Papers of the ... Algonquian Conference, Volumes 15-16Carleton University, 1984 - Algonquian Indians |
From inside the book
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Page 125
... present themselves as white . It is possible that further research will reveal these and others . Of the eight , five have competed for Canada and three for the United States . In an appendix , I present data on nine other non ...
... present themselves as white . It is possible that further research will reveal these and others . Of the eight , five have competed for Canada and three for the United States . In an appendix , I present data on nine other non ...
Page 163
... present a new problem . The only difference was that in this case there was someone to blame . It remains to be shown that pigs were present in numbers suffi- cient to maintain a host reservoir capable of causing the epidemic of 1616 ...
... present a new problem . The only difference was that in this case there was someone to blame . It remains to be shown that pigs were present in numbers suffi- cient to maintain a host reservoir capable of causing the epidemic of 1616 ...
Page 289
... present , the verb in the embedded complement is not usually marked as dubitative ; presumably this is because the element of uncertainty is already present in the meaning of the matrix verb . 3. When it is used , the dubitative is ...
... present , the verb in the embedded complement is not usually marked as dubitative ; presumably this is because the element of uncertainty is already present in the meaning of the matrix verb . 3. When it is used , the dubitative is ...
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Abenaki acculturated Albany and Attawapiskat Algonquian Conference American animals Attawapiskat Aubery bags beads beadwork Big Trout Lake birch bark birch bark scrolls bird Brothertons canoe Carleton University century ceremonial hide clauses clitic culture d'une decorated deux dialect dubitative England English European example families formal education Fort Albany gallinacé gélinotte Gladys Gladys Tantaquidgeon gunwale Historical Hudson's Bay Hudson's Bay Company Indians Iroquois Island James Bay Jocko land langue legend linguistic literacy manitos Maniwaki medicine Micmac Mide Midewiwin Mistassini Montagnais Moose Factory morpheme motifs myths Nanabozho Nantucket narrative Naskapi Native language nombre non-Indian North noun obviative Ojibwa Ontario oral orthography Ottawa paper Penobscot pigs prefix preverbs proximate Québec Rasles records REFERENCES ribs River root scrolls semantic Sheshatshiu Shinnecock skins speakers Speck Swampy Cree teenagers texts tion Toronto trade traditional tribes variant verb stem village vowel Wabanaki wampum Watkins William word York