COVID-19: Defining Cured

Front Cover

To cure a case of COVID-19, we need a comprehensive definition of the COVID-19, and a complementary definition of cure covering all aspects and all cases. Neither exists today. COVID-19 is incurable. 

COVID-19 Defining Cured defines cure, cures, curing and cured as related to COVID-19, from the simplest asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, to multiple stages of disease leading to disabilities and additional disease that might be caused by COVID-19.

Today, cured is not defined for COVID-19. Statistics for COVID-19 include counts of Cases, Recovered, and Deaths. There are no counts for cured. Because cured is not defined for COVID-19, it is not possible to count COVID-19 cures. It is also not possible to test or validate any COVID-19 cures.

This is hardly a surprise. Cured is not defined scientifically nor medically for most diseases. Cured is defined in a testable fashion for an infectious disease that is cured by a medicine. No other type of disease has a definition of cured. Cured is not defined for any disease cured by natural healthiness, therefore "there is no cure for the common cold". Cured is not defined for any mental disorder. Cured cannot be defined for a mental disorder - due to an obscured technical issue. Cured is not defined for any chronic disease - and as a result all chronic diseases are considered incurable. Finally, cured is not defined for any non-infectious disease.

Healthicine, the arts and sciences of health and healthiness, contains a theory of cure and provides a clear definition of cured for any (curable) element of illness as published in A Theory of Cure and The Elements of Cure.

A severe case of COVID-19 consists of many elements of illness. As a result, a severe case of COVID-19 requires several cures, only one of which can be medically recognized.

This book presents an analysis of the theory of cure, as it applies to the disease COVID-19. This is not about about curing COVID-19, it is about understanding cures, and COVID-19, to the point where we understand when a COVID-19 cure is present, or not.

About the author

Tracy Kolenchuk is a retired computer geek, a student of systems, a volunteer teacher of English a volunteer jazz club manager,  a former Candidate Master of chess, a photographer, a traveller, a student of many things. He speaks English, a bit of dog, horse, Spanish, and can say hello in many languages.

Tracy is the creator and founder of Healthicine, the Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, and the author of two books about healthicine. As he worked on updating the book Introduction to Healthicine, he encountered a serious issue. Cure. Cure is not defined medically. As a result, he spent four years researching and subsequently published two books about cure, and a research paper A Theory of Cure.

This book is based on concepts of healthicine and cure, which continue to evolve. 

I am a man, and whatever concerns humanity is of interest to me. ---Terence

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