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be prohibited in complying with the regulation requiring "humane treatment" for prisoners.

Selecting at random from the provisions of this agreement it will be noted that the "humane treatment" of prisoners requires that they shall be protected "from acts of violence, ill-treatment, cruelties, personal insults and from public curiosity;" "against the inclemencies of the weather;" "against sickness, to the same extent as nationals of the captor state;" that they shall not be "treated as criminals;" that "prisoners of war shall be allowed to talk to each other;" that they "shall not be subjected to extreme heat or cold;" that such quantity and quality of wholesome food shall be provided "as is necessary to maintain unimpaired their normal physical health and working capacity;" that "dogs shall not be used as guards in the interior of prison camps, nor in guarding, working or exercising detachments unless they are in leash or are securely muzzled;" that they "shall be permitted to retain the clothing necessary for their personal use;" that they "shall neither be required to perform nor by menaces, threats or force coerced into volunteering to perform, any work directly related to the operations of the war;" that "all female personnel serving with the armed forces of either of the contracting parties shall, if captured, be given every possible protection against harsh treatment, insult or any manifestation of disrespect in any way related to their sex;" and many other provisions of a similar nature.

The Prisoners' Agreement also contains most explicit provisions governing the exercise of the duties undertaken by the neutral power designated to look after the interests of the captives by inspecting and reporting upon the conditions of their captivity; which work, as regards German prison camps, it will be remembered, was performed by American officials, prior to the breaking off of diplomatic relations between the United States and Germany.

Since, as a result of the conditions prevailing in some prisoners' camps during this war, it has been found necessary to enter into an agreement containing the provisions embodied in this agreement regulating the treatment of prisoners, it would seem desirable that an agreement along these lines should be included in the conventions growing out of the Peace Conference, in order that, as a matter of recognized and codified international law, prisoners of war should have the full protection against abuses which have not been pre

vented even by the enlightened opinion of the twentieth century, as a safeguard in case a league of nations should not prove to be a complete and lasting barrier against future hostilities among nations. nations.



Certain of the French Courts have, during the war, invited Belgian advocates to appear before them. Recently, however, a Frenchman was permitted to appear in a court-martial in France upon a case conducted by American authorities. The matter related to several counts against a neutral civilian employee who was with the American Army. The French advocate appeared for the neutral alien.

The French advocate reports that he was received with every courtesy and was given every opportunity to defend his client before the court which particularly impressed him by its effort to reach a just decision regardless of all technicalities. In a French paper mentioning this case, significant mention is made of the desirability of more extended interchange of legal representatives before the French and American tribunals. The article closes:

"May the future-the immediate future-see this wish realized and as in all the great confederation of the allies may there be only one justice, one law and one united defense and sanction."

G. G. W.



Abbreviations: Ann. sc. pol., Annales des sciences politiques, Paris; Arch. dipl., Archives Diplomatiques, Paris; B., boletín, bulletin, bolletino; P. A. U., bulletin of the Pan American Union, Washington; Cd., Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers; Clunet, J. de Dr. Int. Privé, Paris; Current History-Current History-A Monthly Magazine of the New York Times; Doc. dipl., France, Documents diplomatiques; B. Rel. Ext., Boletín de Relaciones Exteriores; Dr., droit, diritto, derecho; D. O., Diario Oficial; For. rel., Foreign Relations of the United States; Ga., gazette, gaceta, gazzetta; Int., international, internacional, internazionale; J., journal; J. O., Journal Officiel, Paris; L., Law; M., Magazine; Mém. dipl., Mémorial diplomatique, Paris; Monit., Belgium, Moniteur belge; Martens, Nouveau recueil général de traités, Leipzig; Official Bulletin, Official Bulletin of the United States; Q., Quarterly; Q. dip., Questions diplomatiques et coloniales; R., review, revista, revue, rivista; R. pol. et parl., Revue Politique et Parlementaire; Reichs G., Reichs-Gesetzblatt, Berlin; Staats., Staatsblad, Netherlands; State Papers, British and Foreign State Papers, London; Stat. at L., United States Statutes at Large; Times, The Times (London).

August, 1918.

27 GERMANY-RUSSIA. Treaty relative to Baku, etc., signed. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 401.

October, 1918.

4 ARABS. Allied Governments formally recognize the belligerent status of Arab forces fighting with Allies against Turks in Palestine and Syria. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

4 BULGARIA. Czar Ferdinand abdicated in favor of his son Boris. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

5 RUSSIA. Abrogated the treaty of peace with Turkey. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

5 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Appealed to President Wilson to conclude an armistice immediately, and to start negotiations for peace. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. Official Bulletin, No. 441, October 19, 1918.

6-8 GERMANY. Prince Maximilian of Baden sent note to President Wilson proposing a peace parley on President Wilson's

principles and asking for an armistice. On October 8, the President replied, calling for evacuation of invaded territory before an armistice could be asked. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. Texts: Official Bulletin, No. 433, October 9, 1918. 8 TURKEY. Turkish emissaries sent to Allies from Smyrna to ask peace. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2):354. Official text of request for armistice: Official Bulletin, No. 436, October 14, 1918. 11 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Emperor Charles issued manifesto announcing decision to unite Croatia, Slavonia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina in one state. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

11 HUNGARY. Dr. Alexander Wekerle, Hungarian Prime Minister, resigned. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

12 TURKEY. Note from Turkey making peace offer. Official Bulletin, No. 436, October 14, 1918.

12 GERMANY. Answered American note of October 8, agreeing to terms, but asking for a mixed commission on the evacuation of invaded territory. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2):354. Official Bulletin, No. 437, October 15, 1918.

13 UNITED STATES-GERMANY. American reply to German note of October 12 declared there would be no armistice as long as German forces continued barbarities; that there would be no agreement with an autocratic government, and that the evacuation of invaded territory would be under the direction of the Allied military chiefs alone. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. Official Bulletin, No. 437, October 15, 1918.

16 GERMANY. Prussian Diet withdrew opposition to equal franchise and Federal Council accepted proposed amendment to the constitution restricting the right of the Emperor to declare war and make treaties. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

16 POLAND. Great Britain recognized Polish National Army as autonomous, allied, and co-belligerent. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

17 HUNGARY. Proclamation read in Hungarian Parliament declaring Hungary a separate state. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. 18 AUSTRIA. Proclamation made of organization of Austria on federated basis. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

18 CZECHO-SLOVAK NATION. Proclaimed its independence; Czechs seized Prague. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. Official Bulletin, No. 441, October 19, 1918.

18 AUSTRIA. Baron Burian resigned as Austrian Premier. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354.

18 UNITED STATES-AUSTRIA. American reply to Austrian note of October 19 refused request, stating that the independence of the Czecho-Slovaks and Jugo-Slav nations had been recognized by the United States, and with these nations would rest the decision as to any terms proposed by Austria. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 354. Official Bulletin, No. 441, October 19, 1918.

20 GERMANY-UNITED STATES. Third German note relative to peace text. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 368. Official Bulletin, No. 444, October 23, 1918.

22 GERMAN-AUSTRIAN STATE. German-Austrian deputies in the Austrian Parliament issued declaration announcing creation of German-Austrian State. On October 30, this GermanAustrian National Council sent a note to the United States with notification of formation of the State. On November 12, it was proclaimed a part of the German Republic. New York Times, October 23, November 13, 1918.

23 GERMANY-UNITED STATES. American answer to third German peace note (Oct. 20), text. Current History, 9 (Pt. 1):370. Official Bulletin, No. 445, October 24, 1918.

24 RUSSIA. Foreign Minister Tchitcherin sent note to President Wilson announcing readiness of Bolsheviki to conclude an armistice upon evacuation of occupied territory and asking when American troops would be withdrawn from Russia. Current History, 9 (Pt. 2): 560.

27 GERMANY-UNITED STATES. Fourth German peace note. Text: Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 371. Official Bulletin, No. 449, October 29, 1918.

28 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Austrian note to Allies asking immediate negotiations without awaiting results of exchanges with Germany. Conceded all rights asked for Czecho-Slovaks and JugoSlavs, and asked for immediate cessation of hostilities. Text: Current History, 9 (Pt. 1):560. Official Bulletin, No. 451, October 31, 1918.

29 AUSTRIA-UNITED STATES. Austrian note asking immediate armistice. Text: Current History, 9 (Pt. 1): 394. Official Bulletin, No. 451, October 31, 1918.

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