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The Discrepancies between the several

I KNOW not a more rash or unphilosophical conduct of the understanding, than to reject the substance of a story, by reason of some diversity in the circumstances with which it is related. The usual character of human testimony is substantial truth under circumstantial variety. This is what the daily experience of courts of justice teaches. When accounts of a transaction come from the mouths of different witnesses, it is felVOL. II.



dom that it is not poffible to pick out apparent or real inconsistencies between them. These inconsistencies are studioufly displayed by an adverse pleader, but oftentimes with little impreffion upon the minds of the judges. On the contrary, a close and minute agreement induces the fufpicion of confederacy and fraud. When written hiftories touch upon the fame scenes of action, the comparison almost always affords ground for a like reflection. Numerous, and fometimes important, variations present themselves; not feldom also, absolute and final contradictions; yet neither one nor the other are deemed sufficient to shake the credibility of the main fact. The embassy of the Jews to deprecate the execution of Claudian's order to place his statue in their temple, Philo places in harvest, Josephus in feed-time; both contemporary writers. No reader is led by this inconsistency to doubt, whether such an embassy was sent, or whether fuch an order was given. Our own history supplies examples of the same kind. In the account of the Marquis of Argyle's death in the reign


of Charles the Second, we have a very remarkable contradiction. Lord Clarendon relates that he was condemned to be hanged, which was performed the fame day: on the contrary, Burnet, Woodrow, Heath, Echard, concur in stating that he was beheaded; and that he was condemned upon the Saturday, and executed upon the Monday *. Was any reader of English history ever sceptic enough to raise from hence a question, whether the Marquis of Argyle was executed, or not? Yet this ought to be left in uncertainty, according to the principles upon which the Christian history has sometimes been attacked. Dr. Middleton contended, that the different hours of the day affigned to the crucifixion of Christ, by John and by the other evangelists, did not admit of the reconcilement which learned men had proposed; and then concludes the discussion with this hard remark: "We must be forced, with several of the critics, to leave the difficulty just as

* See Biog. Britan.



we found it, chargeable with all the consequences of manifeft inconsistency *." But what are these consequences? By no means the difcrediting of the history as to the principal fact, by a repugnancy (even supposing that repugnancy not to be refolvable into different modes of computation) in the time of the day in which it is faid to have taken place.

A great deal of the difcrepancy, observable in the Gospels, arifes from omission; from a fact or a passage of Christ's life being noticed by one writer, which is unnoticed by another. Now omiffion is at all times a very uncertain ground of objection. We perceive it, not only in the comparison of different writers, but even in the same writer, when compared with himself. There are a great many particulars, and some of them of importance, mentioned by Josephus in his

Antiquities, which, as we should have supposed, ought to have been put down by him in their place in the Jewish Wars *. Suetonius, Tacitus, Dio Caffius, have, all three, written of the reign of Tiberius. Each has • mentioned many things omitted by the rest, yet no objection is from thence taken to the respective credit of their histories. We have in our own times, if there were not fomething indecorous in the comparison, the life of an eminent person, written by three of his friends, in which there is very great variety in the incidents selected by them; fome apparent, and perhaps some real contradictions; yet without any impeachment of the fubstantial truth of their accounts, of the authenticity of the books, of the competent information or general fidelity of the writers.

* Middleton's Reflections answered by Benfon. Hift.

Chrif. vol. iii. p. 50.

pofed, * Lard. part i. vol. ii. p. 735. et seq. † Ib. p. 743. U3

But these difcrepancies will be still more numerous, when men do not write histories, but memoirs; which is perhaps the true name, and proper description of our Gofpels: that is, when they do not undertake, or ever


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