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DURING the month of March, 1919, the Library received as gifts a total

of 2,799 volumes, 9,822 pamphlets, 66 maps and 34 prints. Some of the more important and interesting of these gifts were the following: Mr. Vernon Howe Bailey gave the Library thirteen of his lithographs. These lithographs were done in 1917, under exceptionally favorable opportunities, and form a valuable record of preparatory war activities. Some of the titles are: "Superdreadnaught," "Converting a German Passenger Ship," "Submarine in DryDock," "Tall Stacks (Bethlehem)," and "The Great Gun Shop (Bethlehem).” From Mr. C. Altschul of New York came a collection of 90 volumes of American History textbooks for schools and colleges, and three other historical works. Mr. William M. Ballard of New York gave a large collection of automobile catalogues and similar material, covering the period 1909-1915 and comprising 70 volumes and 2,000 pamphlets.

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From the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D. C., came two copies of "The Classics of International Law; General Editor of the series, James Brown Scott: Tractatus De Bello, De Represaliis et De Duello, by Giovanni da Legnandi... edited by Thomas Erskine Holland...,' Washington, 1917. Mr. Creston C. Coigne of New York gave ten works relating to Esperanto. From Mrs. H. B. Howell of Jersey City came 38 typewritten sheets of the "Records of the First English and German Presbyterian Congregation in Knowlton, Warren County, N. J., 1766-1804," copied and translated from the original records in German, Newark, 1918. Mr. William Henry Shelton of New York gave a copy of his work (No. 228 of 500 printed) "The Salmagundi Club, being a history of its beginning as a Sketch Class, its public service as the Black and White Society, and its career as a Club from 1871 to 1918, with illustrations," Boston, 1918.

Mr. John Alden Carpenter of Chicago presented to the Library a collection of thirteen of his musical compositions. Mr. A. D. Starkey of New York gave a collection of music in six volumes and eight pamphlets, being scores of operas by Verdi, Puccini, Wagner, sonatas by Beethoven, etc.


URING the month of March, 1919, there were received at the Library 11,714 volumes and 10,781 pamphlets. (These include the additions to both Reference and Circulation Departments.) The total number of readers recorded in the Central Building was 82,049. They consulted 201,945 volumes. Visitors to the building numbered 225,349.

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Abbruzzese, Antonio. Le relazioni fra l'Impero Romano e l'Armenia, a tempo di Augusto, 30 a. C.- 14 d. C. (Rivista di storia antica. Padova, 1903-04. 8°. nuova serie, anno 7, p. 505-521, 722-734; anno 8, p. 32-61.) BAA

Le relazioni fra l'Impero Romano e l'Armenia a tempo di Tiberio e di Caligola. (Bessarione. Roma, 1907. 8°. serie 3, v. 2, p. 63-106.) * OAA Le relazioni politiche fra l'Impero Romano e l'Armenia da Claudio a Traiano (Bessarione. Roma, 1911. 8°. serie * OAA

3, v. 8, p. 389-434.)

Abdullah, Séraphin. Vérification d'une date de l'ère arménienne 1894 ère chrétienne. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1914. 8°. série 11, v. 3, p. 645–651.) * OAA Achguerd, K. S. See Nersès, patriarch of Constantinople.

Adontz, N. Арменія въ эпоху Юстиніана. Политическое состояніе на основѣ Нахарарскаго строя. St. Petersburg: Tip. Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, 1908. xiv, 526 p.


Armenia in the age of Justinian.

* QG

Agathangelos. Agathange. Histoire du règne de Tiridate et de la prédication de Saint Gregoire l'illuminateur, traduite pour la première fois en français sur le texte arménien accompagné de la version grecque, par Victor Langlois. (In: Victor Langlois, Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de l'Arménie. Paris, 1867. 4°. v. 1, p. 97-194.) +* ONQ

Agathangelus neu hrsg. von Paul de Lagarde. (Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abhandlungen. Göttingen, 1889. 4°. Bd. 35, p. 388.) EE

Badmoutiun. [A history of Armenia; together with sermons by Gregory the Illuminator., Venice, 1862. 678 p. 24°. * ONQ

LAGARDE, Paul Anton de. Erläuterungen zu Agathangelus und den Akten Gregors von Ärmenien. (Königliche Gesellschaft [ 251 ]

History-General Works, continued.


der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. handlungen. Göttingen, 1889. 4°. Bd. 35, p. 121-163.) * EE

MEILLET, Antoine. Remarques sur le texte de l'historien arménien Agathange. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1910. 8°. série 10, v. 16, p. 457-481.) * OAA SARKISIAN, H. Parsék. Akatankéghos ev ur Pazmatarian kaghdnikn. (A critique of Agathangelos and his Pazmatarian kaghdnikn. Venice, 1890. 14, 416 p. 8°.

* ONQ Akulian, Aram. Einverleibung armenischer Territorien durch Byzanz im XI. Jahrhundert; ein Beitrag zur vorseldschukischen Periode der armenischen Geschichte. Grüningen: J. Wirz, 1912. 94 p. 8°. * ONK p.v.2.

'Ali ibn Abi Talib, caliph. antz, John, baron.

See Avtali

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Arisdaguès de Lasdiverd. Histoire d'Arménie par le vartabed Arisdaguès de Lasdiverd traduite pour la première fois sur l'édition des... Měkhitharistes de SaintLazare et accompagnée de notes par M. Evariste Prud'homme. (Revue de l'Orient, de l'Algérie et des colonies. Paris, 186364. 8°. nouvelle série, tome 15, p. 343–370; tome 16, p. 41-59, 159-184, 268-286, 289-318; tome 17, p. 5-33.) * OAA Armenian Huntchakist Party. Central Committee. A memorial to the powers. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 8, p. 3-5.) +* ONK

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The Armenian people and the Ottoman government. From the English Blue Book. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 157–159.) †* ONK

The Armenians. (Armenia. Boston, 1904-05. 4°. v. 1, no. 2, p. 12-18; no. 3, p. 17-27; no. 4, p. 29-40.) +* ONK

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Historical sketch of Armenia and Georgia. Aslan, Kévork. Etudes historiques sur le peuple arménien. Paris: G. Dujarric, 1909. 2 p.l., viii-xxv p., 11., 28-339 p. 8°. BBX

Aucher, John Baptist. See Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea.

Aukerian, Mëgërdich. See Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea.

Avdall, Johannes. See Avtaliantz, John. Avtaliantz, John, baron. A covenant of Ali, fourth caliph of Baghdad, granting certain immunities and privileges to the Armenian nation. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1870. 8°. v. 39, part 1, p. 60-64.)


Memoir of a Hindu colony in ancient Armenia. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. v. 5, p. 331–339.) * ОНА

Note on the origin of the Armenian era, and the reformation of the Haican kalendar. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. v. 5, p. 384387.) * ОНА

Singular narrative of the Armenian king Arsaces and his contemporary Sapor, king of Persia; extracted from the Armenian chronicles. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1837. 8°. v. 6, * ОНА p. 81-87.) See also Chamchian, Michael; also Moses of Chorene.

Basmadjian, K. J. Histoire moderne des Arméniens, depuis la chute du royaume jusqu'à nos jours (1375-1916); les guerres russo-turques, les guerres russo-persanes,

History-General Works, continued. les guerres perso-turques, les soulèvements des Arméniens, la question d'Orient et principalement la question arménienne... Préface par J. de Morgan. Paris: J. Gamber, 1917. viii, 174 p., 11., 1 map. 12.

* ONQ Les Lusignans de Poitou au trône de la Petite Arménie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. série 10, v. 7, p. 520-524.) * OAA A survey of ancient Armenian history. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f. v. 10, p. 38-39.) †* ONK Baynes, Norman H. Rome and Armenia in the fourth century. (English historical review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 25, p. 625-643.)


Bedrosian, Sahag. See Vahram of Edessa.

Berberov, R. Die Armenier. (In: Russen über Russland. Frankfurt a. M., 1906. GLY 8°. p. 640-655.) Berchem, Max van. See LehmannHaupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl.

Bicknell, Ernest Percy. Red Cross and Red Crescent. (Survey. New York, 1916. 4°. v. 37, p. 118-121.) SHA Blackwell, Alice Stone. The battle of Avarair. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 4, p. 18-23.) +* ONK

Bogdanov, Artemy. Memoirs of the life of Artemi, of Wagarschapat, near Mount Ararat in Armenia: from the original Armenian (or rather Russian, written by himself. London: Treuttel & Würtz, 1822. x, 374 p., 1 pl. 8°. BBX Brosset, Marie Félicité. Des historiens arméniens des xvII et XVIIIe siècles. Arakel de Tauriz, registre chronologique, annoté par M. Brosset. 1 p.1., 60 p. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Mémoires. St. Pétersbourg, 1873. f. tome 19, no. 5.)

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Revue de la littérature historique de l'Arménie. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Pétersbourg, 1877. f°. tome 22, col. 303-312.) *QCB

Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Mélanges asiatiques. St. Pétersbourg, 1881. tome 8, p. 21-34, OẠÀ.

Sur l'histoire ancienne de l'Arménie, d'après les textes hiéroglyphiques et cunéiformes. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Pétersbourg, 1871. f. tome 16, col. 332-340.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Mélanges asiatiques. St. Pétersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 389-400, OAA.

Sur l'histoire composée en arménien par Thoma Ardzrouni, x's. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Pétersbourg, 1870. f°. tome 14, col. 428432.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Mélanges asiatiques. St. Pétersbourg, 1873. tome 6, OAA.

p. 226-232, St. Pétersbourg, 1869. f. tome 13, col. 401-454.) * QCB

Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Mélanges asiatiques. St. Pétersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 13–89, * 04.

Browne, J. Gordon. Tartars and Armenians. (Contemporary review. don, 1906. 8°. v. 89, p. 72-85.)


* DA

History-General Works, continued.

Brunhes, Jean. Le rôle ancien de l'Arménie. (La Voix de l'Arménie. Paris, 1918. 8°. année 1, p. 593–599.) * ONK

Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. See Buxton, Noel, and HAROLD BUXTON; also Hacobian, Avetoon Pesak.


Budushcheye ustroistvo Armenii

Будущее устройство Арменіи ΠΟ оффиціальнымъ дипломатическимъ документамъ Оранжевой книги, трактуюшей реформы въ Арменіи. Petrograd: "Osvobozhdeniye,” 1915. 94 р. 8°. (Дипломатическій Архивъ. томъ 8.) * QG p.v.57

The future of Armenia, according to diplomatic documents.

Burchardi, Gustav. Der Zweifel und das Böse. Eine Botschaft der Sasaniden an die Armenier. (Geist des Ostens. München, 1914. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 428-438.) * OAA

Buxton, Harold. See Buxton, Noel, and HAROLD BUXTON.

Buxton, Noel, and HAROLD BUXTON. Travel and politics in Armenia, with an introduction by Viscount Bryce and a contribution on Armenian history and culture by Aram Raffi. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. xx, 274 p., 1 map, 16 pl. 12°. BBY

Cappelletti, Giuseppe. L'Armenia. Firenze: Stamperia e fonderia Fabris, 1841. 3 v. in 1. 8°. BBY

See also Elisha, vartabed. Carlier, Emilie. En Arménie. Journal de la femme d'un consul de France. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1903. 8°. période 5, v. 13, p. 406-433.) *DM

Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques. Détails sur la situation actuelle du royaume de Perse. Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1816. 12 1. 4°. * OMZ

Armenian, French and Persian texts.

Mémoire sur le gouvernement et sur la religion des anciens Arméniens, par M. Cirbied. (Société royale des antiquaires de France. Mémoires. Paris, 1820. 8°. tome 2, p. 262-311.) DA Chahnazarian, Garabed V. See Ghévont,


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Badmoutiun hahots. The political history of the Armenian people from ancient times down to 1914, together with a short account of Armenian literature.] Boston, 1917. 4 p.l., 692 p., 1 map. 8°. * ONQ Chalathianz, Gregor. See Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich.

Chalatiantz, B. See Khalathianz, Bagrat. Chamchian, Michael. Badmoutiun hahots. A history of Armenia from the creation to the end of the eighteenth century. Venice, 1784-86. 3 v. 4°. * ONQ History of Armenia by Father Michael Chamich; from B. C. 2247 to the year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian era, translated from the original Armenian by Johannes Avdall. To which is appended a continuation of the history by the translator from the year 1780 to the present date. Calcutta: H. Townsend, 1827. 2 v. 8°. * ONQ

Chantre, Ernest. Les Arméniens, esquisse historique et ethnographique. (Société d'anthropologie de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1897. 8°. v. 15, p. 49–101.) QOA

Chesney, Francis Rawdon. The RussoTurkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829 with a view of the present state of affairs in the East. With an appendix containing the diplomatic correspondence between the four powers, and the secret correspondence between the Russian and English governments. New York: Redfield, 1854. 1 p.l., xiii-xxiv, 25-360 p., 2 maps.



Chesney, G. M. A winter campaign in Armenia. (Fortnightly review. London, 1916. 8°. new series, v. 99, p. 99-111.)

* DA Clark, William. Armenian history. (New Englander. New Haven, 1863. 8°. v. 22, p. 507-529, 672-691.) * DA

Constitution nationale des Arméniens traduite de l'arménien sur le document original par M. E. Prud'homme. (Revue de l'Orient, de l'Algérie et des colonies. Paris, 1861-62. 8°. nouvelle série, tome 14, p. 1-18, 89–107.) * OAA

Coumryantz, A. See Vogel, Charles, and A. COUMRYANTZ.

The Cradle of history. (Eclectic magazine. New York, 1859. 8°. 1859, p. 248259.) * DA Daghbaschean, H. Gründung des Bagratidenreiches durch Aschot Bagratuni. Berlin: Mayer & Müller, 1893. xi p., 11., 106 p. 8°. BBX

Des Coursons, R. de, vicomte. La rebellion arménienne; son origine, son but. Paris: Librairie du Service central de la presse, 1895. 102 p. 8°. BBH p.v.2

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