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Lloyd George and the war; a personal history of his part in Armageddon, by an independent liberal. London: Hutchinson & Co. [1917. 2 p.l., 7-159 p. 12°. AN

Luke, Charles H. The future of the British empire in relation to the great war. London: S. Low, Marston & Co., Ltd. [1917? 1 p.1., v-viii, 115(1) p. 12°. BTZV

First published in 1915 under title The war and the parting of the ways.

Macfall, Haldane. Beware the German's peace! London: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1918. 5 p.1., 170 p., 11. maps. 12°. BTZP Mack, Arthur James. Shellproof Mack, an American's fighting story, by Arthur Mack, late of the 23d Battalion, London Regiment, H. M. imperial army; illustrated from photographs. Boston: Small, Maynard & Company [cop. 1918]. 7 p.l., 3-224 p. illus. 12°. BTZE

Maclean, Norman, and J. R. P. SCLATER. God and the soldier. New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1918. viii p., 11., 11-250 p p. 12°. BTZG

Madelin, Louis. L'expansion française, de la Syrie au Rhin; conférences faites au "Foyer." Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1918. 2 p.l., xxxiii, 325 p., 11. [3. ed.] 12°. DS La mêlée des Flandres, l'Yser et Ypres... Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1917. 3 p.l., xvii, 238 p., 11., 3 folded maps. 12°. BTZE


Mandelstam, André. Le sort de l'Empire Ottoman. Lausanne: Payot & Cie., 1917. xii, 631 p. 8°. BTZP Marini, Giuseppe. Le rivendicazioni italiane nella grande guerra di liberazione Milano: Resorgimento, 1918. xv(i), 163(1) p. 12°. BTZP

Mathews, Basil Joseph. Three years' war for peace. New York: G. H. Doran BTZE Co. 1917?, xi, 1394 p. 12.

Mathiot, Charles. Une croisade; préface de M. le bâtonnier Charles Chenu, avantpropos de M. Emile Vandervelde... Paris: E. Flammarion, 1917. 2 p.l., xi, 314 p. 12°.


Maurel, André. Les écrivains de la guerre. série 1. Paris: Renaissance du livre, 1917. 12°. (Bibliothèque internationale de critique; lettres et arts.) BTZE

Mawson, Thomas Hayton. Afforestation and the partially disabled; a sequel to An imperial obligation; industrial villages for partially disabled soldiers, sailors, and flying men. London: G. Richards, Ltd., 1917. xii, 46 p., 11. 4°. (The "Concrete example" series. no. 1.) SSV

Mélia, Jean. L'Algérie et la guerre (1914-1918). Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1918. 2 p.l., v, 283 p., 21. 12°. BTZE


Morrison, Michael A. Sidelights Germany; studies of German life and character during the great war, based on the enemy press. New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1918]. xii p., 11., 15176 p. 12°. BTZE

Mortane, Jacques. Chasseurs de boches. Paris: L'Édition française illustrée (cop. BTZY 1917. 3 p.l., 310 p., 11. 12°.

Murray, Gilbert. The way forward; three articles on liberal policy, with a preface by the Right Hon. Viscount Grey of Fallodon. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1917. 43 p. 8°. BTZP My airman over there, by his wife. New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1918. 3 p.1., 288 p. 12°. BTZY


National Housing Association. A symposium on war housing, held under the auspices of the National Housing Association, February 25, 1918, Philadelphia. New York: National Housing Association, 1918.1 4 p.l., (1)4-141 p. 8°. BTZO

Naumann, Friedrich. L'Europe centrale, traduit de l'allemand par l'Argus suisse de la presse à Genève. Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé S. A. pref. 1916.1 xxvi, (1)6– 396 p., 11. 8°. BTZE

Nearing, Scott. The menace of militarism. New York City: The Rand School of Social Science, 1917. 52 p. 12°.


New Zealand at the front, written and illustrated by men of the New Zealand division. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1917. xvi, 179(1) p., 1 pl. illus. 4°. BTZE Newton, Arthur Percival, editor. The staple trades of the empire, by various writers, edited by Arthur Percival Newton London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1918. 12°. v, 184 p. (Imperial studies series.) TLH

Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer. The assault, and other war poems from "Ardours and endurances." London: Chatto & Windus, 1918. xi(i), 13–77(1) p. 12°. BTZI

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Palat, Barthélemy Edmond. La grande guerre sur le front occidental... [tome] 1. [Paris: Librairie Chapelot, 1917. 8°.


Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de. venir de la literatura después de la guerra; lectura dada en la Residencia de estudiantes la tarde del 5 de diciembre de 1916. Madrid: Imp. de Fortanet,, 1917. 3 p.l., (1)12-48 p., 51. 12°. (Publicaciones de la Residencia de estudiantes. Serie iv, v. 6.) BTZE p.v.295, no.8

Payen, Édouard. Belgique et Congo (une carte itinéraire). Paris: Editions Bossard, 1917. 2 p.l., (1) 10-122 p., 11., 1 map. 16°. BMS

Petit, Édouard. pendant la guerre. Préface de M. Léon Bourgeois... Paris: F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p.l., vii, 260 p. 12°. BTZE

De l'école à la nation

Pier, Arthur Stanwood. The son decides; the story of a young German-American. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1918. 4 p.l., 222 p., 11. illus. 12°.


Pietravalle, Michele.


Politica annonaria

di guerra. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1917. 1 p.l., (1)6-44 p. 8°. (Collana Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 23.)

BTZE p.v.294, no.5 Pittard, Eugène. La Roumanie, Valachie, Moldavie, Dobroudja; 50 illustrations, dont 35 hors-texte d'après des photographies prises par l'auteur. Paris: Editions Bossard, 1917. 327 p., 32 pl. illus. 8°. GIVB

Policard, Albert. L'évolution de la plaie de guerre; mécanismes biologiques fondamentaux. Paris: Masson & Cie., 1918. 1 p.l., 191(1) p., 6 pl. illus. 12°. (Collection horizon. Précis de médecine et de chirurgie de guerre.) WII

Pollock, John. War and revolution in Russia; sketches and studies. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1918. xviii, 280 p., 1 port. 12°.


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Redmond, William Hoey Kearney. Major William Redmond. London: Burns & Oates [1917]. 4 p.l., 11-66 p., 1 pl., 2 ports. 12°. AN Contents: Ryan, Arthur, Memories. Redmond, William, From the trenches, a plea & a claim. Last things. Postscript.

Trench pictures from France, by Major William Redmond, M.P., killed in action, June, 1917, with a biographical introduction by E. M. Smith-Dampier... New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1918. xi, 13-175 p., 3 ports. 12°. BTZE

Renard, Georges François. Les répercussions économiques de la guerre actuelle sur la France (1er août 1914-15 mai 1917). Paris: F. Alcan, 1917. 2 p.1., 516 p. 8°.

BTZO Reventlow, Christian. Krigen og Vi; Kritik og Orientering. København: G. E. BTZE C. Gad, 1916. 84 p. 8°.

Rey, Alexis. L'âme de la patrie; essai sur la formation historique de notre idéal national. Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1917. 2 p.1.. 262 p., 11. 12°. DBG

Rine, Victor. Harvard lights and shadows; college sketches in war times. Boston: The Gorham Press, 1918. 103 p. illus. 12°. STG (Harvard)

Rondet-Saint, Maurice. Dans notre empire jaune; notes et croquis. Préface de M. Eugène Etienne... Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1917. 2 p.l., viii, 295(1) p., 1 BFV folded map. 12°.

Root, Esther Sayles, and MARJORIE CROCKER. Over Periscope Pond; letters from two American girls in Paris, October, 1916 January. 1918. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1918. viii p., 11., 295(1) p. illus. 12°. BTZW

Rose, John Holland. Why we carry on. London: T. F. Unwin, Ltd., 1918. 42 p. 8°. BTZE

Rosenthal, Léon. Villes et villages français après la guerre; aménagement, restauration, embellissement, extension; préface de Louis Bonnier... Paris: Payot & SER Cie., 1918. 288 p. 12°.

Rosny, J. H., aîné, pseud. of J. H. H. Boëx. L'aube du futur. Paris: G. Crès & Cie., 1917. 155 p., 11. 16°. (Collection "bellum".) BTZV

The Royal Flying Corps in the war, by "Wing Adjutant." London: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1918. 4 p.l., 123(1) p. 12°.

Preface signed: W. T. B.


Royet. Allons! enfants de la patrie, par le commandant Royet, guide pratique d'entrainement physique et de formation civique des jeunes Français, conforme au programme du 6 novembre 1916, arrêté par

le ministre de la guerre... Paris: Librairie Larousse [1917?. 318 p., 1 pl. diagr., illus., VWF map. 12°.

Ruffin, Henry, and ANDRÉ TUDESQ. Notre camarade Tommy; offensives anglaises de janvier à juin 1917, préface de M. Arthur Balfour... Paris: Hachette & Cie., 1917. 6 p.1., (1)4-241 p., 11. 12°. (Mémoires et récits de guerre.) BTZE

Ruiz Fornells, Enrique, and ALFREDO MELGAR MATA. Organización militar de España y algunas potencias extranjeras escrita por los tenientes coroneles Enrique Ruiz Fornells y Alfredo Melgar Mata...décima novena edición corregida con todas las disposiciones dictadas hasta 1°. de septiembre de 1917... Toledo: R. Gómez-Menor, 1917. 8, 229 p., 31. 8°.

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of maintaining and if possible increasing the present production of food in Scotland... † VTB

[no. 1.] Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1915. 16 p. fo. [no.] 3. Edinburgh: T. F. Unwin, Ltd., 1917. 8 p. f.

Scoudert, Lucien. Propos du front. Lettres à mon cadet. Paris: Editions Bossard, 1918. 3 p.1., 146 p., 11. 16°. BTZG

Sellers, William Edward. With our heroes in khaki; the story of Christian work with our soldiers and sailors and some of its results. London: Religious]

Tract Society, 1918. viii, (1) BTZG

1 pl. 12°.

Servia. Ministarstvo Inostranih Dela. Das serbische Blaubuch. Das russische Orangebuch. Diplomatische Aktenstücke zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges. Wien: M. Perles, 1915. 2 p.l., 82 p. 8°.

BTZE p.v.282, no.12 Shaw, Kenneth Edwin. Jottings from the front; impressions and experiences. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1918. 183(1) p. 12°. BTZG

Sillani, Tomaso. Capisaldi... Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1918. 2 v. in 1. 12°. ETB

Salvation Army. Round the clock; some notes concerning the Salvation Army's work amongst poverty, sorrow, and crime during the year 1917-18, with introductory note by General Booth. London :International Headquarters, 1917). xi, 88 p. 12°. ZYLC

Sanarelli, Giuseppe. La cultura germanica e la guerra per l'egemonia mondiale. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1916. (Collana 1 p.l., (1)6-51(1) p. 8°. Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 11.) BTZE p.v.294, no.12

Sangro y Ros de Olano, Pedro. La sombra de Ferrer, de la semana trágica á la guerra europea. Madrid: Sobrinos de la sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Rios, M. Servet, 1917. 554 p. 4°.


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BTZP Contents: [v.] I. Il problema adriatico e la Dal[v.] II. L'Italia e l'Asia Minore, con una nota economica di Mario Alberti.


Smith, Bertram. Bombs and hand grenades, British, French and German; a handbook showing their construction and technicalities, giving full instructions as to how to use and how to render useless. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. [cop. 1918., 3 VWS p.l., 90 p. illus. 8°.

Canadian edition has title Bombs, British, French and German.

Smith, Sir Frederick Edwin, bart. My American visit. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1918. xiv p., 11., 288 p., 14 pl., 2 ports. 12°. BTZS

Sorbets, Gaston. Lueurs et reflets de la guerre. Paris: L'Édition française illustrée (1917). 316 p. 12°. BTZI

The Soul of two knights, edited by Olive Katharine Parr (Beatrice Chase)... London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1918. 1 p.1., 5-78 p., 1 pl. 12°. BTZE p.v.295, no.3

Spencer, Carita. War scenes I shall never forget. New York: C. Spencer, 1917. 72 p. illus. 3. ed. 12°. BTZE

Stangeland, Karin Michaëlis Bech-Brøndum. Krigens Ofre. København: V. Pios Boghandel, 1916. 160 p. illus. 8°. BTZE

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vom 28. September 1914.) Erläutert von Dr. C. Jaeger. Zürich: O. Füssli, 1914. 79(1) p., 11. 12. (Sammlung schweizerischer Gesetze. Nr. 72-76.1) XWIB

Vorschriften über die eidgenössische Kriegsgewinnsteuer. Bundesratsbeschluss, Ausführungsbestimmungen, Erläuterungen. Zurich: O. Füssli, 1917. 64 p. 12°. (Switzerland. Statutes. Sammlung schweizerischer Gesetze. Nr. 88-92.) BTZO

Contents: 1. Die eidgen. Kriegsgewinnsteuer. Vortrag von H. Blau... 2. Bundesratsbeschluss betr. die eidgen. Kriegsgewinnsteuer vom 18. September 1916. 3. Ausführungsbestimmungen des eidgen. Finanzdepartements vom 9. Dezember 1916 betr. die Veranlagung der eidgen. Kriegsgewinnsteuer.

Tales of wartime France, by contemporary French writers, illustrating the spirit of the French people at war; translated by William L. McPherson; with foreword by Frederic R. Coudert. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1918. xviii p., 11., 200 BTZK p. 8°.


Contents: By A. Machard: Repatriation. By M. Level: Under ether, The spirit of Alsace, At the movies, The little soldier, The great scene, After the war. By F. Boutet: The messenger, The convalescent's return, The medallion, The promise. By P. Mille: How they do it, The apologue of Kadir Bakch, The man who was afraid, The soldier who conquered sleep. By Mme. Lucie Delarue-Madrus: The godmother, The godmother II, The red rose, The rivals. By R. Benjamin: In a roadstead of France, The simplicity of heroism, The Hindoo commissariat. By J. Aicard: Mariette's gift. Anonymous: The sonata to the star, The pipe, The rendezvous, The voice of the church bell, The sacrifice, The slacker with a soul, The evocation.

Traité de la guerre en général, comprenant les qualitez et les devoirs des gens de guerre, depuis le général jusqu'au soldat et des règles sur les principales opérations militaires, par un officier de distinction. Paris: Editions Bossard, 1917. 2 p.l., (i) viii-xx, 207 (1) p. 16°. VWC

Trevelyan, Robert Calverley. The Pterodamozels; an operatic fable. London: printed for the author at the Pelican Press (1917). 3 p.1., 64 p. 8°.


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duties. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 1 p.1., 198 p. f°. † BTZE


Printed and distributed October 21, 1915. Contents: 1. Proclamations of neutrality and papers relating to neutrality. 2. Violations of neu trality Panama Canal. 3. Violations of neutrality by belligerent warships. 4. Defensive armament and the right of departure from neutral ports of belligerent merchant ships to arm at sea. 5. Internment of the German ships Geier and Locksum. 6. Questions relating to neutrality Correspondence between the secretary of state and the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Transmission of mail of American diplomatic and consular officers. 8. Censorship of telegrams transmitted by cable and wireless. 9. Belgian relief. 10. Attempt of German ship Odenwald to sail without clearance papers. 11. Detention of the American merchant ship Seguranca. 12. Detention of the American ship Wico. 13. Internment of the German ship Prinz Eitel Friedrich. 14. Internment of the German cruiser Kronprinz Wilhelm. 15. Detention of August Piepenbrink. 16. Internment of the German prize ship Farn. 17. Non-contraband character of hydroaeroplanes. 18. Dual nationality. 19. Circular instructions and correspondence relating to the issuing of passports. 20. Correspondence relating to restraints on commerce. 21. Destruction of American merchantman William P. Frye by the German ship Prinz Eitel Friedrich. 22. The sale of munitions of war to belligerents.

Van den Bosch, Firmin. La Belgique souffrante & militante. Paris: Bloud et BTZE Gay, 1917. 127 (1) p. 12°.

Van Hise, Charles Richard. Conservation and regulation in the United States during the world war. An outline for a course of lectures to be given in higher educational institutions... Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1917. 2 parts in 1 v. 8°. (United States. Food Administration.)

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