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Nationality. "Heimathose" (Les) pendant la guerre. Edouard Clunet. Clunet, 45: 1067.

Individu né en France de parents étrangers. Clunet, 45: 1219. Naissance en France de parents étrangers. Clunet, 45: 1214. Nationalité allemand. Perte par séjour à l'étranger. Clunet, 45: 1246. Nationalité Allemand d'origine-Naturalisation étrangère-Double nationalité. (Affaire Rée.) Clunet, 45: 1194.

Nationalité Competence du tribunal civil pour déterminer la nationalité. Clunet, 45: 1210.

Nationalité. Convention et déclaration franco-espagnoles de 1862 et 1892. Clunet, 45: 1201.

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Nationalité (La) des enfants d'agents diplomatiques et consulaires. E. Audinet. Clunet, 45: 1031.

Nationalité-Individu né à l'étranger. Clunet, 45: 1212.

Nationalité.-Option.-Fils de résortissants à une puissance ennemie. (Sujets ottomans.) Clunet, 45: 1224.

Nationalité Option des fils d'étrangères né en France-Loi du 3 julliet 1917. Clunet, 45: 1203.

Nationalité Parents ayant perdu la qualité de Francais. Réclamation de cette qualité par les enfants. Clunet, 45: 1198.

Nationalité Répudiation. Perte de nationalité par service dans une armée étrangère. Clunet, 45: 1196.

Renseignements officiels concernant la nationalité, le droit d'option et le service militaire des fils d'étrangers nés en France, des fils de naturalisés Francais et de réintégrés Francais. Eugène Audinet. Clunet, 45: 1149.

Naturalization. Applicant's violation of Sunday saloon law. (U. S. vs. Gerstein, 119 N. E. 922.) Yale Law J., 28: 83.

Naturalization. Temporary naturalization for service in army refused. (In re naturalization of aliens in army or navy of United States. 250 Fed. 316.) Yale Law J., 28: 94.

Native Races. Government (The) of native races. C. L. Temple. Quarterly R., 230: 303. October.

Occupied Territory. Case (The) against restoration of occupied territory. By a staff officer. English R., 27: 184.

Nature des relations juridiques dérivées de l'occupation militaire ennemie. Ch. de Visscher. Clunet, 45: 1090.

Traitement infligé par l'Allemagne à la magistrature, au Barreau et à l'administration civile en pays d'occupation. P. Calame. Clunet, 45: 1122. Usurpation par l'Allemagne du pouvoir judiciaire en pays d'occupation. M. Kufferath. Clunet, 45: 1132.


Coming (The) Peace Congress. Roland G. Usher. N. American R.,

208: 817. December.

Necessary (A) guarantee of peace. T. McKinnon Wood. Contemporary, 114: 477. November.

President Wilson's peace program. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 251.


Peace. Propositions (Les) de paix. Ernest Lémonon. Revue politique et parlementaire, 117: 204.

Poland. Armée étrangère alliée (polonaise) en France. Decret du 31 mai, 1918. Clunet, 45: 1383, 1385.

Poland and German peace with Ukraine from the standpoint of international law. J. C. Wittenberg. International Law Notes, 3: 77.


Poland's move for independence. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 497.
Question (La) Polonaise. Wm. Martin. Quarterly R., 230: 474.


Prizes. Development of German prize law. C. H. Huberich. Solicitor's Journal, 62: 647, 664, 678, 699, 713.

Organisation en Chine d'une cour des prises maritimes depuis la guerre. G. Padoux. Clunet, 45: 1168.

Prise maritime. Baigne grec Evanglielistria.

Officiel, 1918:4360.

Pêche côtière. Journal

Prise maritime. Navire sans nom, ni numero, sans papiers de bord. Journal Officiel, 4358, 4359.

Prise maritime. Vapeur Barcelo (espagnol). Destination finale en pays neutre non établie. Journal Officiel, 1918:4358.

Prise maritime. Vapeur le Tiber (danois). Contrebande de guerre. Journal Officiel, 1918:4357.

Prise maritimes. Navires (grecs) Athèna, Anatolia, Bogados, Scriphos, Tinoc et Eburoon. Délai accordé aux intéressés pour reunir leur preuve. Journal Officiel, 1918:4360.

Prussia. Ethics of Prussian statecraft. W. Allison Phillips. Quarterly R., 230: 280. October.

Russia. Lenine and Trotsky German agents. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 512; (Pt. 2): 291.

Rhine. Rhine-the multinational. Margarita Yates. East and West, 17: 1129.


Roumania. Rumania and the war. N. Lupu. Columbia University Quarterly, 20: 312. October.

Terrorism versus order in Russia. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 502. Scheldt, The. Allemagne (L') et l'Escaut devant le droit international. Edouard Clunet. Clunet, 45: 1159.

Siberia. Red (The) flag in Siberia. Richard O. Atkinson. Fortnightly, 104: 691. November.

Slavs. Southern (The) Slav problem from the Bosnian point of view. Dusan Vasiljevie. New Europe, 9: 79. November.

Société genevoise de droit de legislation. Société genevoise de droit et de législation. Clunet, 45: 1340.

Société genevoise de paix. Société genevoise de paix. Clunet, 45: 1339.
Spain. Neutralité de l'Espagne. Loi du 7 juillet 1918. Clunet, 45: 1347.
Switzerland. The little, old republic. Neutral Switzerland's role in the war and

the peace to come. Frederick Dorsenbach. Review of Reviews, 58: 509. November.

Territorial Waters. Territorial waters. Sir John W. Salmond. Law Quarterly R., 36: 235.

Trading with the Enemy. Boycottage (Le) des sujets allemands et des marchandises allemandes par les ligues des marins d'Angleterre, de France, etc. Clunet, 45: 1335.

Commerce avec l'ennemi. Clunet, 45: 1416.

Merchandise destined for enemy. Law Times, 117: 19.

Mesures prises en Angleterre contre les firmes allemandes. G. Schmidt

et Eugène Dreyfus. Clunet, 45: 1111.

Procès (Un) en Angleterre entre firme anglaise et firme allemande. Eugène Dreyfus. Clunet, 45: 1165.

Résiliation (La) des contrats passés avec les sujets ennemis. Edouard Clunet. Clunet, 45: 1048.

Treaties. Can an unconstitutional law be made constitutional by a treaty? (Migratory bird law.) Virginia Law Register, 4: 305.

Convention relating to the service of citizens of the United States in Great Britain and of British subjects in the United States. Chicago Legal News, 50: 396.

Franco-Russian (The) Alliance. Text of Convention of 1892. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 308. November.

Political morality and secret treaties. Scottish R., 41: 151.

Powers of the states-treaty-making power. Yale Law Journal, 27: 406. Treaty as affecting operation of selective service law-Spanish subjects (Ex parte Sarrucea. 249 Fed. 981). Virginia Law Register, 4: 380. Turkey.

From Bagdad to the Mediterranean in the hands of the Turks. G. N. Gibbs. Nineteenth Century, 84: 660. October.

Our duty in Turkey. New Europe, 9: 90. November.
Turkey, Islam and Turanianism.

114: 371. October.

Sir Edwin Pears.


Turkey's surrender to the Allies. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 399. American (The) Embassy. T. H. S. Escott. Contemporary, 114: 421. October.

United States.


Situation (La) juridique des militaires américains en France. Clunet, 45: 1164.

Four (The) great wars. Geo. M. Trevelyan. Edinburgh R., 228: 265.


Guerre (La) economique. A. T. R. de Paris, 25: 193. September.

Lendemains (Les) de la guerre.

235: 247. October.

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ON January 18, 1919, the forty-eighth anniversary of the proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles after the invasion of France in 1870-1871, there assembled in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Paris a meeting of the representatives of the Allied and Associated belligerent Powers, as well as the Powers which had broken off diplomatic relations, to decide upon the terms of peace to be offered to Germany and her allies.

Emulating Bismarck, who used the emasculated telegram of Ems as the pretext of waging a war of conquest upon France,1 William II and his General Staff seized upon the rupture between Austria-Hungary and Serbia growing out of the assassination of the Austrian Crown Prince at Serajevo in June, 1914, as the pretext for launching Germany upon a carefully prepared program of world domination. Fearful lest delay might result in the loss of the opportunity for which she had deliberately planned and anxiously awaited, within a week after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914, Germany had declared war on Russia and France and had shamelessly violated the neutrality of Belgium which she had solemnly undertaken to respect. Great Britain, for self-protection and in response to treaty obligations, immediately entered the war against Germany, and was successively followed from time to time, as Germany evinced her disregard of international law, the laws of war and the dictates of humanity, by all the other large Powers and many of the smaller ones whose interests were jeopardized or rights infringed upon by Germany's increasingly reckless and ruthless conduct.

Of the forty-eight recognized governments in 1914, before hos

1 See translation from Bismarck, Gedanken und Erinnerungen, in A Survey of International Relations between the United States and Germany, by J. B. Scott. New York: Oxford University Press. 1917, pp. 359-362.

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