Five Bodies: Re-figuring RelationshipsFive Bodies offers an introduction to some of the most urgent contemporary concerns within the sociology of the body. The book was first published in 1985 in the USA by Cornell University Press, and was nominated for the John Porter Award (sponsored by the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association). A path breaking book, it offered a framework for the growing field of the sociology of the body and opened up 'the body' for sociological research. This new edition (the previous edition was published by Cornell University Press (1985) has been substantially revised and updated to address today's issues of the body in modern life, community and politics. John O'Neill examines how embodied selves and relationships are being re-shaped and re-figured and how the embodied figures of the polity, economy and society represent the contested notions of identity, desire, wholeness and fragmentation. He focuses upon those cultural practices through which we map our macro-micro worlds: · articulating a cosmology · a body politic · a productivensumptive economy · a bio-technological frontier of human design and transplantation |
From inside the book
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... problem of political legitimacy to sheerly cognitivist practices . This shift in turn recovers the embodied ration- alities of everyday living , family survival , health , self - respect , love , and communion . People when asked are ...
... problem of good and evil , by the problem of poverty in the midst of plenty , and by a nostalgia for modes of living that seem less egoistic , less competi- tive and inauthentic than life in societies ruled by the constant drive to ...
... problem and thereby expropriate the potential of people to deal with their condition in an autonomous way . ( Navarro , 1979 ) The medicalization of the body is a dramatic part of the pervasive indus- trialization of the body observed ...