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Church Missionary Society, in which the intelligence is brought down to the date of the most recent advices, The willing attentions of the natives to assist in building suitable houses for the missionaries, and their readiness to sell them land for the purposes of their establishment, are proofs how fully the jealous fears at first excited had been allayed by the prudent and peaceable conduct of these benevalent settlers. Indeed, a pledge was given that the ship Active might enter with safety into seas, in which the natives frankly confessed that they would give no such promise respecting other vessels. Passing over, therefore, several interesting topics, for which we refer our readers to Mr. Nicholas's volumes, we shall conclude our extracts with a few of the author's remarks relative to the propriety and advantages of colonizing New Zealand.

"Should an extensive settlement be ever formed in New Zealand by our people, and the Bay of Islands fixed upon as the principal harbour, the neighbourhood of this lake would form an admirable situation for the seat of government, and chief town of the colony.The extensive forests that line one side of it would afford an immense quantity of timber, that might at a trifling expense be floated to the opposite bank, where, the ground being cleared to a considerable extent, the town might be built, and lands enclosed both for pasturage and husbandry. The soil here being luxuriant in the extreme, would produce the most abundant crops, and the labours of the industrious cultivator would be sure to be requited by a plentiful harvest. According to the natives, a river has its source in this lake, which, after traversing the whole breadth of the island, takes a western course, and discharges its waters into the sea. Whether this is navigable or not, it was impossible for me to ascertain, not having an opportunity of seeing it; but as the natives asserted that canoes were constantly plying upon it, I should think it probable that boats at least, if not small vessels, might effect a passage upon it to some distance. A communication being thus kept up with the interior of the island, the advantages to the back

settlements would be very considerable; as it would afford them at all times an easy conveyance for their produce to the principal market, while they might bring back in the same manner whatever necessaries they required. But besides this consideration, there are others which, in the event of the island being colonized, might recommend this place as the most suitable for erecting the town upon. Its convenient aud central situation, the peculiar richness of its soil, the proximity of all the necessaries for building; these, and several other local advantages, would conspire to render it the most eligible spot that could be selected. I might also add, that the forests, while affording the most excellent timber for building, could easily be converted into wellcultivated fields and gardens; and the lake, yielding an abundant supply of fish, with water of the best quality, would be rendered doubly valuable to the inhabitants. The distance of this place from the harbour would form no material objection; this being only fifteen miles, a road might easily be constructed from the head of the cove, and over level ground the whole way, if we except three hills of such inconsiderable heigut as to offer no obstacle worth regarding. From the entrance of the harbour to the head of the cove, may be estimated at about twenty miles; and shipping can proceed up fifteen or sixteen miles, and find secure anchorage. The land carriage therefore would be very trifling; and the necessity of it might be ultimately superseded by a junction of the lake with the Tecaddiecaddie, which passes within five miles of it, and could be made navigable for small craft to the head of the cove. settlement thus advantageously situated, and under a mild and equitable government, would very soon become flourishing, and be enabled to supply itself in abundance, not only with the necessaries of life, but even with many of its luxuries. The advantages too resulting from such a colony to the natives themselves, must be obvious. A spirit of civilized industry would be diffused all over the country, and they would be gradually initiated into all our pursuits; while being protected in their persons and property by the wholesome laws of our inestimable constitution, they would have nothing to apprehend; and providing for their wants in conscious security, their physical comforts would always keep pace with their moral improvement. Should the event, which I can


now only speak of as contingent, be ever realized, this consideration will not fail to have its proper weight with the political economist. But I would by no means have the colonists composed of such characters as form the European population of New South Wales. The convicts there are the most profligate and abandoned description of people in existence, and those crimes and vices for which they have been expatriated, adhere to them in their exile with pertinacious delinquency. Such men would rather defeat than promote the object -in view, by introducing a factitious contamination of morals among the natives, and instructing them in the most depraved practices by their own example." Vol. I. pp. 344-347.

We have only to remark, in conclusion, what must have already sufficiently appeared from the foregoing observations and extr. cts, that these volumes are extremely well worth perusal as an authentic narrative of a voyage to a country of which very little has been hitherto known to the European world. The author's chief failure is where he intends to be ornate or sentimental, and forsakes the

simple narrative style, for the didactic or pathetic. In two or three instances also, he relates with a kind of flippancy or pleasantry, what, if related at all, should have been clothed in a style of the most severe gravity, in order to render its introduction admissible into the winter evening family party. We should not, perhaps, have noticed this in an ordinary traveller; nor do we mean to intimate, that Mr. Nicholas is any great offender in this way; but the narrator of a missionary voyage ought to be peculiarly careful, that in a narrative intended for miscellaneous perusal, not a single passage should occur, in which gross vice is exposed to our laughter rather than our abhorrence. As this observation is applicable to the present volumes in only a very limited degree, and even this evidently unintended by the author, whose aim throughout is highly benevolent and virtuous, we shall conclude with recommending the work to the attention of our readers.


&c. &c.

GREAT BRITAIN. PREPARING for publication :-Letters from the Honourable Horace Walpole to George Montague, Esq. ;-An overland Journey from India, by LieutenantColonel Johnson;-Statistical Account of the principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean, by Captain M'Konochie ;-Essay on the Prolongation of Life and Conservation of Health, by Dr. James Johnson; -Tasso's Jerusalem, translated by J. H. Hunt; A Journey to Rome, &c., by H. Sass-Original Letters from Baxter, Prior, Bolingbroke, Pope, &c., edited by Mrs. Warner-A Guide to Families; or Sacred Truth Unfolded for their Use; in a Course of Practical Lectures on the Principal Doctrines of Christianity, and the Relative Duties of Life; with appropriate Family Prayers

for Morning and Evening, for young Persons; by the Rev.S.Piggott, A.M.;Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Ministry of the late Rev. William Goode, A. M. Rector of St. Ann, Blackfriars; by Charles Bowdler, Esq.; to be prefixed to a volume of his Discourses on the Names and Titles given to the Redeemer.

In the Press-Essays on the Wisdom of God, by the Rev. D. Tyerman;-Life of Right Honourable Philpot Curran, by C. Phillips, Esq.;-Biographical Works on English Topography, by W. Upcott;-Transactions of the Association of King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland ;-A Work on Natural Theology, by the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, in which those topics are considered which have not been touched upon by Paley.

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A monthly periodical work is projected at Paris, to be entitled " Archives du Christianisme au Dixneuvième Siècle." It is intended to comprise essays on Christian doctrines and morals, short dissertations upon Ecclesiastical History, Biblical criticism, and Oriental antiquities; critical and analytical notices of new religious works; reports of religious societies throughout the world; with religious biography and poetry. The importance and necessity of such a work in France is very great; and we sincerely hope the intended publication may be conducted in such a manner as to secure a respectable degree of patronage, and thus to answer the high ends which such a work, if well executed, may be expect ed to attain. The publication will be assisted by subscriptions, which will be received by "M. Viault, Notaire, Rue d'Antin." Letters and communications may be addressed to "M. JuilleratChasseur, Pasteur, Rue de Tournon, No. 10."

Cambridge. The following subjects are proposed for the Chancellor's Prizes, for the ensuing year:-For Latin Verses; "Titus Hierosolymam expugnans."-For an English Essay; "Biography."-For a Latin Essay; Quam Vim in Moribus Populi conformandis exhibeant Rerum publicarum subitæ Mutationes ?"-Sir Roger Newdigate's Prize; for the best composition in English Verse, not containing more than fifty lines, by any Under-graduate who has not exceeded four years from the time of his matriculation; "The Coliseum."

A patent has been obtained for a new mode of expelling molasses from sugar, by means of atmospherical pressure.This is performed either by withdrawing the air from the under surface of the sugar, or compressing the air on the upper surface. When done by the former method, a trough or box is employed open at the top; and containing at a few inches from the bottom, a partition made of sheet copper, or any other proper material, and thickly perforated with small holes. On this partition is laid a cloth or web, made of hair or other fit material, and over it is spread the sugar, previously moistened with water or lime-water. The air under the partition is then partially exhausted, by means of an air pump, in conséquence of which the pressure of the atmosphere, and its passage through the sugar, in CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 192.

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order to supply the vacuum, expel the molasses, which, passing through the web and the perforated partition, is conducted by a pipe into a receiver below. The operation of pumping the air continues till the molasses is sufficiently expelled from the sugar. The second method is upon the same principle, only instead of atmospheric pressure, the air is compressed by means of a forcing pump or bellows for the purpose, which avoids the necessity for producing a


The original diamond ring of Mary, Queen of Scots, upon which are engraved the arms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, quartered, and which was produced in evidence at the trial of the unfortunate Mary, as a proof of her pretensions to the crown of England, was in the possession of the late Mr. Blachford, one of the lords of the Admiralty, at the time of his death.-The history of this fatal ring is curious. It descended from Mary to her graudson Charles I. who gave it, on the scaffold, to Archbishop Juxon, for his son Charles II. who, in his troubles, pledged it in Holland for 3001., where it was bought by Governor Yale, and sold at his sale for 320l. it is supposed for the Pretender. Afterwards it came into possession of the Earl of Ila, Duke of Argyle, and probably from him to the family of Mr. Blachford. At the late sale of his effects, it was said to have been purchased for the Prince Regent.

Mr. M'Leod, in his narrative of a Voyage to the Yellow Sea, lately published, gives the following particulars respecting the habits of a Boa Constrictor, which died on board the Cæsar, on the passage to England:-During its stay at Ryswick it is said to have usually consumed a goat every three or four weeks, with occasionally a duck or fowl. The live stock provided for its use during the passage consisted of six goats; five being considered a fair allowance for as many months. At an early period of the voyage one of the goats was thrust into its cage. The piercing cries and agonies of the unfortunate animal were dreadful; yet amidst all his terrors he began instinctively butting at the serpent, who fixing a deadly and malignant eye on his victim, darted out his forked tongue, and seizing the goat by the leg encircled it in his horrid folds. The act was so instantaneous that it was impossible for the eye to follow the convolutions of the serpent's

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body, which was overlaid rather than wound round in such a manner as to add the greatest weight and muscular pressure. The half-stifled cries of the goat became fainter and fainter, till the unfortunate animal expired. For a considerable time after this period the snake still retained his hold, till at length, unfolding himself slowly and cautiously he began to prepare for the repast. Placing his mouth in front of the dead animal, he began lubricating the head, and at length, by means of his two rows of strong hooked teeth and prodigious contractile muscular power, he gradually sucked in the head and horns, and at length the whole body, without separation or mastication. At the end of the operation, which occupied about two hours and a quarter, the terrific animal appeared prodigiously distended, like a serpent's skin stuffed to bursting. The protuberances caused by the goat's horns were very conspicuous, The serpent now coiled himself up, and lay quietly in his usual torpid state for about three weeks or a month, when his last meal being apparently dissolved, the cruel experiment was repeated with similar results. This animal died on the passage home, between the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena, and upon dissection appeared to have digested every part of his prey even to the bones, except a part of one of the horns. The facts thus obtained, if correct, are doubtless curious; but no words can be too strong to express the horror of every feeling mind at the cruelty that permitted the experiment.


We have recently been favoured with a copy of the First Report of this Institution. In the year 1815, the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, a clergyman of the Congregational Church of the United States, visited this country with a view of qualifying himself to become an instructor of the deaf and dumb, of whom it is estimated that there are not less than two thousand in these States. We are grieved and mortified to find that neither in London nor in Edinburgh did he meet with that encouragement which his benevolent purpose merited, He sought in vain, from the conductors of the valuable institutions for the deaf and dumb in those cities, the information which we should previously have assumed with absolute confidence, they

would have been forward to impart.— Great-Britain has often been reproached by its neighbours with being a selfish nation; and perhaps, in the eager pursuit of commercial advantages, we may have sometimes given ground for the imputation; but the last thing we should have anticipated in the enumeration of our defects, would have been the exercise of a niggardly and exclusive spirit in the adaptation of any benevolent discoveries with which the providence of God might have blessed our happy land to the wants and weaknesses of the universal family of man. We should as soon have expected a churlish refusal of vaccine virus to our Transatlantic brethren from the National Institution for promoting its diffusion, as a moment's doubt or hesitation in communicating to them the blessed art of making the dumb to speak and the deaf to hear.

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Disappointed and repulsed in Great Britain, Mr. Gallaudet repaired to Paris, where he met with a very courteous and favourable reception from the Abbe Sicard; and after spending a short time in receiving lessons from that celebrated instructor, he obtained the consent of the Abbe to take with him to America Mr. Laurent Clere, himself deaf and dumb, one of the teachers in the institution of Paris, and well known in London (where in 1814 he passed some time) as a most intelligent pupil of his illustrious master. Mr. Gallaudet having procured this important auxiliary, was enabled to return to his native country much sooner than he expected. rived there in August, 1816, and immediately visited some of the larger cities, for the purpose of soliciting funds for the formation of an establishment. In a short time the contributions amounted to nearly 18,000 dollars. An act of the legislature of Connecticut was: passed, incorporating the institution, and that body afterwards granted 5,000 dollars in aid of its funds. The establishment was opened at Hartford, in Connecticut, on the 15th April, 1817; and on the 1st of June, the date of the Report, it already contained twenty pupils. Many of these are of full age, and some of them have expressed much interest in the attempts which have been made, though stated to be as yet very imperfect, to explain to them some of the simplest doctrines of Revelation. We shall have much pleasure in watching the progress of this excellent institution.



Sermons on the Death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, M. A. Vicar of Harrow.

C. J. Hoare, M. A. Vicar of

E. Craig, B. A. Curate of Watton.
S. Crowther, M. A. Vicar of Christ

G. C. Gorham, M. A. of Queen's
College, Cambridge.

R. P. Beachcroft, M. A. Rector
of Blunham.

James Rudge, M. A. Rector of

Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston

Robert Gray, D. D. Rector of
Bishop Wearmonth.
Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Minister
of Glasgow.

H. G. Watkins, Rector of St,

The Trials and Encouragements of the Christian Missionary, a Sermon preached before the Church Missionary Society, Oct. 28, 1817, on Occasion of the Departure of Missionaries to various Parts; by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, M. A. Vicar of Harrow, &c. 1817.

"To provide a Refuge for the Crimi⚫ nal is to give a Bounty on the Crime." This Principle examined, in its Application to the Guardian Society, and other similar Institutions; in a Sermon preached for the Benefit of that Society, Oct. 25, 1817; by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham, M. A. Vicar of Harrow, &c. 1817.

The New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, translated into pure Biblical Hebrew, for the use of the Jews in every part of the world. 1. 1s. common-17. 6s. fine.

Scripture Portaits; or, Biographical Memoirs of the most distinguished Characters recorded in the Old Testament; by the Rev. Robert Stevenson. 2 vols. 12mo. 8s.

A Sermon on Regeneration and Conversion; by John Napleton, D. D. 1s.

Two Sermons on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; by the Rev. Charles Coleman, M. A. M. R. I. A. 1s.


Personal Observations, made during the Progress of the British Embassy through China, and on its Voyage to and from that Country, in the years 1816 and 1817; by Clark Abel, physician and naturalist to the embassy. 1 vol. 4to.

Memoirs on European and Asiatic Turkey, from the manuscript journals of modern travellers in those countries; by Robert Walpole, A. M. With plates. Tour through the Netherlands in 1816-17; by J. Smithers. 8vo. 9s.

Narrative of a Voyage in the Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the Coast of Corea, and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered Islands, to the Island of Lewchew; with an Account of her Shipwreck in the Straits of Gaspar; by John M'Leod, Surgeon of the Alceste. 8vo. 12s.

The Code of Agriculture: including Observations on Gardens, Orchards, Woods, and Plantations; by the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair, Bart. 8vo. 14. 1s.

The Chinese Grammar; by W. Morrison. 4to. 17. 11s. 6d.

A Universal History, in twenty-four Books; translated from the German of John Muller. 3 vols. 8vo.

History of New South Wales; by P. O'Hara, Esq. 8vo. 14s.

A History of Europe, from the Treaty of Amiens, in 1802, to the Pacification of Paris in 1815; by Charles Coote, LL.D. 8vo. 12s.

History of Ancient Europe, from the earliest Times to the Subversion of the Western Empire; with a survey of the most important Revolutions in Asia and Africa; by Dr. Russell. 3 vols. 8vo. 21. 2s.

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