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phenolphthalein, rosolic acid and para nitrophenol into conjunctive of rabbits rendered markedly edematous with mustard oil, shows the reaction of the edematous tissue to be slightly on the alkaline side of neutral, very close to the reaction of the animal's blood. Excised bits of lid and conjunctivæ give no such edema in Ringer's solution acidified to various degrees.

These facts are not in harmony with the acid theory of edema.

Brain Lipoid as a Hemostatic:


A Comparative Study of the Urea Content of the
Blood and Tissues of Some Vertebrates: WALTER

The urea concentration of the tissues of normal guinea-pigs is the same as that of the blood (2030 mg. per 100 c.c.) with the exception of the kidneys, in which the presence of urine results in high figures. The urea content of the blood of fasting guinea-pigs or of pigs on an insufficient diet may rise to 6-7 times the normal figure with a less marked rise in the concentration of urea of the tissues in most cases. The urea concentration of the blood and tissues of hens is low (5-10 mg. per 100 c.c.), the kidneys having no higher concentration of urea than any other tissue. The


Kephalin has been shown to be identical with thromboplastin. An active preparation can be made from an ether extract of ox brain. residue of such an extract or a weak emulsion of it in salt solution, when placed on an oozing surface of tissue stops bleeding very quickly and gives a very clean field for operation.

Hemorrhage from bone, kidney, muscle and connective tissue, prostate and other glands, are easily controlled by this means. Hemorrhage from cut artery can not be controlled instantly because the force of the blood pressure pushes away the clot as fast as it can be formed. In a pitted wound, however, such as occurs in warfare or when the femoral artery is cut through in Scarpa's triangle, and the pitted wound fills with blood, application of the lipoid causes it to stop spontaneously because a thick enough layer of fibrin can be formed.

The solution of lipoid residue keeps several months. It is rendered sterile by its preparation, and is very useful for practical surgery as well as for laboratory operations.

The Role of Cystine in the Maintenance of Nitrogenous Equilibrium in Dogs on a Low Protein Diet: HOWARD B. LEWIS.

The Excretion of Uric Acid After Ingestion of Sodium Benzoate in Man: HOWARD B. LEWIS AND WALTER G. KARR.

During the first four hours following ingestion of large doses (7-8 gm.) of sodium benzoate by healthy men, the periods during which maximal elimination of hippuric acid was taking place, the uric acid elimination was decreased from 50 to 70 per cent. as compared with the elimination in corresponding periods of control days. No compensatory increase in uric acid excretion occurred in later periods. Creatinine elimination was not affected. The ingestion of amounts of sodium hippurate equivalent to the benzoate fed in the previous experiments had no influence on uric acid excretion.


jection of alanine into hens causes no rise in the urea content of blood or tissues.

On the Esterification of Amino Acids: H. A. SHONLE AND H. H. MITCHELL.

The following method of determining the rate and extent of esterification of the amino acids of proteins is reported. The protein is hydrolyzed and the hydrolysate prepared for esterification (Phelps-Tillotson) as usual, except that decolorization is effected by making alkaline with Ba(OH), before removal of the water, filtration, and subsequent removal of the barium. During the esterification small samples are removed and diluted with 95 per cent. alcohol to a definite volume. In one aliquot the total acidity is determined by a Sörensen formol titration; in another, the mineral acidity by a Cl determination (Volhard). The remainder is completely saponified by boiling with HCl, made up to volume, and the above determinations repeated. From these data the per cent. of unesterified amino acidity may be calculated.

The Preparation of a Synthetic Milk for Use in Studying Infant Metabolism: A. W. BOSWORTH. The method in brief consists of four steps as follows:

1. The preparation of isolated food materials for use in making the synthetic milk.

2. The recombining of these materials to give a mixture of the desired percentage composition. 3. The emulsification or homogenization of the fat and any of the solid or insoluble constituents entering into the composition of the food.

4. The pasteurization or sterilization of the food after it has been made.

Concerning the Utilization of Inosite in the Animal Organism. The Effect of Inosite upon the Metabolism of Man: R. J. ANDERSON AND A. W. BOSWORTH.

A study of the channels of elimination and the influence of inosite upon the metabolism of man. It is shown that in man inosite is eliminated only through the kidneys. About 91 per cent. of the ingested inosite disappears and only some 9 per cent. is excreted in the urine. When inosite is given at the rate of 0.5 grams per kilo of body weight it causes some diarrhea, but aside from this no other disturbance was observed; and with the exception of an increased excretion of creatinine it had no marked influence upon the metabolism of


Concerning the Utilization of Inosite in the Animal
Organism in the Dog: R. J. ANDERSON.

able to get very accurate information in regard to them. We find that there is a very great irregularity of the proportion of creatine to creatinine. This variation is less in the case of babies on regular diet. It is quite as irregular on a creatinefree as on a creatine diet. In boys, it was present in the urine of a boy at ten while absent in his brother, aged twelve. Both were normal and active and on an ordinary mixed diet. In girls, it seems it may continue to puberty, where it appears intermittently in connection with the menstrual cycle. In some girls it disappears entirely before puberty. This phase we are at present investigating further. We hope to continue the investigation for several years and check further by determining the age at which it disappears from the urine of some of the children under observation. Our figures show that the diet plays an important function in the amount of creatine in the urine. It has been shown by other investigators that in starvation the feeding of carbohydrate decreases the amount of creatine in the urine. MeCrudden has shown that increasing the carbohydrate in the diets of children causes not a decrease but if any change an increase in the creatine of urine. We have some evidence which tends to support this observation. This seems to us, however, to support the idea of a relationship between Studies on the Distribution of Nitrogen in Egg carbohydrates and creatine metabolism rather than

These experiments were made with the object in view of throwing some light upon the fate of inosite in the animal organism and to determine whether inosite is utilized in such a way as to cause a rise in the respiratory quotient of a fasting dog.

The results show, first, that there was no rise in the respiratory quotient; second, that as much as 77 per cent. of the ingested inosite was recovered in the excreta, and third, that inosite is absorbed very slowly from the intestine of a dog and hence the greater portion is eliminated with the feces.


The fact that the Herzig and Meyer method for determination of methyl groups gave inconclusive evidence of the pressure of choline in lecithin has led the author to study the distribution of the nitrogen in lecithin. Merck's preparation of egg lecithin was purified and used for analysis. The methods employed were Kjeldahl with ArnoldGunning modification for total nitrogen. Hausmann's method as modified by Osborne for the anrich, and diamino nitrogen and the Styli's method for total amino nitrogen. The results seem to indicate that the amide nitrogen represents less than 2 per cent. of the total, monoamino nitrogen about 40 per cent. and the diamino nitrogen about 50 per cent.

Further work is in progress.

Presence of Creatinine in Urine of Children:

We have planned a series of observations on the urine of children of various ages. In each case we obtained at least three samples for determination of creatine and creatinine in 100 c.c. of urine. We have tried in each to check this up by a twenty-four hour sample. The diets we were not able to control in all cases. We were, however,


the opposite which McCrudden is trying to prove.
It seems quite possible that if the excretion of
creatine is connected, as Rose suggests, with car-
bohydrate metabolism, you would expect a de-
crease on feeding carbohydrate in starvation.
the other hand, where there is a metabolic condi-
tion which results in a creatine excretion on a
regular diet, this condition, if caused by carbohy-
drates, would be aggravated by the addition of
more carbohydrate.

We have results which tend to support this theory and this will be the hypothesis upon which our future experiments will be planned.

A Bacteriological Study of Hamburger Steak:

In a study of hamburger steak, as sold in the public markets, the author, following the suggestions of Weingirl and Newton, worked out a technique which seems to afford the most satisfactory method for the bacteriological examination of chopped meat. The essential feature of the method is the careful selection of ten grams of lean meat from a pound of the product, this being ground up in a mortar with the aid of white sand and a 0.5 per cent. solution being added with continued grinding to secure the proper dilution for

plating. Beef infusion agar at +1.5 to be used in making counts.

Two series of samples from ten dealers were examined. In the first series collected in mild weather, siz samples gave total counts of over ten million per gram. In the second series collected during colder weather five samples gave counts of over ten million. Meat from three dealers showed exceedingly high counts in both series, indicating that bad methods were followed.

The chief cause for high counts is to be found in the practise of utilizing scrap meat or meat of inferior quality which is often collected and held for some time before being ground up for sale.

Attention is called to the value of bacteriological analyses as a means of determining the methods used by dealers and to the importance of this test being more generally resorted to in connection with chopped meats for the purpose of establishing proper standards and securing an efficient sanitary control.

Cleaning Silver by Contact with Aluminium in Alkaline Solution: H. L. LANG AND C. F. WALTON, JR.

This paper is a preliminary report of results obtained in cleaning silver under household conditions by the electrolytic method. Sodium carbonate was found to be slightly more efficient than the bicarbonate as the electrolyte of the method, one teaspoonful of each washing soda and table salt to the quart of water proving the most economical concentration. The best results were obtained when the cleaning solution was kept at the boiling temperature during the cleaning, and aluminium proved more efficient than zinc as the active metal in contact with the silver.

The principal advantage of the electrolytic method, as compared with cleaning by an abrasive polish, is that it saves labor. In addition it is convenient and clean, and removes the tarnish from both sterling and plated silverware without appreciable loss of the metal.

Iron Rust Stains and Their Removal: New Methods: HAROLD L. LANG AND ANNA H. WHITTELSEY.

In an experimental study of the removal of stains from textiles several new or little-known reagents were found successful for the treatment of iron rust spots. A 15 per cent. solution of titanium trichloride, TiCl, applied cold to the stain was found to be very efficient, although an expensive reagent. Iron rust stains could also be removed by boiling for several minutes in solutions of potassium acid tartrate (cream of tartar),

tartaric acid or citric acid, or in an infusion of the stalks, leaves or fruit of certain plants which contain oxalic or other acids. Among these plants are rhubarb, the begonia (a rather common house plant), the pineapple, and the grapefruit. These reagents have the advantage that they may be readily obtained and are less liable to injure the fabric or its color than are hydrochloric and oxalic acids, whose efficiency are well known. Solutions of Lead and Antimony from Enameled Cooking Utensils: ELIZABETH W. MILLER. Fifteen different makes of enameled dishes were boiled with 4 per cent. acetic acid and the solution tested for lead and antimony. Slightly less than 2 mg. of lead per liter were dissolved from the saucepan of standard make. Three others of the same kind gave mere traces.

Antimony was extracted by acetic acid in considerable amount from one cheap gray dish. Grape juice, cider and cranberry pulp, milk and spinach were cooked in dishes of this same make. All these foods contained antimony in amounts ranging from 2.3 mg. in 200 c.c. of milk to 14 mg. in 200 c.c. of cranberry pulp.

History and Present Methods of Fluorspar Production in Illinois: CARL C. LUEDEKING.

The author after giving a short history of the mining and milling methods of fluorspar in Pope and Hardin counties, Illinois, enters into the details of present-day status in this industry. It appears that four fifths of the fluorspar of the United States comes from the Fairview and Rosi Clare mines of Hardin County, Illinois. In 1914 these mines have produced 70,000 of the 78,000 tons of fluorspar used in this country. In 1915 the production increased to 115,000 tons. The fluorspar is used chiefly in the basic open hearth steel furnaces and for enameling.

The Chemistry and Technology of Glass: ALEXANDER SILVERMAN.

After a brief introduction on the history of glass making, followed by a statement concerning raw materials, their functions and uses, the technology of glass making was illustrated by about sixty lantern slides. A discussion of coloring and decolorizing agents followed and parallels were shown between aqueous and vitreous solutions of gold, compounds of uranium, copper, cobalt, aluminium, chromium, etc. Specimens of glass and related aqueous solutions were exhibited to illustrate the points discussed. Data on the treatment of glass included recent developments in etching, polishing and silvering processes. The importance of careful and comprehensive research in this

branch of industrial chemistry, and the necessity for endowment of such research, were emphasized. New Volumetric Determination of Nickel and Cobalt: W. D. ENGLE AND R. G. GUSTAVSON.

Preliminary Report-Deposition of Copper in Electrotyping Baths: W. BLUM, H. D. HOLLER, H. RAWDON AND E. L. LASIER.

From a study of the microstructure and physical properties of copper, deposited upon graphited wax molds in the copper sulphate-sulphuric acid bath, the effects of the composition and temperature of the electrolyte and of the current density, upon the character of the deposits, have been determined. The conditions for the production of satisfactory electrotype shells have been defined. The relations between microstructure and physical properties, and the effect of annealing, are being investigated.

Let's Abolish Our Unnecessary Waste of Potassium Compounds: JAMES K. WITHROW.

Attention is called to the fact that in case of sudden cessation of imports great hardship is done not only to chemical users of potassium compounds but many manufacturers of miscellaneous materials who are not in the category of chemical manufacturing and who do not have chemical advice to assist them in meeting the emergency on which they are thrown. A strong appeal is made for publicity in eliminating all unnecessary use of potash so that hardship will be avoided in such cases, and to give manufacturers of sodium compounds ample opportunity to build up their supply under non-emergency conditions. All of this, so that in case of great national emergency, we may direct our attention as much as possible to other situations which can not be avoided by any previous arrangement. Attention is called to the fact that in our schools and colleges our chemical texts persistently require the use of potassium compounds where experience has shown that sodium compounds would do just as well. If we can eliminate this and similar unnecessary waste the percentage saving may not be so great but the educational value can not be estimated for it is quite common for enormous amounts of potash to be wasted in ordinary manufacturing and everyday life as well as in chemical operations. Experiments on the Corrosion of Iron and Steel: W. D. RICHARDSON.

Ethyl Alcohol from Wood Waste. IV. Yields from Various Species of Wood: F. K. KRESS


A Note on "Tars" from Some Mid-western Cannel Coals: JOHN C. INGRAM.

[blocks in formation]

.heavy, viscous liquid .light oil


.96 .98 .79-.85

(1) In bottom ..tar (mainly aromatics) 1.02-1.06 (2) 1st liquid. water (3) 2d liquid. (4) 3d liquid Comments on the Krebitz Process of Soapmaking and Glycerol Recovery: G. A. WRISLEY.

After double decomposition of the lime soap with soda ash, the soap is salted out and the lime CaCO, allowed to settle. It was impossible to prevent occlusion of 10 to 20 per cent. of soap. Attempts to wash out the soap by a series of washings and filtration were unsuccessful, because of slow filtering and loss of 5 to 10 per cent. of soap in the lime cake. It was found that on adding water to this mixture with thorough agitation a point was reached where the lime sludge settled out occluding only 3 to 5 per cent. of soap. This mixture was filtered easily and less than 1 per cent. of soap was lost in the lime cake.

An Unusual Explosion in Connection with Potas-
sium Chlorate: F. E. ROWLAND.
Laboratory Control in the Manufacture of Corn
Syrup: A. P. BRYANT.

Effect of Aging upon the Constants of Chinese
Effect of Fillers in Synthetic Molding Compounds:
Printing Plates from Phenol Resins: L. V. RED-
The Effects of Moisture Introduced into the Di-
gester in the Cooking of Soda Pulp: SIDNEY D.

(To be continued)


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


OBSERVE the title of the building we are assembled to dedicate-the Mitchell Memorial Building of the Philadelphia Orthopedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases. It is not the S. Weir Mitchell or the Weir Mitchell Memorial, but simply the "Mitchell Memorial" Building. As there are many Franklins but only one Franklin, so there are many Mitchells but only one Mitchell.


I first saw Weir Mitchell on the third of September, 1860, just as I was beginning the arduous study which has filled a long life time. The last time I saw him was at Christmas time in 1913, just before the shadow of death fell upon him. The interval covered fifty-three years and four months a long time for an time for an intimate friendship which never knew a cloud even as big as a man's hand.

He was my senior by only eight years, but, having graduated ten years before I began even to study medicine and having already an established reputation, I always looked up to him as my father in the profession rather than as an elder brother.

I first aided him in his experiments on the poison of snakes-a study which for almost half a century fascinated him and to which he, first alone, and later with

1 By Dr. W. W. Keen, consulting surgeon to the hospital.

2 This was the name then on the new building. Later it was replaced by the "Silas Weir Mitchell Memorial.''

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