Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, Volume 54Pakistan Historical Society., 2006 - Pakistan |
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Page 29
... authority in the Sultanate of Delhi during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries . However , before exploring them , it briefly discusses the political authority in the early Islamic era , followed by a brief discussion on the ...
... authority in the Sultanate of Delhi during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries . However , before exploring them , it briefly discusses the political authority in the early Islamic era , followed by a brief discussion on the ...
Page 31
... authority in Islam . " But it was only gradually that the ' ulama ' had come to be recognized as the custodians of religious authority in Sunni Islam . * An important feature of the ' Abbasid era was the ' creative tension ' between ...
... authority in Islam . " But it was only gradually that the ' ulama ' had come to be recognized as the custodians of religious authority in Sunni Islam . * An important feature of the ' Abbasid era was the ' creative tension ' between ...
Page 40
... authority by enhancing the external dignity and prestige of the institution of kingship by pomp and show , and by striking awe in the hearts of the people . The high - sounding titles and epithets of sultans , their palaces and imperial ...
... authority by enhancing the external dignity and prestige of the institution of kingship by pomp and show , and by striking awe in the hearts of the people . The high - sounding titles and epithets of sultans , their palaces and imperial ...
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Abbasid Abdul Latif Afghan Ahmad Akbar al-Biruni al-Din Alhazen Amir Ansar Zahid Khan Arabic Arakan Aryans authority Awrangzib Babur Bait al-Hikmah Balochistan Bani Barani became believe Bengal Buddhist Calcutta Caliph caste system century Christian culture Da'ud Dehlavi Divine Firuz Gakkhar Haji Sahib Hakim Mohammed Hamdard Foundation Hamdard Foundation Pakistan Hasan Hindu History Holy Humayun Ibid Ibn Battutah ijtihad India indigo Institute Iqbal Islam Israelites jizyah Journal Karachi Khalji king knowledge Lahore language linga Ma'sum Madinat al-Hikmah Mahmud Majnu Shah Makhdum Malik medieval military Mission modern Mughul Muhaddith Muhammad Muslim non-Muslims Pakistan Historical Society Pashtun Pathan Persian Peshawar planters political Prof Prophet published Pukhtuns Punjab Qur'an religion religious Rigvedic Rohingyas Rohtas rule rulers ryots scholars Shāh Shah Wali Allah Shah's Shari'ah Shaykh Abd al-Haq Sher Shah Sindh social sufi Sultanate of Delhi Tarikh Tarikh-i theory translated Tughluq ulama University Urdu verses