BIBLIOGRAPHY CLÉMENT, P. Histoire du Système Protecteur en France.... Paris, 1854. 887 COQUELLE, P. L'Alliance franco-hollandaise contre l'Angleterre, 1735-1788.... Paris, 1902. Le Comte de Guerchy, Ambassadeur de France à Londres, 1763-7." Revue des Études Historiques, September-October 1908, p. 432. Paris. COUPLAND, R. The Quebec Act.... Oxford, 1925. COXE, W., Archdeacon. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon... (1700-1788). 3 vols. London, 1813. Based on contemporary oral information and previously unpublished documents and writings, it remains a work of the first importance for the period. DAUBIGNY, E. Choiseul et la France d'outre-mer.... Paris, 1892. To be consulted for the disaster of the Kourou and Cayenne. DONIOL, H. Histoire de la participation de la France à l'établissement des États-Unis.... 5 vols. Paris, 1886–99. Based on documents. DRAKE, S. A. The Border Wars of New England.... New York, 1897. FERRER DEL RIO, ANTONIO. Historia del reinado de Carlos III en España. 4 vols. Madrid, 1856. FISKE, J. American Revolution. 2 vols. Boston, 1891. Moderate and impartial. FITZMAURICE, E. G. P., Baron. Life of William Earl of Shelburne.... 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 1912. Based on Lansdowne House MSS. Most valuable as showing the part played by Shelburne in diplomatic transactions. DE FLASSAN, de R. Histoire de la diplomatie française. 7 vols. Paris, 1811. FORREST, Sir G. The Administration of Warren Hastings, 1772-1785.... Calcutta, 1892. Gaillardet, F. Mémoire du chevalier d'Eon.... 3 vols. Brussels, 1837. GARDEN, Comte G. DE. Histoire générale des traités de paix.... 15 vols. Paris, 1848-87. GOEBEL, J. The Struggle for the Falkland Islands.... New Haven, 1927. GRANT, W. L. " Canada versus Guadeloupe...." Ã.H.R. vol. xvii, July 1912. GUERIN, L. Histoire maritime de la France.... New ed. 6 vols. Paris, 1859-63. GUTIERREZ DE LOS RIOS, C. J., Count de Fernan-Nuñez. Vida de Carlos III.... 2 vols. Madrid, 1898. HALL, H. “Pitt and the Family Compact." Quarterly Review, October 1899. HARRIS, G. The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke with selections from his correspondence. 3 vols. London, 1847. .... Based on Hardwicke and Newcastle MSS. HERTZ (Hurst), G. B. British Imperialism in the XVIIIth Century. London, 1908. Of value for the diplomacy of Falkland Islands incident. HOTBLACK, K. "The Peace of Paris." Trans. of the R. Hist. Soc. 3rd ser. vol. II. London, 1908. Chatham's Colonial Policy.... London, 1917. Treats mainly of the period before the Peace of Paris. JESSE, J. H. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. 3 vols. London, 1867. Largely a defence of George III. Many original letters quoted. JOBEZ, A. La France sous Louis XV.... 6 vols. Paris, 1864-73. KEPPEL, T. The Life of Augustus, Viscount Keppel.... 2 vols. London, 1842. KOCH, C. G. DE. Histoire abrégée des Traités de Paix.... 15 vols. Paris, 1817-8. LAFUENTE, M. Historia General de España.... 30 vols. Madrid, 1850-67. LATINO COELHO, J. M. Historia politica e militar de Portugal desde os fins do XVII seculo até 1814. 3 vols. Lisbon, 1874-91. 2 vols. Paris, 1922. LAUVRIÈRE, E. La Tragédie d'un peuple. Histoire du peuple acadien.... LUZ SORIANO, S. J. DA. Historia do reino de Dom José I. Lisbon, 1866. Essay on Warren Hastings. London, 1836–54. MELLO MORAES, A. J. DE. Brazil historico. 1st series. 4 vols. Rio de Janeiro, 1839. MONTERO Y VIDAL, J. Historia general de las Filipinas. 3 vols. Madrid, 1887-95. MOORE, J. W. The American Congress...1774-1895. London, 1895. MORISON, M. C. "Duc de Choiseul and the Invasion of England, 1768-70.” Trans. of the R. Hist. Soc. ser. п, vol. IV. 1910. Describes documents among Chatham MSS relating to this subject. NOAILLES, A. M. R. A., Vicomte de. Marins et soldats français en Amérique... 1778-83. Paris, 1903. NORMAND, J. Le Pacte colonial.... Paris, 1900. OLIVEIRA MARTINS, J. P. Historia de Portugal.... 2 vols. Lisbon, 1894. O Brazil e las colonias portuguezas. Lisbon, 1880. PAULIAT, L. La politique coloniale sous l'ancien régime.... Paris, 1887. POUGET DE SAINT ANDRÉ, H. La Colonisation de Madagascar sous Louis XV.... RAMEAU DE SAINT PÈRE, E. La France aux Colonies.... Paris, 1859. RAXIS DE FLASSAN, G. DE. Histoire Générale et raisonnée de la Diplomatie Française.... 7 vols. Paris, 1811. Prints many documents, notably Vergennes' correspondence. REBELLO DA SILVA, L. A. Historia de Portugal nos seculos XVII e XVIII. 5 vols. Lisbon, 1860-71. RENAUT, F. P. Le Pacte de Famille et l'Amérique. La politique coloniale franco-espagnole de 1760 à 1792. Paris, 1922. Les Provinces-Unies et la Guerre d'Amérique, 1775-1784. Vol. 1. Paris, 1924. RENUCCI, F. O. Storia di Corsica. 2 vols. Bastia, 1833, 1834. ROUSSEAU, F. Règne de Charles III d'Espagne, 1759-1788. 2 vols. Paris, 1907. Volume 1 deals particularly with the relations of France and Spain. RUVILLE, Dr A. VON. William Pitt, Graf von Chatham.... 3 vols. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1905. English translation, New York, 1907. Based on Prussian archives, etc. Learned, but written with some bias against its eponymous hero. SCHAEFER, H. Geschichte von Portugal. 5 vols. Hamburg, 1836-54. SCHÖNE, L. La politique coloniale sous Louis XV et Louis XVI. Paris, 1907. SHEPHERD, W. R. "Cession of Louisiana to Spain." Political Science Quarterly, September 1904. SOLTAU, R. H. The Duke of Choiseul.... Oxford, 1909. Based on Daubigny. STANHOPE, P. H., 5th Earl Stanhope. History of England...(1713-83). 7 vols. London, 1836-54. Vols. v and vi are useful here. They are based on contemporary information and documents (Chevening, etc.). Laborious and reliable. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Notice historique sur la Guyane Française. Paris, 1843. THACKERAY, F. A history of the Right Hon. William Pitt.... 2 vols. London, 1827. VARNHAGEN, F. A. DE. Historia geral do Brazil.... 2 vols. Madrid, 1854-7. VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, M. DE, Baron. Les dernières années de la Louisiane française.... Paris, 1903. WEDDELL, J. A Voyage towards the South Pole.... London, 1825. WINSTANLEY, D. A. Lord Chatham and the Whig Opposition. Cambridge, 1912. Deals at some length with the diplomacy relating to the Falkland Islands. INDEX Abercromby, Sir Robert, repulsed at Acadia, French in, 86; Charles I sells back Acapulco, in the Philippines, 305 Act of Union with Scotland, and the position of Scots in the colonies, 266, 287 A Discourse of a Discovery for a new passage to A discourse on how her majesty may annoy the 70 Admiralty, relations between, and the 59; and missionary enterprise, 11, 16; Aitken, James, deserter from the army, Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of (1668), 315; treaty Albany, New York, 390; the Albany Plan Albemarle, William, 2nd Earl of, English Albemarle Sound, in Virginian coast, Alberoni, Cardinal, 332; 339; 355 Alcide, French warship, capture of, by Alday, James, Barbary merchant, 41; 42 Alexander, Sir William, 130; and the Algiers, pirates of, abortive attempt of Alleghany Mountains, 394; 641; 771; 776 Altamaha River, English post on, 395-6 Amadas, Captain, sent by Raleigh to Amazon, River, 86; 87 Amazon's Company, see Company Amboyna, massacre of, 131, acquiescence Amerola, Spanish captain, raid of, on Amherst, Jeffrey, Lord, 479; expedition of, An Account of New England, by Samuel André, John, Major, capture of, 751 York (1674-80), 253; sent out by Anguilla, in the Leeward Islands, 377 Anne, Queen of England, 240; 332; grants Annual Register, 453; on the capture of the Anson, George Anson, 1st Viscount, ex- Anti-Corn Law League, 14 Anticosti, whaling fleet visits, 74 Lucia and Grenada, 87; settlement of Antwerp, 2; Portuguese trade with, 30, 33; Apam, Dutch fort in West Africa, captured Appalachian Mountains, 641-2 Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, scholastic views of, 192 Aranda, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, Count of, Arbuthnot, Marriot, Admiral, 747-8; 751 Argall, Captain Samuel, breaks up French Ascham, Anthony, Commonwealth envoy Ashehurst, Thomas, Bristol explorer, sails Asiento, 8; French Asiento Company, 326, 334; held by Portuguese, 333; Charles II Assumption, Isle of, see Anticosti A treatise of the new India, with other new Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester, Aubrey, William, his description of Raleigh, Augustus III, Elector of Saxony, becomes Australia, 11; 15; 17; William Dampier in, Austria, and the War of the Spanish Austrian Succession, War of, 371-6 Ayala, Balthazar, opinion of, that bar- Azores, 25, 35, 46; French expedition Bacon, Sir Francis, sponsors colony of INDEX constitution of colonial governments, 605 seqq. Bacon, Nathaniel, his rebellion in Virginia Badcock, and the evasion of customs in Baffin Land, Frobisher at, 103 Bahamas, 293; pirate centre in, 384; re- Baillie, William, officer in India, 756 Baldus, Italian jurist, 198, 203 Baltic, 31; 36; 40; importance of, to Eng- Bank of England, straits of, during the '45, Bannister, Thomas, 389 Barbados, 4; 5; 18; mistake as to date of 891. stripped by Jamaica, 330, 338; 377-8; Barbados Gazette, 382 Barbary, 35; 41; 42; 45; Barbary pirates Barbuda, in the Leeward Islands, 145; 177 Bark Raleigh, ship of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Barlow, Captain, sent by Raleigh to Barnes, Sir George, London merchant, Barnett, Curtis, commodore in the East Barnstaple, merchants of, and African Barras, Louis, Comte de, French naval Barré, Colonel, protest of, in the House of Barry, Madame du, mistress of Louis XV, Bartolus, Italian jurist, 198; 203; 541 Basseterre, capital of St Christopher, 513 Bayard, Nicholas, leader of aristocratic Beachy Head, French victory off, 510, Beaumarchais, Caron de, French agent in Beaumont, Chevalier d'Eon de, 687; 705 Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke of, Bedford, privateer rendezvous, raided by Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of Massa- Belgrade, victory of Prince Eugène at, 359; Béliardi, Abbé, agent of Choiseul, 688; 692 |