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League to Enforce Peace. A reference book for speakers. Win the war. Make the world safe by the defeat of German militarism. Keep the world safe by a league of nations. Part I. The things against which we are fighting. Part II. The world for which we are fighting. Part III. Keeping the world safe. New York: League to Enforce Peace [1918?]. 64 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.323, no.9

Lintier, Paul. Ons kanon; herinneringen van een artillerist 1914, uit het Fransch vertaald door Jetske S. S. Faber... Amsterdam: W. ten Have [1917]. 4 p.l., 181 p., 11., 2 folded maps, 1 port. 12°. BTZE

Lloyd-George, David. Fact v. fiction... Mr. Lloyd George's statement on shipping and food supplies. (House of Commons, Thursday, 16th August, 1917.) London: Hodder & Stoughton (19171. 8 p. illus. 8°. BTZO p.v.14, no.6

The great crusade; extracts from speeches delivered during the war. Arranged by F. L. Stevenson... New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1918]. viii p., 11., 11-307 p. 8°. BTZG

When the war will end [Mr. Lloyd George's speech at Glasgow, 29 June, 1917. London: Printed by Alabaster, Passmore & Sons, Ltd., 1917. 1 p.l., 15(1) p. 8°. BTZE p.v.324, no.14 Our duty in war-time; and girls of Great

Lyall, Beatrix. appeal to the women Britain and Ireland. London: Central Committee of Patriotic

1917. 21. 8°.

Signed: Beatrix Lyall.

Organizations, BTZO p.v.14, no.5

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McCook, John James. A warning; an address by J. J. McCook... Delivered before Robert O. Tyler Post, G. A. R., Nov. 20, 1918. [Hartford? 1918. 31. 24°. BTZE p.v.331, no.3 Through McKenzie, Frederick Arthur. the Hindenburg line; crowning days on the western front. London, New York: Hodder and Stoughton, 1918. viii, 429 p. 12°. BTZE

MacGill, Patrick. The diggers, the Australians in France, with an introduction by the Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes. London: H. Jenkins, Limited, 1919. 120 p., 11. 12°.


Macgowan, Kenneth. Coiled in the flag. Hears-s-s-s-t. A series of six articles. New York: The Tribune, 1918., 31(1) p. illus. f°. † BTZE p.v.307, no.21 Macina, Luisa Gervasio. Armi e fedi d'Italia; conversazioni coi giovani di Luigi di San Giusto [pseud.). Torino: S. Lattes & C. 1916. 2 p.l., 118 p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.312, no.7

Maclagan, Oscar Frederick. The way to victory, with a scheme for an immediate "League of nations." With an introduction, "A league of nations," what it means and what it will accomplish, by C. A. McCurdy... London: E. R. Duke & Co., Ltd., 1918. xxii, 91(1) p. 8°. XBL

Manning, William Thomas. A Thanksgiving Day address delivered in Trinity Church, New York, by the rector William T. Manning...Thursday, November 28, 1918. [New York? 1918. 21. 8°. BTZE p.v.321, no.2

Marriott, Arthur Elmer. Suggested athletics for army camps. New York: Association Press, 1918. 2 p.l., 92 p. 24°.

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Mercier, Désiré Félicien François Joseph, cardinal. Alocución del Cardenal Mercier, en Sta. Gúdule de Bruselas á 21 de julio de 1916. Londres: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1916. 16 p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.317, no.4 Mildmay, Paulet St. John. "Don't sit on the safety valve"; or, Reconstruction and the press bureau. Being a protest against the institution of "government-by-concealment” in England under the guise of "democracy." London: Kibble & Co. [1918.] 16 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.324, no.12 La reunión de los 2 p.l., (1)4-56 p. BTZE p.v.319, no.7

Mills, John Saxon. clanes. Londres, 1917. illus. new ed. 12°.


Montague, Charles Edward. Notes from Calais base and pictures of its many activities. London: T. F. Unwin, Ltd., 1918. 31, 48 p. illus. 8°. BTZE p.v.320, no.5 Mortane, Jacques, and J. DAÇAY. guerre des nues, racontée par ses morts; lettres de Guynemer, Dorme, de Beauchamp, Matton, Roeckel, Caffet, Quennehen, - Violet, TribouBaron, Maneval, Poisard, Rockwell, Ball. Préface du Lieutenant René Fonck. Paris: L'Edition française illustrée, 1918. viii, 306 p., 11. 12°. BŤZY


Murray, Gilbert.

la guerra alguna vez? Sons [1914?. 22 p.

Como puede ser justa Paris: T. Nelson &


BTZE p.v.324, no.13

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Netherlands. - Departement van Buitenlandsche Zaken. Diplomatieke bescheiden betreffende de inbeslagneming door de Britsche autoriteiten van over zee vervoerde brievenpost. 's Gravenhage: Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 1916. 1 p.l., 4 p. fo. † BTZE p.v.307, no.35

Recueil de diverses communications du ministre des affaires étrangères aux états-généraux par rapport à la neutralité des Pays-Bas et au respect du droit des gens. La Haye: M. Nijhoff, 1916. vii, 182 p. 4°. XCH

Norton, Sara. New nursery rhymes on old lines. by an American [Sara Nortonj. Boston: Privately printed, 1916. 281. 12°. BTZE p.v.318, no.8 L'Officier et le soldat français. Le combattant. Le chef. La rouspétance. - La discipline du front. Les qualités et les devoirs de l'officier.. La valeur de nos cadres. Le rôle du sous-officier. - Les vertus du soldat. - Ames de chefs. - Fan

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tassins. Artilleurs. Motocyclistes. Soldats du Maroc. - Volontaires. Cavaliers. Demain. Paris: Nouvelle librairie nationale, 1917. 288 p. 12°. VWZK

Oxenham, John. "Inasmuch"; some thoughts concerning the wreckage of the war. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1918. 2 p.l., 25(1) p., 11., 1 pl. illus. 16°.

BTZE p.v.312, no.1

Paget, Henry Luke, bishop of Stepney. Records of the raids. Put together by the Right Rev. Henry Luke Paget...with an introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Francis Lloyd ...and a conclusion by the Lord Bishop of London. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1918. 47(1) p. 12°. BTZE p.v.312, no.4

The Pan-German programme; the petition of the six associations and the manifesto of the intellectuals. Translated from the German. With an introduction by Edwyn Bevan. New York: G. H. Doran Co. [1918. 31 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.319, no.12 Paris, France. Chambre de Commerce. Documents sur la guerre. Bulletin d'information. no. 8-10, 12-14, 36. Paris, 1915–16. 8°. BTZE Dokumente über den Krieg. Ausno. 2, 12-13. Paris, 1914-15. BTZE Facts about the war. A bulletin of information. no. 1-50. Paris, 1914-16. 8°. BTZE



Pell, Edward Leigh. Your fallen soldier boy still lives. New York, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company [cop. 1918).__56 p., 11. 12°. ZFRM

Pennell, Joseph. Lithographs of war work, by Joseph Pennell, exhibited under the auspices of the American Federation of Arts. St. Louis, 1917. 161. 8°. (St. Louis,

Mo.- City Art Museum. Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1917, no. 12.) 3-MAVZ (St. Louis)

Porcelli, baron. The pope and the war. London: Protestant Truth Society [1918?j. 24 p. 2. ed., rev. and enl. 12°.

BTZE p.v.317, no.3 Princeton University. — Library. European war collection; alphabetical author finding list. Princeton, N. J., 1917. 40 p. 4°. BTZF Prussia. - Gewerbeamt. Staatsbürgerliche Belehrungen in der Kriegszeit. Hrsg. für Fach- und Fortbildungschulen... Berlin: C. Heymann, 1915. viii, 282 p. 8°. BTZE

The Pulpit in war time...with an introduction by Edgar P. Hill... Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1918. vi, 173 p. 16°. BTZG

Contents: Introduction. Hardin, M. D., Why we are at war. Wishart, C. F., The awakening of an international conscience. Zenos, A. C., The Christianization of American ideals. Van der Meulen, J. M., Giving a son. McClure, J. G. K., The Lord of the harvest. Covert, W. C., Sure. Jones, D. H., Theodicy. Hill, E. P., The two wars on the battle front. McAfee, C. B., The present duty. Stone, J. T., Character structure for the future.

Radziwill, Ekaterina Rzewuska, kniagina. Russia's decline and fall; the secret history of a great debacle, by Princess Catherine Radziwill (Catherine Kolb-Danvin). London: Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1918. viii, 256 p. 8°. BTZE

Rank at a glance in the army & navy; the Air Services, R.N.R., R.N.V.R., R.N.D., Royal Marines, W.A.A.C., W.R.N.S., etc., with descriptive notes and badges of the United States forces... London: G. Philip & Son, Ltd. [1918.1 56 p. col'd illus. [new and rev. ed., 12°. VWY Reppelin, Léon. Sous les ailes de la mort; poèmes du front, 1914-1917. Les frissons de la gloire Visions de guerre Les voix du sang- Les nouveaux cruci

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fiés Les heures douleureuses heures douces. Montauban: Barrier et Cie., 1918. 216 p., 1 port. 8°.



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tember 6, 1918, at the principal exercises of the anniversary of the birth of Lafayette and of the Battle of the Marne, held at the Aldermanic Chambers, City Hall, New York, under the auspices of the Lafayette-Marne-Day National Committee and the Lafayette-Marne-Day Citizens Committee of New York. New York: American Defense Society [1918]. 8 p. 12°.

BTZE p.v.312, no.8 Ruplinger, Jean, compiler and translator. Also sprach Germania; paroles allemandes pendant la guerre, extraits d'auteurs allemands publiés depuis le mois d'août 1914, recueillis et traduits sans commentaires, par Jean Ruplinger... Préface de M. Édouard Herriot... Paris: Éditions de la sirène, 1918. xvi, 262 p., 11. [9. ed.] illus. 12°. BTZG Saxony. Kriegsministerium. Alphabetische Verlustliste der königlich sächsischen Armee und der sächsischen Staatsangehörigen in aussersächsischen Truppenteilen. Leipzig: O. Leiner, 1914. 128 p. 8°.

Issued in 5 parts.


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Smith, Sir George Adam. Our common conscience; addresses delivered in America during the great war. New York: George H. Doran Company [cop. 1919. xi p., 11., 15–256 p. 8°. BTZG

Smuts, Jan Christiaan. Smuts' message: The world awakened. London: National War Aims Committee (1918). 71. nar. 16°. BTZE p.v.310, no.8

Sprigg, Stanhope W. El bloqueo británico, lo que significa y lo que hace. Paris: T. Nelson & Sons, Ltd. [1917?, 30 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.323, no.5

Strang, Herbert. Inglaterra y la guerra. Londres: J. Truscott & Son, Ltd., 1916. 1 p.l., 33 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.318, no.10

Struycken, Antonius Alexis Hendrikus. El libro blanco alemán sobre la guerra en Bélgica; un comentario. Londres: Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1917. 59 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.323, no.7

Tato, José. El esfuerzo británico. Alicante: Imprenta Diario [1917?. 48 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.314, no.11

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Thomas, Albert. Au monument de Champigny, décembre 1915 décembre 1917. Paris: B. Grasset, 1918. 15 p. 16°. BTZE p.v.314, no.1

Thompson, Arthur Webster. The railways' part in war time. Address...before the American Manufacturers' Export Association, eighth annual convention, Hotel Biltmore. New York City, October tenth, nineteen seventeen. [Baltimore? 1917.) 18 p. 8°. TPG p.v.122, no.3

Thorpe, George Cyrus. Recruit manual. Prepared by direction of the Brigade Commander, Second Provisional Brigade, U. S. Marine Corps... Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. [cop. 1919.] 168 p. 24°.


Tittoni, Tommaso. Who was responsible for the war? The verdict of history. Preface by Nelson Gay. Paris: Bloud & BTZE Gay, 1918. 120 p. 12°.

To Belgium. London: W. Speaight & Sons, 1916. 40 p., 11. 12°.

BTZE p.v.323, no.6 Manifesto of Spanish Catholics.

Toohey, John P. The theatre "carries on"; a brief chronicle of the three weeks' tour of the All-Star Company which presented J. Hartley Manners' play, "Out there," for the benefit of the American Red Cross, in the most remarkable series of theatrical performances ever given anywhere. [New York: The Adart Co., 1918.1 10 1. illus. 8°. BTZE p.v.322, no.13

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Best, Harry. The blind; their condition and the work being done for them in the United States. New York: Macmillan Co., 1919. xxviii, 763 p. tables. 12°. SSO

Contents: Part 1. General condition of the blind. Part II. Blindness and the possibilities of its prevention. Part III. Provision for the education of blind children. Part IV. Intellectual provision for the adult blind. Part v. Material provision for the blind. Part VI. Organizations interested in the blind. Part VII. Conclusions with respect to the work for the blind.

Appendixes: A. Illustration of alphabets in raised print used by the blind. B. Tables with respect to schools for the blind. C. Tables with respect to homes for the blind. D. Table with respect to industrial establishments for the blind.

Beta Theta Pi. Beta letters; being the correspondence passing between chapters or members of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, 1839-1884; selected and edited by William Raimond Baird... New York: Beta Pub. Co., 1918. xv, 648 p. 8°. SSY

Bond, Beverley W. The quit-rent system in the American colonies... New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919. 492 p. 8°. (Yale historical publications. miscelnany. v. 6.) TEP

Cammen, Leon. Government ownership of public utilities in the United States. New York: McDevitt-Wilson's, 1919. X, 142 p. 8°. SEB

Carnegie United Kingdom Trust. Report on public baths and wash-houses in

the United Kingdom... Edinburgh: Printed at the University Press, 1918. xii, 135, vii, 265 p. SPS

Coates, William. The people and the parliament. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1918. 143 (1) p. tables. 12°. SEH LaCoghlan, Sir Timothy Augustine. bour and industry in Australia; from the first settlement in 1738 to the establishment of the commonwealth in 1901. London: Oxford University Press, 1918. 4 v. 8°.


Colvin, Fred Herbert. Labor turnover, loyalty and output... New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1919. x, 152 p. 1st ed. 12°.

Conyngton, Thomas.


Business law, a

working manual of every-day law... New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1918. xxi, 535 p. 8°. TLV

Fitzpatrick, Edward Augustus, editor. Experts in city government. New York:

D. Appleton and Co., 1919. xiv p., 1 l.,

363 p. illus. 12°. (National Municipal

League series.)


Frederiks, Karel Johannes. Het OudNederlandsch strafrecht. Haarlem: Dr. Erven F. Bohn, 1918. 3 p.l., 4-443 p. 8°. SLM

Grandmougin, Eugène. L'enseignement de la chimie industrielle en France, suivi d'une enquête sur l'enseignement chimique et technique. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, SSM 1917. 2 p.l., 11, 180 p., 11. 12°.

Grunsky, Carl Ewald. Public utility rate fixing... San Francisco: Technical Publishing Company, 1918. 4 p.l., 169 p. 8°.


Hatiez, A. De la contravention fiscale (contributions indirectes) devant la juridiction répressive. Paris: L. Tenin, 1918. 2 p.l., ii p., 11., 216 p. 8°. TIN (France)

Hough, Benjamin Olney. Practical exporting... New York: The Johnston Export Publishing Co., 1919. 5 p.l., 529 p._4th ed. rev. 8°. TLC

How to run a retail automobile business at a profit... Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company [cop. 1918]. x p., 11., 218 p., 11., xiiTMK xxiv p. 8°.

How to run a wholesale business at a profit... Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company [cop. 1918). 1 p.l., v-xii p., 11., 222 p., 11., xvii-xxxiv i. e. xxxvij p. 8°.


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La Salle Extension University, Chicago. The traffic field... Chicago: La Salle Extension University [cop. 1919]. xv, 299 p. ΤΟ illus. 8°.

Leverhulme (1. baron), William Hesketh Lever. The six-hour day & other industrial questions, by Lord Leverhulme, with an introduction by Viscount Haldane of Cloan, edited by Stanley Unwin. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1918. xv, 331(1) p. tables. 8°.

TDF McKeever, William Arch. Man and the new democracy. New York: G. H. Doran Co. [cop. 1919.) x p., 11., 13-250 p. 12°. SB

McNaughton, Flint. Intensive selling; a comprehensive analysis of possibilities for increasing profitable sales through supplemental direct advertising methods; especially under present war-time conditions, by taking advantage of available distribution based on definite tests, supplemented by the experiences of many advertisers. Chicago: Selling Aid (cop. 1918]. 144 p. illus. 12°.


Martin, H. S. The New York Stock Exchange; a discussion of the business done; its relations to other business, to investment, speculation and gambling; the safeguards provided by exchange, and the means taken to improve the character of speculation. New York: F. E. Fitch, Inc., 1919. 1 p.l., iv p., 11., 277 p. illus. 12°. TG

Maxwell, William. The training of a salesman. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. [cop. 1919. 3 p.l., 5-220 p., 11. illus. 12°. (Lippincott's training series.) TMG

Mercier, Charles Arthur. Crime & criminals, being the jurisprudence of crime; medical, biological, and psychological... with an introduction by Sir Bryan Donkin

London: University of London Press, Ltd., 1918. xvii, 291 p. 8°.


Monroe, Walter Scott. Measuring the results of teaching... Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company [cop. 1918]. xviii, 297 p. 12°. SSI Reviewed in Book review digest, March, 1919. Moody, Walter Dwight. What of the city? America's greatest issue- city planning, what it is and how to go about it to achieve success. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1919. xvi p., 11., 441 p. illus. 12°.


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Reviewed in the Book review digest, May, 1919. Russell, Bertrand Arthur William. Proposed roads to freedom-socialism, anarchism and syndicalism. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1919. xviii, 218 p. 12°. SFC Reviewed in the Book review digest, April, 1919. The English title is Roads to freedom. Parliamentary Seager, John Renwick. elections under the Reform Act, 1918. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1918. vi p., 11., 129 p. 12°. SEH

Slichter, Summer Huber. The turnover of factory labor... with an introduction by John R. Commons... New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1919. xiv, 460 p. tables. 8°.

forms, TMP

Contents: Part 1. General analysis of the turnover. Part II. The cost of the turnover. Part III. The causes of the turnover. Part IV. Methods of reducing the turnover.

"The employer or superintendent or publicist who fully grasps all that is implied in this profound subject of labor turnover will be in a position to meet the critical problems of the future, and no greater service could have been performed for American industry than that which is now done by Mr. Slichter in his study of the turnover of factory labor.". John R. Commons in the Introduction. Stiles, Clement R. The alphabet of investment... with an introductory note by Ellis T. Powell... London: Financial Review of Reviews [pref. 1918. viii, 54 p. forms. 8°. TG

Stoddard, William Leavitt. The shop committee; a handbook for employer and employee. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1919. 4 p.l., 105 p. 12°. TDC

Trade foundations based on producing industries. Indianapolis: Guy M. Jones Company [cop. 1919. 3 p.1., ix-xix, 522 p. 8°. SSM Wall, Alexander. The banker's credit manual; a complete survey of the credit department its obligations and its opportunities. How to systematize the work, stabilize operations, and facilitate investigations; together with schemes for comparative analyses and many approved forms reproduced in facsimile. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co. [cop. 1919. 6 p.l., 247(1) p. forms. 8°. THE

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