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Bell, Philip, Governor of Bermuda, joins
Providence Company, 166; becomes
Governor of Barbados in the Warwick
interest, 175; overturned by Royalist
faction, 212

Bellasis, Lord, an opinion of, 313
Belleisle, Charles Fouquet, Duc de,
French statesman, 346; 481
Belleisle, 486; capture of, by English,

489, 490; returned to France at the
Peace of Paris, 502; 534

Bellomont, Richard Coote, Earl of,
colonial governor, 574-5
Bemis Heights, Burgoyne at, 731
Benbow, John, Admiral, 519
Bengal, 474; 476; 528–9; 781
Benin, 41; 46; 73.

Bennett, Richard, Parliamentary com-
missioner, made governor on the sub-
mission of Virginia (1652), 220

Bennington, 730
Berkeley, John, 1st Earl of, one of the

eight proprietors of Carolina, 248; New
Jersey made over to him, and Sir
George Carteret, 252; sells his rights in
New Jersey to the Quakers, 253; 271
Berkeley, George, Bishop, visit of, to
Rhode Island, 404; his Bermuda project,
626-7, and the American bishopric,
Berkeley, Sir William, appointed Governor
of Virginia in 1640, 211; Royalist
sympathies of, 211; unable to organise
effective Royalist resistance in Virginia,
219; allowed to remain in the colony, 220,
256; and Carolina, 248; and the colony
at Albemarle Sound, 250; misgovern-
ment of, and recall, 256; unwillingness
of, to enforce Navigation Acts, 281-2;
787; 790

Bermuda, Gates' expedition wrecked on,
83; "The Company of the Plantation of
the Somers Islands", 85; piratical ten-
dencies of colonists of, 85, 89; 138; 145;
151; Bermuda Assembly convoked, 152;
154; surviving Pequots sold to, 165;
colonists from, join in the scheme of
Providence Company, 166; 174; Royalist
sympathies of, 211; repudiates Common-
wealth, 212; trade with, forbidden by
the Long Parliament, 216; submission of,
219; overpopulation of (c. 1657), 237; be-
comes a Crown colony, 247; high birth
rate in, 249; and the Navigation Acts,
281; 377; vegetable-growing in, 384;
government of (1660-1753), 405, 416,
430; the project of Bishop Berkeley,
626-7; sends delegates to the congress at
Philadelphia, 682; 813

Bernard, Sir Francis, Governor of New
Jersey and Massachusetts, and the penal-
ties for non-observance of the Acts of
Trade, 286; 615; 631; 662; 666; dissolves
the Assembly, 667

Bernstorff, Hanoverian minister of George I,

Berracoe, Dutch fort in West Africa, cap-
tured by English (1782), 457

Berryer, Pierre Antoine, head of the French
marine office, 481

Bethlehem, Pa., 403

Beverley, historian of Virginia, 786, 788–9
Bideford, 98; 516

Bienville, Celeron de, asserts French claim
to the Ohio Valley, 394

Bilbao, decay of English trade with, 316
Bill of Rights and the position of the
chartered companies, 447

Bissagos islands, Portuguese stations on, 452
Black Death, 37

Black River, British settlement on the
Moskito Coast, 384

Blackstone, Sir William, on the acquisition
of colonies, 193; 632-3

Blair, James, Commissary for the Bishop of
London in Virginia, 399, 403, 786; and

the founding of William and Mary
College, Virginia, 790

Blake, Robert, Admiral, 133; 134; 201; fires
on Van Tromp and precipitates First
Dutch War, 223, 539; his blockade of
Lisbon facilitated by Spain, 226; destroys
French squadron carrying aid to Dun-
kirk, 226-7; destroys Spanish treasure
fleet at Santa Cruz, 229

Blakiston, collector of customs in Maryland,
his complaints against the colonists, 284
Bland, John, Virginia planter, complaint
of against the Navigation Acts, 281
Blavet, in Brittany, 124

Blénac, Comte de, Governor of Martinique,

Blenheim, battle of, 300
Blockade, 556 seqq.,

Board of Trade and Plantations, established
in 1696, 6; 263; 269; 290; 296; 321; 337;
385-6; discourages the manufacture of
iron in Virginia, 394; 411; constitution
of, 413-14; 418-23; 432; and the slave
trade, 437; report of, on the African
Company, 450; 568; 573; 577 seqq.; 616
Bokhara, visited by Jenkinson in 1557, 41
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount, and
the Treaty of Utrecht, 327, 334; bribes
the Duchess of Kendal, 351, returns to
England, 365; 624-6

Bombay, acquisition of, by England, 507;

Bonnet, pirate chief, captured in the
Bahamas, 384

Borburata, port on Spanish Main, John
Hawkins sells negroes at, 49
Bordentown, New Jersey, 726

Borey, Thomas, Southampton merchant,
engaged in Brazil trade, 36

Boroughs, Sir John, Keeper of the Records
under Charles I, writer on the sovereignty
of the sea, 203


Boscawen, Edward, Admiral, 469; his
victory at Lagos, 483; 526-7; 530; 554
Bosman, William, Dutchman on Guinea
coast, 443

Bosphorus, and the sovereignty of the sea,

Boston, 161; 163; trade of, 251; 252;

Anglican services permitted by Sir
Edmund Andros at, 260; Andros im-
prisoned at, 260; 261; customs officials at,
290, 293; vice-admiralty court at, 299;
Colbert encourages French intercourse
with, 311; colonial agent of, 434; 511;
515; 596; protests against the restrictions
on commerce, 596, 599; reception of
Stamp Act by, 654-5; Convention of,
667; the "Massacre", 669-70; the Tea
Party, 674; 718 seqq.; singing in, 801;

Boston Gazette, 671

Boston Newsletter, published in 1704, 399;

Bosworth, battle of, 22
Boucher, Jonathan, 653
Bougainville, Louis de, French commander
in Canada, 532; voyage of, to the South
Seas, 539; at the Falkland Islands, 698
Bouillé, Marquis de, Governor of Mar-

tinique, captures Dominica, 712; cap-
tures St Christopher, 758

Boulogne, captured by Henry VIII, 34;
negotiations for peace with Spain
opened at (1599), 76
Boundsbrook, 727

Bouquet, Henry, Colonel, his victory over
the Indians at Bushey's Run, 638
Bourbon, Duke of, succeeds the regent
Orleans, 365; quarrels with Fleury and
falls from power, 366

Boyle, Henry, Lord Carleton, 522
Boynes, M. de, French minister of marine,

Braddock, Edward, General, defeat of, by
French and Red Indians, 392, 468–70;

Bradford, William, succeeds Carver as
governor of the Mayflower Pilgrims, 157
Bradstreet, Colonel, 639
Brandenburg, 301; 306

Brandywine, battle of, 717, 733-4, 764.
Bray, Thomas, commissary for the Bishop
of London in Maryland, 403
Brazil, English trade with, under Henry
VIII, 28; 32-4; 36; 41; 54; 66; Dutch
occupation of, 77, 142; 86; 115; 144;
English trade with, under certain re-
strictions permitted (1654), 230; Jews
expelled from, 231; diversity of owner-
ship makes for freedom of trade, 305; not
included in South Sea Company's
monopoly, 335; Spanish designs against,

Breda, Treaty of, ends war with Dutch in
1667, 242; Surinam exchanged for


[blocks in formation]

British Merchant, 624

British North America Act (1867), 15
Broglie, Comte de, scheme of, for the
invasion of England, 687

Brooke, Lord, active member of council of
New England, 153; interested in the
Providence Company, 166

Brooklyn, battle of, 717, 722; Charles Fox
on, 763

Brouillan, French admiral, 515

Brownists, failure of attempt to settle, on
shores of the St Lawrence, 74; 156
Bucarelli, Don Francisco, Governor of
Buenos Aires, 699

Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of,
Lord High Admiral, 129; advocates war
with Spain, 141; governor of the "Com-
pany for the Plantation of Guiana", 143;
President of the Council of New England,

Buenos Aires, 77; 336; South Sea Com-
pany's factory at, 338; 692

Bunker's Hill, battle of, 681; 719
Burgoyne, John, General, 725; advance of,
from Canada, 729-31; surrender at
Saratoga, 732; 764

Burke, Edmund, the Free Port Act of, 345;
595; 637; and the Stamp Act debate,
646; and the Rockingham Whigs, 659;
and the Pitt-Grafton Ministry, 663;
denounces the taxation of the American
colonies, 668; 674; 677 seqq.; and the
French annexation of Corsica, 697;
761-3; 768-9; 775

Burlamaqui, J. T., Genevese publicist,
influence of, in North America, 656–7
Burlington, occupied by Howe, 724
Burnaby, Admiral, 691

Burnaby, Andrew, the Rev., his travels in

North America, 807-11

Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 312;
on the bombing of Genoa, 319

Burnet, William, Governor of New York

(1720), 388-9; 635; 807
Bushey's Run, battle of, 638

Bussy, François de, French envoy in
London, 491

Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of, and the
Seven Years' War, 480, 488 seqq.; 534;
639-40; 685; retirement of, 691

Butler, Nathaniel, Governor of Bermuda,

Byllyng, Edward, Quaker, with John Fen-
wick buys Berkeley's rights in New
Jersey, 253-4

Byng, George, see Torrington

Byng, John, Admiral, failure of, at Minorca,
472, 527; 547

Bynkershoek, Cornelius Von, on terri-
torial waters, 203, 540-2; and neutrality,
554; and blockade, 555

Byrd, William, of Virginia, his opinion of
the trade restrictions, 282; 791
Byrd, William (the younger), 789-90
Byron, John, Rear-Admiral, voyage of, to
the South Seas, 535; at the Falkland
Islands, 698; 740-2

Cabot, John, 2; at Bristol, 25; sails to
Labrador, 26, 27, 184, 193
Cabot, Sebastian, at Bristol, 27, 28; mem-

ber of joint stock company to discover
North-East Passage, 39; 96; 193
Cabreta, Luis, Spanish captain, warns
Philip not to trust in galleys, 117
Cadiz, 42; 108; 113; Drake's attack on,
121; occupation of, by Howard (1596),
124; 305; decay of English trade with,
315; attacks on, during War of Spanish
Succession, 326; 333

Calais, 3; 39; Earl of Rutland tries to save,

51; captured by Spaniards (1596), 124;
given back to France, 125

Calcutta, foundation of, 321; Black Hole
of, 476; 528

Calicut, 30; proposal that Drake should be
sent to, 65; 183

California, 4; Drake annexes, 101-2
Calvert, Charles, son of Cecilius, 2nd Lord
Baltimore, governs Maryland, 1661-75,

Calvert, Sir George, Secretary of State, 91;
maintains that Sandys' Fishing Bill is
beyond the competence of the House of
Commons, 148, 151; interested in Irish
plantations, 168; attempt to found a
colony in Newfoundland, 168; visit of,
to Virginia, 169; created Lord Baltimore,
169; submits to Church of Rome, 169;
death of, 169

Calvin, John, 161

Cambrai, Congress of (1724), 365
Camden, Charles Pratt, Earl of, jurist, 632;
652; and the taxation of the colonies,
660; 663, in favour of repealing the
Townshend duties, 668; 683; 761; Lord

President in Rockingham's second Minis-
try, 769

Camden, battle of, 747

Campbell, Archibald, Colonel, captures
Savannah, 743; 746; 756

Campeachy Bay, 330; disputes as to the
right to cut logwood in, 344
Camperdown, naval victory of Monck at
(1653), 134

Canada, 10; 11; 14; 15; rebellion of 1837,
16; French and Portuguese in, 73; 74;
Charles I sells back to French the settle-
ments captured by Kirke, 132; 155; the
Hudson Bay Company and the French,
264; debt of Canada to the Scots, 266;
estimated by Choiseul as of less import-
ance to France than Corsica, 302; 318;
Jack Hill's expedition against, 327; 465;
capture of French Canada, 482-3, 485-6,
530-3; and the Peace of Paris, 505, 630;
508-11; 523; 543; 589-91; 640; 643; the
Quebec Act, 677-8, 708-9; invasion of,
by the Americans, 709; 712; 718-20;
725; 755; 772; 775 seqq.
Canada, River of, 73; 74
Canaries, English trade with, under
Henry VIII, 33; the Castlyn family, 35,
43; the Thorne family, 36; visited by
John Hawkins in 1562, 48; 114; granted
by Clement VI to Luis de la Cerda in
1344, 183; Canary wines and the Navi-
gation Acts, 275
Canning, George, 13

Canso, in Nova Scotia, 525
Cap François, 515

Cape Ann, Dorchester fishermen at, 159
Cape Bojador, 183

Cape Breton Island, expedition of Hore to,
in 1536, 29; 60; 66; French and Portu-
guese at, 73; proposed colony of "New
Galloway" on, 155; Scottish colonists on,
taken prisoner by the French, 155; re-
mains French at the Treaty of Utrecht,
328; and the War of the Austrian
Succession, 375-6; 391; French from
Placentia emigrate to, 393; colonial
agent for, 434; 467; 491; 523; 543;
assigned to government of Nova Scotia,

Cape Coast Castle, British fort on the Gold
Coast, 454, 456

Cape Cod, 86; Mayflower Pilgrims land
behind, 157

Cape Fear, in Carolina, party of Barba-
dians settle at, 250

Cape Horn, Drake rounds, 100
Cape of Good Hope, 15; 66; 183; estab-
lished by Dutch as victualling station,
becomes true colony, 305-6; Johnstone's
attack on, foiled, 756

Cape Passaro, Byng destroys Spanish fleet
off, 360; 546-7

Cape Tres Puntas, 46
Cape Verde, 46; 48; 49

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Cap François, 515
Capitulations, 2


Caracas, South Sea Company's factory at,

Carew, George, Lord, member of the com-
mittee appointed by Charles I to consider
the reform of the government of Virginia,
Caribbean Sea, Rut visits, 29; London

trade with, 31, 33; and slave trade, 47,
48, 50; raid of Drake in, 71; 138; 172-3;
226; focus of international rivalry during
the Restoration period, 246; additional
frigates sent to, for the enforcement of
the Acts of Trade, 284

Caribs, massacre settlers on St Lucia, 87;
massacre settlers on island of Grenada,
87; Black Caribs, 642
Carleill, Christopher, stepson of Walsing-
ham, associated in colonising schemes,
59; Edward Fenton takes place of, 66;
scheme of, for colonising Newfoundland,
67; Discourse of, 68; 69; 70; 72; 90
Carleton, Sir Guy, Governor of Canada,
719-20; 723; 725; and Burgoyne's ex-
pedition, 730; 758

Carlisle, Charles Howard, Earl of, Governor
of Jamaica, 406

Carlisle, James Hay, Earl of, patron of
Thomas Warner, 144; Lord Proprietor
of the Caribbees, 145, 153, 171-2,
Carlisle, Charles Howard, 2nd Earl of, con-
trol over Caribbees collapses at beginning
of Civil War, 209; his proprietary rights
over the Caribbees suspended by the Long
Parliament, 210, annulled, 219; leases
Caribbees to Lord Willoughby, 212; dies
without issue, his rights in the West
Indies passing to Lord Kinnoul, 241
Carnatic, Hyder Ali in the, 715; 756
Carolina, 7; peopled mostly by re-
emigration of other colonists, 247; Sir
Robert Heath's grant from Charles I,
248; the foundation of the colony under
Charles II, 248-50; division into North
and South Carolina, 250; early govern-
ment of, 250-1; customs officials in, 292;
Anglican establishment in, 303-4; dis-
pute over boundaries of, 344; charter
of, resumed, 385; wars with the Indians,
385-6, 390-1; 394-5; 398-9; foreign
emigrants in, 402; 571; 589; 593; Funda-
mental Constitution of, 609; 675; 743;
literature and social life of, 784
Carolina, North, Provincial council of, 421;
Assembly of, 421, 429, 432; Speaker of,
424, 431; judicial tenure in, 435; 641;
and the Stamp Act, 655; 680; loyalists
in, 721; Cornwallis in, 748; social life,

Carolina, South, Assembly of, 421, 424,
430, 435; Speaker of, 431; and the
Mutiny Act, 664; and the Declaration of


Independence, 684; Cornwallis in, 747;
social life in, 792

Caroline, Queen, wife of George II, 350;
362; 367-8

Cartagena, visited by Hawkins, 49; con-
quest of, by Drake, 119; Blake sinks
Rupert's ships in harbour of, 133; 333;
South Sea Company's factory at, 338;
415; 516

Carteret, Sir George, one of the eight
proprietors of Carolina, 248; New Jersey
made over to him and Lord Berkeley,
252; sells his rights in New Jersey to the
Quakers, 254

Carteret, John, Earl of Granville, his view
on Anglo-French relations, 356; and the
War of the Austrian Succession, 371, 373,
375; and the proprietorship of Carolina,
386, 794; death of, 501

Cartier, Jacques, French explorer, 73
Carver, John, elected governor of the
Mayflower Pilgrims, 157

Cary, John, Bristol merchant, on emigra-
tion, 565-6

Caspian Sea, visited by Jenkinson in 1557,


Castleton, 730

Castlyn, Edward, London merchant, 35,
43, 44

Castlyn, James, sea captain, 35

Castlyn, William, London merchant, 35
Catawba, 752

Cateau-Cambrésis, Peace of, 51; French
claim to trade with Spanish Indies
shelved, 186-7; establishment of "lines
of amity", 187

Catharine I of Russia, timely death of
(1727), 367

Catharine II of Russia, 714; and the
Armed Neutrality, 716; 773

Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II,
dowry of, 507

Catholic League, Philip counts on help
from, 120

Cavalier Parliament of 1663, Navigation
Act of, 271

Cavendish, Lord John, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, 769; resignation of, 775
Cavendish, Thomas, 199

Cayenne, Jews expelled from, settle at
Surinam, 231

Cayman, islands of, French fish for turtles
on, 542

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 35, 39;
encourages Guinea trade, 45; and John
Hawkins, 49; and the Navy, 51; entrusts
Florida design to Hawkins, 56; tem-
porising policy of, 58; interested in
North-East route, 59; enforces political
Lent, 60; 64; anxiety of, for peace, 75
Centurioni, Paolo, 28

Cerda, Luis de la, granted Canary Islands
by Clement VI, 183
Ceuta, 322

Ceylon, 15; Portuguese and French driven
from, by the Dutch, 306; Dutch posts in,
occupied by the English, 774
Chad's Ford, 733
Chamberlain, Joseph, 21
Champion, H.M.S., 457

Champlain, Lake, French secure control of,
391; 546; 718; Benedict Arnold at, 725
Champlain, Samuel de, founds colony of
Quebec, 74; forced to surrender it to
Kirke, 154

Chancellor, Richard, member of Muscovy
Company, 39, 42; discovers Archangel
route, 40

Chancery, court of, 28

Chandernagore, French stronghold on the
Hooghly, 529; 701; 712; capture of, 713;
restored to France, 781

Channel Islands and the Navigation laws,

Charles I, King of England, 5; 95; barters
back Acadia and Canada, 132; defied
by Dutch in territorial waters, 132; Navy
side against, in Civil War, 132; 136;
Madrid adventure of, 141; 143; 145;
146; and colonial affairs, 176–7; 189;
and the sovereignty of the sea, 201-3;
execution of, 208; particular monopolies
under, 214; 239-40

Charles II, King of England, 7; 163; takes
refuge in Holland, 209; proclaimed King
in Scotland, 209; grants commission for
the Caribbees to Francis, Lord Willough-
by, 212; 238; his grants in Virginia to
courtiers, 257; 313; 319; attempts to
secure Asiento contract for the African
Company, 334; 446; and the Navy, 507;

Charles Edward, Prince, the Young Pre-
tender, at Derby, 348; birth of, 362; 531
Charles III, King of Spain, becomes King of
Naples and Sicily, 368-9; 480; accedes
to throne of Spain, 486; 487; 533; his
hatred of England, 686; 700 seqq.; his
offer of mediation during the American
War, 714; joins France, 714
Charles V, Emperor, 34
Charles VI, Emperor, death of, 344, 356;
and the Pragmatic Sanction, 364, 368;
his foundation of the Ostend Company,

Charles VII, Emperor, 372-3
Charles XII, King of Sweden, 301; vetoes

English commerce with the Baltic, 358;
death of, 361

Charlesfort, Huguenot colony in South
Carolina, 55

Charleston in Carolina, settlement of, 250;
vice-admiralty court at, 298-9; attack of
Clinton and Parker on, 722, 743; capture
of, by Clinton, 747; 752; 756; social life,
792; religious revival in, 793
Châteaurenaut, expedition of, to the West
Indies, 518-19

Chatham, naval yard at, 50

Chauvelin, Germain-Louis de, 352; 366;
hostility of, to England, 369; fall of, 369
Chebucto Bay, in Nova Scotia, 393
Cherokees, Red Indian tribe, 391
Cherry, Sir Francis, 89

Cherry Island, whale and walrus hunting
off, 89

Chesapeake Bay, Howe disembarks at, 729;
751 seqq.; 760

Chesapeake River, settlement round es-
tuary of, 80; 109; 219; additional
frigates sent to, for the enforcement of the
Acts of Trade, 284

Chester, Sir William, 44

Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of,
351; 476

Chichester, Thomas, 2nd Earl of, member
of committee appointed by Charles I to
consider the reform of the government of
Virginia, 150

Child, Sir Josiah, enumerates fifteen trades
lost by England, 315; on emigration from
England, 564-5; on New England,

China, 25; 26; 27; 41; 101; English trade
with, largely lost to the Dutch, 315
Choiseul, Étienne-François, Duc de, his low
estimate of the value of Canada, 302; the
Seven Years' War and, 461, 479;
accession of, to power, 481; 486; 489-501;
531 seqq.; 686 seqq.; fall of, 702-4; 736
Christina, Queen of Sweden, and the right
of search, 557

Church, 22; 30; 37; of England, cause of
emigration, 137-8, 156; Anglican ser-
vices permitted at Boston under James II,
260; Anglicanism, in the West Indies,
381, in the North American colonies,
403-4, 785-787; the question of the
American bishopric, 803-4; in New
York, 804-5

Circars, Northern, cession of, to the British,
Civil War, 5; attitude of Navy in, 132; 136;
importance of, in imperial history, 179;
in the West Indies, 212-19

Claiborne, William, contest between, and
Lord Baltimore's colonists in Maryland,

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of, 241;
patron of the Carolina scheme, 248;
favours Connecticut as a counterpoise to
Massachusetts, 251; 258; 268; promoter
of Navigation Acts, 271; 301; his fall
hastens the alliance with France, 314;

Clarke, George, Governor of New York, his
disputes with the Assembly, 388
Clarke, George Rogers, 772
Clarke, John, succeeds O'Hara as Governor
of Senegambia, 456

Clement VI, grants Canary Islands to Luis
de la Cerda (1344), 183

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