| George Stanhope - 1732 - 460 pages
...and Judgment. I conclude, therefore with that of the Apoftle, Let the Time paji of tor Life fuffice to have wrought the Will of the Gentiles, when we walked in Lafcivioufnefs, Lufts, Excefs of Wine, Revelling*, Banquetings, and the like. But for the Days, which... | |
| Herman Wits - 1763 - 426 pages
...drunkennefs, luft, and vanities of every kind, i Pet. 4. 3, far the time paft cf our life may fuffice us, to have wrought the will of the Gentiles^ when we walked in lafcivioujnefs, tufts, excefr of wine, retellings, banqueting! and abominable idolatries. Epb. 5. 7,... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...and wanvoimeu, not iá drife and envying1, i Pet. iv. 3 . For the time pad of our life may fuffice us to have wrought the will of the G.entiles, when we. walked m lafcivionfnefs, lads,- excefs of wine, reveilings-, banqnetings, and abominable idolatries. \ ',... | |
| Jonathan Edwards - Sin, Original - 1766 - 506 pages
...Apoftle Peter puts himfelf with the Heathen, i Pet. iv. 3. For the Time paji of OUR, Life may fuffice US to have wrought the Will of the Gentiles ; when WE walked in Lafcivioufnefs, Lufts, Excefs of Wine, Revellings, Banqueting*, and abominable Idolatries. For the... | |
| Church of Scotland - Prebyterianism - 1768 - 576 pages
...chambering and wantonnefs, not in ftrife and envying, i Pet. ¡7.3. Kor the time pad of our life may fuffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lafcivioufnefs, lufts, excels of wine, revellings, bincjuetings, and abominable idolatries. •¿¿Kings... | |
| John Shute Barrington Barrington (Viscount) - Apostles - 1770 - 380 pages
...befides, he fays, moft unexceptionably to this purpofe % " For the time «« paft of our lives may fuffice us to have " wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we " walked in lafcivioufnefs, lufts, excefs of ".wine, revellings, banquetings, and abomi«« nable idolatries."... | |
| Thomas Harmer - Bible - 1787 - 568 pages
...called facred tranfadtions. The words of St. Peter are, " For the " time paft of our life may fuffice us to have " wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we " walked in lafciinoujhefs, lujis, excefs of wine, " retellings, hanquetings, and abominable ido'' latries." I... | |
| Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...the flefh, to the lufts of men, but to the will of God. 3 For the time paft of our life may fuffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lafcivioufnefs, lufts, excefs oi wine, revcllings, banquet. ings, and abominable idolatries : 4 Wherein... | |
| Andronicus - 1790 - 350 pages
...of the Children of Difobedience. Hear the Apoftle Peter: For the Time paft of our Life may Juffice us, to have wrought the Will of the Gentiles, when we walked in Lafcivioufnefs, Lujls, ewefs of Wine, Reviling* , Banqtietings, and abominable Idolatries. Wherein... | |
| Robert Leighton (abp. of Glasgow.) - 1798 - 500 pages
...the reft of bis time in the flejh to the lu/ls of men, but to the will of God. 3. For the time pafl of our life may Suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lafcivioufnefs, luJls, excefs of wine, revelling*, banqueting*, and ahominable idolatries. THE chains... | |
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