The Diary of a Social ButterflyPakistan may be making headlines - but Butterfly is set to conquer theworld. Everyone knows me. All of Lahore, all of Karachi, all of Isloo - oho, baba, Islamabad- half of Dubai, half of London and all of Khan Market and all the nice, nice bearers inImperial Hotel also...No ball, no party, no dinner, no coffee morning, no funeral, no GT-Get-Together, baba - is complete without me. Meet Butterfly, Pakistan s most lovable, silly, socialite. An avid partygoer, inspiredmisspeller, and unwittingly acute observer of Pakistani high society, Butterfly is a womanlike no other. In her world, SMS becomes S & M and people eat three tiara cakes whileshunning do number ka maal . What cheeks! as she would say. As her country facestribulations - from 9/11 to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto - Butterfly glides throughher world, unfazed, untouched, and stopped short only by the chip in her manicure.Wicked, irreverent and hugely entertaining, The Diary of a Social Butterfly gives you adelicious glimpse into the parallel universe of the have-musts. |