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Barnabas*, the companion of Paul. It is quoted as the epiftle of Barnabas by Clement of Alexandria, A. D. 194; by Origen, A. D. 230. It is mentioned by Eufebius, A. D. 315, and by Jerome, A. D. 392, as an ancient work in their time, bearing the name of Barnabas, and as well known and read amongst Christians, though not accounted a part of Scripture. It purports to have been written foon after the deftruction of Jerusalem, during the calamities which followed that disaster; and it bears the character of the age to which it profeffes to belong.

In this epiftle appears the following remarkable paffage :-"Let us, therefore, beware left it come upon us, as it is written, There are many called, few chofen." From the expreffion," as it is written," we infer with certainty, that, at the time when the

*Lardner's Cred. ed. 1755, vol. i. p. 23 et feq. The reader will obferve from the references, that the materials of these fections are almoft entirely extracted from Dr. Lardner's work-my office confifted in arrangement and felection.


author of this epiftle lived, there was a book extant, well known to Chriftians, and of authority amongst them, containing these words" Many are called, few chofen." Such a book is our prefent Gospel of St. Matthew, in which this text is twice found*, and is found in no other book now known. There is a farther obfervation to be made upon the terms of the quotation. The writer of the epiftle was a Jew. The phrase "it is written" was the very form in which the Jews quoted their fcriptures. It is not probable therefore, that he would have used this phrase, and without qualification, of any books but what had acquired a kind of scriptural authority. If the paffage remarked in this ancient writing had been found in one of St. Paul's epiftles, it would have been efteemed by every one a high testimony to St. Matthew's gospel. It ought, therefore, to be remembered, that the writing in which it is found was probably by very few years pofterior to thofe of St. Paul.

* Mat, xx. 16. xxii. 14.

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Befide this paffage, there are also in the epiftle before us feveral others, in which the fentiment is the fame with what we meet with in St. Matthew's gofpel, and two or three in which we recognize the fame words. In particular, the author of the epiftle repeats the precept, "Give to every one that afketh thee*," and faith that Christ chofe as his apoftles, who were to preach the gospel, men who were great finners, that he might fhew that he came "not to call the righteous, but finners, to repentancet."

II. We are in poffeffion of an epiftle written by Clement, Bishop of Rome‡, whom ancient writers, without any doubt or fcruple, affert to have been the Clement whom St. Paul mentions, Phil. iv. 3, "with Clement alfo, and other my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life." This epiftle is spoken of by the ancients as an epiftle acknowledged by all; and, as Irenæus

* Mat. v. 42.

+ Ib. ix. 13.

Lardner's Cred. vol. i. p. 62 et feq.


well reprefents its value, "written by Clement, who had feen the bleffed apostles and converfed with them, who had the preaching of the apostles still sounding in his ears, and their traditions before his eyes." It is addreffed to the church of Corinth; and what alone may feem almost decifive of its authenticity, Dionyfius, Bishop of Corinth, about the year 170, i. e. about eighty or ninety years after the epiftle was written, bears witnefs, "that it had been wont to be read in that church from ancient times.”

This epiftle affords, amongst others, the following valuable paffages:-" Especially remembering the words of the Lord Jefus which he spake, teaching gentleness and long fuffering; for thus he faid: Be ye

*"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Mat. v. 7.—“ Forgive, and ye fhall be forgiven; give, and it shall be given unto you." Luke vi. 37, 38.—“ Judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it fhall be measured to you again." Mat. vii. 2.


merciful, that ye may obtain mercy; forgive, that it may be forgiven unto you; as you do, fo fhall it be done unto you; as you give, so shall it be given unto you; as ye judge, fo fhall ye be judged; as ye fhew kindness, fo fhall kindness be fhewn unto you; with what measure ye mete, with the fame it fhall be measured to you. By this command, and by these rules, let us establish ourselves, that we may always walk obediently to his holy words."

Again, "Remember the words of the Lord Jefus, for he faid, Wo to that man by whom offences come; it were better for him that he had not been born, than that he should offend one of my elect; it were better for him that a mill-ftone should be tied about his neck, and that he fhould be drowned in the fea, than that he should little ones *.

offend one of my

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* Mat. xviii. 6. " But whofo fhall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a mill-ftone were hanged about his neck, and that he were caft into the fea." The latter part of the paf


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