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Specimen of a Report to the Quarterly Conference.

of being entered separately, owing to some little inaccuracy in keeping the accounts.

[blocks in formation]

1. Total amount of money received since the establishment.. 2000.14.9 2. Amount received since last Conference


3. Total amount paid to the Auxiliary since the establishment. 1775.14. 4 4. Amount paid to the Auxiliary since last Conference

28.14. 5

[blocks in formation]

5. Total number of Bibles and Tests. delivered at cost-prices

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

8. Total number of subscribers for Bibles and Testaments not yet supplied ..

not} 181

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8 less



9. Total number of free contributors now on the books
10. Increase or decrease of subscribers in the last quarter
11. The number of individuals on the Committee
12. The average number of the Committee who have attended?
in the last quarter


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Eight years have now elapsed since the establishment of this Association: many have been the changes, both in public and private life, that have characterized this period; but, through the blessing of the Most HIGH, no change has taken place in our love for the cause we have espoused, nor any abatement of interest been experienced in our ardent desires for its success. Nor is this a matter of surprise: whatever is of earthly origin, partakes of an earthly nature; it flourishes for its appointed hour, and is gone! But that which is of Heavenly birth, is of an immortal nature; and those affections which are attracted by it, are of an eternal duration: "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the Word of our GOD shall stand for ever.” Were it not for those frequent changes of residence to which the poor, espe cially in the metropolis, are subjected from a variety of causes, we should say that the circulation of 3000 copies of the holy scriptures in our parish had almost supplied the home demand. But the distribution of nearly 200 copies during the last twelve months affords sufficient evidence, that even for the attainment of this, its primary object, a Bible Association must be a permanent Institution. It is, however, on other and more extensive grounds that we rest our principal claims to continued and even increased support. If the Bible be a Revelation from GOD, and if it be addressed to all mankind, it becomes the bounden duty of Christians to assist in its universal dissemination. Let us then cast our eyes over the map of the world, and estimate the condition of its inhabitants by contrasting it with our own. What deep and extensive shades do we behold!-of how many wide-spread regions

Reformation of an abandoned Female in Southwark :

may it yet be said, that "darkness still covers the earth, and gross darkness the people!" Surely then, if we rightly appreciate our own blessings, the sacred flame of charity will pervade our hearts, and be not only a living but an active principle. We have had much to encourage us; and now that prejudice has yielded to conviction, and hostility is disarmed by the mild and steady progress of truth, let us be watchful, lest, having no enemy to contend with from without, a spirit of apathy and indifference should grow up within. Against this spirit it is that we would guard ourselves and caution our brethren.-Can the Christian be cold, when the Bible is the object? Can he be supine, when the temporal and eternal welfare of mankind is the point in view? We are justified, by the authority of HIM who is emphatically denominated 'THE TRUTH,' in saying, that he cannot; and that he is called upon by the profession he makes, by the hopes he cherishes, and by the SAVIOUR who died for him, to consider every human being who requires his aid as his neighbour and his brother.

Under these considerations, and contemplating our connexion with the British and Foreign Bible Society, through the medium of the Southwark Auxiliary Society, we feel, in an increasing degree, the duty that devolves on us, of sending forth to the unenlightened nations of the earth that sacred volume which " brings life and immortality to light." Often have we identified ourselves with the Parent Institution; and we love to cherish the idea; to feel actuated by the same principle; animated with the same hopes; and having our views directed to the same beneficent purpose― the promotion of the divine glory, and the eternal welfare of the human race. In reference to the co-operation of our Committee in this great design, it seems appropriate to state, that a spirit of uninterrupted love, unity, and concord pervades our meetings; and that those meetings have been recently better attended, the average number present during the last quarter being twenty. It is also gratifying to report, that, in a partial re-canvas of three districts, eighty-six new subscribers have been obtained, among whom are a young man and his wife of the Jewish persuasion, who both appeared glad of the opportunity of freely contributing to the cause. And we would also further remark, that in part of another district we have no less than thirty free-subscribers among a class of persons who, we fear, are frequently overlooked; we mean, the shopmen and clerks of our different tradesmen.

Pursuant to a resolution of the last Conference, a strict inquiry has been made of all the pawnbrokers residing in this parish, relative to the number of Bibles and Testaments pledged. The result, we rejoice to say, has been honourable to this class of tradesmen as well as to the poor, as we did not find a single copy in the hands of any broker. Having alluded to that interesting people, the Jews, it may be proper to observe, that we have recently perceived an increasing and gratifying desire on the part of many of them to possess copies of the Hebrew New Testament. This may be considered as one of the collateral advantages of Bible Associations; as the desire has evidently been excited by the visits of the Collectors to these poor and hitherto neglected people.

Since our last report, we have been privileged to behold some more of that fruit which is promised to those who go forth "bearing precious seed;" and we select the following specimens for the table around which our brethren are now assembled.-In one of our districts, so proverbially profligate as to have acquired the name of the "forlorn hope," the Collectors called at a house of the worst description :-on making their errand known, a young woman about twenty-two years of age replied, "It is not fit for a person like me to have a Bible-I am wicked enough!" She seemed to think that the possession of a Bible would increase her responsibility, and consequently her guilt and future misery. They had much conversation with her: and

and her admittance into a Penitentiary.-Reformation of a Drunkard.

although they found, in the following week, that she had removed to another street in the same district, she made it a point of meeting them, told them she was extremely desirous of leaving her way of life, and earnestly begged for a Testament. This was cheerfully voted by our Committee: and the Collectors in the following month report-" The young woman spoken of in our last report, on our next collecting-day, presented herself to us before we reached her abode: she was evidently looking for us; her demeanour was humble, and her looks expressive of great anxiety and contrition. We shall long remember her expressions of gratitude on receiving the New Testament voted to her: clasping it in her hands, she exclaimed, ‘Never, no, never, under any circumstances, will I part with it.' From all that we beheld, we do cherish the pleasing hope that it has been said to her, 'Go and sin no more.' On the transfer of this scene of iniquity and woe to the Ladies' Committee, this young woman was visited by their Collectors: her anxiety to be removed from her wretched course of living induced the prompt exertions of those benevolent Ladies; and, on proper investigation, she was judged the most suitable object among many for immediate admission into that House of Mercy, the London Female Penitentiary. From the last report of the Ladies' Committee we extract the following passage, relative to this poor penitent :- Since her admission into the house, she has conducted herself with uniform propriety, and there is every reason to believe that her repentance is deep and sincere. Her expressions of gratitude, when speaking of those who were the means of snatching her as 'a brand from the burning,' were truly affecting and she has often said, 'I hope the instructions I have received will be blessed, to the saving of my soul from eternal destruction: there is no suffering that I would not gladly be exposed to, rather than return to a life of sin.' Frequently, with tears of sorrow, she expresses herself anxious to find that mercy which is only to be obtained by faith in Jesus Christ."-Gratifying and encouraging as this fact has been to us, we have reason to anticipate still farther blessings. A neighbour of this poor penitent, having heard what was become of her companion in guilt, accosted our Collectors, expressing a strong desire to quit her way of life also. She was referred to the advice and counsel of the Ladies before mentioned; and we humbly hope that the day which has dawned upon the heart of her friend may likewise be the harbinger of peace and mercy to her.

After detailing this interesting anecdote, the Collectors add-“ We feel particularly encouraged to the punctual observance of the day and hour for collecting; for these two unfortunate females had noticed our regularity :— three times the one, and twice the other, met us at the accustomed hour as we passed toward their abodes: in waiting, they were not disappointed : and, we humbly trust, we may say that we have found our reward.

We felt much pleasure at an interview we had with a medical gentleman, who readily came forward as a contributor of a guinea per annum; adding, that he thought Bible Associations had wrought much good as it related to the improvement of the lower orders; and that he was pleased when he saw a Bible in the rooms of his poor patients, believing it had made many, whom he had known years before to be dirty and dishonest, cleanly in their dwellings and punctual in their payments.

In another district, a working man had been repeatedly called on, and invited to subscribe for a Bible, but without success. His habitual drunkenness exhausted those means that should have been appropriated to the support and comfort of his family, and his habitation bore evidents marks of the tendency of these habits of intemperance. The Collectors persevered in their visits of mercy; and at length he was induced to become a subscriber

Liberality of a Female Servant.-Exemplary conduct of a Jew.

for a Bible, which he received some months ago. The perusal of it has, under the divine blessing, produced a total change in his conduct: his habits of inebriety are entirely reliquished, and his family become comfortable and happy. This fact will appear the more striking, when we add, that his former dissolute companions repeatedly endeavoured to persuade him to desist from subscribing, and have since urgently invited him to join in their excesses; but in vain. His reply to their temptations is-"Formerly I was always poor, and in debt; but now I am comfortable, and can lay by three shillings a week."

A female servant, who had been a subscriber of 1s. 1d. per quarter from the commencement of the Association, being lately called on for her subscription, put a double sum into the hands of the Collector, who asked her the reason of it; when she answered cheerfully, that as she found comfort and consolation to her own mind in reading the Scriptures, she was glad it was in her power to add to her contributions, for the benefit of others.

The following contingent benefit of Bible Associations we cannot pass unnoticed, although perhaps not strictly within our province. A free contributor, residing in our eleventh district, was in the constant habit of opening shop on the sabbath-days. The Collectors ventured to allude to the immorality and inconsistency of this practice, especially in one who supported the Bible Society. Some time afterward they visited the shop, and were accosted in the following words-"We have given up serving on Sundays-we had long thought it not right, and we have now made up our minds never to serve again on that day: our customers came into our way very well; we take as much as ever, and we were never so happy in our lives." In a conspicuous part of their shop they have pasted up, in large letters, "No serving on Sundays."

In a former report we had occasion to notice the liberality of a Jew in procuring a Bible for a Christian lad in his employ; and, as whatever discovers a diminished prejudice in that interesting people is pleasing to record, we beg leave to introduce the following particulars:-After delivering the sacred volume to the youth, we asked his master to allow him time for its perusal : he replied, "As I never suffer him to work on my sabbath, so I never permit him to work on his own: he will therefore have two days in a week to himself. I also require him to attend divine service on his own sabbath, for I wish every one to worship GoD according to the dictates of his conscience." The limits judiciously prescribed for these Reports, preclude our entering into further details. In conclusion, we congratulate you and the religious population of Southwark, on the immense circulation of the Bible among our labouring poor, which we hesitate not to affirm has produced the best effects, in promoting that good order and peaceful demeanour which is witnessed in this populous district, where so many have been, and are, in want of the common necessaries of life. This is one of the benefits arising from the dissemination and perusal of that sacred volume, which is calculated to teach all classes submission amidst the most trying dispensations of Divine Providence, and dependence in the hour of need, by inducing the sufferer to view all as coming from His hand" who ordereth all things well."



As no district in Great Britain has exhibited a more gratifying illustration of the system, in the moral effects produced,

Answers to some popular objections.

than that wherein it was originally adopted; the author feels himself justified in extracting, from the reports of the Southwark Society, his former observations in reference to this subject. The facts by which they are supported have lost none of their importance; and the correctness of the views originally taken by the exemplary Committee of that Institution, has been abundantly confirmed by subsequent and more extensive experience.

1. Firm and erect on the rock of Truth, the British and Foreign Bible Society neither dreads nor courts opposition: when her motive and design have been assailed by argument, she has found her defenders, and their triumph is attested by her success; but when the object and results of her Auxiliary and subordinate Societies are called in question, it becomes the duty of those entrusted with their management to step forward to correct misrepresentation and to check the progress of error. Far be it from your Committee to ascribe improper motives to any individual; that perfect liberty of sentiment which they claim for you and for themselves, they most cheerfully concede to others; but they would ask, Whether those hypotheses and consequences, started and deduced by a few individuals avowedly hostile to the Bible Society, and practically ignorant of its operations, should weigh in any unprejudiced mind against the simple and single object of that society, and the actual effects of its establishment-an object confined as it is exclusively to the universal diffusion of the holy scriptures without note or comment; and effects proved to be beneficial, and in no respect injurious, by the intimate personal observation and concurrent testimony of more than 650 disinterested individuals in your district alone? They would respectfully submit, that, when the calculations of theory have been thus refuted by the results of experience, it is the province of wisdom not only to withdraw from the side of imagination, but to join the ranks of Truth.

2. It has been more than insinuated, that there is a concealed design in the members of the Bible Society to subvert the established religion of the land: now, without entering the lists of disputation to prove the absurdity of this groundless supposition, it may be fairly assumed, that were it possible for such an intention to exist, some indication of its existence would be apparent in Southwark, and that the ramifications of this dangerous conspiracy would be traced through the open and unguarded barriers of your Bible Associations. But what is the fact? Let the clergymen of your district be asked the question-they will tell you that their churches have been better filled, and more regularly attended, since your establishment that their congregations not only progressively increase in numbers, but improve in habits of decorum and propriety of conduct --and that, amongst them, there are many individuals who have been awakened to a sense of their religious duties, through their con

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