Rhode Island, settlement of fugitives from Massachusetts on, 164; religious tolera- tion in, 170; 796; obtains Parliamentary charter during the Civil War, 258; charter from Charles II (1663), 258; illicit trade of, 259; confiscation of charter (1687), 260; 261; restoration of charter by William III, 262; 288; customs officials in, 291, 292, 385, 666; 596; manufacture of rum in, 597; 628; the Gaspée affair, 671-2; 724 seqq.; 740; evacuated by Clinton, 747; 748; litera- ture and social life, 784, 806, 809, 812 Rhodesia, 16
Ribault, Jean, Huguenot captain, founds French colony in South Carolina, 55 Rice, direct trade in, between colonies and Europe forbidden (1705), 274; restric- tions gradually removed, 274, 572; chief product of South Carolina, 394; 589; 593; 644
Rich, Robert, Lord, 1st Earl of Warwick, interest of, in semi-piratical ventures, 138; 140; 141
Rich, Sir Nathaniel, interested in the Providence Company, 166
Rich, Sir Robert, 2nd Earl of Warwick, backs Raleigh in his Guiana expedition, 138; member of the Council of New England, 147, 153; and the Providence charter, 164; promoter of the Providence Company, 166; buys up Lord Pem- broke's West Indian claims, 174; in- fluence of, on Cromwell's colonial policy, 176; appointed Governor-in-Chief and Lord High Admiral of all the English colonies in America, 179: president of commission appointed by Parliament in 1643, to take charge of the colonies and their trade, 214, 606; 225; bears leading part in organising expedition to recover Barbados, 226
Richelieu, Cardinal, stations part of French fleet at Toulon, 115; revives French Navy, 132; and the Treaties of Susa and St Germain-en-Laye, 155; Colbert's ad- miration for, 307
Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of, 762-3; 765; 767; 769
Right of Search, claimed in time of King John, 118; under Elizabeth, 118; 557 seqq.; and the Armed Neutrality, 716
Rio de la Hacha, port on Spanish Main, John Hawkins sells negroes at, 49; 98 Rio Grande, 544
Ripperdà, Jan Willem, Spanish minister, 339; responsible for the first Treaty of Vienna (1725), 365
Roanoke, Virginia, unsuccessful settlement at, 71, 109; salary of customs collector at, 293
Robinson, John, minister of the Scrooby congregation, 156
Robinson, Sir Christopher, and the doc- trine of the Continuous Voyage, 553 Rochambeau, Count of, French general in America, 748-9: 751; 754; 758 Rochford, William, 4th Earl of, ambassador to Spain, 691; 701-4; 706; 765 Rochefort, 476
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of, succeeds Grenville, 659; 666; 694; 762; 765 seqq.; 2nd ministry of, 769 seqq.; death of, 775 Rodney, George, Lord, Admiral, 9; his attack on Havre, 481; 534; and Martin- ique, 690; his victory off Cape St Vincent, 715, 746; his actions against de Guichen, 748-51, 754; his victory over de Grasse, 758-9, 774
Rodney, H.M.S., pressing of seamen for, in Boston, 666
Roe, Sir Thomas, makes journey to Amazon, 91
Roebuck, Dampier's voyage in, to Australia,
Rolfe, John, husband of Pocahontas, 113 Rollo, Andrew, Lord, 534
Rooke, Sir George, Admiral, captures Gibraltar, 520
Rossbach, victory of Frederick the Great at, 477
Roucoux, French victory at, 374 Rous, Sir John, 768
Rousby, collector of customs in Maryland, murder of, 280, 284
Rowe, Jacob, Professor at William and
Mary College, taken into custody for contempt by the Virginia Assembly, 427 Royal Caroline, makes the last of the "annual" voyages to Spanish America,
Royal George, second "annual" ship sent to Spanish America under the Asiento agreement, 338
Royal George, H.M.S., 528
Royal Prince, first "annual" ship sent to Spanish America under the Asiento agreement, 338
Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, 141; interested in the Providence Company, 166 Rump Parliament, the, 208 Rupert, Prince, naval campaign of, against the Commonwealth, 133, 134, 209, 212; his squadron driven by Blake from European waters, 218; his attacks on the Guinea Company's ships, 237, 439; supporter of Navigation Acts, 271; and the Hudson's Bay Company, 508-9 Russia, expedition of Willoughby and Chancellor to, 40; English trade with, largely lost to the Dutch, 315; acquires European position under Peter the Great, 354; relations of, with Government of George I, 361-2; and the Treaty of Nystadt, 362; 367; and the Peace of Belgrade, 369; 371; and the War of the
Austrian Succession, 375; 464; 471-2; import of iron from, 587; 773-4 Rut, John, shipmaster of Royal Navy, sails at Henry VIII's expense to Labrador and the Caribbean, 28, 29
Rutland, Henry, 2nd Earl of, tries to save Calais, 51
Ruyter, Michael de, Admiral, 134; his attack
on Barbados, 242; his victories of 1672-4, 317-18; in West Africa, 441; 557 Ryswick, Peace of, 300; terms of, 321; 409; 517; and contraband, 551
Sacramento, 692
Sagadahoc, abandonment of, 88
Sagres Castle, occupied by Drake, 121 St Augustine, Spanish station at mouth of the Florida Channel, 77; 86; 395 St Christopher, settlement at (1623), 131, 143; divided between English and French, 144; Warner Governor and Carlisle "Lord Proprietor" of, 145; expulsion by the Spaniards of the colonists, and their return, 146, 173; 153; tobacco-growing on, 172; estimated population of, in 1639, 174; introduction of the sugar industry to, 210; neutrality of, during Civil War, 212; under the Commonwealth, 233; settlement of the proprietary dispute at the Restoration, 241; conquered by the French (1665), 241, 508; restored at the peace, 242, 314; separate governorship of Leeward Islands, 244;286; annexation of French settlement in, by Treaty of Utrecht, 328; 377, 407; 512-14; 519-20; 523; 570; 576; captured by de Bouillé, 757; restored at the Peace of Versailles, 781; 819
St Croix, River, boundary of Maine and Nova Scotia, 777
St Eustatius, 221; proposal of Colbert to annex, 317; 513; 590; 715; Rodney's capture of, 750; 754; recovered by de Bouillé, 757
St Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of (1632), between England and France, 155 St Helena, occupation of, by the East India Company, 265; loss and reconquest in 1673, 265
St John, Nicholas, leader of first settlement on St Lucia, 87
St John, Oliver, Parliamentary envoy to the Hague, 222
St John, one of the Virgin Islands, 412 St John River (Madawaska), 777
St John, Sir William, promoter of new Company for African trade, 139
St John's, Fort of (Quebec), 720 St John's, Port of, Newfoundland, fishing fleets gather at, 60; Gilbert at, 105; fortification of, 510; 516; 522
St John's River, on the Moskito Coast, 383 St Joseph, Fort, 637
St Kitts, see St. Christopher
St Lawrence River, fisheries in hands of Bretons, 60; 73; 74; 165; and the Peace of Utrecht, 543; 777
St Louis, Fort, French station in Senegal, 446; 450; 454-6
St Louis, Port, on East Falkland, 698; handed over to Spain and renamed Port Soledad, 699
St Lubin, M. de, French adventurer in India, 713
St Lucia, settlement on, destroyed by Caribs, 87; French settlers on, attacked by Lord Willoughby, 186; and international law, 186; assigned to France by Treaty of Paris (1763), 186; 377; 466; 496; 501; given back to France at the Peace of Paris, 502; 534; capture of, 712; 741-2; ceded to France (1783), 781
St Martins, Dutch trading port in the West Indies, 221
St Pierre, island of, 492; 543; 688; captured by Admiral Montague, 712; ceded to France (1783), 781
St Vincent, Cape, naval battle of (1759), see Lagos; Rodney's victory off, 715, 746 St Vincent, in the West Indies, 377; 466;
642; capture of, by d'Estaing, 715, 742; restored at the Peace of Versailles, 781 Salem, first settlement at, 160; Roger Williams minister at, 163; customs officials at, 290; custom house moved from Boston to, 674.
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, fosters sea trade, 77; pensioner of Spain, 111; and the Treaty of London, 128
Saltonstall, Sir Samuel, London merchant, interested in the Plantations, 172
Salute of the flag, 118; Dutch agree to strike the flag in the Narrow Seas (1654), 135; edict of King John as to, 196; under the Tudors, 197; insisted upon in the Channel by James I, 201; and the First Dutch War, 201, 223, 538-9; 540-3 Samoa, 535
San Domingo, John Rut touches at, 28; disgrace of Venables and Penn at, 228; rendezvous for Spanish treasure fleet, 333; 582; 590; 690-1
San Ildefonso, Treaty of, between Spain and Portugal, 710
San Juan de Ulua, John Hawkins attacked by Spaniards at, 49; 51; 56; 98 San Lucar, 122; 125
Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, 735; 739; 744; 768
Sandy Hook, 738-40; 754-5; 763 Sandys, Sir Edwin, on Sir Thomas Dale, 112; promoter of Free Trade Bills, 113; succeeds Smythe as Treasurer of the Virginia Company, 140; free fishing bill of, 148; resists the reform of the Virginia Company, 150-1; 156; 174
Santa Cruz, Admiral, destroys French fleet under Strozzi, 63
Santa Cruz in Morocco, visited by Alday, 42 Santa Cruz, island in the West Indies, 173; Blake destroys Spanish treasure fleet at, 229
Sao Jorge da Mina, Portuguese head- quarters on African coast, 65 Sarah, the case of the (1731), 298 Saratoga, English post established
(1727), 390; surrender of General Bur- goyne at, 710, 725, 732, 764, 770 Sardinia, seized by Spain (1717), 359; given to Savoy, 360; and the War of the Austrian Succession, 373-6; 464
Sartines, Antoine de, French minister of the Navy, 707
Saunders, Sir Charles, Admiral, at Quebec, 532, 811
Savannah, 368; captured by Campbell, 743; 747; 756
Savoy, politics of, 300, 325, 360
Say, Geoffrey de, commissioned as admiral by Edward III, 197
Saye and Sele, Lord, active member of the council of New England, 153; interested in the Providence Company, 166 Scarborough, fight between Dutch and Dunkirkers at, 201
Schaw, Miss, on life in North Carolina, 793-4; and the West Indies, 818-19 Schism Act, repeal of, 349 Schohare, valley of, 402 Schwenkfelders, 403
Scotland, 3; 8; 12; 34; 51; 90; 120; emigration from, to America, 153-5; and foreign fishermen, 198-200; attempt of Cromwell to force emigration from, to the West Indies, 236; emigration from, to Carolina, 250; the Darien scheme and reflections upon the Scots, 265-6; Scots accounted English by common law, 271; and the Navigation Acts, 279, 284, 286-8; unsuccessful Spanish expedition to, 361; 608; Scots and the rebellion of the colonists, 761-2, 765
Scottish Act, of 1693, for the encourage- ment of foreign trade, 284 Scrooby, in Nottinghamshire, emigration of Independent congregation from, 156 "Sea Beggars", indulge in privateering, 63;
Sea power, 1; 3; 5; 7; 9; 19; 96; under Elizabeth, 116-19; under James I, 129- 31; technical improvements in shipping, 129-31; and the Commonwealth, 134-5, 213-18; the Navigation Acts of 1650 and 1651, 215-18; battle of La Hogue, effects of, 285; from 1660 to 1763, 507-37 Sea, sovereignty of the, claims to, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, 195-204
Searle, Daniel, Parliamentary commissioner, made Governor of Barbados, 219; 233
Sears, Isaac, on the Stamp Act, 655 Sedgwick, Robert, Major, captures French ports in Acadia (1654), 231
Selden, John, and the salute of the flag, 201; his Mare Clausum, 203–5 Senecas, Red Indian tribe, 638 Senegal, 73; slave trade in, 438 seqq.; French capture_Dutch posts in, 446; rivalry with the French in, 446; capture of French forts in, 454, 479; the Province of Senegambia, 454-8; Senegal given back to the French, 457–8, 781; 704; 713 Senegambia, 443; province of, 454-8 Sestos, River of, English ship sunk by Portuguese in, 47
Seven Years' War, 9; in West Africa, 453- 4; 460-506; 527-34; 543 Seville, 42; 50; 76; 120; 125; 333 Seville, Treaty of (1729), restoration of Anglo-Spanish trade promised, 339; 376
Sewall, Samuel, 406; 797-9 Shaftesbury, Antony Cooper, Earl of, interested in the planting of Carolina, 7; 248; and the Council for Foreign Plantations, 269; 271; his denunciations of Rome, 312; 319
Shakespeare, William, references in works of, to overseas enterprises, 96-7 Sharpe, Horatio, Deputy Governor of Maryland, 468
Shelburne, William Petty, 2nd Earl of, and the government of Senegambia, 455; President of the Board of Trade, 640-1; 650; on the Stamp Act, 661; 662; 663; 666; resignation of, 667; 683; 694-97; 762; 767; 769–70; 772; 774; Ministry of, 775 seqq.; resignation of, 782 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 762; 768–9; 775
Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London, proposal of, for the creation of an American bishopric, 404
Ship money, 201
Shirley, Thomas, Captain, 457
Shirley, Sir Antony, attacks of, on West Indies, 126
Shirley, William, Governor of New Eng- land, 391; 418; 525; 630
Shute, Samuel, Colonel, Governor of Massachusetts, refused fixed salary by the Assembly, 388; 389; 417; 798 Sicily, 323; 546
Sidney, Sir Philip, helps to finance one of Raleigh's expeditions, 71; 108
Sierra Leone, 10; 11; visit of John Hawkins to, 48; Fenton calls at, 66; 237; English stations in, 438-9
Silesia, 371; 462; 476
Silva, Don Guzman de, Spanish ambassa- dor in England, protests against Hawkins's voyages, 49; charm of, 50 Siraj-ud-daula, Nawab of Bengal, 528 Sisargas Islands, 744-5
Six Nations, French and English contend for influence among, 248; friendly re- lations of, with the English, 391, 544, 638; legal position of, 545 Skenesborough, 728; 730 Skeritt, Maria, 346
Slavery, 4; 10; 19; John Hawkins and the slave trade, 47, 48; Gynney Com- pany's traffic in slaves, 139; 153; and the introduction of the sugar trade into the West Indies, 210, 379-80; exportation of slaves to the West Indies under Common- wealth, 237; slaving monopoly of African Company, 243, 336-7; and the popu- lation of the West Indian and North American colonies, 267; 305; the Asiento agreement, 328, 329, 333-45; Jamaica, centre of slave trade, 334, 338; and the social system of the West Indies, 380-3, 588; 401; 403; the West African slave trade, 437-54; growth of trade during Seven Years' War, 501; 570-1; 597; 791; 808; 813; 819-21
Sloughter, Henry, Colonel, Governor of New York for William III, 262; 417 Sluys, battle of, 119
Smith, Adam, 1; 9; 12; 13; 19; his estimate of Colbert, 308; and the export of capital, 594-5; and the colonies, 649-50, 652
Smith, Captain John, ultimate success of James Town settlement due to, 80; autocrat of colony, 81; hunts for whales, 89; exploring work of, 89; author of term "New England", 89; interest in the con- version of natives shown in his Generall Historie of Virginia, 110; 111; 113; 146
Smith, William, provost of Philadelphia College, and the privileges of the Assembly, 428
Smythe, Customer, father of Sir Thomas Smythe, 75
Smythe, Sir Thomas, connected with many
of the Elizabethan overseas enterprises, 75; Governor of Levant and East India Companies, 76; 77; treasurer of Virginia Company, 81, 82, 83; Governor of the Bermuda Company, 85; opposition of, to a breach with Spain, 140; ousted from treasurership of Virginia Company, 140; 150; 152
Society for the Promotion of the Explora- tion of the African interior, founded 1788, 459
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, request of, that intoxicating liquors be not sold to the Red Indians, 391; 404; and the promotion of Episcopalianism, 648;
Soissons, Congress of, 339
Solar, Bailli de, Sardinian minister in Paris, 495 Solomon Islands, 535
Somers, Sir George, second in command to Sir Thomas Gates, 83; 126
Somers Islands, see Bermudas Somersett, the case of, slavery declared illegal in England, 449
Sorel, Arnold driven back on, 725 South African War, 17
South Sea Bubble, 349; 362
Southampton, 23; trade with Guinea and Brazil, 28; decay of, due to Portuguese, 30; its trade with the Peninsula, 33; Henry Huttoft native of, 36; anxiety of, that colonies should be planted in America, 67
Southampton, Henry, 3rd Earl of, interest of, in colonisation, 78; finances Roe's expedition to the Amazon, 91; backs Raleigh's Guiana expedition, 138; 140; member of the Council of New England, 147
Southwell, Robert, promoter of Navigation Laws, 271
Southwold Bay, battle of (1672), 317 Sovereign of the Seas, first English three- decker, 129
Spain, 1; 2; 8; 9; 22; 25; 29; 30; 39; 41; English rivalry with, 32, 35, 37; charter granted to English merchants trading with, 33; alliance with, against France, 34; 53; 56; disturbed relations with, 58; convention of Bristol with, 59; 61; 63-9; Spanish fishermen seized by Bernard Drake off Newfoundland, 70; war with, 72; makes peace with France at Vervins, 75; Treaty of London with, 76, 128; 77; 78; 88; the Spanish market for fish, and the peace of 1604, 90; 96; 100; 105; hostility of English to, under James I, 111; 115; condition of navy of, before Armada, 117-19; supports Irish mal- contents, 119; the Armada, 121-2, and after, 123-5; and peace with the Dutch, 128; decline of, in seventeenth century, 132; war between Commonwealth and, 135; relations of, with England under James I and Charles I, 138-46; and the Providence Company's colonies in the West Indies, 166-7, 172-3; Alexan- der VI's grant to, 183-4; Treaty of Tordesillas between Portugal and (1494), 184; founds validity of title to colonial empire upon prior discovery, 184-5; treaty of Münster with the Netherlands (1648), 191; and the rights of aborigines, 192; and the sovereignty of the sea, 199; Spanish jurists of sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries, 202-5; relations with the Commonwealth, 225-30; Treaty of the Pyrenees, 229, 238; 312; treaties of 1667 and 1670 with England, English pos- sessions in America recognised by Spain, 315:318; and the Treaty of Ryswick, 321; the Partition Treaties, 322-3; the War of the Spanish Succession, 324-9; 330-45;
518-23; Anglo-Spanish war of 1718, 339, 546-7; 342-3; 354-58; the war with the Quadruple Alliance, 359-61, 547; 363-4; the alliance with Austria, 365-7; the Treaty of Seville, 339, 367; the Second Treaty of Vienna, 368; the Family Com- pact of 1733, 369; Don Carlos becomes King of Naples and Sicily, 368-9; the war of Captain Jenkins's Ear, 342-4, 370-1; accession of Ferdinand VI and the policy of his wife, 374; the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 376; and the Seven Years' War, 476, 480-1, 486 seqq.; 507; 524; 534-5; and neutral rights, 549; policy of, under Charles III, 686 seqq.; the affair of the Falkland Islands, 698- 703; negotiations with the North Ameri- can colonists, 709 seqq.; war with Portu- gal, 710; war with England (1779), 715, 743; and boundaries of United States, 770-1; peace negotiations, 772 seqq. Spanish Empire, 4; 31; English trade with, forbidden, 48; 67; 68; attacks of Drake and Grenville on, 73; English demand freedom of trade with, 76, 542; tobacco imported from Spanish Indies, 84; Drake's attacks on, 99-102; 111; 115; 126; trade with, and the Treaty of London, 128; annexation of Jamaica by Cromwell, 135, 229; Inter caetera and the Treaty of Tordesillas, 183-4; successive British attacks on, 225; Cromwell's attack on Spanish Main, 228-9; 305; and the Partition Treaties, 322-3; English trade with, 330-5; the Asiento agreement with England and the "annual ship", 336-45; South Sea Company's factors in Spanish American ports, 338; the obstacles put in the way of trade by local officials, 340; 685; revolts in, 688; Spanish claims to monopoly, 695 Spanish Succession, War of, 8; 9; 325-9; 518-23; 621-3
Spencer, C., and Captain Cook, 536 Spenser, William, 108
Spert, Thomas, voyage of, fails (1516), 28 Spes, Gueran de, succeeds de Silva as Spanish ambassador, 49; protests against English retention of Spanish treasure, 50 Spice trade, 26; 30; 32; 562
Spotswood, Alexander, urges contributory
organised defence upon the colonists, 390; Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, 393; and the manufacture of iron in Virginia, 394; 418; 635 Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 394 Squirrel, pinnace used by Gilbert, 106 Stamp Act, 299; 600; 631; Grenville's introduction of, 644-5; 653 seqq.; repeal of, 661; 693; 705
Stanislaus, exiled King of Poland, Louis XV marries daughter of, 366 Stanley, Hans, British envoy at Paris, 461; 490; 493; 495; 501
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.com.pk/books/content?id=uUNnAAAAMAAJ&output=html_text&pg=PA926&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&q=East+India+Company&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U0Y8zs5bds-qiacfqvA3L5XTQ3rVg&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=544,128,399,191)
Steuben, German officer with Washington, 738
Stewart, Rear-Admiral, 559
Stillwater, Burgoyne at, 73! "Stockholm Tar Company", 574 Stono Ferry, 743 Stony Point, 746
Stormont, Viscount, see Mansfield, 2nd Earl of
Story, American jurist, dissents from Blackstone, 194
Stowell, William Scott, Lord, 551; 553 Strachey, Henry, British envoy to Paris, 777 Strickland, Walter, Parliamentary envoy to the Hague, 222
Strong, John, Captain, at the Falkland Islands, 698
Strozzi, Philip, defeated by Admiral Santa Cruz, 63
Stuart, John, superintendent of Indian affairs, 636
Stukeley, Thomas, promoter of colonisa- tion, 54; betrays plans to Spaniards, 55; piracy of, 55, 56; speculates in Irish land, 57
Suarez, Francis, on the need for inter- national law, 205 Sudan, 16-17
Suffren, de Saint Tropez, Pierre André de, French admiral, 751; 756
Sugar, 10; 11; 19; 34; English ships bring, from Canaries, 33; important item in Barbary trade, 42; introduction of sugar industry to the West Indies, 182, 210; industry in West Indies, financed by Dutch capitalists during Civil War, 210; and the introduction of slave labour to the West Indies, 210, 380; thriving industry developed at Surinam, 231; makes for big estates, 241, 379-82; and the Navigation Acts, 273, 277-80; decline in trade in the eighteenth century, 379; Molasses Act, 381, 585-6; 567; 579-86; 593: 653; 660; French competition in the West Indies, 690; 813
Sullivan, American general, 734; 739-40 Sulu, island in the Philippines, 704 Sumter, Thomas, American general, 748 Superior, Lake, 546
Surat, capture of, 485
Surinam, colony founded from Barbados by Lord Willoughby (1651), 231; Richard Holdip appointed Governor by Parlia- ment, 231; sugar industry in, 231; surrenders to the Dutch in 1667, 242;
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