Newport, on Narragansett Bay, settlement of fugitives from Massachusetts at, 164; 396; 596; 718; 740; 748-9; 751-2 Newport, Sir Charles, commands expedi- tion to Virginia, 80
New York, city of, 599; congress of dele- gates in, condemns the Stamp Act, 656; capture of, by Howe, 722-3; 724 seqq.; Clinton at, 739; 748; Rodney at, 749; 751 seqq.
New York, colony of, 247; formerly part of the Dutch New Netherlands, captured in 1664, 251-2, 508; government of, under James, Duke of York, 253; the Revolu- tion of 1689 in, 261; 508; the governor- ship of Sloughter and the execution of Leisler, 262; 267; vice-admiralty courts in, 295, 298; disputes between governor and Assembly of, 386-9; 390-2; the Zenger case, 399-400; German emigra- tion to, 401-2, 575; Government of 1660-1753, 405, 410, 416, 421, 425, 427, 429, 431, 433, 435; 510-11; 515;,525; 596; currency in, 598; 639; and the Stamp Act, 655 seqq.; resistance of, to the Mutiny Act, 662; suspension of the Assembly, 664; 680; joins the rebellion, 681; and the Declaration of Independ- ence, 681; 719; loyalists in, 763; litera- ture and social life of, 784 seqq., 805-6, 809 New York Weekly Journal, published by Peter Zenger, 399
New Zealand, 234; Captain Cook at, 536 Niagara, seized by the French in 1720, 363;
Burnet's scheme for occupying, 390; 470; capture of, 483, 485; 637-8 Nicaragua, 166
Nicholas V, Pope, African grant of, to Portugal, 183
Nicholson, Sir Francis, Governor of New York for James II, rising against, 261; recommends the erection of vice-ad- miralty courts in the colonies, 287; Governor of South Carolina, 386, 393, 395, 418; 798
Nicolls, Richard, Colonel, takes New Amsterdam, 252; promoter of Navigation Acts, 271
Niger, River, 43; eighteenth century theories as to the source of, 453 Nigeria, 17
Nippissim, Lake, 777
Noailles, Maurice, Duc de, French com-
mander in the War of the Austrian Succession, 373
Noell, Martin, adviser to the Council of
State in colonial affairs, 215; 234; 271; 332; and colonial government, 612 Nombre de Dios, Spanish treasure ship, 99 Nootka Sound, 8; Captain Cook and, 536 Norfolk, Virginia, burning of, 681 Normandy, sailors from, participate in New- foundland fishing,29, explore tropics, 34; 45
Norris, Sir John, Commodore, 516 Norris, Sir John, with Drake in unsuccessfu attempt on Lisbon, 122 North, Lord, see Guildford
North, Roger, promoter of the Amazon Company, 139; and of the "Company for the Plantation of Guiana", 143 North-East Passage, Sebastian Cabot's scheme to discover, 39; expedition of Willoughby and Chancellor, 39-40; Gilbert and Jenkinson fail to interest Muscovy Company in, 57; Burghley interested in, 59; 95; general discrediting of, 104
Northington, Robert Henley, 1st Earl of, Lord Chancellor, 489; 659; 666
North Sea, 23; 32; 36; claims of James I and Charles I to exact fishing tolls from foreigners in, 130
Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of, revokes Hanse privileges, 38 North-West Passage, voyage of Sebastian Cabot, 27; 28; address of Robert Thorne the younger to Henry VIII on, 29; Frobisher's search for, 35; 41; voyage of John Davis in search of, 70; 95; 102; Frobisher's voyage in search of, 102-4; interest of Gilbert in, 105; 302; and the Hudson's Bay Company, 508-9; attempt of Cook to discover, 536 Norumbega, French trade in furs in, 78 Norway, 39; 195
Nova Scotia, 4; 26; colonising schemes of Alexander and Gordon, 153; hostility of France to, 154; Knights Baronets of Nova Scotia, 154; colonists of, occupy Port Royal, 154; Governor of, retains control over custom officials, 291; French settlements in, returned by the Treaty of Breda, 314; and the Treaty of Rys- wick, 321; and the Treaty of Utrecht, 328, 523; settlement of Halifax, 393; 415; colonial agent for, 434; 465; deportation of French settlers from, 470; 523; 543; 642; during the War of Independence, 719; 772; 776-8. See also Acadia Novaia Zemlia, Sir Hugh Willoughby at, 40
Noyes, Dr Oliver, 801
Nugent, Lady, her description of life in Jamaica, 819-20
Nymegen, Treaty of, 318; 320; 554 Nystad, Peace of (1721), 362
Occasional Conformity Act, 349
Oceana, of James Harrington, 606, 608; influence of, on constitutions of Carolina and Pennsylvania, 609–10; 612 Of National Characters, essay by David Hume, 629
Oglethorpe, James Edward, General, founder of Georgia, 8; 395-6
O'Hara, Charles, Colonel, first Governor of Senegambia, 455; 457; 704
Ohio, 393-4; French claims on, 465-8, 544; 641; 771-2 Old Providence, island off coast of Nica- ragua, Puritan settlement on, 166; cap- tured by Spaniards, 167 Oldmixon, John, historian, 603; 608; 627-8
Olive Branch, failure of, to carry supplies to Leigh in Guiana, 86; lands settlers on Windward Islands, 87
Olive Branch Petition, 682
Oliver, Thomas, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and the Whateley letters, 672
Omoa, Fort of, captured by the English,715 Ontario, Lake, 546
Ontario, Scottish settlers in, 266
Ordonnances, French, of 1533, 1543 and
1681, and neutral rights, 549 seqq., O'Reilly, Alexander, Spanish general, 700 Orinoco, River, 86; 87; Raleigh organises expedition to, 91; 109; 126
Orleans, Philip, Duke of, regent for Louis XV, 357; alliance of, with England, 360
Orpheus, H.M.S., and American privateers, 736
Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, Comte d', French admiral, 740-1; 744 Osborn, Henry, Vice-Admiral, 530 Ossun, Marquis de, French minister at Madrid, 701
Ostend, 124; damage done to English commerce by privateers from, 229-30 Oswald, Richard, his negotiations with Franklin, 770; 772 seqq.
Oswego, English fort established at (1727), 390, 470; fall of, 472
Otis, James, Boston lawyer, his attack on the Navigation Laws, 648; 656; 661; 666 Ouatanon, Fort, 637
Oxenham, John, comrade of Drake, 99 Oxford, 105
Oxford, Earl of, Robert Harley, and the Treaty of Utrecht, 327; President of the South Sea Company, 335, secures for it the Asiento agreement, 336; 624
Pacific, 11; 99; Drake sails in, 101, 115; trade monopoly in, 305; Captain Cook in, 535-6
Paine, Thomas, his Common Sense, 683 Palatinate, the, 141
Palliser, Sir Hugh, Admiral, served under Keppel, 741; 743
Palmerston, Henry, 3rd Viscount, 21 Panama, 99; the Darien scheme, 324; silver
from Peru taken across Isthmus of, 333; South Sea Company's factory at, 338 Papacy, and Elizabeth and Philip, 120; its grants of barbarian lands to Spain and Portugal, 183-5
Pará, 143.
Paravicini, 108
Pardo, Convention of the, fails to settle the trade dispute in Spanish America, 339 Paris, Treaty of (1763), 186; 346; 454; 485-506; 535; 543; 630
Parke, Daniel, Governor of the Leeward Islands, 378; murder of, 409; 417; 520 Parker, Hyde, Admiral, his engagement with the Dutch, 756–7 Parker, Sir Peter, Admiral, 722
Parker, William, attacks of, on West Indies, 126
Parkhurst, Antony, 60; describes fitness of Newfoundland for colonisation, 73; 89 Parliamentary Commissioners for the Plan- tations, grant charter to Providence, Rhode Island, 164
Parma, Duke of, captures Antwerp, 119; and the Armada, 122
Passarowitz, Peace of (1718), 358
Paterson, William, leader of the Darien expedition, 324, 620-2
Patiño, Spanish minister, 332; 339; death of, 369
Payne, collector of customs in Maryland, murder of, 284
Peckham, Sir George, 62; and plan for settling recusants in North America, 66; 68; 69; 70; 90; 208 Pelham, Henry, 460; 464
Pelican, Drake sails in, 100
Pemaquid, claimed by Massachusetts, 388 Pemberton, Benjamin, 291
Pembroke, Philip, Earl of, and of Mont- gomery, grant of West Indian Islands to, 145; 171 Penang, II
Penn, Richard, and the Olive Branch Petition, 682
Penn, William, Quaker, takes over Byllyng's claims in New Jersey, 254; James II's friendship for, 254; the grant of Pennsyl- vania in exchange for debts owed him by the Crown, 255; his "Frame of Govern- ment", 255; his relations with the Indians, and the foundation of Phila- delphia, 255, 544; rights suspended at accession of William III, 263; on the creation of the vice-admiralty courts, 287; his dispute with Robert Quary, 297; 298; 385; and slavery, 401; political beliefs of, 608; his "Holy Experiment",
Penn, Sir William, sea commander of expedi- tion against Spanish Main (1655), 218– 19; sent to Tower, 229 Pennington, Sir John, admiral under Charles I, 132
Pennoyer, William, adviser to the Council of State, in colonial affairs, 215 Pennsylvania, 247; the proprietary grant to William Penn in 1681, 254-5; customs officials in, 292, 297, 299; 385; 390;
objection of inhabitants of, to use of "carnal weapons", 392, 636-9; 398-9; Speaker of, 425; privilege of the Assembly, 428; 429; 596-8; inhabitants of, refuse to use the ballot, 608; constitution of, 609- 10; right of Parliament to tax, 654; and the Stamp Act, 655; and the Declaration of Independence, 684; literature and social life in, 784, 808-9
Pennsylvania Gazette, founded by Benjamin Franklin, 399
Pensacola, port in Florida, 694; 709; 756 Penzance, burnt by Amerola, 124 Pepper, Wyndham's expedition seeks for, 43
Pepperell, Lieut.-General, 525
Pepys, Samuel, 300; 515
Pequots, war between Connecticut settlers and, 165
Perpetual Parliament, The, of George Wither, 608
Persia, visited by Anthony Jenkinson, 41; 65
Peter I, Czar of Russia, 301; 346; 354; 358 Peter III, Czar of Russia, withdraws from Seven Years' War, 494
Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, 3rd Earl of, 519
Petersburg, Russia, 361 Petersburg, U.S.A., 753
Pett, Phineas, designs ships, 129
Petty, Sir William, on the underpopulation of England, 564
Peyton, Edward, Commodore in the East Indies, 526
Philadelphia, foundation of, 255; salary of customs collector at, 293; vice-admiralty court at, 299; 599; 601; reception of Stamp Act in, 653; the Continental Congress at, 676; 724-9; occupied by General Howe, 734; evacuated by Clinton, 738, 766; described by Burnaby, 808
Philip, Archduke of Austria, his treaty with
Henry VII, the Intercursus Magnus, 198 Philip II, King of Spain, 30; approves of Muscovy Company, 40, 41; insists on prohibition of Guinea trade, 44; 45; refuses to permit English trade with Spanish colonies, 48; arrests all English property in his dominions, 50; 58; 59; 61; becomes King of Portugal in 1580, 63, 115; allegiance abjured by United Provinces, 64; 70; 103; 107; 112; 117; 119; and the Armada and after, 121-5; death of, 125; compelled to strike flag by Lord William Howard, 197 Philip III, King of Spain, 85; 125; and the Treaty of London, 128; 172; 187 Philip IV, King of Spain, 226; refuses to allow liberty of worship to Englishmen, 227
Philip V, King of Spain, 325-7; 356; 365
Philippe le Bel, King of France, 120 Philippines, Spanish trade restrictions in, 305; 704
Phillips, William, Major-General, served with Burgoyne, 730
Phipps, Sir William, of Boston, captures Port Royal in Acadia, 511; 514 Picardy, Parma's victories in, 125 Pierce, John, site of New Plymouth granted to, 153, 157
Pigot, Sir Robert, 739-40 Pinckard, Dr, 820-1
Pinteado, Antonio, Portuguese renegade, sails with Wyndham to Guinea coast, 43 Piracy, 5; 33; 35; 42; 51; against Spain, under James I, 88; 129; abortive attempt of Mansell against pirates of Algiers, 130; 142; and the sovereignty of the sea, 195-6; the buccaneers on the Spanish Main, 245-6, 332-7; Bahamas centre of, 284; 517; 811-12
Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham, 226; 263; contrasted with Walpole, 346; his opinion of the importance of trade, 348; 370; and the Seven Years' War, 460-506, 527-8, 530-1, 590; 634; 641; 658; on the taxation of the colonies, 659; the Pitt- Grafton ministry, 663, 666; resignation of, 667; return to public life, 668; and the Boston Tea Party, 674; 680; 685 seqq.; 761-2; 764-6; death of, 767
Pitt, William, the younger, 762; 768-9; his motion for Parliamentary Reform, 770; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 775 Pittsburg, formerly Fort Duquesne, 479; 634; 638
Placentia, in Newfoundland, 384; 393; 514; 519; 522
Plassey, battle of, 476; 529
Plate, River, 58; and the Asiento agree- ment, 328
Plowden, on the sovereignty of the sea, 199 Plymouth, 28; 33; William Hawkins and,
36, 42; John Hawkins sails from, 49; 70; Sir Ferdinando Gorges governor of, 78; 98; 100; return of Golden Hind to, 115; and the Armada, 121-2; the departure of the Mayflower from, 157; 516; Franco- Spanish plot to burn, 691 Plymouth Colony, founding of, 80 Pocock, Sir George, Admiral, in India, 529 Point Comfort, 168
Pointis, Jean-Bernard, Baron de, French seaman, 516
Polaroon, see Pulo Run
Polish Succession, War of, 351; 353 Pompadour, Jeanne-Antoinette, Marquise de, 468; 471; 480; 489
Pondicherry, restored to France, by the terms of the Treaty of Ryswick, 321; 486; capture of, 489; 525; 529–30; 713; restored to France, 781
Pontanus, Dutchman, in employ of King of Denmark, reply of, to Selden, 204 Pontiac, Ottawa chief, 638; 641 Poole, 516
Popham, Edward, becomes Lord High Admiral (1649), 133
Popham, Sir Francis (Captain), 126 Popham, Sir John, advocate of emigration,
78; on the emigration of undesirables, 112 Population, increase of, during Tudor period, 36; England held to be over- populated under Elizabeth, 69; war with Spain provides outlet for surplus popu- lation, 73; surplus population under James I, 111-12, 136, 234; England held, after Revolution of 1688, to be under- populated, 564
Porte, Sublime, and extra-territoriality, 2 Portland, 121
Portland, William, 3rd Duke of, 769; 779 Port Louis, in the le de France (Mauritius), 525
Port Mahon, in Minorca, 322; Marlborough urges capture of, 326; 521 Portobello, great fair at, 333; South Sea Company's factory at, 338
Porto Rico, John Rut touches at, 28; Grenville fortifies himself at, 71; con- quest of, by Earl of Cumberland, 126; 228; 333; 520; pacific blockade of, 547; 779
Portolano, pilot's chart, 24
Port Royal, French colony in Acadia, 86; captured by Scots from Nova Scotia, 154; restored by the Treaty of St Ger- main-en-Laye (1632), 155; 333; 415; capture of, by Phipps, 511; 522 Port Royal, in Jamaica, destruction of by fire, 382; 512
Port Royal, in South Carolina, Scottish settlement at, 250 Portsmouth, blockaded by French in 1545, 34; fortified by William Hawkins, 36; Franco-Spanish plot to burn, 691; Aitken's attempt on, 707
Portsmouth, on Narragansett Bay, settle- ment of fugitives from Massachusetts at, 164
Portsmouth, Va., 753
Portugal, exploration of African coast, 23– 25; Bristol trade with, 27; 29; 34; 41; 43; 46; and the Antwerp staple, 30; English hatred of, 32, 35, 37; rivalry with, in Guinea and Brazil trade, 33, 44-9; claims monopoly of Barbary trade, 42; better relations with, 50; 53; 56; 59; disputed succession, 63; 65; 88; Portuguese fishermen off Newfoundland seized by Bernard Drake, 70; 73; 76; 90; Philip II of Spain becomes King of, 115; conquest of, by Alva, 115; source of weakness to Philip, 120; 127; contests of English East Indiamen with Portuguese, 131;
revolt of, from Spain, 132; treaty of, with the Commonwealth, 135; Nicholas V's African grant to; 183; Treaty of Torde- sillas between Spain and, 184; treaty of Edward IV with, 184; 192; patronises Prince Rupert, 221, 230, 223; Anglo- Portuguese agreements of 1642, and of 1654, 230; gravitation of, toward Eng- land, 300; ally of England in the War of the Spanish Succession, 325; 332; Asiento contract in hands of Portuguese, 333; Don Antonio and English trade with Portuguese Africa, 438; 550; 628; policy of Choiseul and Grimaldi towards, 692; war with Spain, 710
Pory, John, secretary in Virginia, 113 Postage, service in North America, 399 Postlethwayt, Malachy, 571; 579 Potomac, River, 401
Povey, Thomas, West India merchant, chairman of the Committee for the West Indies (1657), 234; promoter of Naviga- tion Acts, 271; and colonial government, 612-13
Powell, Captain John, in employ of Courteen Brothers, annexes Barbados, 144
Powell, Henry, re-establishes Courteen régime in Barbados, 171
Powell, John, the younger, Governor of Barbados in the Courteen interest, 171; expelled by Hawley, an emissary of Lord Carlisle, 172
Pownall, Thomas, colonial governor, 631; 649-50
Poynings's Law, application of, to Virginia and Jamaica, 406-7, 422; 624
Pragmatic Sanction, 353; 364; guaranteed by the Second Treaty of Vienna, 368 Prague, victory of Frederick the Great at,
![[blocks in formation]](,895,396,96)
Primogeniture, promotes piracy and colonies, 98
Primrose, hired from Royal Navy, by Wyndham for Guinea expedition, 43 Prince Frederick, voyage of, 339
Prince Royal, constructed by Phineas Pett, 129
Prince Rupert's Land, 509 Princeton, New Jersey, University of, 399; battle of, 726
Prince William, one of the "annual ships" to Spanish America, 340 Privateering, 33; attacks on Spaniards, Flemings and Portuguese during French war (1545), 35; William Hawkins and, 36, 42; 50; 65; during war with Spain, 72; slump in, under James I, 88; 101; joint-stock companies for the financing of, 116; 123; 126; forbidden by Treaty of
London, 128; under foreign flags, 138; the "Gynny" Company take to, 140; 142; in international law, 188-9, 554; 230; 515-17; 531; 558-60; during the American War of Independence, 713, 714-15, 719, 721, 736; 811-12; 816 Privy Council, 29; 37; prohibits West African trade (1555), 44; 58; 59; 61; 70; 74; 77: 138-9; 147; colonial policy of, under Charles I, 148; special committee of, to consider the reform of the govern- ment of Virginia, 150; 167; committees of, set up to deal with colonial questions, 176; permanent board set up, "Lords Commissioners for Plantations in General" (1634), 177; committees of, dealing with trade and plantations in the latter half of the seventeenth century, 268-70; and enforcement of the Navigation Acts, 283, 296, 297; defiance of, by Jamaica, 337; and colonial independence, 386, 389; relations between, and the colonies (1666-1753), 405-37, 583-4
Prize Courts, 538; 549 seqq.
Providence, island of, in the West Indies, 166-7, 225; conquered by Spain, 227; 781; 813
Providence, on Narragansett Bay, settle- ment of fugitives from Massachusetts at, 164; 596
Province of Avalon, 168; 169
Prussia, ally of England in the War of the Spanish Succession, 325; enemy, in the War of the Austrian Succession, 371-6; 461-4; 469; the Convention of West- minster, 471; and the Seven Years' War, 475 seqq.; and contraband, 550 Pudsey, John, Southampton merchant, engaged in the Brazil trade, 36 Pulo Run (Polaroon), English driven out of, 306; restored by the Treaty of Breda, 314
Purchas, Samuel, 126
Puritans, 4; emigration of, 136-8; 565; colonies of, in North America, 156-66; unsuccessful settlements of, in West Indies, 166-7; 604; influence of their political thought on America, 610 seqq. Pury, John Peter, leader of Swiss immi- grants to Carolina, 402
Purysburg, Swiss settlement in South Carolina, 402
Pym, John, treasurer of the Providence Company, 166; appointed to a Parlia- mentary committee, to consider a West India association, 179; 225
Pyrenees, Treaty of the, terms of, 229; and the right of search, 557
Quadruple Alliance (1718), 360-1 Quary, Robert, judge of the vice-admiralty courts in Philadelphia, 287; Surveyor- General of America, 293; his controversy with Penn, 297
Quebec, founded by Champlain in 1606, 74; captured by Kirke, 154; returned by the Treaty of St Germain-en-Laye, 155; 248; 415; 479; capture of, 482-3; expedition of Phipps against, 512; 522; capture of (1759), 530-4; 642; American assault on repulsed, 720
Quebec Act, 677-8; 680; 708-9; 771 Querist, The, by Bishop Berkeley, 627 Quibbletown, 729
Quiberon, sea fight off, 483; 485; 533 Quincy, Josiah, Speaker of the South Carolina Commons House of Assembly,
Radisson, Pierre Esprit, explorer in pay of Prince Rupert, 508
Raleigh, Carew, brother of Sir Walter, 62 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 56; secures permission from Queen for Gilbert's last expedition, 67; 70; sells John White licence to found a colony in Virginia, 71; interest of, in colonisation flags, 74; forfeits Queen's favour, 74; financial difficulties of, 75; 78; 87; 91; failure of expedition to Guiana, 92, 138; 96; summary of life and character, 108-11; 113; 117; serves under Howard at Cadiz, 124-5, 126; notes improvements in shipping, 131;208 Rall, Hessian commander at Trenton, 726
Ramea, island of, Bretons hunt walruses on, 73; attempt of Leigh on, 74; 86 Randolph, Edward, collector of customs in Massachusetts, 259, 275; on the Planta- tions Act of 1699, 279; largely responsible for the annulment of the Massachusetts Bay charter, 284; and the illegal trade with Scotland, 285; recommends the erection of vice-admiralty courts, 287; 288; Surveyor-General of New England, 293; his proposals for a more rigid control of customs, 296; 510; 569 Raritan River, 724; 726
Rastell, John, unsuccessful voyage of, 28 Ratcliffe, John, 112
Rayneval, Gérard de, and the peace of 1783, 776, 778-9
Ready and Easy Way to establish a Free Com- monwealth, by John Milton, 611
Redge, Rowland, Major, succeeds Warner as Governor of St Christopher, 212; his policy of neutrality in the Civil War, 212 Red Sea, 17; 65
Redruth, fishing merchants of, 74 Reformation, 3; 23; 32; 33; 37; 52 Renaissance, 22; 93
Reneger, Robert, Southampton merchant engaged in the Brazil trade, 36 Rensselaerswyk, 251
Revenge, 117; only ship lost in war with Spain, 118; 123
Revolution of 1688, 5; 7; effect of, in America, 260-3, 614
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