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Belgium. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Livre, gris belge - Belgisches Graubuch. Correspondance diplomatique du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères du royaume de Belgique relative à la guerre de 1914, 24 juillet-29 août. Diplomatischer Schriftenwechsel des Königlich Belgischen Ministeriums des Aeussern zu dem Kriege von 1914, 24. Juli-29. August. Berne: K. J. Wyss, 1915. xvi, 70 p. 2. ed. 8°. BTZE

Text in French and German.
Double paging.

Benson, Edward Frederic. Crescent and iron cross. New York: George H. Doran Company cop. 1918]. vii p., 11., 11-240 p., 2 maps. 8°. BTZE

Bevan, Edwyn Robert. The method in the madness; a fresh consideration of the case between Germany and ourselves. London: E. Arnold, 1917. vii, 309 p. 12°. BTZE

Bierbaum, Paul Willi. An der schwimmenden Front, als Neutraler bei der deutschen Kriegsflotte... Zürich: Rascher & Co., 1918. 146 p. 16°.


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Bone, Muirhead. With the grand fleet, by Muirhead Bone. From the collection presented to the British Museum by His Majesty's government. London: published by authority of the Admiralty by Country Life, Ltd., 1917. 21., 6 pl. f°. ††† VYAD

Bordeaux, Gaston. Fédération mutualiste de la Normandie; Union mutualiste de la Seine-Inférieure et de l'Eure, historique, organisation, rapports, pétitions, congrès, créations, consultations, etc. Paris: G. Roustan, 1916. iv, 447 p. 8°. SIA

Bouloc, Énée. "Tu ne tueras pas..."; une nouvelle conception de la guerre et de la paix. Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1917. 2 p.l., xiv, 274 p. 12°.

YFX Bradley, Luther Daniels. War cartoons from the Chicago Daily News. [Chicago? 1914?, 321. illus. ob. 12°.


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Bryan, Julien Hequembough. "Ambulance 464" encore des blessés; with an introduction by Lyman Abbott... New York: The Macmillan Company, 1918. X p., 61., 220 p. illus. 12°. BTZW

Cahn, Herman. The collapse of capitalism. Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co., 1918. 119 p. 16°. TB

Campbell, G. L., compiler. Royal Flying Corps "Per ardua ad astra" (military wing); casualties and honours during the war of 1914-17. Compiled by Captain G. L. Campbell...assisted by R. H. Blinkhorn. London: Picture Advertising Co., Ltd., 1917. 250 p., 11. 12°. BTZY

Chartres, John Smith. Judicial interpretations of the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916 (5 & 6 Geo. 5, cc. 54 and 99). London: Stevens and Sons, Limited, 1917. xvi, 76 p. 8°. BTZE

Chéradame, André. Pan-Germany, the disease and cure. Reprinted from several issues of the Atlantic monthly. Boston, Mass.: The Atlantic Monthly Press cop. 1917. 2 p.1., 128 p., 11. illus. 12°. BTZP

Cimbali, Eduardo. La festa della pace e il nuovo diritto internazionale nel secondo anno della conflagrazione, con tre appendici. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1916. 1 p.l., (1)6-39(1) p. 8°. (Collana Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 6.) BTZE p.v.294, no.9

La pace antipacificatrice dei socialisti ufficiali e la pace pacificatrice del nuovo diritto internazionale. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1917. 36 p. 8°. (Collana Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 24.) BTZE p.v.294, no.6

Cimbali, Giuseppe. Guerra e democrazia ... arricchita di tre appendici. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1917. 1 p.l., (1)6-53 p., 11. 2. ed. 8°. (Collana Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 21.)

BTZE p.v.294, no.7 Gli insegnamenti della guerra per la fede nella democrazia internazionale. Campobasso: G. Colitti e figlio, 1916. 1 p.l., (1)6-37 p., 11. 8°. (Collana Colitti di conferenze e discorsi. no. 7.)

BTZE p.v.294, no.11 Cleveland, Frederick Albert. The warits practical lessons to democracy. [Boston? 1917?, 41 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.295, no.4

A paper read before the National Municipal League at a conference held in Detroit, November 22, 1917.

Combat, F. J. Les impôts cédulaires et l'impôt global sur les revenus; memento du contribuable, résumé historique, impôts à l'étranger, textes officiels et commentaires, barèmes divers... Paris: BergerLevrault, 1918. 2 p.l., (1)10-300 p. 12°. (Bibliothèque des sciences économiques. finances commerce industrie.) TIR

Corbett-Smith, Arthur. The Marneand after; a companion volume to "The retreat from Mons." London: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1917. xii, 324 p., 2 folded maps. 4 ports. maps. 12°. BTZE

Cornet-Auquier, André. A soldier unafraid; letters from the trenches on the Alsatian front, by Captain André CornetAuquier, of the 133d regiment of infantry, edited and translated with an introduction, by Theodore Stanton, M.A. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1918. xvi, 110 p., 1 port. 12°. BTZE

The letters are dated August 3, 1914, to February 29, 1916.

Coxhead, G. E. S. sketches of a cadet Melrose, Ltd. [1917.

The younger branch; camp. London: A. 2 p.l., 7-212 p. 12°. VWF

Crook, Margaret Brackenbury. The track of the storm; tales of the Marne, the Meuse, and the Aube. London: Headley Bros., Ltd., 1917. 4 p.1., 3-111(1) p. 12°.

BTZK Cunisset-Carnot, Paul. La vie aux champs pendant la guerre. Paris: E. Flammarion [1917]. 2 p.l., 284 p. 12°. BTZV

Darrow, Clarence Seward. The war in Europe. A lecture delivered before the Chicago Society of Rationalism, at Germania Theatre... Chicago, Ill. Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co. 1918? 31 p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.295, no.6

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Derennes, Charles. Cassinou va-t-en guerre. Paris: L'Édition française illustrée, 1917. 3 p.l., (1)10–314 p. illus. 12°. BTZK Fiction.

Destrée, Jules. Les villes wallonnes. Bruxelles: G. van Oest & Cie., 1917. 63(1) p., 16 pl. 12. (Villes meurtries de Belgique.) BTZE

"Diplomaticus," pseud. No small stir; what the Pope really said about the great war. London: The Society of SS. Peter & Paul, 1917. 39(1) p. 8°. (York books: XXVI.) BTZE p.v.294, no.4

Dodd, Francis. Admirals of the British navy, portraits in colours by Francis Dodd, with introduction and biographical notes. Part 1. London: "Country Life," Ltd., 1917. col'd ports. fo.

Introduction by E. V. Lucas.

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Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaard, J. D. Aus meinem Kriegstagebuch. Uebersetzt und mit einem Vorwort, von C. A. E. Wolff von Wülfing. Haag: Nieuwe UitgeversMaatschappij, 1915. 103 p. 8°. BTZG

Doyère, Ch. Contribution à l'étude de la résistance à la marche d'un navire. Paris: A. Challamel, 1918. 2 p.l., 57(1) p., 11., 1 folded chart. diagr., tables. 4°. VXH

Driggs, Laurence La Tourette. The adventures of Arnold Adair, American ace; with illustrations from drawings by Henry S. Watson and from photographs. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1918. 5 p.l., 335 p. illus. 12°. BTZK


Duhamel, Georges. The new book of martyrs, from the French of Georges Duhamel, by Florence Simmonds. New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1918. v p., 11., 9–221 p. 12°. BTZW

Contents: Throughout our land. The story of Carré and Lerondeau. Memories of the martyrs. The death of Mercier. Verdun. The sacrifice. The third symphony. Grace. Nights in Artois.

Durand, Mrs. Grace Garrett. Sir Oliver Lodge is right; spirit communication a fact. Lake Forest, Ill.: privately printed, 1917. 64 p., 1 pl. 12°. YRE

Durkin, Douglas Leader. The fighting men of Canada. London: E. Macdonald, Ltd. [1918. x, 11-84 p. 12°. BTZI


Ehrhard, Auguste. Les oeuvres de l'hôtel de ville pendant la guerre. Lyon: A. Rey, 1916. xiii, 198 p., 11., 18 pl. 12°. (Lyons, France.) BTZW

Espinós Moltó, Victor. Alfonso XIII y la guerra, espejo de neutrales, lo compuso Victor Espinós Moltó, con estampas.. Madrid: Tip. de la "Rev. de arch., bibl. y museos" [1918). 241 p., 11., 1 fac., 1 port. illus. 4°. BXP

Feo, Luciano de. Gli scambi internazionali. Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1917. 3 p.1., 275(1) p. 12°. (Quaderni della guerra. no. 73.) TLH

Ferrero, Guglielmo. Europe's fateful hour. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1918. ix p., 21., 3-243 p. 8°. BTZE

Field artilleryman's guide; 3 inch gun, 4.7 and 6 inch howitzer... Prepared by the officers of the 108th (2d Pa.) Field Artillery. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co. cop. 1918. viii, 381 p. illus. 2. rev. ed. 12°. VWW

FitzRoy, Yvonne. With the Scottish nurses in Roumania. London: J. Murray, 1918. xi, 165 p., 1 folded map, 12 pl. 12°. BTZW

Ford, Joseph Herbert. Elements of field hygiene and sanitation... with 152 illustrations. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co. [cop. 1917. vii, 248 p. illus. 12°. WSB Que j'ai de plaisir d'être Suivi de Temps de guerre.

Fort, Paul. français!

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Fox, Frank. The battles of the ridges: Arras Messines, March June, 1917. London: C. A. Pearson, Ltd., 1918. 111(1) p., 2 folded maps, 5 pl. 12°. BTZE France. - Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Het Fransche Geel-Boek betreffend den Europeeschen oorlog. Diplomatieke documenten. 1914. Stukken die betrekking hebben op de onderhandelingen welke voorafgegaan zijn aan de oorlogsverklaring van Duitschland aan Rusland (1 Augustus 1914) en aan Frankrijk (3 Augustus 1914). Verklaring van 4 September 1914...vertaald door H. T. Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema, 1915. 3 p.1., 222 p. 8°. BTZE

Published also in English, French, Russian, Italian, and German.

France. Statutes. Les allocations aux familles des mobilisés; textes officiels, avec commentaire pratique, modèles et formules. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1915. 108 p. 16°. (Législation de guerre...1914– 15. no. 10.)) BTZE p.v.280, no.3 Editors' names, H. Fougerol and A. Saillard, at head of title.

Les baux à ferme, les métayages et le moratorium; textes officiels, avec notice. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1915. 24 p. 16°. (Législation de guerre...1914-15. rno 2.1) BTZE p.v.264, no.10 Editor's name, A. Saillard, at head of title.

La croix de guerre et les décorations militaires; textes officiels avec commentaire et renseignements pratiques. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1916. 90 p., 1 pl. 16°. (Législation de guerre...1914–15. (no. 13.1) BTZE p.v.280, no.6

Editors' names, II. Fougerol and A. Saillard, at head of title.

Décès et disparitions aux armées. Constatations et formalités, successions; textes officiels, avec commentaire pratique, modèles et formules. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1915. 3 p.l., (1) 10-63 p. forms. 16°. (Législation de guerre...1914-15. no. 7.) BTZE p.v.280, no.2

Editor's name, Ph. Fougerol, at head of title.

Les dommages de guerre. Constatation et évaluation; textes officiels, avec commentaire pratique, modèles et formules. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1915. 3 p.l., (1)10-116 p. forms. 16°. (Législation de guerre... 1914-15. no. 11.)

BTZE p.v.280, no.4 Supplément. Paris: BergerLevrault, 1917. 2 p.l.. (1)122-164 p. 16°. (Législation de guerre...1914-16. no. 11,1 supplément.) BTZE p.v.282, no.8 Le travail des femmes à domicile; textes officiels, avec commentaire expli

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Gerlache de Gomery, Adrien de. Belgium in war time. Translated from the French edition by Bernard Miall... New York: G. H. Doran Co. (1917? x p., 11., 243 p., 16 pl. 8°. BTZE

Published 1915 in the Norwegian and Swedish languages under title The country that will not die.

Germany. Auswaertiges Amt. Depeschen des Weltkrieges 1914; eine Geschichte des gegenwärtigen Krieges in den markanten offiziellen Telegrammen... Heft 1-7. Straubing: Ortolf & Walther. BTZE 1914-15. 7 nos. in 1 v. 8°.

Paging continuous.

Contents: Heft 1. Vom Ultimatum an Serbien bis zum Beginn der Kämpfe. Heft 2. Von den ersten Kämpfen bis zum Einmarsch in Polen und Serbien. Heft 3. Vom Einmarsch in Polen bis zur Schlacht von Tannenberg. Heft 4-5. Von der Schlacht bei Tannenberg bis vor dem Fall von Antwerpen. Heft 6-7. Vom Sieg bei Augustow bis zum Untergang des Kreuzers "Yorck."

Franktirörkriget i Belgien och dess kränkningar av folkrätten. Ur en officiell tysk redogörelse. Stockholm: Chelius & Co. [1915. 127 p. illus. 12°.

BTZE p.v.264, no.5 Grymheter förövade av ryska trupper. Officiell tysk redogörelse. Stockholm: Chelius & Co. [1915.) 99(1) p., 1 folded fac. 12°. BTZE p.v.264, no.6

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läutert von Dr. R. Wassermann und L. Erlanger... München: J. Schweitzer, 1915. xiii(i), 373, 12 p. 2. ed. 16°. (Schweitzers Textausgaben.) BTZE Gibbs, Philip. From Bapaume to Passchendaele, 1917. London: W. Heinemann [1918]. vii, 384 p., 3 col'd folded maps. 12°. BTZE

Gibson, Preston. Battering the Boche; illustrated with photographs. New York: The Century Co., 1918. 5 p.l., 3-120 p., 1 port. illus. 12°. BTZE

Giraudoux, Jean. Lectures pour une ombre. Paris: Emile-Paul frères, 1917. 4 p.l., 281 p., 11. [3. ed.] 12°. BTZE

Great Britain. — Board of Trade. Consolidated list of enemy businesses ordered by the Board of Trade to be wound up. London, 1917. 36 p. 8°. (Board of Trade Journal. v. 96, supplement.) TLA

Great Britain. - Colonial Office. European war. Correspondence relating to the occupation of German Samoa by an expeditionary force from New Zealand... London: J. J. Keliher and Co., Ltd., 1915. iii, 14 p. f°. (Cd. 7972.) † BTZE

Great Britain. - Foreign Office. Correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the execution of Miss Cavell at Brussels. London: Darling & Son, Ltd., 1915. 24 p. 8°.

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Miss Cavells Henrettelse i Bryssel. Korrespondance med de Forenede Staters Gesandt. Forelagt Parlamentet paa Hans Majestaets Befaling Oktober, 1915. København: V. Pio, 1915. 34 p. 8°.

BTZE p.v.282, no.1 Published also in Dutch, English, and Spanish.

Officieele publicatie der Engelsche regeering van de door haar met den gezant der Vereenigde Staten in zake de terechtstelling van Miss Cavell te Brussel gevoerde correspondentie. (Aan het Engelsche Parlement op last van Zijne Majesteit voorgelegd, October, 1915.) London: T. Nelson & Sons (1915?). 26 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.282, no.5

Published also in Danish, English, and Spanish.

124 p. 8°.

Vegyesek 6. 8. 10 sz. (1914). Levelezés az európai válságra vonatkozólag London: Harrison és Fiai, 1915. xxvi, BTZE p.v.282, no.3 Grumbach, Salomon. Germany's annexationist aims, translated, abbreviated and introduced by J. Ellis Barker... London: J. Murray, 1917. 2 p.l., ix-x, 148 p. 12°. BTZP

Guiches, Gustave. Soldiers both; a novel; translated by Frederic Taber Cooper. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company cop. 1918. 1 p.l., 321 p. 12°. NKV

Harper, Florence MacLeod. Runaway Russia. Illustrated with photographs. New York: The Century Co., 1918. ix p., 21., 3-321 p. illus. 8°. GLO

Havard de la Montagne, Madeleine. La vie agonisante des pays occupés; Lille et la Belgique, notes d'un témoin, octobre 1914 juillet 1916. Préface de Maurice Barrès... Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1918. 3 p.l., viii, ii, 260 p. 12°. BTZE

Hay, Marley Fotheringham. Secrets of the submarine...with illustrations from photographs. London: Skeffington & Son, Ltd., 1918. x, 113(1) p., 8 pl. 12°. VXV

Herscher, E. Quelques images de la guerre, avec 55 dessins de l'auteur. Préface de Gustave Geffroy. Woëvre 1915, Verdun 1916. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1917. x, 206 illus. P., 20 pl. 12°. (La guerre les récits des témoins.) BTZE

Hoggson, Noble Foster. Just behind the front in France. New York: John Lane Company, 1918. xvi p., 11., 19-171 illus. 8°. BTZE

Holbrook, Lucius Roy. The mess officer's assistant, prepared by Major L. R. Holbrook... Fort Leavenworth Kan.): U. S. Cavalry Association [cop. 1917]. 2 p.l., (i)iv-v p., 11., (1)10-190 p. 3. ed. 16°. VWG

Holt, Florence Taber. They the crucified, and Comrades; two war plays. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1918. 5 p.l., (1)6-84 p., 11., 1 pl. 12°. BTZI


Hvarför England deltager i kriget af sex medlemmar af historiska fakulteten i Oxford. Med appendix, bestående af ursprungliga dokument, bland annat Tysklands Weissbuch, andra utvidgade upplagan med tillägg af Rysslands Orangebok. Oxford: Universitetets boktryckeri, 1914. 123 p., 11., 121 (1) p. illus. 8°. BTZE

Preface signed: E. Barker, H. W. C. Davis, C. R. L. Fletcher, Arthur Hassall, L. G. Wickham Legg, F. Morgan.

I accuse! (J'accuse!), by a German; translated by Alexander Gray... New

York: G. H. Doran Co. [cop. 1915. viii p., 11., 11-445 p. 8°. BTZE

Authorship ascribed

to Hermann Roesemeier, Richard Grelling, Robert Michels, and others. Insúa, Alberto. Por Francia y por la libertad. Madrid: Renacimiento, 1917. 312 p. 12°. BTZE

James, Stanley B. The men who dared; the story of an adventure. London: C. W. Daniel, Ltd. [1917. 100 p. 12°. YFX

Jervey, Theodore Dehon. The great war; the causes and the waging of it. Columbia, S. C.: The State Company, printers, 1917. 103 p. 8°. BTZE


Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. black man's part in the war; an account of the dark-skinned population of the British empire; how it is and will be affected by the great war; and the share it has taken in waging that war. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. [1917. 127(1) p., 12 pl. 12° BTZE

Jørgensen, Johannes. Dans l'extrême Belgique, traduit du danois par Jacques de Coussange. Paris: Bloud & Gay, 1917. 213 p., 11. 12°. BTZE

Kirby, William. Manual of camouflage, concealment and cover of troops. New York: E. N. Appleton [1917]. 180 p. 24°. VWO

Kirkland, John. Three centuries of prices of wheat, flour and bread. War prices and their causes. London: published by the author at the National Bakery School, Borough Polytechnic Institute, 1917. (1) p. 4°.



Koerber, Adolf Victor von. Feldflieger an der Front, von Adolf Victor von Koerber (Dolf von Korb)... Leipzig: C. F. Amelang, 1916. 133 p., 11. 12°. BTZK Fiction.

Kôersner, Albert, and C. R. DICKSON, compilers. Moratorium; lagstiftning om betalningsanstånd samt annan extraordinär lagstiftning under kriget 1914–1915, i urval utgiven av Albert Koersner... Charles Dickson... Del 1-2. Stockholm: [Bröderna Lagerström, 1915. 4°. (Svenska Bankföreningen, Stockholm. Skrifter. [no.] BTZO


Kvist, Anton. Fred og Fejde; Digte. Chicago: Eget Forlag, 1917. 97(1) p.. 11. 8°. NIY


Lacroix, Francy. En plein ciel; impressions d'aviateur; sensations de vol; la guerre en avion. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1918. 2 p.l., iv, 265 p., 11. 12°. BTZY

Lanchester, Frederick William. Industrial engineering: present position and postwar outlook; presidential address delivered by F. W. Lanchester...on Monday, 11th

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Latzko, Adolf Andreas. Men in war. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1918. 264 p. 12°. BTZK Translated from the German by Adele S. Seltzer. Contents: Off to war. Baptism of fire. The victor. My comrade. A hero's death. Home again. Lauder, Harry MacLennan. Harry Lauder's logic, with an introduction by a friend of Lauder. London: C. Palmer & Hayward [cop. 1917). 2 p.1., 3-127(1) p. 12°. NDH

A minstrel in France. New York: Hearst's International Library Co., 1918. 6 p.l., 338 p. illus. 8°. BTZE Lebon, André. Problèmes économiques nés de la guerre. Paris: Payot & Cie.. 1918. 2 p.l., (1)8-274 p. 12°. BTZO

Lécuyer, Mme. Andrée Husson. Petites vies dans la tourmente. Paris: P. Lafitte [cop. 1917]. 2 p.l., 239(1) p. 12°. BTZK

Author's pseud., André Corthis, at head of title.

Leeman, Jean. French in a nutshell; practical phrase book for the use of the American Red Cross, the army and navy. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company cop. RFR 1918. ix, 88 p. 12°.

León, Ricardo. Europa trágica. Madrid: Renacimiento, 1917. 3 p.1., (1)10-320 p. BTZE


Le Queux, William Tufnell. Behind the German lines; amazing confessions of Col.Lieut. Otto von Heynitz... Startling revelations of the crown prince's shameful actions disclosed to and edited by William Le Queux. London: Odhams, Ltd. (1918.1 2 p.1., 7-190 p. 16°. BTZK

Lévy, Eugène. La révélation française; essai sur le génie de la France nouvelle; préface d'Édouard Schuré. Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1918. 3 p.l., 9-155 p., 21. 12°. DT Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Fürst von. The guilt of Germany for the war of German aggression. Prince Karl Lichnowsky's memorandum; being the story of his ambassadorship at London from 1912 to August, 1914, together with Foreign Minister von Jagow's reply. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1918. v, 122 p., 1 port. 12°. BTZE

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