The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Volume 5John Holland Rose, Arthur Percival Newton, Ernest Alfred Benians, Henry Dodwell The University Press, 1932 - Great Britain |
From inside the book
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Page 69
... force at this date was composed of twenty- eight European constables and 130 native peons . The continuance of serious crime and the gross inefficiency of this force led to the publi- cation in 1812 of a regulation , vesting the control ...
... force at this date was composed of twenty- eight European constables and 130 native peons . The continuance of serious crime and the gross inefficiency of this force led to the publi- cation in 1812 of a regulation , vesting the control ...
Page 165
... force for the protection of the Nizam and his dominions , it was entitled to demand that he should provide troops fit to take the field with it and this demand led to the establishment of the Hyderabad con- tingent , 1 a force of four ...
... force for the protection of the Nizam and his dominions , it was entitled to demand that he should provide troops fit to take the field with it and this demand led to the establishment of the Hyderabad con- tingent , 1 a force of four ...
Page 277
... force . But in order to combine the previous direct responsibility of the district magistrate with the intro- duction of departmental organisation , the superintendent was made subordinate to him in all that directly concerned the ...
... force . But in order to combine the previous direct responsibility of the district magistrate with the intro- duction of departmental organisation , the superintendent was made subordinate to him in all that directly concerned the ...
The law member | 7 |
Relations of the Company and the board | 13 |
122 other sections not shown
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adalat administration agricultural appointed areas army assessment assistant Baden Powell Bengal bhadralok Bihar Board Brahmans British India Calcutta canals central government Central Provinces chap charge chief civil classes collector colleges commission commissioner committee Company Company's council courts criminal crops currency Dalhousie Delhi directors district officer duty English established European excise expenditure famine finances force forest gold Government of India governor governor-general Gujarat Hindu Idem important improved increased irrigation judges judicial jurisdiction land land-revenue later legislative Lord Lord Curzon Madras magistrate Maratha Marine measures ment military Muhammadan Mutiny native North-Western Provinces organised Orissa Oudh Panjab parliament police political presidency principles Provs railways Ram Mohan Roy reform regiments regulations relief rents Report revenue rupees ryotwari sadr schools secretary sepoys settlement subordinate superintendent tenants territory tion tracts troops United Provinces viceroy village zamindars