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Greenwich Hospital-continued.

II. Accounts:


Accounts of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Capital and of the Income derived from the
Lands and other Property held for the benefit of Greenwich Hospital and the Foundation
of Samuel Travers, for the year ended 31st March 1899; with the Report of the
Comptroller and Auditor General thereon; 1900 (86) LI. 261.

Greenwich Observatory:

Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Green-
wich; 1900 [Cd. 270] XVIII. 893.

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Reports on British Guiana for 1897-98 and 1898-99; 1900 [Cd. 3-13] LIV. 399.

Education System. See Education, III. 1.

Guiana Dutch and French (Trade). See Trade, 1.

Guinea Gulf. See Lagos.

Guns--Artillery. See Ordnance Factories.

Gymnasiums Act. See Libraries.

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Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders Confirmation :

Bills to confirm Provisional Orders made under the General Pier and Harbour Act, 1861.
Eastbourne, Ilfracombe, Lowestoft, and Portessie: 1900 (225) Iv. 65.

Ayr, Bridlington, Felixstowe, and Penryn; 1900 (242) Iv. 113.

II. Reports of Board of Trade :

Harbour, &c. Bills (Sessional Reports):

Sessional Reports of the Board of Trade on Harbour and other Bills:

1900 Margate Corporation Bill [H.L.]; 1900 (142) LXXVII. 313.-North British Railway
Bill; 1900 (106) LXXVII. 315.-North-Eastern Railway Bill [H.L.]; 1900 (122)
LXXVII. 317.—Southport and Lytham Tramroad Bill; 1900 (106-1.) LXXVII. 319.
Report by the Board of Trade of their Proceedings under the General Pier and Harbour Act,
1861, and the General Pier and Harbour Act, 1861, Amendment Act, in Sess. 1900; 1909
(78) LXXVII. 323.

Special Report by the Board of Trade on the Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders Confirma-
tion (No. 2) Bill; 1900 (234) LXXVII. 339.

See also Bills Private.

III. Accounts and Papers:

Accounts of Harbour, Port, Pier and Dock Authorities. See Local Taxation.
Defence of Military and Mercantile Ports. See Imperial

Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders Confirmation (Memoranda):


Memoranda stating the Nature of the Proposals contained in the Provisional Orders included
in the Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Bills introduced in Sess. 1900; 1900 (198,
208) LXXVII. 335.

Regulations, &c. (Northern European Ports). See Docks, 2.

See also each Harbour or Pier under its name.

Harbours (Ireland). See each Harbour or Pier under its name.

Harbours (Scotland). See each Harbour or Pier under its name.

Harwich Harbour:

Abstract of the accounts of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Harwich Harbour
Conservancy Board down to the 31st March 1960; also an account of their Credits and
Liabilities, with a report of the Conservancy Board on their Proceedings, and on the
Works executed by them, and on the State of Harwich Harbour; 1900 (202) LXXVII. 291.

Hay. See Agriculture.

Health Public :

1. Bills :

Public Health Acts Amendment :

Bill to amend the Public Health Acts [not printed]; 1900 (48) iv. 217.

See also District Councils.

Medical Officers and Sanitary Inspectors (Pensions and Tenure of Office). See Local
Government, I. 3.

II. Reports of Local Government Board:

Medical Officer :

Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health to the Local Government Board, for 1899-
1900; 1900 [Cd. 299] XXXIV. 1.

Accounts and Papers:

Expenditure under Equalisation of Rates Act, 1894. See London.

See also Local Government.

Health Public (Ireland) :

Expenses (Area of Charges) :

Bill to remove doubts respecting the powers of the Local Government Board for Ireland for
determining the Area on which certain Expenses are to be chargeable; 1900 (191) IV.


See also Local Government (I.) Local Taxation (I.)

Health Public (Scotland). See Local Government (S.)
See Local Government (S.) Vaccination (S.)
Local Taxation (S.) 1.

Water (S.)

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Herring Fishery (Scotland) :

Demand for Scottish-cured Herrings (Foreign Countries) :

Further reports obtained by the Foreign Office on the state of the Markets for Scottish-
cured Herrings on the Continent and in the United States of America; 1900
[Cd. 247] XIII. Pt. I. 869.

High Court of Justice:

1. Annual Account:

Account showing the Receipts and Expenditure in respect of the High Court of Justice and
the Court of Appeal during the year ended the 31st March 1900; 1900 (286)
LXIX. 179.

2. Salaries and Length of Service (Second Division):

Return of the number of Clerks in the Probate and other Divisions of the High Court, who
are still serving after having attained 65 years of age, with their respective ages and length
of service; of the number of Clerks of 20 years' service and upwards, who were still
serving on the 5th April on 2001. per annum in the same class as when they entered the
office, with their respective ages; and similar information as to clerks of between 15 and 20
years' service and of 10 to 15 years' service; 1900 (259) LXIX. 183.

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Highways and Bridges Act (1891) Amendment:

Bill to amend the provisions of the Highways and Bridges Act, 1891; 1900 (82) 11. 455.
Accounts of Highway Authorities. See Local Taxation, II. 1.

Audit, Transfer of Powers, &c. See Local Government, II. 1.

Historical Manuscripts:

Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts :

Beverley Corporation Manuscripts; 1900 [Cd. 284] XLVI. 513.

Frankland Russell Astley Manuscripts; 1900 [Cd. 282] XLVI. 1.

House of Lords Manuscripts, 1693-95, New Series, Vol. I.; 1900 (72) XLV. 1.
Montagu Manuscripts; 1900 [Cd. 283] XLV. 685.

Homes Certified, &c. See Local Government, II. 1.

Honduras Colony :

Report on British Honduras for 1898; 1900 [Cd. 3-1] LIV. 455.

Honduras Republic:


Consular Report. See Trade, I.


Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between the United Kingdom and the
Republic of Honduras. Signed at Guatemala, January 21, 1887, with an Explanatory
Protocol signed at Guatemala, February 3, 1900; 1900 [Cd. 254] cv. 789.

Honey. See Agriculture (I.) 2.

Hong Kong :

1. Annual Report:

Report on Hong Kong for 1898; 1900 [Cd. 3-5] LIV. 487.

2. Settlement of New Territory:

Report on the New Territory at Hong Kong [showing the result up to the present of the
Operations of the Various Departments]; 1900 [Cd. 403] Lv. 291.

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Bill, intituled An act to amend the Isolation Hospitals Act, 1893; 1900 (188) 11. 531,

II. Report of Select Committee:

Rating (Exemption of Charities, Hospitals, &c.):

Report from the Select Committee on Hospitals (Exemption from Rates); with the
Proceedings, Evidence, Appendix, and Index; 1900 (273) vII. 1.

See also Charities. Local Government, II. 1.

Hospitals (Ireland). See Dublin. Local Government (I.) 11.

Local Taxation (I.)

Hospitals (Scotland). See Local Government (S.) II. Local Taxation (S.) 1.

House Duty. See Inland Revenue. Finance, 111. 1.

House of Commons:

1. Report of Select Committee:

Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms:

Report from the Select Committee on the Kitchen and Refreshn.ent Rooms (House of
Commons); 1900 (332) vII. 129.

House of Commons-continued.

II. Accounts and Papers:

1. Adjournment Motions (Standing Order No. 17):

Return of Motions for Adjournment under Standing Order No. 17, showing the date of
such Motion, the name of the Member proposing, the definite matter of Urgent Public
Importance, and the result of any Division taken thereon, during Session 11. of 1899 and the
Session of 1900 (in continuation of No. 324, of Session 1. of 1899); 1900 (329) LXVII. 1.
2. Bills Private, Provisional Orders and Private Business:

(a.) Annual:

Return of the Number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Bills for Confirming Provisional
Orders introduced into the House of Commons, and brought from the House of Lords,
and of Acts passed in the Session of 1900; of all the Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Bills
for Confirming Provisional Orders, which, in the Session of 1900, have been reported on by
Committees on Opposed Private Bills, or by Committees nominated partly by the House and
partly by the Committee of Selection; of all Private Bills and Bills for Confirming Pro-
visional Orders, which, in the Session of 1900, have been referred by the Committee
of Selection, or by the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, to the Chairman
of the Committee of Ways and Means; with the Names of the Members who served on each
Committee; the Number of Days on which each Committee sat; and the Number of
Days on which each Member attended; and of the Number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills,
and Bills for Confirming Provisional Orders Withdrawn (in continuation of No. 0.273, of
Session 1. of 1899); 1900 (0.213) LXVII. 63.

(b.) Legislation Expenses:

Return of Expenses incurred, in each year 1892-98, in Promoting and in Opposing
Private Bills before Parliament, by each Local Authority in England and Wales, in
Scotland, and in Ireland, by each Harbour, Navigation, Pier, and Port Authority, and by
each Railway and other Company; showing the number of Bills and the total Expenses (in
continuation of No. 356, of 1892); and a similar return with regard to Provisional Orders;
1900 (344) LXVII. 111.

Members who have not Served on Committees. See below, II. 5 (b.)

3. Bills Public:

Return of the Number of Public Bills, distinguishing Government from other Bills, introduced
into this House, or brought from the House of Lords, during the Session of 1900, showing
the Number which received the Royal Assent; the Number which were passed by this House,
but not by the House of Lords; the Number Passed by the House of Lords, but not by
this House; and distinguishing the Stages at which such Bills as did not receive the Royal
Assent were Dropped or Postponed and Rejected in either House of Parliament (in
continuation of No. 0.274, of Session 1. of 1899); 1900 (0.215) LXVII. 255.

4. Closure of Debate (Standing Order No. 25):

Return respecting the Application of Standing Order No. 25 (Closure of Debate) during
Session II. of 1899 and the Session of 1900 (in continuation of No. 325, of Session 1. of
1899); 1900 (330) LXVII. 19.

5. Committees Select:

(a.) Annual:

Return of the Number of Select Committees appointed in the Session of 1900, including
the Standing Committees and the Court of Referees; the Subjects of Inquiry; the
Names of the Members appointed to serve on each and of the Chairman of each; the
Number of Days each Committee met, and the Number of Days each Member attended;
the Total Expense of the Attendance of Witnesses at each Select Committee, and the Name
of the Member who moved for such Select Committee; also the Total Number of Members
who served on Select Committees (in continuation of No. 0.276, of Session I. of 1899);
1900 (0.214) LXVII. 269.

(b.) Members not Serving and those Serving:

Return of Names of Members who have not served on Private Bill Committees during the
Present Parliament (omitting Members of the late and present Governments); Number of
Days' Attendance of Members on Private Bill Committees and Public Committees (other
than Standing Committees) during the Present Parliament; 1900 (375) LXVII. 89.

6. Divisions:

Return of the Number of Divisions of the House in Session 11. of 1899 and in the Session of
1900; stating the Subject of the Division, and the Number of Members in the Majority
and Minority, Tellers included; also the Aggregate Number in the House on each Division;
distinguishing the Divisions on Public Business from Private; and also the Number of
Divisions before and after Midnight (in continuation of No. 0.278, of Session 1. of 1899);
1900 (0.207) LXVII. 29.

7. Government and Private Member Days, Adjournment Motions, Supply, &c.:
Return showing, with reference to Session II. of 1899, and the Session of 1900, the Number
of Sittings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at which Government Business had

House of Commons-II. Accounts and Papers-continued.

7. Government and Private Member Days, Adjournment Motions, Supply, &c.--continued.
Precedence; the Number of Sittings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at which
Private Members had Precedence; the Number of other Sittings at which, in accordance
with the Standing Orders of the House, Government Business had Precedence; the Number
of Sittings at which Government Business had Precedence under a Special Order of the
House; the Number of Saturday Sittings; the Total Number of Sittings at which
Government Business had Precedence; the Total Number of Days on which the House
Sat; the Total Number of Motions for Adjournment of the House on a Matter of Urgent
Public Importance; and the Number of Days on which Business of Supply was considered
(in continuation of No. 326, of Session 1. of 1899); 1900 (331) LXVII. 7.

8. Petitions Public:

Return of the Number of Public Petitions Presented and Printed in Session II. of 1899, and
in the Session of 1900; with the Total Number of Signatures in those Sessions (in continua-
tion of No. 0.275, of Session 1. of 1899);1900 (0.216) LXVII. 267.

9. Sittings:

Return of the Number of Days on which the House Sat in Session II. of 1899, and in the
Session of 1900, stating, for each Day, the Date of the Month, and Day of the Week,
the Hour of the Meeting, and the Hour of Adjournment; and the Total Number of Hours
occupied in the Sittings of the House, and the Average Time; and showing the Number of
Hours on which the House Sat each Day, and the Number of Hours after Midnight; and
the Number of Entries in each Day's Votes and Proceedings (in continuation of No. 0.277,
of Session 1. of 1899); 1900 (0.217) LXVII. 291.

10. Standing Orders:

Standing Orders of the House of Commons. Part 1. Public Business; Part II. Private
Business; 1900 (314) LXVII. 299.

House of Lords:

Fee Fund:

Account of the Fee Fund of the House of Lords from 1st April 1899 to 31st March 1900;
1900 [Cd. 349] LXVIII. 537.

House Tenure. See Land.

Housing of the Working and other Classes:

I. Bills:

1. Housing of the Working Classes Acts Amendment:

Bill to amend the law relating to the Housing of the Working Classes; 1900 (72) 11. 461.
Bill to amend Part III. of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890; 1900 (98) II. 465.
-Am. in Com.; 1900 (268) II. 469.-Lords' am.; 1900 (317) II. 473.

2. Housing of the Working Classes (Rural District Councils' Powers):

Bill to amend the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, so as to facilitate the provision
of Cottages by Rural District Councils; 1900 (75) 11. 475.

3. Provisional Orders Confirmation:

Bills to confirm Provisional Orders under the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890:
Bath; 1900 (214) III. 281.

London (St. James and St. John, Clerkenwell, and St. Andrew, Holborn); 1900 (206)

III. 407.

London (Poplar and Bromley-by-Bow); 1900 (207) 111. 411.

London (St. Luke); 1900 (248) III. 415.

London (St. Marylebone); 1900 (253) III. 419.

London (St. George-the-Martyr, Southwark); 1900 (249) 111. 423.

4. Tenure of Workmen's Houses:

Bill to make provision with respect to the Tenure of the Houses of Workmen in certain
employments; 1900 (90) v. 691.

II. Accounts and Papers :

Proceedings (Working Classes Affected and Provided for, Loans, Interest, Balances Out-
standing, Income, Expenditure, &c.):

Return of the Local Authorities in England and Wales who are carrying out Improvement or
Reconstruction Schemes under the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, showing,
for each Scheme or Local Authority, the size of the Area, and details relating to
Accommodation, Loans, Interest, Balances Outstanding, Expenditure, Income, &c.; 1900
(320) LXXIII. 315.

See also Local Government, II. 1.

Tenements, Occupants per Room, &c. See Labour, II.

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