Research Methods in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative and Qualitative ApproachesDonna M Mertens not only covers two standard paradigms (postpositivist and interpretive/constructivist) but also explores the new emancipatory paradigm that is inclusive of the perspectives of feminists, ethnic/racial minorities and persons with disabilities. In each chapter, Donna M Mertens carefully explains a step of the research process through the literature review, research method and analysis to reporting the research. Each chapter opens with examples and lists of topics to consider; contains sample studies to illustrate key ideas; has sequence steps to guide one through the research process; and has a question and answer section to elicit further reflection on the material covered. |
From inside the book
Results 1-3 of 56
... instrument : 1. Identify the intended purpose of the instrument as it was conceptualized by the author . 2. Identify your own purpose in collecting data ; who do you intend to use it with and for what reason . 3. Identify the variables ...
... instrument , the 36 - item RAND Health Survey , that could serve as the generic core for the new instrument ( RAND , 1992 ) . The RAND instrument had accumulated a body of evidence supporting its reliability and validity . Step 4 ...
... instrument to after completion . Step 5. Prepare and Pilot Test the Prototype . After the item pool has been developed , the researcher will assemble the first draft of the instrument . To develop a good instrument , you need to go ...
An Introduction to Research | 1 |
Literature Review and Research Problems | 33 |
Causal Comparative and Correlational Research | 85 |
Copyright | |
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