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effect in an industrial establishment, by R. A. Feiss. A functionalized employment department as a factor in industrial efficiency, by E. M. Hopkins. The new profession of handling men, by M. Bloomfield. The labor turn-over and the humanizing of industry, by J. H. Willits. A national system of labor exchanges in its relarion to inductrial efficiency, by J. B. Andrews. Scientific management as a solution of the unemployment problem, by M. L. Cooke. Simplified cost accounting for manufacturers, by W. B. Palmer. Working conditions necessary for maximum output, by N. A. Brisco. The principles of industrial efficiency applied to the form of corporate organization, by H. S. Dennison. Greater agricultural efficiency for the Black belt of Alabama, by C. E. Allen. Development of standards in municipal government, by H. Bruère. What scientific management means to America's industrial position, by F. B. Gilbreth and Lillian M. Gilbreth.-pt. iv. Industrial conservation through world peace: The basis of constructive internationalism, by W. G. S. Adams. How America may contribute to the permanent peace of the world, by G. W. Kirchwey. How can America best contribute to the maintenance of the world's peace? By G. L. Dickinson. America's possible contribution to a constructive peace, by M. Hillquit. How can America best contribute toward constructive and durable peace? By C. W. Eliot. Acquisitive statesmanship, by W. M. Shuster. War-or scientific taxation, by C. H. Ingersoll. The constructive work of the American army, by L. Wood. Some problems of defense, by A. S. Hershey. Economic pressure as a means toward conserving peace, by H. S. Houston. An international court, an international sheriff and world peace, by T. Williams. World court and league of peace, by T. Marburg. H1.A4 no. 61 HC106.A586

3a American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia. A reconstruction labor policy.

Philadelphia, 1919. 211 p. 25cm. (Its Annals, v. LXXXI, whole no. 170. Jan. 1919.)

CONTENTS.-Pt. I. Release of man power from post-war industry: British demobilization plans, by Robert C. Clothier; Release of industrial leaders from government service for industrial supervision, by Mark M. Jones. Pt. II. Industrial placement: United States employment service and demobilization, by I. W. Litchfield; Lessons of the war in shifting labor, by John B. Densmore; The extension of selective tests to industry, by Beardsley Ruml; War's challenge to employment managers, by Joseph H. Willits; Housing and transportation problems in relation to labor placement, by John Ihlder; A national policy-public works to stabilize employment, by Otto T. Mallery; Placing soldiers on farm colonies, by Elwood Mead; Immigration standards after the war, by Henry Pratt Fairchild. Pt. III. Standards for replaced labor: Seven points for a reconstruction labor policy, by V. Everit Macy; Federal policies for women in industry, by Mary Van Kleeck; Can we eliminate labor unrest? by Robert W. Bruère; Post-war causes of labor unrest, by Malcolm Keir; The measurement of the cost of living and wages, by William F. Ogburn; Wages for women workers, by Mary Anderson; Health problems of indus

trial workers, by John A. Lapp; Training labor; a necessary reconstruction policy, by C. T. Clayton; The employment manager and applied vocational guidance, by Ida May Wilson; Resolutions of the war emergency congress of the Chamber of commerce of the United States; Capital and labor, by Charles M. Schwab; Postwar standards for industrial relations, by Henry P. Kendall; Representation in industry, by John D. Rockefeller, jr.; Labor standards after the war, by Samuel Gompers; Resolutions on reconstruction of the British Labor party. H1.A4, vol. 81 HD8072.A48

4 American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia. War adjustments in railroad regulation. Editor in charge of this volume: C. H. Crennan.

Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science, 1918. x, 333 p. 241cm. (Its Annals, vol. LXXVI [whole no. 165])

PARTIAL CONTENTS.-pt. IV. Plans for adjustment after the war: Control of railroad after the war, by H. A. Palmer. Reconstituting railroad regulation, by G. A. Post. A suggested plan for permanent governmental supervision of railroad operation after the war, by A. W. Smith. The necessity for public ownership of the railways, by F. C. Howe.-pt. v. Continuing problems of public policy: State regulation of the securities of railroads and public service companies, by Mary L. Barron. Desirable scope and method of federal regulation of railroad securities, by M. Thelen. The point now reached in the federal regulation of intrastate rates, by J. A. Little. Necessity for exclusive federal control over state and interstate rates, by E. J. Rich. How could nationalization of rate regulation best be accomplished? By M. S. Decker. Legal questions involved in nationalization of rate regulation, by W. E. Lamb. Regional railroad commissions: their relation to the state commissions and to the interstate commission, by J. E. Love. The tomorrow of finance, by S. N. Patten.-pt. vi. Documents and statistics pertinent to current railroad problems. H1.A4 vol. 76 HE2757.1918.A6

5 American federation of labor. Committee on reconstruction. American labor's reconstruction program. Drafted by the committee on reconstruction.

National civic federation review, Jan. 25, 1919, v. 4, no. 8: 12-14, 18. HD4802.N2,v.4

6 American industrial commission to France. Report to the American manufacturers export association by the American industrial commission to France, SeptemberOctober, 1916.

[New York, Press of Redfield-Kendrick-Odell co. inc., 1917] 4 p. l., [13]-256 p. front., illus. (incl. port. group) fold. maps, fold. plans. 28cm.

Bibliography: p. [233]-238


7 American manufacturers export association. Export problems of the United States. Papers read before the ninth annual convention and proceedings of the convention held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, New York City, Oct. 30 and 31, 1918.


New York, American manufacturers export association, 1918. 448 p. 231cm.


8 Armbruster, L. Réparation des dommages causés par la guerre; réquisitions-pensions-valeurs mobilières détruites, constatation et évaluation des dommages matériels résultant de faits de guerre, restauration des maisons-abris provisoires, reconstruction des cités.

Paris [etc.] Berger-Levrault, 1916. xxxviii, 282 p. incl. tables.



Sa Association of national advertisers, New York. Reconstruction of foreign and domestic markets. Pt. I. Manufacturing capacity and world trade.

New York, Assoc. of National advertisers, 15 East 26th st., [Rand McNally & co.], 1918. 36,1 p.

To be issued in 6 parts covering the following subjects. Pt. 2 on the Merchant marine; pt. 3, Financial relations of the belligerents; pt.4, Industrial situation and conditions in typical industries; pt. 5, Changes in marketing outlets due to war conditions; pt. 6, Measures for maintaining and expanding foreign and domestic markets.

8b Atkisson, Horace, L. B. Readjustment; a cross-section of the best considered literature and discussions, prepared for the National association of manufacturers.

New York city, Issued from the Secretary's office, [1919]. 92 p. 221cm.


9 Austin, Oscar P. International trade after the war, an address before American association for the advancement of science, December 29, 1916.

[New York, 1917] 13 p. 23cm.

On cover: The National city bank of New York (seal)

10 Badley, John Haden. Education after the war.


Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1917. ix, 125 p. 194cm.

11 Balch, Emily Greene. Approaches to the great settlement, with a bibliography of some of the more recent books and articles dealing with international problems. Pub. for the American union against militarism.

New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1918. 6 p. 1., 351 p. front. (fold. map) plates, ports. 21cm ̧


12 Barclay, Sir Thomas. Arbitrage et relations internationales après la paix, tr. par Charles Furby.

Paris, E. Flammarion, 1918. 2 p. l., 268 p. 19cm.


13 Barker, J. Ellis. Economic statesmanship; the great industrial and financial problems arising from the war. London, J. Murray, 1918. ix, 408 p. 211cm.


"A companion volume to "The great problems of British statesmanship."-Pref.

"The bulk of the volume has previously appeared in the Nine-
teenth century and after and the Fortnightly review."-Pref.
CONTENTS.-Introduction.-Coal, iron, and the domination of the
world.-Britain's true wealth and the relative unimportance of
the war debt.-The inefficiency of the British transport system
and of British agriculture-some lessons from America.-The
inefficiency of British industrial production-the possibility of
trebling output.-Education and economic success.-Labour
and capital after the war.-The problem of the tariff-would a
tariff harm Lancashire?—The problem of the tariff-the British
and the American merchant marine.-The economic position and
future of France.-The problem of Alsace-Lorraine.-The economic
position and future of Italy.-Can Germany pay an indemnity?
Her natural wealth.-Can Germany pay an indemnity? Her
production and trade.-The future and the natural resources of
the United States.-Analytical index.

-The great problems of British statesmanship.
London, J. Murray, 1917. xi, 445 p. 211cm

Chapters II-XI reprinted from the Nineteenth century and after.
CONTENTS.-I. The peace congress and after.-. The problem of
Constantinople.-ш. The problem of Asiatic Turkey.-Iv. The
problem of Austria-Hungary.-v. The problem of Poland.-VI.
The German emperor's position.-vii. Britain's war finance and
economic future.-vII. Britain's coming industrial supremacy.-
IX. Democracy and the iron broom of war.-x. How America
became a nation in arms.-XI. An Anglo-American reunion.—
Analytical index.

15 Biard d'Aunet, Georges. La politique et les affaires. Paris, Payot & cie, 1918. 3 p. l., [9]-250 p., 1 l. 19cm. (His Après la guerre. [11])


16 Blackman-Ross company. The effect of the war on business conditions, with particular reference to post-war pro

duction and markets.

New York, Blackman-Ross

tables. 36cm

company [1918] illus.,


17 Board of trade journal, London. After-war trade. The departmental committees, I-XI.

Board of trade journal, Jan. 3, 1918-Apr. 18, 1918.

Contains other articles on reconstruction in Great Britain and other countries, including Germany.



18 [Bray, Reginald Arthur] The problem of juvenile employment
after the war.

[London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling & son, ltd., printers,
1918] 11 p.



19 British trade corporation. Copy of the petition of promoters,
the deed of settlement, and the royal charter of incor-


London, H. M.

1917. 29 p.
by command]

Stationery off., Darling and son, printers,

331cm. ([Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers
Cd. 8567)


20 Carter, Huntly, ed. Industrial reconstruction; a symposium
on the situation after the war and how to meet it.
London, T. F. Unwin, ltd. [1917] xv, 295 p. 19cm.

Mainly reprinted from the New age, November, 1916-April, 1917.

CONTENTS.-Preface. The state view: (a) National, by Sir John
Cockburn; (b) Imperial, by P. H. Kerr; (c) International, by Sir
Graham John Bower, R. W. Seton-Watson. The views of capital:
(a) Engineering, by Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice, Sir Robert Hadfield;
(b) Shipbuilding, by Sir Benjamin Browne, Sir Archibald Denny,
W. L. Hichens, H. B. Rowell; (c) Mining, by Sir Hugh Bell; (d)
Manufacture, by Edward Cadbury; (e) Trade, by Ernest J. P.
Benn, Walter Hazell; (f) Transport, by F. Dudley Docker; (g)
Federation, by R. T. Nugent; (h) Research, by John Hilton.
Labour views: (a) Organised trade-unionists, syndicalists and
guildsmen, by John F. Armour, George Barker, F. S. Button,
W. N. Ewer, Charles Hobson, Thomas Johnson, T. E. Naylor;
(b) Parliamentary representatives, by James O'Grady, F. W.
Jowett; (c) Educationalists, by H. Sanderson Furniss, J. Mac-
Tavish. Economic views: (a) Political: Free trade, by Harold
Cox; (b) Industrial: (1) Group: National guildsmen, G. D. H.
Cole; W. Mellor, Maurice B. Reckitt; (2) Individual, A. J.
Carlyle, Hilaire Belloc, C. H. Grinling, E. Lipson, T. A. Smiddy;
(c) Social, by M. D. Eder, J. St. George Heath, G. Bernard Shaw;
(d) Financial, by Emil Davies, Raymond Radclyffe, John Zorn;
(e) Statistical, by A. L. Bowley, F. W. Hirst; (f) Agricultural, by
Stanley M. Bligh; (g) Geographical, by H. J. Fleure. General
views: (a) Sociology, by Sir Edward Brabrook, Mrs. Victor V.
Branford, Miss B. L. Hutchins, H. G. Wells; (b) Psychology, by
Havelock Ellis, M. W. Robieson; (c) Logic, by W. Anderson;
(d) Philosophy: (1) Aesthetic, by L. March Phillipps; (2) Moral,
by Bernard Bosanquet; (e) Religion, by James Adderley, William
Temple; (f) Art and craft, by C. R. Ashbee, T. Raffles Davison,
A. J. Penty; (g) Law, by Sir Roland K. Wilson; (h) Politics:
(1) Democratic, by G. K. Chesterton, Edward Carpenter; (2)
Republican, by Arthur Lynch; (3) National (Ireland), by George

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