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Directory of Publishers-Continued

Blakiston. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Wal

nut st, Philadelphia Bobbs. Bobbs-Merrill

sq., Indianapolis, Ind.

Company, University

Boni. Boni and Liveright, Inc., 105 W. 40th st, N.Y.

Boston bk. co. Boston Book Co., 83-91 Francis st, Boston

Callaghan & Co., 401-409 E. Ohio st, Chicago

Acquired the publications of the Sprague pub. co.

Can. law bk. co. Canada Law Book Company, 84 Bay st, Toronto, Can. Century. Century Company, 353 4th av, N.Y. Chittenden. Chittenden and Frew Company, 222 S. Canal st, Chicago

Clark pub. CO. Clark Publishing Company, Charlotte, N.C.

College Press, 516 John st, Appleton, Wis. Crowell. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 426-428 W. Broadway, N.Y.

Darling. Darling & Son, Ltd., London Doran. George H. Doran Company, 38 W. 32d st, N.Y.


City, N.Y.

Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden

Acquired the book department of the McClure Co. and the Baker Taylor Co. Drake. F. S. Drake, Detroit, Mich.

Drew press. H. & W. B. Drew Company,

Jacksonville, Fla.


Dryden. Dryden Publishing Company,
Essex st, Strand, W. C. 2, London
Dutton. E. P. Dutton & Co., 681 5th av, N.Y.
Eckler. Peter Eckler Publishing Company,
P.O. Box 1218, City Hall Station, N.Y.
Four seas co. Four Seas Company, 68 Pem-
berton sq., Boston

Ginn. Ginn & Co. (Educational text-bks.) 15 Ashburton Place, Boston; 2301-2311 Prairie av, Chicago

Harper. Harper & Brothers, Franklin sq., N.Y. Harrison. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, London, S.W.

Headley. Headley Bros., Ltd., 13 Devonshire st, Bishopgate, London, E. C.

Hinchliffe printing co. Hinchliffe Printing Company, Cleveland, O.

Holt. Henry Holt & Co., 19 W. 44th st, N.Y. Hortor. W. E. Hortor and Company, Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa

Houghton. Houghton Mifflin Company, 4 Park st, Boston; 16 E. 40th st, N.Y.; 628 S. Wabash av, Chicago

Huebsch. B. W. Huebsch, 225 5th av, N. Y.
Insurance soc. of N.Y. Insurance Society of
New York, 84 William st, N.Y.
Jarrold. Jarrold & Sons, 10-11, Warwick Lane,
London, E.C.

Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore

Jones, Marshall. Marshall Jones Co., 212 Summer st, Boston

Kenedy, P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 44 Barclay St, N.Y.

King. P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 2 & 4 Great Smith st, Westminster, London

Lane. John Lane Company, 116-120 W. 32d st, N.Y.

Law reporting co. Law Reporting Company, 244 Madison av, N.Y.

Lawyers co-op. pub. co. Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, Rochester, N.Y., 505 Lakeside bldg., Chicago

Purchased the business of Frank P.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Formerly McBride, Nast & Co.

McClurg. A. C. McClurg & Co., 330-352 E. Ohio st, Chicago

McGraw. McGraw-Hill Bk. Co., 239 W. 39th st, N.Y.

Consolidation of the McGraw Pub. Co. and the Hill Pub. Co.

McKinley pub. co. McKinley Publishing Company, 1619-1621 Ranstead st, Philadelphia Macmillan. Macmillan Company, 66 5th av, N.Y.

MacRae's blue book co. MacRae's Blue Book Company, Railway Exchange, Chicago; Hudson Terminal bldg., N.Y.

Menlo pub. CO. Menlo Publishing Company, 246 Russ bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Methodist bk. concern. Methodist Book Concern, 150 5th av, N.Y.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1 Madison av, N.Y.

Moffat. Moffat, Yard and Company, 116-120 W. 32d st, N.Y.

Morehouse pub. Co. Morehouse Publishing Company, 484 Milwaukee st, Milwaukee, Wis. Mullett. A. J. Mullett, government printer, Melbourne, Australia

Nat. conference of social work. National Conference of Social Work, 315 Plymouth Court, Chicago

Formerly National conference of charities
and correction.
Neale. Neale Publishing Company, 440 4th av,

Neill. Neill & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh
N.Y. state bur. of munic. information.


[blocks in formation]

Nisbet. James Nisbet & Co., 22 Berners st, London, W.

Norman. Norman, Remington Company, 308 N. Charles st, Baltimore

Panama Canal Press, Mount Hope, Canal Zone Pitman. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 2-6 W. 45th st, N.Y.

Press pub. co. (N.Y.) Press Publishing Company, Pulitzer bldg., N.Y.

Pub. school pub. co. Public School Publishing
Company, Bloomington, Ill.
Putnam. G. P. Putnam's Sons, Putnam bldg.,
2-6 W. 45th st. N.Y.

Rand. Rand-McNally and Company. Rand
McNally bldg., Chicago; 42 E. 22d st, N.Y.;
455 S. Olive st, Los Angeles, Cal.
Republican Printing Company, Mason City,


Revell. Fleming H. Revell and Company, 158 5th av, N. Y.; 17 N. Wabash av, Chicago Richards. Grant Richards, Ltd., 7 Carlton st, London, S.W.

Ruckstuhl. C. E. Ruckstuhl, Inc., 141 Madison av, N. Y.

Russell Sage found. Russell Sage Foundation, 130 E. 22d st, N.Y.

Scribner. Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 5th av,
N.Y.; 608 S. Dearborn st. Chicago
Searing. Searing and Moore Company, 24
Broadway, N.Y.

Seminar pub. co. Seminar Publishing Com-
pany, 287 Hickory st, Springfield, Mass.
Shepperson pub. co. Shepperson Publishing
Company, Cotton Exchange bldg., N.Y.
Soney. Soney & Sage, 42 Clinton st, Newark,

Spectator, Spectator Company, 135 William st, N.Y.; 29 S La Salle st, Chicago

Stratford. Stratford Company, 32 Oliver st, Boston

Taché. J. de L. Taché, Ottawa. Can.

Ten Bosch Company, San Francisco

Tuttle. Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, 123
Temple st, New Haven, Conn.
Tuttle co.

Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vt.
Univ. of Chicago press. University of Chicago
Press, 58th st & Ellis av, Chicago

Unwin. T. Fisher Unwin, 1 Adelphi Terrace, London

Warwick. Warwick and York, Inc., 19 W. Saratoga st, Baltimore

Wilson. The H. W. Wilson Company, 958-964 University av, N.Y.

World bk. CO.

World Book Company, Park Hill, Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y.; 2126 Prairie av, Chicago.

Yale univ. press. Yale University Press, 120 College st, New Haven, Conn.

List of Material Analyzed

Adams, George Burton. British empire and a league of peace. *$1 '19 Putnam (League of nations) Alabama. Governor. Message of Chas. Henderson, 1919. '19 (Governors' messages, 1919). Alabama. Prison inspector. Report, 1918. '19 (Prisons-Reports) Alabama bankers' association. Proceedings, 1918. '18 H: T. Bartlett, sec.-treas., Montgomery (Banks and banking-Conferences) Alabama medical association.


1918. $1.50 '18 H. G. Perry, sec., Montgomery (Medicine-Conferences) American association for study and prevention of infant mortality. Transactions 1917. $3 '18 Medical and chirurgical faculty bldg., 1211 Cathedral st, Baltimore (Infant mortalityConferences)

American association for the study of the feeble-minded. Proceedings, 1918. '18 F. Kuhlmann, assistant sec., Faribault, Minn. (Feebleminded-Conferences)

American association of instructors of the blind. Proceedings, 1918. '18 N. C Abbott, sec., Nebraska City, Neb. (Blind-Education-Conferences)

American concrete institute. Proceedings, 1918. $10 '18 H. B. Alvord, 6 Beacon st, Boston (Concrete-Conferences)

American federation of labor. Labor and the war. 50c D '18 Frank Morrison, sec., A.F. of L. bldg., Washington, D.C. (European war and labor)

American federation of labor. Report of the proceedings 1918. 25c '18 Frank Morrison, sec., Washington, D.C. (Trade unions-Conferences)

American humane association. Report of the proceedings, 1917. '18 N. J. Walker, sec., Humane bldg., Albany, N.Y. (Animals-Protection-Reports)

American industrial licensed lenders association. Yearbook: proceedings, 1918. $1 D '18 G. W. Kehr, sec., 204 Chestnut st, Harrisburg, Pa. (Small loans-Conferences) American institute of architects. Proceedings, 1918. (A. I. A. doc. no. 133) '18 The Octagon, Washington, D.C. (Architects-Conferences) American institute of consulting


Abstract of minutes, 1919. '19 35 Nassau st, N.Y. (Engineering-Conferences) American library institute.

Papers and pro(American li

ceedings, 1917. $3 '18 A.L.A. brary institute-Conferences) American society for municipal improvements. Proceedings, 1918. '18 C: C. Brown, sec., 304 E. Walnut st, Bloomington, Ill. (Municipal improvements-Conferences)

American society for municipal improvements. Transactions for 1917-18. Membership $5 '18 C: C. Brown, sec., 304 E. Walnut st, Bloomington, Ill. (Municipal improvements-Conferences)

American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Transactions. 1918. $5 to members, $10 to others. '19 C. W. Obert, sec., 29 W. 39th st, N.Y. (Heating engineers-Conferences)

American sociological society. Sociology and education. (Pub. v. 13) *$1.50 '19 Univ. of Chicago press (Sociology-Conferences) American telephone and telegraph company. Annual report, 1918. '19 195 Broadway, N.Y. (Telegraph and telephone-Reports)

American year book, 1918. F. G. Wickware, ed. *$3.50 '19 Appleton (Yearbooks (statistical, historical, etc.))

Annual register, 1917. (New ser.) $6 '18 Longmans (Public affairs)

Anti-saloon league of America. Proceedings, 1918. $1 pa 75c '18 P. A. Baker, gen. supt., Westerville, O. (Prohibition-Conferences) Arizona. Board for the control of vocational education. State and federal aid for vocational education under the Smith-Hughes act. (Bul. no. 1) bibl Ag '18 (Vocational education -State aid) Arizona. Engineer. 3d biennial report, 1916-17 and 1917-18. '18 (Roads-Reports) Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proceedings, 1919. '19 J. L. Hills, sec.-treas., Burlington, Vt. (Agricultural education-Conferences) Association of American universities. Journal of proceedings, 1917. '18 Univ. of Chicago press (Colleges and universities-Conferences)

Association of life insurance presidents. Proceedings, 1918. '18 G: T. Wight, sec., 165 Broadway, N.Y. (Insurance, Life-Conferences)

Australia. Advisory council of science and industry. Executive committee. Report, 1918. Jl 31 '18 (Science-Reports)

Baker, James H. After the war, what? $1 '18 Stratford (Reconstruction (European war)) Bennett, John E. Great cycle. $1 '18 Menlo pub. co. (Social problems)

Bloomfield, Daniel, comp. Selected articles on employment management. (Handbook ser.) bibl $1.80 '19 Wilson (Employment management)

Bloomfield, Meyer. Management and men. *$3.50 '19 Century (Industrial relations) Boston, Mass. City planning board. 4th annual report, 1918. '18 (City planning-Reports) Boston, Mass. Statistics department. Municipal register for 1918. '18 (Municipal reports) Brigham, Albert Perry. Commercial geography. rev ed bibl $1.56 '18 Ginn (Commercial geography)

Brunner, E. des. Country church in the new world order. $1 '19 Assn. press (Country church)

Building association league of Illinois. Proceedings, 1918. '18 M. E. Vasen, sec., Quincy (Building and loan associations-Conferences)

Bureau of industrial research. How the government handled its labor problems during the war. 25c '19 465 W. 23d st, N.Y. (European war and labor)

Bureau of railway news and statistics. Railway statistics of the United States of America, 1917. Slason Thompson, ed. '18 1529 Railway exchange bldg., Chicago (RailroadsStatistics

California. Board of charities and corrections. County outdoor relief in California. rev ed '18 995 Market st, San Francisco (Outdoor relief)

California. Board of charities and corrections. Surveys in mental deviation in prisons, public schools and orphanages in California. L. M. Terman and others. '18 995 Market st, San Francisco (Ability tests) California. Board of education. Documents relating to vocational education. (Bul. no. 23-A, 1918-1919) '18 (Vocational educationFederal aid)

California. Bureau of labor statistics. 18th biennial report, 1917-1918. '18 (Labor statistics-Reports)

California. Market director. 3d annual report, 1918. '18 525 Market st, San Francisco (Markets and marketing-Reports) California. Reclamation board. 4th biennial report, 1918. '18 (Reclamation of land-Reports)

List of Material Analyzed Continued

California. Social insurance commission. Report. Mr '19 520 Underwood bldg., San Francisco (Insurance, Social-Investigations-Reports)

Report on 1917-1918.

Canada. Department of agriculture. the agricultural instruction act, (No. 15a-1919) '19 (Agricultural educationLegislation-Reports)

Canada. Department of the interior. Natural resources branch. New Manitoba district. '18 (Natural resources)

Canada. Director of public information. Canada's war effort, 1914-1918. '18 Hope Chambers, Ottawa (European war-Canadian participation)


Canadian association for the prevention of tuberculosis. 18th annual report, 1918. G. D. Porter, esq., sec., Bank st Chambers, Ottawa (Tuberculosis-Prevention-Reports) Canadian national reconstruction group. Problems of national reconstruction. 2d ed bibl O '18 Francis Hankin, 20 St Nicholas st, Montreal (Reconstruction (European war)) Carnegie endowment for international peace. British war administration. J: A. Fairlie. $1 pa free '19 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C. (War administration)

Carnegie endowment for international peace. Div. of economics and history. Effects of the great war upon agriculture in the United States and Great Britain. B: H. Hibbard. (Preliminary econ. studies of the war no. 11) $1 pa free '19 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C. (European war and agriculture-Comparative information)

Carnegie endowment for International peace. Division of economics and history. Effects of the war upon insurance, with special reference to the substitution of insurance for pensions. W: F. Gephart. (Preliminary economic studies of the war no. 6) $1 pa free '18 2 Jackson Place Washington D.C. (European war and insurance)

Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of economics and history. Federal military pensions in the United States. W: H. Glasson. bibl *$2 '18 Oxford univ. press (Pensions, Military)

Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of economics and history. Financial history of Great Britain, 1914-1918. F. L. McVey. (Preliminary economic studies of the war no. 7) $1 pa free '18 2 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C. (Finance, National) Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of economics and history. Influence of the great war upon shipping. J. R. Smith. (Preliminary econ. studies of the war no. 9) $1 pa free '19 2 Jackson place, Washington, D.C. (Shipping)

Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of economics and history. War administration of the railways in the United States and Great Britain. F. H. Dixon and J. H. Parmelee. (Preliminary economic studies of the war) $1 pa free '18 Oxford univ. press (Railroads-Government control) Carnegie institution of Washington. Year book, 1918. (No. 17) '19 Washington, D.C. (Carnegie institution of Washington-Reports) Carter, Henry. Control of the drink trade. *$2.50 '18 Longmans (Intoxicating liquors) Casualty actuarial and statistical society of America. Proceedings, 1917. v 4 pt 2 no 10 My 20 '18 230 5th av, N.Y. (Insurance-Conferences)

statistical society of America. Proceedings, November 15, 1918. $1 '18 230 5th av, N.Y. (Insurance-Conferences)

Casualty actuarial and

Charity organization society of Buffalo. Roots of poverty: 41st annual report, 1918 '18 Social service bldg., 181 Franklin st (Charities -Reports)

Chicago, III. Municipal court. 10th and 11th annual reports, 1915-1917. postage 15c '18 Munic. ref. lib. (Courts, Municipal-Reports) Chicago, Ill. Municipal tuberculosis sanitarium. Annual report, 1917. Ag '18 105 W. Monroe st (Tuberculosis sanatoriums-Reports)

Cincinnati [O.] chamber of commerce and merchants' exchange. 69th annual report, 1917. '18 C. R. Hebble, exec. sec. (Chambers of commerce-Reports)


City managers' association. 5th yearbook, 1919. '19 H. G. Otis, sec., Tribune bldg., N.Y. (Municipal government-Commission ager plan-Conferences) Clark, J. Maurice, and others, eds. Readings in the economics of war. *$3 Weight 2 lb 8 oz Enclose postage '18 Univ. of Chicago press (European war-Economic aspects) Cleveland, Frederick A., and Schafer, Joseph, eds. Democracy in reconstruction. *$1.50 19 Houghton (Reconstruction (European war) ), Cleveland [O.] hospital council. Regulation of medical practice. bibl '19 308 Anisfield bldg. (Hospitals-Recommendations)

Cohen, Julius Henry. Commercial arbitration and the law. bibl *$3 '18 Appleton (Arbitration and conciliation, Commercial) Collins, Winfield H. Truth about lynching and the negro in the South. *$1.25 '18 Neale (Lynching)

Columbia university. Annual report of President Butler, 1917-1918. '18 New York (Colleges and universities-Reports)

Connecticut. Department of labor. Report on the conditions of wage-earners in the state. '18 (Industrial surveys-Reports) Connecticut state medical society. Proceedings, 1918. bibl Je '18 J: E. Lane, sec., P. O. box 179, New Haven (Medicine-Conferences) Cook county, III. Board of commissioners. Charity service reports, 1917. Weight 28 oz Enclose postage '18 Chicago munic. ref. lib. (Charities-Reports)

Cooke, Morris Llewellyn. Our cities awake. *$2.50 '18 Doubleday (Municipal government) Co-operative league of America. Report of the proceedings, 1918. $1+postage '19 S. H. Perky, sec., 2 W. 13th st, N.Y. (Cooperation -Conferences)

Co-operative union limited. Proceedings, 1916. ? price '16 A. Whitehead, gen. sec., Holyoake House, Hanover st, Manchester, England (Cooperation-Conferences)

Council of organizations for war service. Clearing house for war time training for women. Opportunities for war time training for women in New York city, 1918-1919. 30c S '18 19 W. 44th st, N.Y. (Women-War service -Training)

Crocker, Alfred A. Modern dentistry for the laity and industrial dentistry for the corporation. '18 Sam'l A. Crocker co., 18 W. 7th st. Cincinnati, O. (Industrial dentistry) Dominion association of fire chiefs. Proceedings, 1918. 15c Canadian postage or cash '18 James Armstrong, sec., P. O. box 56, Kingston, Ont. (Fire protection-Conferences) Faber, Harald. Co-operation in Danish agriculture. $2.75 '18 Longmans (Agriculture, Cooperative) Fanning,

Clara Elizabeth, comp. Selected articles on direct primaries. 4th rev ed (Debaters' handbook ser.) bibl *$1.25 '18 Wilson (Primaries)

Fitzpatrick, Edward A. Budget making in a democracy. (Citizen's lib.) $1.50 '18 Macmillan (Budget)

Fitzpatrick, Edward A., ed. Experts in city government. (Nat. munic. league ser.) *$2.25 '19 Appleton (Public service-Training) Florida bankers' association. Proceedings, 1918. '18 G: R. DeSaussure, sec., Jacksonville (Banks and banking-Conferences) Florida bankers' association. Proceedings, 1919. 19 G: R. DeSaussure, sec.-treas., Jacksonville (Banks and banking-Conferences) Free religious association of America.


of the political parties. 10c O '18 Box 42, Wall st sta., N.Y. (Political parties-Comparative information)

General education board. Annual report, 19171918. '19 61 Broadway, N.Y. (Education-Reports)

List of Material Analyzed Continued

General federation of women's clubs. Civics department. Hand-book 1916-1918. bibl 12c '18 B. L. Priddy, chm.. Forest av W., Ypsilanti, Mich. (Civics-Education) Gilbert, Arthur Benson. American cities. *$1.50 '18 Macmillan (Municipalities) Glenn, Garrard. Army and the law. $1.75 '18 Columbia univ. press (United States-Army) Goodell, John M. Location, construction and maintenance of roads. *$1.50 '18 Van Nostrand (Roads)

Governors' conference. Proceedings, 1918. Weight 17 oz Enclose postage '19 M. C. Riley, sec., Madison, Wis. (Governors-Conferences) Guaranty trust company of New York.

Shipping's share in foreign trade. '19 140 Broadway (Shipping)

Gulick, Luther H. Morals and morale. *$1 '19 Assn. press (Soldiers-Moral life) Hartford, Conn. Juvenile commission. 9th annual report, 1918. '18 (Children-Charities, protection, etc.-Reports)

Harvard law school association. Centennial history of the Harvard law school, 1817-1917. bibl $1.50 '18 Cambridge, Mass. (Legal education)

Hospital social service association of New York city. Proceedings, 1918. (V. 5) '18 E. G. Stillman, sec., 405 Lexington av (Hospital social service-Conferences)

Howe, Frederic C. Only possible peace.


'19 Scribner (European war-Causes) Husslein, Joseph. World problem. *$1.25 '18 Kenedy (Catholic church and social problems) Hutton, J. E. Welfare and housing. *$1.50 '18 Longmans (Housing, Industrial)

Idaho. Department of farm markets. 3d and 4th annual report 1917-1918 '18 (Markets and' marketing-Reports)

Illinois. Centennial commission. Era of the Civil war, 1848-1870. A. C: Cole. (Centennial

history of Ill. v. 3) bibl $2 '19 McClurg (United States-History-Civil war) Illinois. Industrial survey. Hours and health of women workers. D '18 Leg. ref. bur. (Hours of labor-Women and children-Reports) Illinois. University. American municipal executive. R. M. Story (Studies in the social sciences v. 7 no. 3) bibl $1.25 S '18 (Municipal government) Illinois state teachers' association. Journal of proceedings, 1917. 80c '18 R. C. Moore, sec., Carlinville (Teachers-Conferences) Indiana. Legislative reference bureau. Year book of the state of Indiana for the year 1918. '19 (State manuals)


Indiana conference on reconstruction and readjustment. Proceedings, 1918. '18 Exec. dept. (Reconstruction (European war)-ConferenIndustrial physicians and surgeons. Proceedings, 1918. '18 Dr F. D. Patterson, chief, Div. of industrial hygiene and engineering, 3d and North sts, Harrisburg (Industrial hygieneConferences)

International association of dairy and milk inspectors. 7th annual report, 1918. $1 '18 I.C. Weld, sec.-treas., 1120 Connecticut av, Washington, D.C. (Dairy industry and trades-Reports)

International kindergarten union. Proceedings, 1918. '18 May Murray, sec.-treas., Springfield, Mass. (Kindergartens-Conferences) lowa_state_teachers' association. Proceedings, 1917. '18 C: F. Pye, sec., Des Moines (Teachers-Conferences)

Jewish agricultural and industrial aid society. Annual report, 1918. '18 C. L. Sulzberger, sec., 174 2d av, N.Y. (Agricultural associationsReports)

Jordan, David Starr. Democracy and world relations, $1.20 '18 World bk. co. (Democracy) Kansas. Board of health. 9th biennial report, 1918. '18 (Public health-Reports) Kansas. Commission on provisions for feebleminded. Kallikaks of Kansas. '19 State lib. (Feebleminded-Investigations-Reports)


Kansas. Geological survey. Environment of Camp Funston. R. C. Moore. (Bul. 4) '18 (Camps, Military)

Kellogg, Paul V., and Gleason, Arthur. British labor and the war. *$2 '19 Boni (European war and labor)

Kentucky bankers association. Proceedings, 1918. J. C. Cardwell, sec., Louisville (Banks and banking-Conferences)

King, W. L. Mackenzie. Industry and humanity. *$3 '18 Houghton (Industrial reconstruction) Kirkpatrick, F. A. South America and the war. $1.50 '18 Putnam (European war-Economic results)

Kolbe, P. R. Colleges in war time and after. *$2 '19 Appleton (Colleges and universities) Laughlin, J. L. Money and prices. *$2.50 '19 Scribner (Money)

[blocks in formation]

Legal aid society.

43d annual report, 1918. '19 C. P. Kitchel, sec., 239 Broadway, N.Y. (Legal aid-Reports) 33d annual re

Legal aid society of Chicago. port, 1918. '18 127 N. Dearborn st (Legal aid -Reports)

Legal reform bureau to eliminate the loan shark evil. Money lenders: a handbook. Clarence Hodson. $1.50 pa $1 Ja '19 26 Cortlandt st, N.Y. (Small loans)

Legal reform bureau to eliminate the loan shark evil. Money-lenders: draft of ideal anti-loan shark statute. (Leg. handbook, form 6) 50c '19 26 Cortlandt st, N.Y. (Small loans) Library association. 41st annual meeting: report of the council, 1918. '18 Caxton Hall, Westminster, S.W.1, London (LibrariesConferences)

Life underwriters' association of Canada. Proceedings, 1917. '17 J. H. Castle Graham, gen. sec., 514 Manning Chambers, Toronto (Insurance, Life-Conferences) Living church annual

and churchman's almanac, 1919. 90c pa 65c+ postage '18 Morehouse pub. co. (Protestant Episcopal church) Long Beach, Cal. Department of public affairs. Bulletin on municipal markets. D '18 Room 5, City Hall (Markets and marketing) Lorenzen, E. G. Conflict of laws relating to bills and notes. $5 '19 Yale univ. press (Bills and notes)

Louisiana bankers' association. Convention proceedings, 1918. '18 Eugene Cazedessus, sec., Baton Rouge (Banks and banking-Conferences)

Louisiana bankers' association. Convention proceedings, 1919. '19 Eugene Cazedessus,

sec., Lock box 608, Baton Rouge (Banks and banking-Conferences) MacKaye, James. Americanized socialism. *$1.25 '18 Boni (Socialism)

Manitoba. Public welfare commission. 2d interim report. F '19 (Public welfare-Reports) Marshall, Leon Carroll. Readings in industrial society. $3.50 '18 Univ. of Chicago press (Industrial society) Maryland.

Board of labor and statistics. 26th report, 1917. '17 McCoy Hall, Baltimore (Labor bureaus-Reports)



Maryland. Conservation commission. nual report, 1918 '19 512 Munsey bldg., Baltimore (Natural resources-Reports) Maryland. Department of education. 52d annual report, 1918. '18 (Schools-Reports) Massachusetts. Board of agriculture. 65th annual report: pt. 2. Year book. 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 4) '18 (Agriculture-Reports) Massachusetts. Board of charity. 39th annual report, 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 17) '18 (Charities -Reports)

List of Material Analyzed-Continued

Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. 11th annual report on the statistics of municipal finances, 1916 and 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 79) '18 (Municipal finance-Reports) Massachusetts. Commission on mental diseases. 2d annual report, 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 117) '18 (Mental diseases-Reports) Massachusetts. Fire prevention commissioner for the metropolitan district. 4th annual report, 1918. (Pub. doc. no 107) Ag '18 (Fire protection-Reports)

Massachusetts. Homestead commission. 5th annual report, 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 103) '18 Homesteads-Reports)


Minimum wage commission. 5th annual report, 1917. (Pub. doc. no. 102) postage 1c Ja '18 Sec. of commonwealth (Minimum wage-Reports) Massachusetts.

Special commission on educa

tion. Report, January 29, 1919. (Senate no. 330) F 19 State lib. (Education-Investigations-Reports)

Massachusetts. Special commission on motor vehicles. Report, 1919. (House no. 1450) '19 State lib. (Motor vehicles-InvestigationsReports) Massachusetts credit union association. You should know about credit unions. 2d ed '18 78 Devonshire st, Boston (Credit unions) Merchants' association of New York. Year book 1918. '18 Woolworth bldg. (Commercial organizations-Reports)

Merchants' association of New York. Industrial bureau. Furniture industry. (Bul. no. 2) '19 233 Broadway, N.Y. (Furniture industry) Minnesota. Board of control and child welfare boards. Proceedings, 1919. '19 (ChildrenCharities, protection, etc.-Conferences) Minnesota. Department of labor and industries. 16th biennial report, 1917-1918. '19 (Industrial boards and commissions-Reports) Minnesota. Forestry board. Annual report, 1918. '18 (Forests and forestry-Reports) Minnesota. Governor. Inaugural message of Gov. J. A. A. Burnquist, 1919. '19 Exec. dept. (Governors' messages, 1919)


Minnesota state conference of charities and corrections. Proceedings, 1917. Ag 5 '18 Minn. bd. of control (Charities-Reports) Mississippi. Department of education. solidation of schools and transportation of pupils. J. T. Calhoun. (Bul. no. 10, 1917) '17 (Schools-Consolidation) Transac

Mississippi state medical association. tions, 1918. '18 T. M. Dye, sec., Clarksdale (Medicine-Conferences)

Missouri. Children's code commission. Report, 1918. '18 St Louis (Children-Charities, protection, etc.-Reports)

Missouri. Secretary of state. Election laws of the state of Missouri and the federal naturalization laws, 1918. '18 (Election laws) Missouri bankers association. Proceedings, 1918. '18 W. F. Keyser, sec., Sedalia (Banks and banking-Conferences)

Modern hospital year book. '19 Modern hospital pub. co., Chicago (Hospitals-Equipment)

Montana. Board of education. Report of the survey of the feeble minded in Montana. bibl Ja '19 State lib. (Feebleminded-SurveysReports)

Montana. Department of labor and industry. 3d biennial report, 1917-1918. '18 (Industrial boards and commissions-Reports) Montana. Industrial accident board. 3d annual report, 1918. '18 (Workmen's compensationReports)

Montana. Tax and license commission. Report, 1917-1918. '18 (Taxation-Classification-Reports)

Montana bankers' association. Proceedings, 1918. '18 E. A. Newlon, sec-treas., Great Falls nat. bank, Great Falls (Banks and banking-Conferences)

Morman, James B. Place of agriculture in reconstruction. *$2 '19 Dutton (Soldiers, Returned-Land settlement-Comparative information)

National association for the advancement of colored people. Africa in the world democracy. 10c Ja '19 70 5th av, N.Y. (NegroesConferences)

National association of commercial organization secretaries. Proceedings 4th annual meeting, 1918. $1 '18 Willis Evans, sec., Peoria, Ill. (Commercial organizations-Secretaries-Conferences)

National association of securities commissioners. Proceedings, 1918. '18 C: J. Andre, sec., State capitol. St Paul, Minn. (SecuritiesRegulation-Conferences) National Catholic war council. Committee on special war activities. Land colonization. (Reconstruction pam. no. 2) Mr '19 1312 Massachusetts av, N.W., Washington, D.C. (Soldiers, Returned-Land settlement) National child labor committee. Child welfare in Alabama. $1 '18 105 E. 22d st, N.Y. (Children-Charities, protection, etc.-Surveys) National child labor committee. Child welfare in North Carolina. W. H. Swift. $1 '18 105 E. 22d st. N.Y. (Children-Charities, protection, etc.-Surveys)

National civil liberties bureau. Facts about conscientious objectors in the United States. bibl 3c Je 1 '18 70 5th av, N.Y. (Conscientious objectors)

National committee for mental hygiene. Cook county and the mentally handicapped. H. M. Adler. (Pub. no. 13) 25c '18 50 Union sq., N.Y. (Mental hygiene-Surveys-Reports) National committee for the prevention of blindness. 4th annual report, 1918. '19 (Blindness-Prevention-Reports)

National committee for the prevention of blindness. Summary of state laws and rulings relating to the prevention of blindness from babies' sore eyes. (Pub. no. 9) D '18 (Blindness-Legislation, Proposed)

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National conference of social work. ings, 1918. $2.50 '19 315 Plymouth Court, Chicago (Charities-Conferences) National convention of insurance commissioners. Proceedings, 1918. '18 Bur. of insurance, Richmond, Va. (Insurance commissionersConferences)

National country life association. Proceedings, 1919. $2 '19 Dwight Sanderson, exec. sec., Ithaca, N.Y. (Country life-Conferences) National editorial association. Report of proceedings, 1918. '18 George Schlosser, sec., Wessington Springs, S. D. (Editors-Conferences) National federation of remedial loan associations. Proceedings, 1918. (RL 32) '18 G: E. Upson, sec., Utica, N.Y. (Small loans-Conferences) National federation of settlements. Proceedings, 1918. '18 R. A. Woods, sec., 20 Union Park, Boston (Social settlements-Conferences)

National foreign trade council. Official report, 1919. $2 '19 O. K. Davis, sec., India House, 1 Hanover sq., N.Y. (Export trade-Conferences)

National industrial conference board. Hours of work as related to output and health of workers: silk manufacturing. (Research rept. no. 16) $1 Mr '19 15 Beacon st, Boston (Hours of labor-Silk industry)

National Industrial conference board. Wartime employment of women in the metal trades. (Research rept. no. 8) $1 Jl '18 15 Beacon st, Boston (Women in industry)

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