The Cambridge History of the British EmpireCUP Archive, 1940 - Great Britain |
From inside the book
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da Gamas second voyage | 7 |
First siege of | 15 |
Siege of | 21 |
Havarts description | 36 |
The Ten Years Truce | 45 |
Renewal of war with the Portuguese | 56 |
Early voyages to the east | 62 |
Gardanes mission | 331 |
Treaty of Seringapatam 1792 | 337 |
Reestablishment of the Hindu reigning family | 344 |
Shore and the succession question 348 | 348 |
Position and character of Nawab Walajah | 355 |
The Seringapatam papers | 361 |
Death of Mahadaji Sindhia | 367 |
The Treaty of Bassein | 373 |
Preparatory measures | 68 |
Union of the Spanish and Portuguese crowns | 89 |
The capture of Ormuz | 103 |
9 | 109 |
CHAPTER V | 117 |
Siege of Pondichery | 123 |
Dupleixs agreement with Chanda Sahib | 126 |
12 | 127 |
Conference of Sadras | 132 |
Intrigues against Bussy | 138 |
Expedition of recovery | 144 |
Clive and the Hindu officials | 151 |
Capture of Fort St David | 159 |
13 | 161 |
CHAPTER IX | 166 |
15 | 168 |
Vansittarts policy | 172 |
The salt company | 178 |
Parliamentary measures of 1767 | 184 |
17 | 189 |
The acts of 1779 and 1780 | 192 |
Dundass India bi | 194 |
18 | 195 |
Pitts India Act | 200 |
19 | 201 |
Position in 1772 | 206 |
Abuse of patronage | 212 |
The conference at Benares | 218 |
20 | 220 |
PAGE | 225 |
Later councillors | 230 |
Misconduct of the majority and of Hastings | 239 |
Impey and the Sadr Court | 245 |
Position of the English | 251 |
The Treaty of Surat | 257 |
Renewal of war | 263 |
22 | 264 |
Capture of Gwalior | 269 |
Early relations with Hyder Ali | 275 |
23 | 276 |
Sir John Lindsays mission | 277 |
Outbreak of war | 283 |
Macartneys relations with Hastings and Coote | 289 |
Hastingss defence | 301 |
24 | 304 |
Correspondence with England | 319 |
French projects | 325 |
Gangadhar Sastris murder | 379 |
Criminal cases | 390 |
Miscellaneous taxes | 396 |
Portuguese and Dutch influence on the island | 402 |
The occupation of Kandi | 408 |
Hastings as revenue administrator | 413 |
Criticisms of Francis etc | 419 |
The Amini Commission | 425 |
Macphersons reorganisation | 431 |
Cornwalliss character | 437 |
The reform of criminal justice | 444 |
The permanent settlement | 450 |
Changes introduced by Shore and Wellesley | 456 |
Lionel Place in the jagir | 468 |
Introduction of the permanent zamindari settlement | 474 |
Results of the early period | 480 |
English views on Central Asia | 486 |
The siege of Herat | 493 |
Home policy | 499 |
Surrender of Dost Muhammad | 505 |
Aucklands measures | 511 |
Ellenboroughs orders | 517 |
The navigation of the Indus | 523 |
Napiers instructions | 530 |
Outbreak in Lower Sind | 536 |
The capture of Peshawar | 543 |
Battles of Firozshah and Sobraon | 550 |
Annexation of the Panjab | 556 |
44 | 567 |
Lord Hastingss settlement | 570 |
The Bharatpur succession | 577 |
Annexation of Oudh | 583 |
Hastingss assertion of British sovereignty | 597 |
The attitude of Cornwallis | 603 |
The Portuguese in India Chapter 1 | 609 |
CHAPTER II | 613 |
615 | |
623 | |
625 | |
Legislation and Governments 17861818 Chapter xvII | 630 |
635 | |
The Revenue Administration of Bengal 176586 Chapter xxv | 639 |
647 | |
650 | |
47 | 652 |
653 | |
Lallys expedition 158 | 656 |
659 | |
Common terms and phrases
administration affairs amirs appointed army arrived attack Batavia Bengal Bombay British Bussy Calcutta capture Carnatic Ceylon Chait Singh chief Clive coast collectors Colonel command Committee Company's servants Cornwallis Coromandel Coromandel Coast council court of directors Deccan declared dispatch district Dupleix Dutch East India Company emperor enemy England English established European factory favour February fleet force Fort St David French garrison Gleig governor governor-general grant Gujarat Hastings's Hyder Hyder Ali Idem Impey Ja'far Jang Khan king lakhs land letter Lord Madras Malabar Maratha March military Moghul Muhammad Mysore Nana Nandakumar nawab negotiations Nizam officers orders Oudh Parliamentary peace Peshwa political Pondichery Poona Portuguese position possessions president princes province Raghunath Rao raja reform revenue Rohillas ruler rupees secure sent September settlement Shah Shuja ships Sikhs Sindhia success Surat territory Tipu trade treaty troops village Warren Hastings wrote zamindars