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May, 1918.

4 LITHUANIA-GERMANY. German decree issued recognizing independence of Lithuania. London Times (wk. ed.), May 17, 1918.

10 FRANCE-TURKEY. Announced that an accord had been signed relative to repatriation of civilians of the two countries. Clunet, 45:972.

12 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC-UNITED STATES. The American Ambassador at Buenos Aires addressed note to the Argentine Foreign Office calling attention to the necessity for a complete agreement as to the use to which the Hamburg-South American Bahia-Blanco was to be put, and whether it was to trade with enemy countries. Clunet, 45:928.

14 GREAT BRITAIN. Announcement that Great Britain would denounce commercial treaties with most favored-nation clauses. London Times (wk. ed.), May 17, 1918.

15 COURTNEY OF PENWITH. Death of Lord Courtney of Penwith. 21 JAPAN-CHINA-UNITED STATES. Statement as to American position relative to Chino-Japanese treaty. N. Y. Times, May 22, 1918.

31 SERBIA-UNITED STATES. Reply of Serbia to the American note of May 30th relative to the oppressed nationalities of Austria-Hungary and expressing sympathy for the CzechoSlavs and Jugo-Slavs. Official Bulletin, 1918, 351.

June, 1918.

4 GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES. Arbitration treaty renewed for five years. London Times (wk. ed.), June 7, 1918.

12 RUSSIA UKRAINE. Summary of treaty. New York Times, July 6. 1918.

13 RUSSIA-UNITED STATES. Bolshevist government asked of United States the return of the ships Simferoister, Nijni-Novgorod, Tula and Kishinev, taken over by the United States. New York Times, July 1, 1918.

21 GREAT BRITAIN. Imperial War Cabinet and Conference met in London. London Times, June 28, 1918.

24 GREAT BRITAIN-UNITED STATES. Treaty for reciprocal conscription of citizens, ratified by Senate. (Pt. 2):221.

Current History, 8

26 GERMANY. Herr Von Kuehlmann made statement in Reichstag as to aims and peace terms of Germany. Text: London Times (wk. ed.), June 28, 1918.

28 FINLAND SWEDEN-GERMANY. Agreement concluded for demolition of forts on Aland Islands. London Times (wk. ed.), July 5, 1918.

July, 1918.

1 CZECHO-SLAVS. France recognized the independence of CzechoSlavs. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2) :224; New York Times, July 2, 1918.

3. RUMANIA-GERMANY. Rumanian peace treaty ratified by Germany on July 3rd, and by Rumania on July 5th. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):225.

3 TURKEY. Death of Mohammed V, Sultan of Turkey. New York Times, July 4, 1918.

4 TURKEY. Valud Ed-din proclaimed Sultan of Turkey. London Times (wk. ed.), July 12, 1918.

6 RUSSIA-GERMANY. Count von Mirbach, German Ambassador to Russia, assassinated. More than 200 Social revolutionists of the Left were shot for participation in the assassination. Dr. Karl Helfferich was appointed to succeed Mirbach. Cur rent History, 8 (Pt. 2) :224, 438.

7 MURMAN COAST. Entire population broke off relations with Russia and joined the Entente. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2) :224. 9 GERMANY. Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann, German Foreign Minister since August, 1917, resigned and was succeeded by Admiral von Hintze. New York Times, July 10, 1918.

10 CZECHO-SLOVAKS. Announced that a memorandum had been presented to the Japanese Foreign Minister and to the Allied Ambassadors at Tokyo, announcing that Czecho-Slovak troops desired to fight on the western front and did not want to be involved in Russia's internal affairs. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):224.

10 SIBERIA. New provisional government established at Novonikolayevsk. The objects of the new Siberian Government include repudiation of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty and the establishment of a Russian republic with an autonomous Siberia. It is also proposed to rehabilitate the army and send troops against

Germany. Russia's national debt would be acknowledged, Siberia assuming responsibility for her share. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):224.

10 WOLOGDACZHE REPUBLIC. Established in Northern Russia. It comprises the territory from the White Sea to the Asiatic frontier. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2) :224.

11 RUSSIA. Soviet Government declared war on Murman coast. London Times (wk. ed.), July 19, 1918.

12 CHILE-GERMANY. The Chilean cabinet has refused to ratify the recent negotiations looking toward the renting of interned German steamers by the Chilean Government. The leading newspapers accept this action as a definite failure of the attempt to add the German vessels to the Chilean merchant marine. Evening Star (Washington), July 13, 1918.

12 GERMANY-BELGIUM. Imperial Chancellor made statement before Reichstag Committee as to Belgium, etc. London Times (wk. ed.), July 19, 1918.

12 UNITED STATES-SWEDEN. Commercial agreement signed. New York Times, July 13, 1918.

13 RUSSIA TURKEY. Ratifications of Brest-Litovsk Treaty exchanged at Berlin. London Times, July 19, 1918.

15 HAITI. Haiti declared war against Germany. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):225.


Announced Soviet Government to be removed from Moscow to Murman-150 miles east. London Times (wk. ed.), July 19, 1918.

15 SIBERIA. Announced that the provisional government of Siberia had submitted to the Allies a request for joint military action. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):438.

AUSTRIA. Count Czernin, former Foreign Minister, made speech in House of Lords, outlining Austrian peace aims. New York Times, September 17, 1918.

16 GERMANY-GREAT BRITAIN. Provisional agreement reached by delegates to Hague Conference for repatriation of prisoners. London Times (wk. ed.), July 19, 1918.

16 JAPAN-UNITED STATES. Diplomatic council approved Japanese reply to American proposal for intervention in Siberia. Text: London Times (wk. ed.), July 26, 1918.

19 CHINA-VATICAN. Tai-Tcheng-lin appointed first Chinese Minister to Holy See. London Times (wk. ed.), July 19, 1918. 19 HONDURAS-GERMANY. Honduras declared war on Germany. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2) :438; Official Bulletin, No. 367. 19 RUSSIA. Nicholas Romanoff, ex-Czar of Russia, was shot by order of the Soviet Government. It was announced that a counter-revolutionary movement had been discovered with the object of seizing the ex-Emperor, and that the Czecho-Slovak troops were approaching. All his property, as well as that of all the other members of his family, was forfeited to the Soviet Government. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):437; New York


Times, July 21, 1918.

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. The von Seidler cabinet resigned. Baron von Hussarek was appointed premier. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):438.

22 BRAZIL URUGUAY. Brazil signed a treaty cancelling Uruguay's indebtedness to Brazil. Washington Post, July 24, 1918.

23 MURMAN REGIONAL COUNCIL OF DEFENSE-ALLIES. Text of an agreement between. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):438.

23 SIBERIA. Independence of Siberia proclaimed with capital at Omsk. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):438.

24 GERMANY-RUSSIA. Dr. Karl Helfferich appointed Ambassador to Russia. New York Times, July 25, 1918.

24 RUSSIA. Russian Government sent out a purported text of an agreement between Great Britain, United States and France with the Murman Regional Council. London Times (wk. ed.), July 26, 1918.

25 AUSTRIA. Baron von Hussarek succeeded von Seydler as Premier of Austria. New York Times, July 26, 1918.

26 TURKESTAN. Announced that the fifth National Congress of Turkestan had proclaimed Turkestan a republic in alliance with Russia. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2):437; New York Times, July 27, 1918.

24 UKRAINIA-GERMANY. Exchanged ratifications of treaty of peace. London Times (wk. ed.), August 2, 1918.

25 RUSSIA. The allied embassies left Vologda, having been notified by M. C. Tcherin, the Bolshevist Foreign Minister, that Vologda was in danger from bombardment. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2): 438.

26 IMPERIAL WAR CONFERENCE. Held closing session. London Times (wk. ed.), August 2, 1918.

26 ROUMANIA-UKRAINIA. Ukrainian Government announced the abandonment of its claims to Bessarabia, and diplomatic relations with Roumania were resumed. Bessarabia, which was ceded to Ukrainia under the treaty with Germany, annexed itself to Roumania on May 23rd. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2): 438.

27 FINLAND. Crown of Finland offered to Duke Adolf Frederich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and accepted. New York Times, July 28, 1918.

28 KARS, BATUM AND ARDAHAN. By plebicite decided to unite with Turkey. London Times (wk. ed.), August 23, 1918.

29 CHINA. Department of State approved loan to China by American bankers. New York Times, July 30, 1918.

29 ASTRAKAN, THE DON, THE COSSACKS. Announcement made that these governments mutually recognized their autonomy and promised each other mutual assistance in the annexation of other districts whose possession they considered necessary. Current History, 8 (Pt. 2) :437.

29 RUSSIA. Lenine, head of Bolshevist Government, declared informally that a state of war exists between Russia and the Allies. New York Times, July 30, 1918.

30 GREAT BRITAIN - UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged of military service convention between. Text: Official Bulletin, No. 374.

31 MURMANSK. American, British and French Ambassadors arrived at Murmansk. London Times, August 5, 1918.

31 TURKEY-ARMENIA. According to telegram received by the Chairman of the Armenian Refugees Fund in London, a peace treaty between Turkey and the Armenian Independent Republic of Ararat has been ratified at Constantinople. Ararat has a population of 400,000, and the capital is at Erivan. London Times, August 1, 1918.

31 ROUMANIA-UKRAINIA. Agreement reached through Denmark by which Russian province of Bessarabia will go to Roumania, in exchange for commercial concessions. Review of Reviews, 58:


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