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Ex. We will come this day Sen'night, andiamo d hoggi à gli otto.

Tuesday fortnight, di martedi à li quindeci.


A great deal is expreffed by molto, and fometimes by grande.

I think she has a great deal of Wit, creda c' habbia molto fpirito.

I have had a great deal of pain, hò havuto gran pena.

A great deal of pleasure, gran piacere.

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He has a great deal of Spirit, hà grande, or molto spirito.

A little of is expreffed by un poco di.

Ex. A little bread, un poco di pane.

A little of Compassion, un poco di pietà.


When the Word qual what, not in a Question comes before a Verb, the Verb is put in the Optative Mood.

Ex. I know not what is his Intention, non jò qual fia l'intento fuo.


Here, is turned by quì with Verbs of Rest, or when near at hand; by quà with Verbs of Motion, or when at more distance.

Ex. He is here, è quì; come here, or hither venete



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Infinitives, Gerunds, and the Adverb ecco there, always take the Articles lo, la, li, le, after them, and the Infinitive Mood lofes its laft vowell.

Ex. To fee him, per vederlo, not per lo vedere. I fhall be very glad to know him, mi sarebbe caro di conoscerlo.

Seeing her, vedendola.
There they are, eccoli.

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To go, when it means to fee a Perfon, is expreffed by venire and not andare.

Ex. I will go to your Houfe too morrow, verrò da voi domani.

Note, when to go is expreffed by andare and an Infinitive follows, the Prepofitions a or ad must be put before the Infinitive; the fame alfo before other Verbs of Motion.

Ex. Let us go fee, andiamo a vedere.

Come fee, venite a vedere.

Let us send to tell, mandiamo a dire.


The Infinitive Mood of Verbs is ufed when we forbid a Person to do a thing.

Ex. Do not thou do that, non fare questo.

Say thou nothing, non dire niente.

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In my, in thy, in his, in her, are expreffed by nel as in Chap. I. Rule 7.

Ex. In my garden, nel mio giardino.
In thy book, nel tuo libro.

In her Chamber, nella fua camera.
In his Chambers, nelle fue camere.


All or every are expreffed by tutto M. tutta F. Sing. tutti M. tutte F. Plur. And also by ogni, which is only used in the Singular Number both Mafc. and Feminine, and is joined to the following Word, beginning either with a Vowel or Confonant,

Ex. The whole Earth, tutta la terre.
All the Women, tutte le donne
All or every Scholar, ognifcolare.
For every thing, per ognicofa.


More, or more of, are expreffed by maggiore when more can be turned by greater.

Ex. With more boldness, con maggior ardire. We must have more courage, bifogna havére maggior anima.

More, when it fignifies a greater Number, is maggior numero di.

Ex. We muft have more Soldiers, bifogna havére maggior numero di foldati.


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More than, with a word of Time, is più at

end of the Phrase.

Ex. It is more than ten Years, fono dieci anni e più. More than an hour, un bora e più.

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So that, or in that manner is expressed by che. Ex. I will do it fo that you shall be contented, farò che farete contento.


Much, in Comparison, is often expressed by vià. Ex. Much more learned, via più dotto.

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Like, is expreffed sometimes by da; upon the faith is expreffed alfo by da.

Ex. You speak like a friend, V. S. parla da amico. "Upon the faith of an honeft man, da galant' buomo.

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The Words long of, as far as, are rendred by per.. Ex. It is not long of me, non refta per me. As far as I fee, per quel che vedo.


To be fuck, or ill, before Part of the Body, is expreffed by dolere, which is made then a Verb Imperfonal, and put only in the third Perfon fingular. K 3


Ex. I have the head ach, mi duole la tefta.
They have the head ach, duole loro la tefta.


After that, before the Verb am and a Participle Common, is chè after the Participle, which is put at the beginning.

Ex. After that he had seen, veduto c' hebbe.

Am, and its Tenfes, before an Infinitive Mood is expreffed by dovere, or, by effere per.

Ex. I was to go, dovevo andare, or ero per andare.


Being, before a Participle Common, is not exprest. Ex. The time being come, venuto il tempo. Being aftonisht at it, meravegliatosene.


To bring, when it means a thing we cannot carry, is menare, a thing we can carry, is portare.

Ex. Bring the Horfe to the Stable, menate il cavallo alla ftala.

Bring me fome Beer, pertatemi della biera.


Do, does, are not exprest in Italian unless they be turned by the Verb to make; And when used to enquire after Health, do &c. is turned by the Verb ftare. See the Examples Chap. 3. Rule 4.

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