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0.48 iShares DJ 0.95 ProShares 2009 Morningstar Inc accounts actively managed funds Annualized assets Bank bear market billion cash CATEGORY AVERAGE clients cost coverage debt deduct discount DivEmMkt Divers Dividend Dodge & Cox donor-advised fund EDITOR El-Erian Emerging Markets Equity Income ETFs Fidelity Financial foundation fund’s GEICO Global Gold Health Hybrid index funds International Intl investment investors iShares MSCI iShares Russell iShares S&P Janus June 30 Kiplinger 25 Kiplinger’s LarBlnd Large Cap LarGro LarVal LIPITOR loan long-term Mid Cap Value MidBlnd MidGro MidVal mortgage MSCI EAFE mutual funds Natrl Rsc offer Pimco portfolio premiums ProShares rates redemption fee RegEmMkt retirement risk Roth IRA Rowe Price Royce savings says SEARCH FUNDS share classes Silver Eagles Small Cap Small Cap Value SmlBlnd SmlGro SmlVal SngCntry SPDR SPDR S&P stock funds There’s Total Return trade U.S. Stock USAA ValueA Vanguard volatile