Persuasive CommunicationNow in a revised and expanded second edition, this popular text provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of persuasive messages and their effects. Concepts and methods from communication and social psychology are seamlessly integrated to give students a solid grasp of foundational issues in persuasion research, the core features of persuasive transactions, and major models of persuasive communication. Retaining the clear organization and wealth of concrete examples that distinguished the original text, the second edition has been updated throughout with new data and theoretical developments. Two entirely new chapters cover the role of emotional appeals in persuasive transactions and the nature of resistance to interpersonal influence, among other topics. |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 37
Page ix
... Cognitive Dissonance Theory , Social Judgment Theory , and the like . Instead , readers found a review of essential characteristics of persuasion and a discussion of how these characteristics are effectively used in persuasive ...
... Cognitive Dissonance Theory , Social Judgment Theory , and the like . Instead , readers found a review of essential characteristics of persuasion and a discussion of how these characteristics are effectively used in persuasive ...
Page xiii
... Cognitive Dissonance 80 Alternative Theoretical Explanations 88 Arousal , CAA , and Attitude Change 90 Integration of Cognitive Dissonance and Self - Perception Theories 94 Notes 100 Summary 99 Part II . Components of Persuasive ...
... Cognitive Dissonance 80 Alternative Theoretical Explanations 88 Arousal , CAA , and Attitude Change 90 Integration of Cognitive Dissonance and Self - Perception Theories 94 Notes 100 Summary 99 Part II . Components of Persuasive ...
Page 78
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II | 3 |
III | 4 |
IV | 11 |
V | 19 |
VI | 26 |
VIII | 27 |
IX | 28 |
X | 31 |
XLIV | 163 |
XLV | 164 |
XLVI | 165 |
XLVII | 166 |
XLVIII | 170 |
XLIX | 181 |
L | 186 |
LI | 188 |
XI | 53 |
XIII | 55 |
XIV | 56 |
XV | 57 |
XVI | 60 |
XVII | 68 |
XVIII | 75 |
XIX | 76 |
XX | 78 |
XXI | 79 |
XXII | 80 |
XXIII | 88 |
XXIV | 90 |
XXV | 94 |
XXVI | 99 |
XXVII | 100 |
XXVIII | 101 |
XXIX | 103 |
XXX | 104 |
XXXI | 119 |
XXXII | 125 |
XXXIII | 126 |
XXXIV | 127 |
XXXV | 128 |
XXXVII | 142 |
XXXVIII | 143 |
XXXIX | 144 |
XL | 145 |
XLI | 147 |
XLII | 159 |
XLIII | 162 |
LII | 189 |
LIII | 190 |
LIV | 194 |
LV | 199 |
LVI | 210 |
LVII | 211 |
LVIII | 213 |
LIX | 214 |
LX | 217 |
LXI | 230 |
LXII | 233 |
LXIII | 235 |
LXIV | 236 |
LXV | 237 |
LXVI | 239 |
LXVII | 246 |
LXVIII | 257 |
LXX | 259 |
LXXI | 260 |
LXXII | 272 |
LXXIII | 280 |
LXXIV | 281 |
LXXV | 282 |
LXXVI | 286 |
LXXVII | 294 |
LXXVIII | 302 |
LXXIX | 305 |
LXXXI | 307 |
Common terms and phrases
Ajzen argued argument quality arousal atti attitude change attitudes and behaviors Bandura behavior change behavioral intentions beliefs Boster Cacioppo campaigns Chaiken Chapter Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance Theory cognitive responses colleagues compliance compliance-gaining conceptual condition correlation cues D. J. O'Keefe Dillard discussion Dissonance Theory DITF drug Eagly Elaboration Likelihood Model emotional evaluation evidence example experience experimental explanation factors Fazio fear appeals findings Fishbein FITD function guilt heuristic important inoculation interaction investigations Jerry Springer Show mass media measure message content message discrepancy message receivers message recipients message recommendation message source meta-analytic minor premise motivation negative outcome-relevant involvement participants perceived person persuasion research persuasive communication persuasive effects persuasive messages Petty Pfau position predicted produce psychological request resistance sage Self-Perception Theory situations sleeper effect Social Judgment Theory Social Psychology source credibility source's strategies studies subjective norms target theoretical tion tive topic tudes two-sided Unimodel validity variables
References to this book
Communicatie en interactieve beleidsvorming Cees M.J. Woerkum (Communicatie) No preview available - 2000 |