made a contribution; since excellent evidence exists that no human could consider 800,000 separate items of information in ten minutes. But if the chess program only considers around 100 positions, and if there are no other ways in which the program radically violates the general character of human processing capacities, then it may be taken as a first model. An example of this view is the following: The definitions are both nominal and ostensive in the sense that point to a precise procedure in the program which computes This view has a certain value in itself, since psychology has 1. general ignored the question of explaining how it is that humans can perform the acts of intelligence they routinely accomplish. Thus, it adds a new mode of analysis. With the next turn, we get artificial intelligence as theoretical psychology. This is analogous to the view of the mathematics of differential equations as theoretical physics. Thus the actual theories of cognitive psychology are to be expressed as artificial intelligence systems. We would expect to find artificial intelligence systems of direct empirical relevance, and also artificial intelligence systems being developed for their own sake, just as in mathematics there is concern with the differential equations of physical interest (e.g., the Mathieu equation) and also the pure theory of differential equations. This view has been often expressed; for instance: Quite typically, these models express psychological propositions |