his Mare Liberum, 199; 206; his De jure belli ac pacis, 199-206, 548; 540-1; 553; and contraband, 555 Guadeloupe, 302; 482; capture of, 483; 485; 490; 491-2; restored to France at the Peace of Paris, 502-4, 591; 513-14; 519-20; trade of, with North American colonies, 582; 691; 692
Guerchy, Claude de, French ambassador in London, 695
Guiana, Raleigh's attempt in, 74, 75; English, Dutch and French in, 86; Leigh's settlement in, 86, 87; tobacco grown in, 86; Harcourt formally an- nexes, 87; unable to attract capital, 88; Roe in, 91; Raleigh interested in, 109- 10; Raleigh's unsuccessful expedition to, 113, 138; "The Company for the Planta- tion of Guiana", 145; 156; and the Treaty of Utrecht, 328; the Kourou disaster, 689 Guichen, Luc-Urbain, Comte de, French
naval officer, 746; Rodney's actions against, 749; 757
Guildford, Francis North, 2nd Earl of, and
the North American colonies, 668-9; and the tea duty, 673; 674; 680; 698; 720; fall of, 759; 764 seqq.; the Fox-North coalition, 782
Guildford, American defeat at, 752 Guinea, English trade with, under Henry
VIII, 28, 41, under Mary and Elizabeth, 35, 44; friction with Portuguese in, 33, 47; John Hawkins and the Slave Trade with, 47, 48, 49; deserted by English for Caribbean, 50; 59; claimed by Spain under terms of Bull Inter caetera, 183; secured to Portugal by treaty of Torde- sillas, 184; African Company seizes part of coast of, 311; 438 seqq. Guipuzcoa, intention of Louis XIV to annex, 323
Guisnes, M. de, French ambassador in London, 703
Gulliver's Travels, 354; and colonisation, 623 Gunter, Edmund, applies Napier's loga- rithms to navigation, 131
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 189 Guy, John, promoter of colony of New- foundland, 90, 146; 147; opposition of, to Sandys's free fishing bill, 148
Habeas Corpus Act, suspension of, in 1720, 349
Haddock, Admiral, 343
Hague Tribunal and fishing rights in territorial waters, 543
Hakluyt, Richard, 43; author of Principal Navigations, 44; advocate of colonisa- tion, 67; 70; urges Raleigh to persevere, 71; 75; 78; assists in drawing up the Virginia charter, 79; 90; 96; great influence of, 114; his Discourse of Western Planting, 114; quotation from works of, 121; 126; 208
Halifax, George, 2nd Earl of, 634-5; 640-1 Halifax, Nova Scotia, vice-admiralty court at, 299; foundation of, 393; colonial agent of, 434; 466; 531
Hamburg, 2; 64; trade of, with Greenland, 315; merchants of, eager to subscribe to the Scotland Company, 324 Hamilton, Alexander, 657
Hamilton, Andrew, counsel for Zenger, 400 Hamilton, Lord Archibald, Governor of Jamaica, 378, 386
Hamilton, James, 3rd Marquis of, head of the syndicate of the "Lords Proprietors and Adventurers" of Newfoundland, 181; takes 6000 men to the assistance of Gustavus Adolphus, 189
Hancock, John, wealthy Boston patriot and smuggler, 666
Hanover, effects of union with, on English policy, 350-1, 354; the Treaty of West- minster (1716) and, 356; the Treaty of Hanover and, 366; acquires Verden and Bremen, 359, 361; influence of Hano- verian ambitions on the Second Treaty of Vienna, 368; and the War of the Austrian Succession, 372-3; and the Seven Years' War, 460, 463, 470-3, 476-8; 482; 506
Hanover, Treaty of (1726), 366
Hanover Militia, Patrick Henry at the head of, 681
Hansa, extra-territorial privileges of, 2; 22; 31; 32; friendship between Henry VIII and, 38; privileges revoked in 1552, 38; restored by Mary, 38; expulsion of, from London in 1598, 39; in Russia, 40; 51; * rivalry of, with English in Iceland fisheries, 60
Harcourt, Robert, formally annexes Guiana, 87; unable to raise capital, 88; 139; promoter of the "Company for the Plantation of Guiana", 143
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of, and the Seven Years' War, 477; 486; 488; 493; 499; 504
Hardy, Sir Charles, Admiral, succeeds Keppel, 744
Hardy, Josiah, recall of, 417
Hariot, Thomas, Raleigh's mathematical expert, 110; 113
Harman, Sir John, Admiral, 508 Harrington, James, and the government of the colonies, 606 seqq. Harrison, William, 107
Hartford, Connecticut, first settlement at, 163
Harvard, University of, 399, 796-7; 800 Haslerig, Sir Arthur, member of the
standing committee for trade and foreign affairs, set up in 1651, 215
Hastenbeck, Cumberland driven from, 476 Hastings, Warren, 11; and the war of 1778, 713; 756
Hatton, Sir Christopher, sails with Drake (1577), 100
Havana, 123; 125; 322; 333; South Sea Company's factory at, 338; capture of, in 1762, 498, 535
Hawke, Admiral, Edward, Lord, victories of, in 1746, 376; his victory at Quiberon Bay, 485; and Captain Cook, 536; 547; 735 Hawkins, John, son of William, marries
daughter of Benj. Gonson, 35; in- augurates Guinea slave trade, 47-8; attacked by Spaniards, 49; 51; visits French colonists in Florida, 56; 98; 107; and the Armada, 122; 124; 199 Hawkins, Sir Richard, shipwright expert, 117; and the Falkland Islands, 698 Hawkins, William, of Plymouth, pioneer in Guinea trade, 33; Brazil ventures of, 33, 36; 42; 43; death of, 47 Hawkins, William, the younger, 36 Hawley, Henry, Captain, sent out to re- establish Carlisle's claims to Barbados, 172; joins the Warwick faction, and in- troduces representative government, 174 Hayti, 166
Head of Elk, Howe at, 729; 733 Heath, Sir Robert, Attorney-General under Charles I, scheme of, to establish colonies south of Virginia, 169 Heathcote, Caleb, 805 Hedges, Sir Charles, judge of the High
Court of Admiralty, authorised to erect vice-admiralty courts in the colonies, 296 Heemskerk, Dutch admiral, victory of, over Spaniards in Gibraltar Bay, 128 Heinsius, 322; 327.
Hell Gate Channel, 723
Henrietta, island, Puritan settlement on, 166
Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, delay in paying dowry of, 155 Henry V, King of England, statute of, regarding reprisals, 188
Henry VII, King of England, 3; 22; 25; gives Cabot patent, 27; and the Hanse- atic League, 31, 32; treaties of, with Spain and the Netherlands, 48; 52; 116; disregards the Bull Inter caetera, 184; and the Intercursus Magnus, 198; 207 Henry VIII, King of England, encourages expeditions to the North-West, 28; 29; and the Navy, 31; 32; grants charter to Spanish Company, 33; 35; friendship of, for Hanseatic League, 38; 41; 50; 52; 65; 88; 96; 177; 238
Henry II, King of France, supports tropical enterprises, 34; 54
Henry III, King of France, 190 Henry IV, King of France, assisted by Elizabeth, against the Catholic League, 120; 124; makes peace with Spain, 125; 187; allows French soldiers to enter service of the United Provinces, 189
Henry, eldest son of James I, interested in Guiana, 87; comment of, on imprison- ment of Raleigh, 113
Henry, Patrick, and the clergy of Virginia, 649; 787; and the Stamp Act, 655; and the Gaspée affair, 672; 681 Henry the Navigator, 24 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 95 Herrings, see under Fisheries
Hervey, John, Lord, his sneers at the clergy, 349; his praise of Walpole, 362 Hessian troops, 683; 720; 726; and Bur- goyne's surrender, 732
Hickman, Anthony, partner of Edward Castlyn in the Canary trade, 35; 43; 44 High Court of Admiralty, 32; 42; 47 Hill, John, General, 523
Hillsborough, Viscount, see Downshire, Marquis of
Hilton, Anthony, planter on Nevis, 172 Hispanicae Advocationis, by Albericus Gen- tilis, 203
Hispaniola, Hawkins sells negroes in, 48; 71; 77; landing of Venables and Penn at, 228; 332; 515
History of the World, Raleigh's, 113 Hobkirk's Hill, 753
Hochkirch, battle of, 478
Hodges, Cornelius, explores the interior of Senegambia, 443
Holdernesse, Robert D'Arcy, 4th Earl of, 489
Holdip, Captain Richard, appointed Governor of Surinam, 231
Holmes, Charles, Rear-Admiral, and the capture of Quebec, 532
Holmes, Sir Robert, Admiral in charge of expedition to Guinea Coast, 441; 508 Honduras, 8; 246; 382; 384; 487; 692;
Hood, Samuel, 1st Viscount, Admiral, 750; 754-5; 757-8
Hooker, Richard, 619
Hooker, the Rev. Thomas, leader of the emigration from Massachusetts to Con- necticut, 163
Hopkins, Stephen, Governor of Rhode Island, 812
Hotham, William, 1st Baron, Admiral, 740-1
Howard, Charles, Lord of Effingham, Lord High Admiral, tactics of, July 1588, 121; defeat of the Armada, 122; 123; capture of Cadiz, 124-5; Earl of Nottingham, 129; guilty of negligence, resigns, 129 Howard, Francis, Lord of Effingham, Governor of Virginia (1684-9), extor- tionate practices of, 257
Howard, Lord Thomas, in Cadiz expedi- tion (1596), 124
Howard, Sir Thomas, expedition of, to the Azores, 123
Howard, William, Lord of Effingham, 197 Howe, Richard, 1st Earl, British admiral, 736; 739-40; 759; 763
Howe, William, 5th Viscount, American campaign of, 721; capture of New York, 722-3; 724 seqq.; and the Saratoga disaster, 728-32; victory of, at Brandy- wine, 733-4; 735 seqq.; 760; 763 Hubbardtown, 730
Hübner, Danish jurist, 552
Hudson, Henry, commands Dutch ex- ploring expeditions, 86; 108 Hudson Bay, 108; and the Treaty of Utrecht, 264; 508-9; 523; 545; 576. See also Company, Hudson's Bay
Hudson River, Dutch at mouth of, 128; foundation of the colony of New Am- sterdam at, 153; 156; 165; 723 Hudson Strait, Frobisher at, 104; 509 Hughes, Sir Edward, Admiral, in the East Indies, 756
Huguenots, 33; 34; 35; colonial enter-
prises of, 54-6; 67; 97; assisted by Elizabeth, 120; 189; 226-7 Humber, River, 119
Hume, David, 629-30; 761 Hunt, Captain of H.M.S. Tamar, at the Falkland Islands, 699
Hunter, Robert, Governor of Jamaica, 383; governor of New York, 386-8 Huron, Lake, 391
Hutchinson, Thomas, Lieutenant-Governor
of Massachusetts, 655; succeeds Bernard as Governor, 670; and the Whateley letters, 672; and the Boston Tea Party, 674; 675
Hutchinson, Mrs Ann, leader of opposition to Boston oligarchy, expelled, 164; 796
Huttoft, Henry, Levant trader builds second Great Harry, 36 Hyder Ali, 714-15; 756
Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, Sieur d', Cana-
dian seaman, 516; 519; 545 Iceland, decay of, fishing trade, 60; 195 Idiaquez, secretary to Philip II of Spain, 125
Île de France, see Mauritius
Île St Jean, Prince Edward Island, 315 Illinois County, 772
Illinois River, La Salle explores, 544 Imperial Conferences, 17; 20 Inchiquin, William, 2nd Earl of, Governor of Jamaica, 405
India, 4; 8; 11; 12; 16; 17; 19; 65; 183; Anglo-Portuguese agreement of 1654, 230; 303-4; Dutch strive for monopoly in, 305-6; foundation of the French East India Company, 310; 317; Treaty of Ryswick and, 321; 323; 376; Plassey, 476; 483; Wandewash, 485; 489; ac- quisition of Bombay, 508; 525-6; 529- 30; 548; war with French in (1778), 713;
war with Hyder Ali, 715, 756; and the Peace of Versailles (1783), 779-81. See also under France, and Company, East India
Indians, unfriendly to early settlers in Virginia, 80, 81, 82, 84; of Guiana, trade with, 86, 87; great sickness among, 157- 8; extermination of the Pequots, 165; frontier war with, in Virginia (1644), 180-1; Penn's relations with, 299; of Moskito, friendly relations of, with Eng- lish, 167, 383; war with, in Carolina, 386, 390; English relations with the Six Nations, 248, 391, 544, 638; and the war of 1754, 392, 394; intelligent treatment of, by the French, 465; legal position of, 191-4, 544-5; 635; 638; Indian reserves, 641-3; Choiseul's agents among, 693; with Burgoyne, 729; 788
Industrial Revolution, 11; 12; 37 Ingersoll, Jared, Colonial agent for Con- necticut, and the Stamp Act, 645-6 Inquisition, 33; 35
Inter caetera, Bull of Alexander VI, 183-4 Intercursus Magnus between Henry VII and
the Archduke Philip (1496), 187-8; and the sovereignty of the sea, 198, 200 International law, and claims to colonial possessions under Elizabeth and James I, 185-8; and neutrality, 189-90, 548 seqq.; and the rights of aborigines, 191-4; and the sovereignty of the sea, 195-204; 538- 43; and contraband, 554 seqq.; and blockade, 555 seqq.; and the right of search, 557 seqq.
Ireland, 5; 12; 23; colonisation undertaken in, 56; army in, 73; 105; 113; mal- contents in, supported by Spain, 119; 120; wreck of Catholic armada, sent to help rebel earls in, 125; campaign of Cromwell in, 133; growing of tobacco forbidden in (1621), 149; attempt of Cromwell to force emigration from, to the West Indies, 236; and the Navigation Laws, 279-81, 284-5, 287-8, 573; 514; 608; Swift and, 623-4; 682; and the American War of Independence, 762, 769-70
Iroquois, Jesuit intrigues among, 510; 522; 543; acknowledge themselves subjects of England, 544; 634
Isabella, Queen of Castile, 25; 192 Italy, 2; 22; 24; 30; 68; settlement of Utrecht and, 359; the terms of the Treaty of Seville (1729) with regard to, 367
Ivan the Terrible, welcomes Muscovy Company, 40
Ivory, trade in, with African coast, 33, 43, 237; 34
Jacobites, emigration of, to colonies, 236; 348-9; 360; 362; in Barbados and New York, 385; 510; 531
Jamaica, 56; 77; seizure of, by Venables and Penn, 229; conditions in the early colony, 232; undesirable nature of early colonists, 236; under Charles II, 244-6; 268; Navigation Acts not a grievance in, 282; naval officers in, 290; 293; governor of, refuses aid to Darien settlers, 324; Central American trade of, 330-4; 382; 689; quarrels between, and the South Sea Company, 336-7; centre of the slave trade, 334, 338; and the annual ship, 340-1; disputes with Home Government, 337; 377-8; sugar plantations in, 379 81; social conditions in, 381-3; slavery in, 380-3, 588; Government of 1660- 1763, 405-7, 410, 412, 416, 421, 424-9, 431, 433, 435-6; 507; 512-15; 519-20; 570; 582; 593; made free port, 601, 660; 682; 758; 768; 813; 815 seqq. James I, King of England, 53; 57; 75; 87;
88; fads of, 108; 127; constant inclina- tion of, towards Spaniards, 111; timid pedantry of, 128; toadying of, to Spain, 129; 130; 136 seqq.; 154; 156; 176; and the title to colonial domains, 185, 187; forbids belligerent acts within home waters, 190, 540; claims sovereignty of the English seas, 198-201; particular monopolies under, 214
James II, King of England, as Duke of York, a leading member of the African Company, 7, 311; and the conquest of Dutch North America, 252; makes over New Jersey to Berkeley and Carteret, 252-3; his colonial policy, as pursued in New York, 253; his friendship with Penn and the Quakers, 254; his creation of the "Dominion of New England", 260; his policy of religious toleration, 253, 260; his fall and its repercussions in the colonies, 260-3, 447, 510; supporter of Navigation Acts, 271; 319; 320; attempt of Louis XIV to restore, 320; and the Navy, 507
James IV, King of Scotland, naval policy of, 265
James Edward, Prince, the Old Pretender, 348; 365
James Fort, English station in Gambia, 446-8; 781
James Town, first settlement of, 80; 86; 89; 156
Japan, 25; 26; Colbert and, 309; English trade with, largely lost to the Dutch, 315 Jay, John, 771; 775-9 Jeaffreson, J. C., 813-14
Jefferson, Thomas, 652; 650-7; and the
Gaspée affair, 672; his Summary View, 679; 684; 784; 79!
Jenkins, Captain, 225, 339, 342-4, 370-1 Jenkinson, Anthony, servant of Muscovy Company, travels of, in Asia, 41;
interested in North-East Passage, 57; presents memorial, with Humphrey Gilbert, to Muscovy Company, 57 Jessop, William, secretary of Providence Company, 226
Jesus of Lübeck, warship, sold by Hansa to Henry VIII, 31
Jesus, Society of, missionaries of, in North America, taken prisoner by Samuel Argall, 86; unsuccessful opposition of members of, to religious freedom in Maryland, 170; missions of, to North American Indians, 303; their policy of Indian segregation broken by Colbert, 311; their assistance of the French in North America, 393, 403, 510; com- mercial speculations of, 690; expulsion of members of, from Spain, 695
Jews, of Morocco, 42; expelled from Brazil and Cayenne, settle at Surinam, 231 Johannes ffornandus, exports goods from Bristol to Lisbon, 27
John, King of England, right of search in English waters claimed in time of, 118; and the striking of the flag, 196 John IV, King of Portugal, leads revolt of Portuguese against Spain, alliance of, with Charles I, 230
Johnson, Samuel, his comparison of Wal- pole and the elder Pitt, 346; and the French annexation of Corsica, 697 Johnson, Sir William, and the Six Nations, 638
Johnson and Graham's Lessees v. McIntosh, 545
Johnston, Gabriel, Governor of North Carolina, 395
Johnstone, George, Commodore, Governor of West Florida, 705; expedition of, against Cape of Good Hope, 756 Joint-stock companies, made their appear- ance in 1553, 25; 32; Company for discovery of North-East Passage, 39; Muscovy Company, first chartered joint- stock company, 41; 52; for privateering ventures, 116; for financing the Mayflower Pilgrims, 157; the Act of 1720 and the colonies, 594
Jones, Paul, American privateer, 715-16 Juan Fernandez, 535
Judd, Sir Andrew, Spanish trader, 36; grandfather of Sir Thomas Smythe, 75 Judith, Francis Drake escapes in the, 49 Julius II, Pope, confirms treaty of Torde- sillas, 184
Justifying Memorial, by Gibbon, 715 Jutland, battle of, 119
Kalb, de, French agent in North America, 664
Kalm, Swedish traveller in North America, 647
Karikal, 485; 779-781
Kaskaskia, 640; Clarke's raid on, 772
Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton, Prinz von, Austrian Chancellor, and the Seven Years' War, 463 seqq.
Keene, Benjamin, English ambassador, and South Sea Company's agent at Madrid, 339; 341-3; 480
Keith, Sir William, proposes Stamp Act for the Plantations, 390, 652 Kempenfelt, Richard, Rear-Admiral, 530; 744-5; 757; 759
Kendal, Duchess of, mistress of George I, bribed by Bolingbroke, 351
Kennebec River, Fort St George founded at mouth of, 80; 388
Kent, the, and the capture of Chanderna- gore, 529
Keppel, Augustus, 1st Viscount, Admiral, 740-1; 744; First Lord of the Admiralty, 769; 779
Keynell, Christopher, Governor of Antigua, his squabbles with the planters, 233 Khartum, 17
"The King's Chambers", 190; 540 King's Mountain, North Carolina, Fer- guson defeated at, 748, 751 Kingston, Jamaica, 382, 520
Kinnoul, Earl of, Lord Carlisle's claims in the West Indies pass to, 241 Kinsale Harbour, Prince Rupert's fleet blockaded in, 133.
Kipp's Bay, General Howe at, 723 Kirke, Sir David, captures French settle- ments in Acadia and Canada, 132, 154-5; Governor of Newfoundland, 181; recalled by the Puritans, 233
Klosterzeven, Convention of, 476, swept aside, 478
Knyphausen, Hessian
Brandywine, 733; 738-9
Kolin, defeat of Frederick the Great at, 475
Königsegg, Spanish minister, hostile to England, 339
Kourou, in Guiana, failure of French settlement at, 689 Künersdorf, battle of, 484
La Bourdonnais, Bertrand-François Mahé de, 526; captures Madras, 547-8 Labrador, expedition of John Cabot to, 26, 28; 108; assigned to the Government of Newfoundland, 642
La Clue, French admiral, 530 Lafayette, Marquis, his proposal for an invasion of Canada, 712; 751; 753 La Galissonière, Roland, Marquis de, Governor of Canada, 465
Lagos, naval victory of, 483; 485; 533 La Hogue, battle of, 285; 514 Lally, Thomas Arthur, Comte de, in India, 529-30
La Luzerne, French minister in America, 771
Lamb, John, and the Stamp Act, 635 Lancashire, 14
Lancaster, James, 126; 199
Lancey, De, case of, in New York, 427 Lando, Girolamo, Venetian ambassador in London, 108
Lane, Ralph, in charge of expedition with Richard Grenville, to Spanish Indies, 70; unsuccessful colony of, in Virginia, 71 Langford, Abraham, dispute as to his appointment as naval clerk at Barbados,
Lapland, death of Sir Hugh Willoughby on shores of, 40
La Quadra, Spanish minister, 342; ap- proves the Convention Treaty, 343 La Rochelle, fiasco at, 132; 311-12 La Salle, René-Robert, French explorer in North America, 543-4
Las Casas, does not admit Papal claim to dispose of barbarian lands, 184, 192 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, repressive measures of, accelerate flow of Puritan emigration, 176–7 Laudonnière, René de, 56 Lauffeldt, French victory at, 374 Laurens, Henry, case concerning, in the vice-admiralty court at Charleston, 298 Laurens, Henry, President of the American Congress, 716; 771
Law, John, of Lauriston, failure of his French companies, 357; 362-3; 622 League of Augsburg (1686), 320
Leah and Rachel, by J. Hammond, 788-9 Leake, Sir John, Admiral, 521 Leander, H.M.S., 457
Lee, Arthur, meets
London, 705; 708; American agent in Spain, 709-10
Lee, Charles, American general, 738-9 Lee, Richard Henry, and the Gaspée affair, 672; learning of, 790
Leeward Islands, 131; 143-6; 153; 172-4;
209-12; 233; 236; 241-2; 244; 286; 314; 328; 376 seqq.; decline of white popula- tion in, 380, 588; barter system in, 380; government of 1660-1763, 405, 407-9, 416, 433; 510; 512-13; 520; 768; 813- 14
Legge, Henry, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, 489; 500
Le Havre, Coligny governor of, 54; 57; Rodney's attack, 481
Leibniz, suggests to Louis XIV that he should conquer Egypt, 313. Leicester, Lord, supports African voyages, 44; 58
Leigh, Charles, attempt of, to settle Brownists in the estuary of the St Law- rence, 74; leader of first English settle- ment in Guiana, 86; death of, 87; 156
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